Disclaimer- I do not own Final Fantasy IIV

Red Riding Hood Centra


A long time ago…

In a small village in Nibelheim, lived a little girl name Aerith, who every body loved very much, for she was a sweet and pure hearted girl. Aerith loved flowers, she like to take care of them and look at them grow in her garden, but mostly she liked to go to the woods and pick wild, pretty flowers for her mother and even make flower crowns, too, for them both. Though her mother liked the jester, she worried that her daughter might one day get in trouble in those dark scary woods. So, one day she told her daughter not to go to the woods anymore, unless it was important. Aerith was a good girl, so she obey her mother and never went to the woods unless it was important, but she did miss going there to pick wild flowers.

One day her mother had ask Aerith to go to the woods to grandpa Bugenhagen house to give him some medicine and food, since he had been feeling rather ill lately and she couldn't go herself because she had to much work to do in the house that day. Aerith of course accepted to go to take the food and medicine to her grandpa so he would feel better, but also, she thought she could go to the woods again and pick flowers on the way. Unfortunately her mother told her before she left, to stay strait on the road and to not stop on the way for anything. Aerith felt disappointed, but she knew she had to obey and be a good girl. She put on her favorite red hood over her simple pink dress and kissed her mother on the cheek before she left.

Holding a small basket in her arm with her grandpa's medicine and food, Aerith hum a soft melody she invented and walk happily through the woods. She then stop when she notice a small yellow flower at the side of the road, but she knew she couldn't stop to pick it. Her mother had told her so, but what harm could it do to pick just one little yellow flower. Aerith stop at the side of the road and knelt on the grown to pick it. She sniff at the small flower and smiled at sweet smell. Suddenly, she heard a sound coming from the bushes and all the birds that had been twittering around flew away. Aerith was frighten at first, but at the sound of small grunts coming from the other side of the bushes, she got curios and very slowly walk away from the road toward the sound. Once she was close to the bushes the noises had stop, but Aerith was still curious so she walk around it to see what was on the other side and gasp in horror at what she saw.

It was a boy. He was cover in blood and his clothe-or what was left of them-was all ripped up. He was unconscious and without even thinking, Aerith ran to his side to see if he was still alive. The boy was in a fetal position like he had been in great pain. Aerith gently lay him on his back and blink in surprise.

'He's cute.' She though, but push the thought away.

He was injure and he needed help, she shouldn't be thinking stuff like that now…But, she had to admit he had cute face, even with the dirt from the ground smudging it slightly, Aerith thought he was rather handsome boy. He didn't look much older then her though, probably ten or twelve. He had long blond spiky hair, tied loosely in the back in a short ponytail. He look way too thin and weak, making Aerith worried even more. Aerith's hand move on its own accord as it reach to touch his hair, and again she was surprise at the texture of it. It was so soft and silky, she ran her fingers through his golden spikes thinking how much it reminded her of chocobo's feathers, but with different texture…His hair felt more like a cats soft furr or…not a cats, but a…

She could not finish that though as in that moment, his eyes snap open showing a pair of glowing, deep blue eyes that now stare directly at her. He grasp her hand, before she could pull it away from his hair, tightly making her wince in pain by the pressure. He sat up, though a little slowly because of his wounds and growl at her.

"Who are you and what were you trying to do?" He ask, fiercely.

Aerith staid quiet for a moment surprise and a little frighten at the boy, who even wounded could stilled be strong enough to hold her hand so tightly that she couldn't pull it away. The boy frowned when she staid quiet and looked at her once over like if checking that she wasn't dangerous or something, at least that's watch she thought he was looking at her like. Maybe he was scared, he was wounded pretty badly. If she was in his shoes(or if he had any shoes as she notice he was bare foot, too) she be scare, too. So, she decided to help him, so he wouldn't be scare of her anymore. She giggle softly at the thought of him being scare of her. The boy notice her soft laughter and he frowned at her even more.

"What so funny?" He demanded.

