
A/N: Thanks for sticking with me through this! Thank you for the reviews, they really help! :]


I'm a mover and a shaker, the oppressor, stimulator, I'm a coward, I'm a fighter, I am everything, you are me, I am you~ Let It Die by Ozzy Osbourne


"It's just weird, ya' know?" Naruto said to Ari and Genma, sipping at the cold beer in his hands. Konohamaru had told him what happened, Sai had told him what happened and he hadn't seen Sakura or Kakashi in three days. He felt like he was in the circle now, at least somewhat.

Sure Sai had a couple bruises from where he'd beaten him shitless, but they were on better terms now. He should've followed the bro-code is how he looked at it.

"Well, I never pinned them to be together. Ain't I supposed to be good at spotting things like that?" The curly haired blonde mused aloud to his drinking buddy. He held up his beer, "Heres to Kakashi and Sakura, may they figure it the fuck out."

Genma nodded his head, "Here, Here" He said raising his bottle.

Naruto smiled, "I second that my friends." They clinked their bottles together and finished off the last of the amber liquid sloshing around in the clear glass containers.

The trio sat back in their chairs and watched as Sai ran the bar, flustered by the amount of orders in such a small amount of time. He'd offered to work to help Deni pay off the damage he'd caused. Needless to stay, it wasn't a one night job.

He'd busted three chairs, snapped the legs off of two stools broke a table in half and embedded half a bottle of grape schnapps into the bar's cherry counter-top. Deni wasn't a happy camper when it came to his cherry counter-top. The Watering Hole was his baby, and when somebody fucked with his baby, they got fucked over just as bad.

Ari shook his head, "I remember Sai saying something about looking at Moegi from an animal's point of view, you know? She was nothing more than a potential mate to him, he said. While that's all fine and dandy, I think he used that word a bit nonchalantly. I mean when Kakashi says the word mate now, it's like saying his entire world in one sentence. I can't even begin to understand how he looks at her."

"Yeah. Sakura-chan is pretty important to him now I guess, I mean besides bein' a teammate and stuff like that." Genma mulled. "Do you think he's still gonna have time for us anymore?"

"It's Kaka-sensei," Naruto chided, "He'll always have time for us and a beer."

Sai sighed and looked over at his friends as they smiled happily talking and drinking. He felt stupid for letting himself loose control over that stupid ginger. Moegi was a fucking tease and he wanted nothing more to do with her, not personally anyhow.

"What did Deni say about what happened?" Naruto asked, wondering just how bad Deni had gone off on his blonde nephew.

"He laughed actually, said it was a first and that he hoped it didn't happen again. He took it pretty well, better than I thought he would. I thought he was gonna rip me a new one, but nope. God I hope that new bitch he's with doesn't leave him. He so much mellower with her." Ari smiled picking at the fries on the plate in front of him.

Genma smirked, "I saw him with her the other day, you'd be happy to if your woman…significant other, looked like that."

"Thank you." Ari replied back to Genma's catch of the tongue.

The special Jounin nodded, "Yeah."

Naruto scratched at the back of his neck, "Hey, Sai can you get me another beer?"

"Yeah, me too!"

Ari grinned from ear to ear, "I'd like a Macarena this time, Sai."

"Can't you get it yourself, Ari, I've got like twenty orders I have to fill?" Sai groaned.

Ari waved a finger in front of him, 'Nuh-uh, I'm off duty buddy. Just think what you will be like on a busy night." Some people weren't made for the bartending business.

Sai's eyes widened, "It gets worse?"

Genma snickered to himself and Naruto just shook his head. Ari shook his head, "It's a Thursday, buddy, Fridays are killer."


"Gotta suck it up, Sai. Three more weeks." Genma laughed as he took the senbon bobbing in his mouth out.

"What do you think Kakashi and Sakura-chan are up to right now? I haven't seen them in a while."

"Well, Sakura had to work yesterday, Ino was sick, as for right now…?" Naruto shrugged, "Screwing eachother senseless?"

Ari sniggered and cocked his head in a 'maybe' way, "Probably."


"Hai!" Sakura grunted as she leapt from a tree, parrying Kakashi's barrage of shuriken with her own of senbon. She hated when he disappeared out of view; that was never good for her. It usually meant that the match was almost over.

Kakashi watched, smiling, as Sakura sprinted across the field, her feet barely touching the ground. He pounced from his hidden position in the foliage and darted after her, kunai in hand.

The kunoichi whipped her head around as soon as she heard him move, her hands moving to the pouch at her hip to draw out a kunai of her own. She ducked as Kakashi's foot whirred past her head, dropping to a low crouch before moving her elbow for his knee.

"When the hell did you become such a cruel fighter Sakura?" He said, easily dodging a chakra-enhanced kicked to the groin.

She smirked up at him, "When did you start to suck?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

He jumped into the air laughing as she followed him back into the forested area, an amused scowl on her face. "Get back here you coward!"

He 'pffd' out of sight and left Sakura standing in a defensive position looking in every direction for her Silver Haired lover. She felt his chakra quiver and flitted out of the trees back into the open training field. His arms wrapped around her and she used her deadweight to slip through the embrace. She ducked between his legs, his hand snatching her foot from underneath her.

She remembered him telling her to use her resources once, and she intended on it. Her teeth sank into his leg and he let her go with a hiss. She smiled and jumped behind him, her arms around his neck, "Do you give?"

He tapped his chin in mock thought, "If I don't are you going to bite me again?"


He jerked from her grasp, and her teeth sank into his shoulder, "Dammit!"

She leapt back from her position when he disappeared from view again. "I hate it when you do that!" She yelled out.

Sakura froze standing in the middle of the field panting, the cold metal of a kunai held tight to her throat. Damn, he was on top of his game today she mused as she listened to Kakashi panting in her ear.

"You crazy bitch." He uttered in against Sakura's hair, "Do you sharpen your fucking teeth?" She'd bitten twice him in their hand to hand sparring session and he was fairly sure he was bleeding from it.


He shook his head as he moved the kunai from her neck back to its holster on his leg. "Nah, just wondering where I can get a pair of fucking canines like that."

She turned her head and smiled at him, "I can share."

He grabbed her hips, "I'm sure you can, sweetheart." He tugged her towards him, "It's sexy when you use your teeth." He whispered against her kiss.

"I love you, Kakashi." She said smiling.

"I love you more, Sakura. My mate."


A/N: Kakashi calling Sakura, 'My Mate" isn't supposed to sound offensive or insensitive, the opposite actually because in his family, the mate is the one person that completes them. So it's like a promise to her in a way saying that she'll be the only one for him. Ever. Just clearing that up.

In other news: Yay. Done. Fin. I hope you liked it as much as I did. I might do a side story to this with what went on with Moegi and Konohamaru, so let me know what you think. (Gasps) Something other than KakaSaku!

Ciao!- Regas:]