Hello, my Merlin fans, I am back!

I am sorry that I did not update soon then I wanted to. I have been terribly busy for the past couple of months, even more. I know we are in a crisis with this virus going around. Hopefully, this chapter will be a relief and peace for you.

It will be a while for my next chapter, so plead be patient with me. I will do my best to update soon.

Also, today is a special day because… IT IS MY BIRTHDAY!

The next chapter after this one will be the last of The Beginning of the End. We will find out Mordred's fate! What do you think Sam will do? Tell me in the review!

Also, please check out my YouTube channel. Anyways, do not forget to favorite, follow, review, and enjoy this chapter.

Also, I do not own anything except my OC Sam.


I couldn't sleep last night. All I was thinking about was what the dragon said to me.

"You think you should know that letting the boy live will lead to disaster. If the boy lives and grows up, then it'll be your fault for the destruction of Camelot. Arthur will die if the boy lives."

What if he was right? I mean, I have seen the show. I have read the story of 'King Arthur.' I know this innocent little boy will grow up and kill the future king. I could stop it by killing Mordred and Arthur would be safe.

However, that one word shook me to the core… kill. Am I a murderer? I felt sick to my stomach as I pictured the boy pleading for his life as I looked at his eyes. I feel guilty for even listening to the dragon. Maybe I can figure out a way to save both Arthur AND Mordred. I still have time before he turns 'evil.'

As we swiftly walked to Morgana's chambers, Merlin noticed my behavior.

"Sam, are you feeling ok? You look like you did not get any sleep last night," he whispered to me.

I answered him by yawning. "Sorry, I just got a lot on my mind. Don't worry about me."

I could tell he wanted to say more, but I was thankful Merlin kept his mouth shut. When we finally got to Morgana's chambers, Merlin knocked on the door and said, "It's Merlin and Sam."

We waited a few moments before Gwen opened the door. She sighed and said as we entered the room.

"Thank goodness you are here. It doesn't look good," she said to us.

I rushed over to Morgana as she continued to whip away Mordred's sweat.

"How is he doing Morgana," I asked as I knelt down.

Morgana shook her head as she replied, "He's getting weaker. Whatever Merlin did yesterday, it hasn't worked." She turned her head and said to my brother, "We have to ask Gaius for his help."

Merlin's eyes grew with fear. I knew what he was thinking. If Gaius found out we were hiding the boy… I don't even want to think about it. Morgana can see we were both in distress as she cried out sternly, "After all you've done, you can't give up now! Please! If he doesn't receive treatment, he'll die!"

I looked back at Mordred to see his body was whiter than yesterday. His eyes were glossy, and he was shaking like a chihuahua. The dragon's voice was still in my head. I took a deep breath and looked back at Merlin.

"We have to get Gaius. We can't let an innocent boy die. It's the right thing to do," I said to Merlin.

He nodded his head and said, "Ok, I will get him. Sam, stay here if Morgana and Gwen need any help with the boy."

I quickly agreed before Merlin raced out of the room. I closed my eyes, praying that Merlin will get Gaius in time and that I have made the right decision.


Merlin was sitting on the stairs that led to his bedroom as he watched Gaius packing his supplies to make his rounds. Merlin was having a terrible time. He had been watching his Uncle for 5 minutes and he could not say a single word. All he had to do was say out loud that he knew where the Druid boy was. However, it was like someone sealed his mouth shut. It's bad enough that he and Sam are risking their lives for this boy, but now Merlin is going to ask Gaius to risk his life as well.

"The search for this Druid boy is becoming a real nuisance. With all the extra security around the castle, it's taking me twice as long to do my round," Gaius complained as he was unaware of how Merlin was feeling. Gaius paused for a moment to make sure he was ready as he mumbled to himself, "Is that everything?"

Without a second thought, Gaius shrugged his shoulders and started walking towards the door. Suddenly, Merlin said the eight words he had been trying to say since he came in the room.

"Morgana's hiding the Druid boy in her chambers."

Hearing Merlin's confession, Gaius was frozen in his tracks. He slowly turned around to face the young wizard and asked sternly, "When you say that Morgana's hiding the Druid boy, I take that means that you're helping her?"

Merlin gulped as he said softly, "Define helping her."