Aerith giggle softly again and said, in a light tone, "You, silly."

"Me? Why am I funny?" He ask, sounding both upset and curious.

"Because," She stop mid-giggle to give him a bright smile and finish saying, "Your really cute, when your scared."

His eyes widened and his face went completely red. He let go of her hand then and started to stutter incoherently while scooting away from her. He wince when he felt his wounds react painfully to that, Aerith notice and got close to him again.

"Don't move so much or your get even more hurt." She told him, grasping his arm gently. The boy growl at her again, but she only flinch a little and held his arm, again. "I won't hurt you." Aerith said, gently. He looked at her dubiously, but as his glowing blue eyes lock with her sparkling green ones, he felt calmer somehow and let her take care of him. "I'm going to clean your wounds and patch you all up, okay?" She said, smiling up at him. He look down letting his bangs cover his eyes as he blush slightly and nodded with out saying anything else.

Aerith took of his bloody ripped shirt to see his wounds, making him blush even more. Aerith eyes turn sad as she saw all the cuts and scars he had on his chest. He looked at her surprise by the look of genuine concern and sadness she had for him, even with out really knowing him or…what he really was. She place a warm, gentle hand on his chest and his pulse quicken, she traces her finger tips over each scar on his chest and he felt like he would faint at any moment from all the blood that had rush into his face then.

"I'm sorry…" He heard her whisper. He looked at her then, only to find his eyes widening in surprise and shock as he notice the moister in her eyes from unshed tears.

"W-Wha…" He couldn't finish that sentence as her hand trace one more scar that reach to his heart and she place her palm there resting it over his hammering heart. He didn't want to admit it, but he liked her tender touch. She had warm, soft hands and it felt nice.

"I'm sorry, for all that you had suffer." She said, looking up at him as one tear slip from her eye down one round rosy cheek and then another. He was speechless, shock, stun, but most importantly move and awe by her concern for him, since he knew that what he saw in those big sparkling green eyes was no pity or sympathy, but true care and concern for a person she did not even know, but already care about. His eyes soften for the sweet girl, as she sobbed slightly with a small delicate hand close to her face while the other still rested on his chest. He reach for her with one hand and lifted her face by the chin. She open her eyes to look at him while a few stray tears fell down her face and she hiccup a little from her crying. He cupped her cheek and wiped away some of her tears as he looked at her tear stain face and flush cheeks.

'She's cute.' He smiled, and bent his head to kiss her forehead.

Aerith blush then and looked up at him when he drew back, a light blush mere his cheeks pink, making her smiled and giggle and he smiled and giggle, too.

After cleaning and wrapping his wounds with some bandages(her mother always told her to be prepared, good thing she listed and brought extra bandages and stuff for if she got hurt) Aerith decided to ask him a few questions. So, she started with the obvious one.

"What's your name?" She ask.

The boy looked startle by the sudden question, but he looked away and answer, "Um…Cloud…"

Aerith tilted her head to the side, to try and see his face, but he scooted away shyly. She smiled and tried to make him more comfortable with her.

"Okay, I'm Aerith. Nice to meet you, Cloud." She said, brightly. Cloud just blush as he heard her say his name. "Cloud…? Why were you injured in the woods alone? Won't your parent be worried about you when they see you got hurt like this?" She ask, again, but then regretted it at the looked of sadness in his face.

"I…I don't have any parents…" He told her, and Aerith got worried again.

"What? Then who takes care of you?" Cloud could tell that Aerith was getting upset, and if he answer her question truthfully, she would be sad, again. Maybe he should lie and say he lives with an uncle or something. "Cloud, tell me the truth." She said, sternly and he looked at her surprise.

'How did she know?' He blink and figure he had been taking longer to answer her question that necessary, so she could tell he was planning to lie to her.

