Disclaiming stuff (yo!): i own NOTHING... blah blah blah blah blah blah victorious blah blah dan dude blah not me blah!

The both of us woke to a crashing squealing noise. Feliz jumped up defensively over me. I heard the cut of an engine and a car door slam. We headed down stairs Feliz grabbed my umbrella going ahead of me. I peered around in the dark as the door swung wide open. The smell of beer hit my nose, "Feliz get back." I tugged at him

"What's going on here dyke?" my dad walked in bottle still in hand. "You finally fucked him like I told you…Good little bitch…" he spat heading towards us.

I looked at Feliz who glanced at me then looked at my dad gripping the umbrella.

"That crap car of yours is a piece of crap…" he pointed back out the door. "one little bump and its falling apart…" He stumbled towards us.

"Take it." Feliz whispered into my ear giving me the umbrella. "and keep safe ok?" he kissed the side of my face and walked up to my father.

"Don't…" I whispered

"Mr. West why don't we take you to bed?" Feliz approached him slowly.

His eyes were blood shot and wild. He started mumbling words then shouted at me more insults. I watched as Feliz stomped on his foot distracting him as he grabbed his hands and twisted them behind his back and held them tight then threw himself onto my dad pinning him down.

"Jade." He bit out while my dad drunkenly struggled. "go get my bag…inside is a zip-tie bring it down. Quick." He looked at me eyes glowing green.

I ran up stairs and dug into his bag looking and grabbed the white zip-tie and ran back down I started to come over carefully and slipped it over his wrists and pulled it tight as I could. Then Feliz tugged it tighter and grabbed my father over his shoulder and put him to bed in his room.

Feliz closed the door behind us. "Let's go look at you car." He started for the door.

"Wait." I grabbed his arm. "Are you alright?" I pointed to the small trickle of blood from his lips.

"yeah… it was a wound reopened when I was elbowed in the face…" he wiped it with the back of his hand and picked up my keys from the floor where my dad dropped them. I followed him out to my now scrap heap of a car.

"You can't drive this…" he walked over looking it down. "This is totaled…I'm surprised it even rolled into the driveway…"

"Yeah…" I sighed.

"Guess I'm driving you to school tomorrow?" he wrapped his arms around me.

I looked up at him. "You have a car?"

"No." he chuckled and we went back inside.

He sat on the bed, my head in his lap as he pet me and we watched tv. I made Feliz let me look at his mouth and the rest of him for bruises or cuts but he was fine mostly there were scattered forming purple blotches.

He hadn't asked a thing about my dad…or what he said. He just pet me, playing with my hair, kissing me, or whispering into my ear how wonderful I looked.

I smiled up at him a little. "Thanks."

He didn't respond only looking at me and kissing me gently. What could he say anyway? I closed my eyes. For once, I was warm, and so was Feliz. I yawned and so did he and we started to drift off asleep.

Feliz was up before me, how did I know this? Because. There was a freshly made plate of waffles in a tray by my bed, with a glass of milk and a rose. His bag was gone from my room. After I ate and washed up I headed down to find my dad was gone and Feliz was talking on the phone with someone thanking them. He saw me and told them he had to go.

"That was my friends at the auto body shop. They picked up your car and inspected it…its totaled. But I got everything that was inside right here." He pointed to a box by the door. "And I called a taxi to take you father to a job fair as well as alcoholics anonymous. And our ride to school is here." He smiled wildly at that.

"How…you…?" I blinked at him.

"I know people…and some owe me favors. But!" he came up to me taking my hand. "let me show you your chariot to school." He had that smile on again, the cocky one that was now mixed with childish pleasure that made me smile too. He lead me to the window.

"Shut up." I looked at his turquoise eyes.

A/n: Alright! I'm not dead, i'm not kidnapped, and i didn't move to Acapulco to raise alpacas... i'm here and i'm still writing i'm just busy. I'm working on it though. don't kill me.

Review... you know if you want to...I'M SORRY!