A/N: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

Terra POV

"Ow," I rubbed my head. When the shadows spat us out, I slammed my skull right onto a rock. You would think having the goddess of the Earth as your mom would give some benefits: like not bruising yourself on the earth.

"What is going on?" Holly hissed at me, "You just appeared out of nowhere!"

"Shadow travel, I bet. How you did it though is beyond me." Sera said and folded her arms. "Only person who can shadow travel in this camp is Ivy. I heard she followed you guys down to the beach. What happened?"

I glanced up and saw that a small group of people had gathered around me. I was looking for Ken but saw him talking urgently to Athena, Mike, and Jackson.

I quickly gave them the details while Ken explained it to the others.

Just before I finished, Athena's voice ranged across the camp like a microphone's.

"Everybody report to the dock! This is not a drill; I repeat this is not a drill! The magical defenses have been breached. Report to the docks immediately!"

The next moments passed by in a blur. People grabbed their precious possessions, most leaving behind the tents and supplies in a rush to safety. A bag was thrust into my face by Holly.

"Come on, let's go!" Ken yelled.

"What about Thal and Ivy? We left them to fight off two Titans!" I said and felt a pang of guilt.

"They will hold their own, at least for a while before Lady Artemis rescues them." Athena said and shoved me forward, "And they were right, if they had not stood to confront the Titans than Hyperion and Helios would have reached us by now. With their armed soldiers." she added.

"I don't understand, I thought Poseidon was protecting this place!" Holly exclaimed. She looked a little pale and I was about to ask what's wrong. Then I realized that she was afraid. Her father was Hyperion after all, if he came than she would have to face her father and half-brother in a fight. Sadly it reminded me of my own dad, who is supposedly alive in California. Why didn't I ask them whether he was fine or not during the meeting?

We ran for five minutes until we heard the roar. It echoed across the island from the beach where we left Ivy and Thal.

"They'll be fine," Holly assured, "Didn't Thal beat Selene?"

"Except for Selene was more of a zombie goddess than a full Titan." Ken muttered.

We glared at him and Holly said, "Can you at least try to be positive?"

"You want positivity when we are being attacked by an army of monsters led by the Titan of Light and his son?"

"Yes that would be helpful and I said positive!"

"Technically you said "positivity." Ken remarked and got punched in the arm.

"Oh, shut up!" I rolled my eyes.

"Move it!" snapped an old soldier, "No time for dilly-dallying!"

The island was larger than I first thought. We ran through grass, got twigs in our hair and splashed through mud until we made it to the makeshift dock. The beach wasn't as rocky as the other one we encountered but it sure wasn't a sandy, golden, peaceful one either. Half a dozen battle ships were docked there. Each was easily two streets long and had mounted cannons and machine guns.

"Why are the ships so far from the camp?" Ken grumbled, "We'd be dead by now if an enemy was able to sneak up on us."

One of the other rebels overheard him and turned to reply, "This is the only beach that we can land a ship on. The others were too rocky or steep." Then he added, "C'mon, no time to talk now. We gotta get out of here."

Holly POV

"For the hundredth time, what happened?" I asked loudly as I threw my bag onto the ship floor.

"Be quiet!" Terra hissed at me, "I told you already. I went down to with Thal to train, and Ken followed. Thal said she sensed somebody coming and Ivy showed up. I'm guessing that she used the shadows to get us back to the camp."

"I know that!" I told my friend impatiently, "I meant how did the training go."

Suddenly Terra looked embarrassed and hung her head.

"Um, we were interrupted before we really did anything anyway." she mumbled.

"In other words, she failed miserably." Ken smirked and chuckled.

Terra punched his arm softly, "Ah be quiet, I'd like to see you do something!"

I closed and sat down my eyes as my two friends were ensued into an argument. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

A rough hand shook me and I jumped up and by instinct, drew a knife.

"Whoa, watch where you're pointing that." Ken said as gently pushed down the point of the knife from his throat. "Save the killing for the monsters."