Gaius glared as he said, "Don't tell me Samantha is involved as well."

Merlin cringed as he murmured, "In some way."

"Merlin, you promised me that you wouldn't get involved," Gaius explained seriously. His eyes tightened as he continued to say, "What's worse, you put Samantha in danger as well."

Merlin sighed before he stood up. He already felt bad for keeping Gaius out of the loop, but now he feels even more guilt for letting his little sister be involved.

"I know, I'm sorry. I never wanted Sam to be in trouble. She was there from the beginning. Plus, we had no choice," he replied regretfully. Gaius scowled at Merlin before he slapped the wizard on the back of his head. Merlin groaned in pain before looking at his uncle with astonishment. "Ow, what was that for?"

Pointing at his nephew, Gaius said sternly, "One, that was for getting involved and getting Samantha involved. Two, every guard in Camelot is searching for this boy, and you're harboring him under their very noses. Can't you see how dangerous that is? What were you and your sister thinking of?"

Merlin glared back at Gaius and said, "What were we presume to do? We were supposed to hand him over to the guards to be executed? You know Sam hates it when someone is hanged or decapitated. How do you think she will feel to find out that a little boy will be killed because he did nothing at all?"

"You think you can save this boy? What happens if you're caught? What about Samantha? Who's going to save you or her?" asked Gaius.

"You're saying it's wrong to harbor a young magician? Two of them who are related?"

Gaius paused and didn't say anything. Merlin knew it was a low blow, but he wanted to prove Gaius that he was doing the same thing, keeping him and Sam safe under Uther's nose. Merlin sighed before looking away. He felt a pang struck his heart.

Gaius placed his hand on Merlin's should and said softly, "The difference is, Merlin, that yours and your sister's magic are still secret. I would never give you both up or reveal your magic. You both are my family and I would be heartbroken if you both were gone." Merlin looked at his uncle, trying hard not to cry. Gaius sighed before removing his hand. "Though it's a wonder how no one else knows your secret, considering how careless you two are."

Merlin decided to plead to Gaius for help. "The boy's hurt. He's really sick. I've tried to treat him. We need your help."

"So, now you want me to risk my neck, too? I wish the boy no harm, but it's too dangerous," the physician declined.

"But if you don't, we may as well hand him over to the guards, because he'll die anyway," Merlin plead. He paused for a moment before saying, "You didn't turn your back on me or Sam. Please, don't turn your back on this boy."


The girls and I were waiting patiently for Merlin to come back; it was very nerve-racking. Mordred was getting sicker and sicker by the minute. I continued to bite my nails until there was nothing left. Morgana was tending to Mordred while Gwen was sitting at Morgana's table taking deep calm breathes. The three of us gasped in fear when we heard a knock at the door. Gwen looked at us before walking towards the entrance.

"Who is it?" she asked meekly.

"It's Merlin and Gaius."

While Morgana and Gwen looked relieved, I was having an inner panic attack. Not that I'm appreciative that they are here, but I'm just nervous about what Gaius would say. Gwen opened the door to allow them entrance.

I walked up to Gaius and said, "Look Gaius, I just want to say-"

"We will about this later young lady. Right now, I have a patient to help," Gaius said as he interrupted me. We sat quietly as Gaius checked Mordred's vitals. I looked at Morgana to see that she watched worriedly as Gaius said, "I will treat the boy, but as soon as he's well, you must get him out of Camelot."

Morgana nodded her head as replied, "Of course, thank you Gaius."

Gaius unwrapped the bandage on Mordred's arm and said, "Well, one thing we know for certain."

"What's that?" Merlin asked eagerly.

Gaius looked back at my brother and said, "You're no physician Merlin."

I instantly covered my mouth as I laughed. I felt Merlin kicked me to shut myself up.

Gwen, Morgana, Merlin and I left Gaius to take care of Mordred. We walked through the market to get some food and supplies when we saw guards stopped some people to check on them. We knew they were looking for Mordred.

"Halt there," commanded one of the guards before he checked through the man's straw cart.

Gwen rushed back and informed us, "The guards are searching everyone leaving the town."

"We can't get the kid out of here through the gates. Uther must have all the guards on high alert," I voiced in.