He sighed and decided to tell her the truth, "Nobody, Aerith…Nobody takes care of me…I'm, alone here, I guess,"

Aerith looked sad, and he curse himself mentally for making her sad again. He then thought better of it when she reach for his face and pull it toward her chest, kind of like a mother does to his child. He didn't know weather to blush or hug her back, so he did both.

"Your not alone anymore, Cloud." She said, soothingly. "I'm here for you now, so come with me." Aerith drew back then and Cloud felt like pulling her back, so she would hold him a little longer. Then what she had said sank in and he looked at her surprise. Aerith just smiled at him and continue, "I was going to see my grandpa today before I found you. Why don't you come with me to meet him and then I can take you to my village, I'll tell my mama to let you stay with us. I know she won't mine." Aerith looked very happy at the idea, but Cloud didn't and she wonder why.

"Aerith…I don't think that's a good idea," He said, looking away from her again.

Aerith frowned and ask, "Why?" Cloud didn't answer and Aerith looked sadly away from him, too. "Is it, because you don't like me?" She ask, almost whispering, but he heard it even if she had mumble it and it pain him to hear the hurt tone of her voice, so he tried to make her see it wasn't that, though he ended up stuttering like a idiot instead.

"N-No! O-Of course I like you!…I-I-I mean, y-you k-know…I a-" Aerith looked at him, her eyes a little misted from unshed tears and he got even more nervous. She pouted at him, making Cloud blush at how cute that made her looked and also worried he was messing everything more.

"Then why don't you want to come with me?" She ask him again.

He shook his head and try to speak a little more clearer this time, "I-I can't tell you."

"Why not?" Aerith was really sounding upset and he was losing it.

"I just can't." Was all he could let out threw clench teeth.

"Why?" She persisted and he crack a little.

"I just can't, Aerith! I can't! So, please stop asking questions!" He yelled at her, making her cringe away from him. She wasn't sure, but for a moment she thought his face had change. It had looked rather fierce, not…very human. Cloud was breathing hard now and he knew he had to get away from her, now, but the moment he stud up he felt Aerith grasp his hand with hers tightly and he looked back at her. A mixture of confusion and shock showing on his face. Aerith looked up at him and shook her head, her green eyes sparkling even more.

"Don't go!" She beg, "Please, I want you to stay with me…Just a little longer,"

Cloud stood stilled for a moment, looking at her in awe. This girl could not be real, she couldn't be. She had seen him a moment ago, didn't she? He hadn't been…himself back there…but she still wanted him around? No, correct that. She wanted him with her and he couldn't say no to that, because he wanted to be with her, too. At least for a little longer. He gave her a half smile and staid with her then.

Aerith had to go to her grandpa's house though and Cloud had accepted at least to take her there. When they finally made it to the house Cloud was a little surprise to see a giant telescope coming from the roof of the house. Aerith notice this and giggle.

"My grandpa likes to see the stars at night, but other then that his okay, don't worry." She reassure him. Cloud looked at her and blush.

"I-I'm not worried." He said, and curse himself mentally, for his stuttering. Aerith just giggle again and nock on the door.

"Who is it?" Ask, somebody from the other side of the door, which Aerith knew it was her grandfather.

"It's me grandpa! Aerith, and I brought a friend." She said back, and Cloud started to wave his hands and head 'no', but she ignored it and just tilted her head to the side smiling up at him.

Cloud just blush as he heard the gruff reply, "Just a minute."

The door click open to show an old man with thick black glasses on, a silver mustache and beard but was completely bald on the top of his head. His back was hunch and he was holding a long stick in one hand for support, Cloud guess.

" Ho, ho, hooo! Why if it isn't my little Aerith. Came to see your old grandpa have ye?" He said, when Aerith went to hug him and he hug her back. His gaze went to Cloud then and he stiffen getting nervous at the old man's strait gaze. "And who is this young man, dear? A new friend of yours?" Bugenhagen ask Aerith and she beamed as she looked at Cloud and pull him toward her grandfather.

"Grandpa, this is Cloud. His my new friend and Cloud this is my grandpa Bugenhagen." She introduce them.