"Sorry," I said sheepishly, "I'm a bit jumpy."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, we arrived." He nodded to the ruins of a beach resort. "C'mon, most of the others already left."

"So where are we anyway?" I asked as I grabbed my bag.

"Somewhere in the Bay Area, Gill said that the majority of the resistance force is stationed here."

"Terra's dad is supposed to be here." I said suddenly. I hadn't really given much thought to it. My own family had been killed soon after I was born.

Ken nodded slowly, "That's what Anake said. 'Course she could have just said that to make us come here."

"What do you think she'll do if-" my voice faltered at the thought of Terra's hopes being crushed.

"If Anake was lying?" Ken completed for me quietly, "I'd say there would be another disaster."

I nodded and walked down the ship steps.

"Where is Terra anyway?"

"Left earlier, come on, let's go find her."


We found Terra alright. Took us awhile though, we ahd to weave our way through debris and people. Swarms of mortals and demigods were either healing the wounded or repairing the damaged buildings of this village. Lots of people have a hard, worn-out look on their face. The mask of a soldier, I know it well. I've worn it myself. Judging from the crowded medic tents and damaged structures, I'd say that there was a recent battle.

"Hey Ken," Holly spoke up after a period of silence.

"What?" I asked absently.

"Have you ever wondered why Terra's dad never told her that her mom was Gaia?"

The question caught me by surprise.

"Never did think about it much till you mentioned it," I admitted, "Maybe to protect her. After all, they say that when you realize your heritage, your powers begin to emerge." Than a thought struck me. "Huh, I wonder if he ever knew that Terra's mom was Gaia."

Jumping over a loose board, I saw Terra embracing a middle-aged man. They let go of each other and turned to see us.

I've never met Terra's father before but I could see that the resemblance is strong. They both have that annoying, determined look in their eyes. Strange seeing as Terra's eyes are powerful brown yet her father's are pale blue. Her father was much taller though, like a giant really. They both are Japanese of course and both have dark, rough hair.

The man who I assumed was my friend's dad strode to us and grabbed my hand and Holly's and shook them furiously. I can't say for Holly but my hand felt broken.

"Thank you, thank you." the man said in grateful voice. "My daughter told me you helped her survive those long, terrible years!"

"Dad!" Terra chided as she reached us and quickly wiped her eyes. Hmm…guess she's been happy enough to cry. A rare sight I should say.

"I haven't even told you about those "long, terrible years" yet! And I think you broke their hands!"

Terra's dad flashed us an apologetic smile and said, "Well, am I right? Don't tell me the last few years was a piece of cake! Cuz that'll be a load of crap!"

Terra rolled her eyes before speaking, "Okay, I admit it was far from easy but-"

"Very far from easy," I muttered under my breath.

"But it wasn't long or terrible!"

"Speak for yourself," I snorted.

She glared at me but I ignored it.

Mr. Heart cleared his throat, "So you are Ken Tip I presume?"

I nodded.

Her dad turned to Holly, "Holly Day, correct?"

"Yes sir," Holly said a little shyly. Hard to believe that a girl who can stare down a hellhound would still be shy around strangers. Weird.

"Please, call me Justice." Mr. Hear said, beaming.

I raised an eyebrow, "Sir, I mean Justice, wasn't your, mother Themis? The goddess of divine law, order and justice, right?"

Mr. Heart grinned, "Ah, yes odd that many demigods name reflect our parents in some way isn't it? Although my mother is not the Titaness of justice. I think that is my immortal half-sister, Dike."

Suddenly, his expression turned serious as he looked at Terra.

"My girl, the amulet I gave you, the one in the shape of a scale, you still have it, right?" he asked urgently.

"Of course," she dug in her ragged jacket pocket and took out the amulet.

Mr. Heart sighed in relief.

"Good, for a moment there I thought you lost it."

"Why would you think that?" Terra questioned.

This seemed to catch him off guard.