Merlin pondered for a moment, trying to think of another escape route. Then he thought of something. "There is another way out. There's a secret door in the armoury. It leads to the lower town. I'll take the boy out that way."

Morgana shook her head and replied, "No. It's too dangerous." She paused for a minute before making a decision. "I'll do it."

I looked at my friend with concern. If I remembered correctly, Morgana and Mordred will be captured. I felt my heart dropped realizing how much trouble she will be in.

"Morgana, you can't. What if you will get caught? Let me do it. I will be very discreet, and no one will catch us," I said.

Morgana turned to me sharply. Her eyes were firm and determined. "Out of the question. He is my responsibility, so I have to get him out. I will not let my friend be punished for me."

I was touched by her concern. It was nice to know she sees me as a friend… even though her destiny will change badly in further seasons. I made a mental note to myself to try to change her fate. However, Merlin wanted to protest.

"But I-I'm good with secret doors and things," he insisted.

"If you or Sam are caught, Uther will execute you without a thought," Morgana stated with fortitude. Merlin opened his mouth but hesitated when he saw that the lady was not backing down. "The boy's my responsibility. I'll smuggle him out of the castle."

Merlin sighed before telling us, "Well, you'll need a key for the door."

"Who has it?"

He paused for a brief moment before saying, "Arthur."

I snorted as I said, "Who wants to volunteer as tribute to distract and get the key from Arthur?"

I waited for a reply or a chuckle, but there was only silence. Curiosity got to me as I turned my head to see my friends staring at me. From Merlin's goofy smile to Morgana's smirk. Why are they looking… Wait, they cannot be thinking…

"No… I was joking… I don't even work for him anymore remember… Come on guys, you can't be serious? No, I can't- No, I won't do it! No!"

Five minutes later…

"I cannot believe I am doing this."

After some convincing, and some blackmail, I was chosen to get the key. Merlin was supposed to do it, but no! They think I can get it from Arthur. Didn't they forget that I was fired from being his maidservant? Why should I be the distraction?

I took a deep breath and knock on Arthur's chamber door. I heard a voice saying "enter" before I opened it. Arthur was looking at maps and reports when I walked in the room. He was in complete shock to see me delivering his dinner and not Merlin.

"Sam, what are you doing here? Where is your idiotic brother?" he asked me.

My knuckles were turning white as I held his dinner tray. However, before I lose it, I took a deep breath and replied, "Gaius needed him for an emergency, so he asked me to deliver your dinner."

I placed the tray of soup on his table as he sat down in his chair. I looked over to see the keys were hanging on his belt.

Before he placed the spoon in his mouth, he placed the spoon back in the bowl. He looked at me suspiciously and asked, "Why are you still here?"

I tried not to be nervous as I said, "I have to collect the bowl when you are finished with your dinner. You know the cook hates it when her bowls are misplaced."

He narrowed his eyes and asked, "You didn't do anything to my soup, did you?"

I gasped in shock and placed my hand over my chest. "Arthur, I am surprised. Why would I do anything that monstrosity? I am appalled you would think I would stoop that low."

Arthur rolled his eyes before he started eating his soup. As he was occupied, I looked at the keys and said softly, "Inbringe, cume mec."

I felt my eyes turned warm. The spell slowly floated the keys off of Arthur's belt. I was about to reach for them when Arthur suddenly turned around. I placed my hand behind my back. I instantly moved the key behind his head without him noticing.

"Is there any bread?" he asked me. I held my breath when he heard the keys jingled behind him. "What was that?"

I looked innocently as I questioned him, "What was what, Arthur?"

"There was a sound," he barked out as he stood up from his chair.

"Sound? What sound do you mean?"

Arthur looked at me like I was crazy. He continued to move around to search for the sound. I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't laugh. It was so funny. Oh, I wish cameras were invented. This would be so good to watch over and over again… plus, great blackmail.

Arthur turned to me and said, "What is that? Can't you hear it?!"

Without a thought, I grabbed Arthur's face. He became still as a small reddish color touched his checks. I looked into his eyes as if I were 'examining him.'

"Arthur, are you feeling well? Did you hit your head too hard with your training?"

Arthur narrowed his eyes and shoved my hands away from his face.

"I am perfectly fine Samantha!" I took a step back as he continued to search for the clatter. "I am telling you, I hear a strange noise," he stated.