Cloud bow slightly and said, politely, "N-Nice to meet you sir."

Bugenhagen grin and let out a big 'Ho, ho, hooo!' he then said, "So, you are my little Aerith friend, huh? Well my boy, if she finds you pleasing then I guess I'll do too, but I do say, why are you bare foot and wearing my granddaughter's red hood? I know this because I gave her that red hood for her birthday last moth." He pointed out the last part.

Cloud looked down at his bare feet. He knew why he was bare foot, he also knew why he was wearing Aerith's hood, it was because he was only wearing his brown ragy pans and no shirt; since it was all bloody and ripped. Aerith thought it be better if he didn't wear it in front of her grandpa. So, he was not only bare foot he was also bare chested, unless he counted the multiple bandages on his chest and arms which was also a bad idea to show to her grandfather.

"Grandpa please! Don't ask Cloud questions, his very shy." Aerith told him sternly and he laugh.

"Alright, alright. I won't ask him anymore questions, but come in and tell me what brought you here today my, dear?" Bugenhagen said, letting them in and Aerith smiled up at him. Cloud staid out side the door not sure if he should come in, but Aerith looked back at him and smiled becking him with her hand to come in with them and he fallow them in, though still a little unsure.

Bugenhagen was a kind old man, Cloud decided from the moment he let him in his home. He had been nothing, but kind and welcoming to Cloud even though he was a stranger, both to him and Aerith. Even though Aerith already thought of him as friend, she really didn't know him…At least what he really was.

"Cloud?" He heard her soft voice ask.

"Hmm?" Cloud said turning his face toward her. Aerith was looking at him with a mixture of worry and curiosity.

"You looked distracted, is something wrong?" She ask.

Cloud put the empty mug of hot chocolate Bugenhagen had offer him earlier and averted his eyes from Aerith. He knew what he had to do now, it was the right thing after all. It was better this way for them if he left now and never came back. They deserve to live a normal, safe life and with him around…

Cloud close his eyes tightly and fisted his hands. It was the right thing to do, but why was it so damn hard to live them! They had been kind to him, yes, but that made it even more urgent that he left, so he wouldn't cause any trouble to this people who had been nothing, but good hearted with him.

"Cloud…?" Again, her soft, sweet voice shine away the dark thoughts and he open his eyes to see a pair of sparkling green eyes looking up at him and a warm smile joining them, making the face that own them look even more angelic.

"Hey, Cloud?" She whisper mischievously, " Come with me while grandpa is busy in the kitchen, I have something I want to show you."

Cloud didn't even have time to answer that, as Aerith grab his hand and pull him upstairs. She led him to a dark room which made Cloud a little nervous.

"Okay now, close your eyes and no peeking." Aerith order playfully.

Cloud gulp, but nodded and close his eyes. Aerith held back a giggle of excitement and turn on a switch. She smiled at the familiar sight, then walk next to Cloud. Holding her hands behind her back she look at Cloud's face in the new light and smiled as a slight blush cover her face.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." She told him softly.

Cloud slowly open his eyes and at the sight he saw he had no words. All around him were stars and planets he had never seen before. There was even a meteor pacing right in front of him. He tried to touch it, but his hand just went right threw it. Cloud pull his hand away and look down at it, he then look back at the meteor that seem unaffected by his hand going threw it.

Aerith giggle at Cloud's awe struck face and said, "It's an illusion." At the confuse look he gave her she added. "It's a trick of the lights my grandpa created with what he calls, 'tecnonelgy'." At his still blank expression she shrug and gave sympathetic smile. "I don't get it either, but it sure is pretty isn't it."

Cloud smile back at her and nodded while they both gaze back at the beautiful sight. Aerith gaze diverted from the amazing sight as her face became a noticeable bright pink at the idea she wanted to try out.