"Well, um, er, ah, because, um, your high-, I mean, demigod, no, I mean, quarter-titan scent was growing stronger. Yeah, that's it." he said quickly and nervously.

I turned to Terra and said, "Geez, I can tell where you got your pathetic lying abilities from."

Of course, I got a punch to the arm to award my wit.

"Dad, seriously, what are you not telling us?"

Mr. Heart shuffled his feet around for a moment but caved in.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you." he said, sighing. "Sit down, the story is a long one. Comfortable? Good. As you know, Terra, the necklace was given to me by my mother, Themis-Titaness of order, and it was meant to help conceal my scent. Of course, when you were born, I gave it to you."

"You knew that Gaia was her mother." I accused.

Mr. Heart scratched his head and flashed his daughter an apologetic smile.

"Yes, I guessed it. Especially when you shook the ground when you had tantrum." he said and laughed along with us. Well, I laugh, Terra pouted.

"Wait, dad, I was able to do that when I was just a kid?" Terra asked, surprised.

"Infant," Mr. Heart corrected, "And yes, which brings me to the second reason I gave you that necklace. It wasn't made just to conceal a demigod or demi-titans scent, it can used to weaken ones powers as well."

"Which is why I have never been able to control the earth," Terra realized.

"And her full strength is only unleashed when she gets really angry." I added.

Mr. Heart shook his head, "Yes and no. The necklace has blocked your powers to weaken your scent down to a mortal level. But even in your rage, you will not be able to use your full power, at least, not when you wear it."

Terra was silent for a moment but finally she reached into her pocket and dug out the necklace. She held it in her hand for a time before handing it to her dad.

"Dad, I need my powers, there's this-"

Her father cuts her off with a hand.

"Yes, I know, the prophecy. Everyone has heard about it by now. How does it go again?" He scratched his head as he tried to remember.

"It went something like this," I said, "Three shall travel to the sun/And fight in a war that must be won/For creations sake/The first beings must wake/Beware the Underworld god who wishes all/And if he succeeds than all shall fall."

Mr. Heart grunted and said, "And let me guess, the three of you have tried to achieve this prophecy, eh?"

Holly nodded, "We tried to travel east but we kind of ended up on Hawaii and well, we just went with the resistance."

"Good choice," Mr. Heart approved, "Yes, it seems like the first line would want you to go east, but technically it says go to the sun."

"But the sun is a ball of fire in space." I pointed out.

Mr. Heart chuckled, "Yes it is. But it never said the celestial sun, it could mean-"

The answer suddenly became so obvious that I wondered why I never thought about it before.

"The sun god. That's what it meant." I said.

Mr. Heart nodded, "Of course, the prophecy might not mean you three."

"But Ananke came to Ken in a dream." Holly piped up.

The words must have startled him cause he broke into a series of coughs.

"Dad are you okay?" Terra asked, clearly worried about her father's health.

"Fine, fine, but did you just say Ananke?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well…she for one thing she never visited a demigod directly before." the mand paled as he murmured to himself. "I'm afraid that for her to take this so seriously…there's only one possibility why she would…oh my, oh my…

"Dad, what are you talking about? Why wouldn't she take this seriously? Look around, the world is pretty much ending!"

"You have no idea." he muttered.

I was immediately suspicious. He knows something that we don't and it's most likely valuable. I glanced at Terra and she caught my gaze and nodded. We've fought alongside long enough to communicate without words. More or less…

"Dad, is there something we should know?" Terra said in an overly sweet voice. The voice she only uses when she's about to bark like a dog unless to talk.

"Look, I'm not sure I should be-"





"Sir, we could really use the information." I put in.

"I know, I know but we should discuss this with the other rebel leaders first."

"Good idea," a new voice joined, "There's a meeting in an hour at the Command. Bring the children along, but have them rested first."

I turned but the speaker was gone. Only a pile of rubbish and a few soldiers milling around. But I recognize that voice. It was Athena.