"Is your dinner not to your liking?" My smile dropped when he snarled at me. "No, ok. Well, if you believe you heard a bizarre sound, why not check your windows? Maybe it's over there."

The keys were right above his head when he heard me. He glared at me before walking towards his curtains. With his back turned, I opened my apron pocket. The key instantly flew into the pocket. I immediately closed it and looked up. Arthur paused when he didn't hear the clinking sound.

"Where is… I am sure I heard…"

I tapped him on the shoulder for him to turn around. I smiled as I held out a loaf. "I found your bread."

Arthur looked at me to his bread. He snatched the bread out of my hand as he left the room. He kept of tapping his ears to check if his hearing was alright.

"Since you are going to see if your hearing is correct, I'll leave your supper here since it's to your liking," I called out.


I giggled before I rechecked that the keys were in my pocket. Satisfied, I rushed out of the room back to Morgana's chambers.

I knocked on the door and called out, "It's me, Sam."

I waited for a moment before Gwen opened the door. I walked right into the room to see Morgana was sitting next to Mordred.

Merlin walked up to me and asked, "How did it go?"

I smirked as I pulled the keys out of my pocket. "Piece of cake. Arthur was acting like a lunatic monkey." Morgana, Merlin and Gwen looked confused. I sighed and said, "I will explain later."

Morgana stood up as I handed her the keys. "Thank you Sam. I am very grateful." She paused before saying, "I feel I've put you in danger without ever stopping to ask how you feel about it. I even made you get the keys from Arthur. I'm sorry."

I smiled as I replied, "Don't worry about it Morgana. As long as we get the kid home safely, then we will call it evan.

Morgana laughed before looking back at Mordred.

Merlin cleared his throat and said, "The door is behind the shield at the far end of the armoury."

"I'll pack you some food and water for the journey." Gwen looked at her lady and said, "Be careful."

It was around midnight while Merlin and I were waiting in Gwen's house. Merlin was leaning by the fireplace when Gwen was preparing supplies for the trip. I was sitting down and tapping my knee, trying to distract myself and not worry. I know the outcome of this. Morgana and Mordred will be caught by Arthur and then Merlin will make the biggest decision of his life. What can I do?

Gwen sighed as she placed some bread in a sack. "I hope they're ok. Morgana really cares about the boy. I've never seen her this way with anyone."

"I'm sure she just wants to protect him," Merlin stated. He walked over to me and placed his hand on my tapping knee.

"Everything will be alright Sam, I promise," he thought to me.

I sighed and thought back, "Will it? There are a lot of ways this plan will go horribly wrong. Plus, what that dragon said about the boy worries me. I don't know what we should do."

Two minutes later, the warning bells rang. Gwen and Merlin's heads snapped up at the sound. Gwen nearly dropped the apple that she was about to pack. I closed my eyes, remembering Arthur found the door and that he realized the keys are missing. Merlin peeked through the window to see Morgana and Mordred running to the house.

"They're coming," he told us.

Morgana and Mordred rushed into the house. As the three of them were talking, I nearly gasped as I felt a small hand grasped my own. I looked down to see Mordred was holding my hand.

"Fidelma, I'm scared," I heard him thought to me.

I relaxed before thinking back, "Do not be afraid. Everything will be alright."

My head snapped up as we heard Morgana say, "I'm the King's ward. I'll take my chances."

"Morgana, are you out of your mind!" I cried out.

Morgana replied back firmly, "I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to any of you." She looked at Mordred to see he was holding my hand. We instantly released out handholding, like we were on fire. Morgana smiled at the boy and said, "We must go."

Mordred nodded his head before looking back at Merlin and myself. I felt a chill go down my spine as he telepathy said to us, "Goodbye, Emrys and Fidelma."

As they disappeared in the night, I looked at Gwen and Merlin with sorrow. I didn't prevent them from escaping early. I sealed one part of the episode… knowing that Morgana and Mordred have been captured by Arthur.

And there you have it! Another chapter FINALLY done!

Again, sorry for the wait. Sadly, the next chapter will take some time so please have patience with me. The next update will be my "Red Rose Thorn" story and then I will be back with "My Magical Wish."

Stay safe, keep health and pray! Do not forget to favorite, follow, review, and until then…