As Cloud gaze was still on the beautiful sight around them he didn't notice a small shy hand reach for his, but just as it almost touch his there was a loud nock on the door downs stairs. Aerith pull her hand back fluster and a little mad at herself for not being able to hold Cloud's hand. Her disappointment though was momentarily forgotten as she notice Cloud's tense posture, she would have thought he look mad even, but that didn't make any sense why would he be mad about?

Cloud's teeth clench and his hands fisted so tightly his knuckles were completely white. He was on the edge he could feel it.

'He's here…' Cloud thought with so much anger and loathing he almost growled out loud. He was here for him, he knew that and now Aerith would know everything.

"Cloud…?" Aerith ask, worried. She reach to touch his arm, but the moment she did he flinch away and snarl at her. Aerith was surprise, startle, but most of all scared. She was really, actually frighten of Cloud in that moment. His eyes were not the same gentle blue she had seen before, they were glowing sapphire and they weren't gentle anymore…They were wild, steely like of a predator and she was the pray. His teeth were bare to her and she could see they were now very sharp like animal.

"C-Cloud…y-your scaring m-me," She was able to stutter as she moved slightly away from him.

Cloud blink as the sudden haze clear and he could see more clearer now, though for that moment he really wish he couldn't see at all. Aerith was looking at him like he had been about to eat her and he knew he probably look like it, he already felt the change starting to happen inside of him. It always happen when he was near and right now it was damn bad timing.

He gave Aeritth on last painful glance knowing this was probably the last time he ever see her again. She look so fragile, so delicate and so damn beautiful! He couldn't be with her, he shouldn't had let it go this far, for pit sake he wanted her and he couldn't have her!

"I have to go…now," He was able to growl out.

The moment he said those words Aerith snap away from her sudden fear and her body started to move on it's on accord. Cloud was stop on mid step as he felt to small hands hold his arm tightly. He look back surprise to find Aerith holding him and looking up at him pleadingly.

"Don't go, please!" She pleaded.

"I have to Aerith! Your in danger if I stay." He try to reason back, but she just shook her head stubbornly and held him closer to her. He felt so turn, part of him didn't want to go, but the other knew that if he didn't leave soon she would pay for it.

"I assure you sir I have not seen a young boy with that description around my home." Both Cloud and Aerith held very quiet as they heard Bugenhagen purposely race voice as he answer who ever was at the door.

"I understand, but I do precaution you to be alert for any young boy you see with this description. He is quite dangerous and could be a great threat to you and those you hold dear to you…" A cold, calculative voice Cloud knew to well warned the old man and Cloud could tell that he knew he was here.

"Thank you for the warning, good day." Bugenhagen had replied which was answer with an amuse 'Hmp' from the other person and finally a loud 'slam!' from the door. Cloud let out a breath he didn't knew he had been holding and look down at Aerith who was still holding tightly to his arm. He smile at her persistent it was kind of cute would be even adorable of her if she wasn't putting her life in danger by doing so.

Feeling the slight change in him Aerith look up at Cloud only to find the same gentle blue eyes looking down at her, only they were looking at her with great sadness and she wonder if what the man and her grandfather had been talking about had something to do with it. Aerith hadn't been able to hear everything out, but Cloud did and he knew it was better he left now. Bugenhegen had been able to give him sometime-which Cloud wasn't sure why, but was grateful anyway-he still needed a way to escape with out causing anymore harm. He look deeply into Aerith sparkling green eyes and decided that if this was the last time he would see her, there was something he would take to always remember her.

Cloud lower his head and press his lips to Aerith soft, war ones. Aerith was stun, eyes wide, face red hot from Cloud's unexpected kiss. Her first kiss and with Cloud. If possible her face grew even more hot as the thought sank in and she was only ten!

(Author' note: Lucky XP)

Cloud pull away and smiled at Aerith daze, but blushing face. He was going to remember her this way, he would never forget her.

"Good bye."

Were the last words Aerith heard him say before everything went black…

So what do ya think? Hope is good and I'll right the next chapy as soon as I can kay^^
