I am so sorry this is long overdue! I have been so caught up with school work and graduating college and many personal issues as well. I know this is no excuse, however I am hoping that you will continue to read this story. Once again sorry and if anyone has any ideas or any comments about the story please review!
***I do not own anything except for some of the ideas.***

**Troy's Profile**

As soon as we arrived at the hospital we were shown into the waiting room where my mom was sitting crying and Matt was arguing with a nurse about dad.
"Matt, you need to calm down. You out of all of us should know that they need to work on your dad without anybody getting in the way." Sara said as she made him sit down next to her and Heather. "Mom, are you ok?" Heather asked as mom sat down beside her.
"Honestly, I don't know sweetie, I just do not understand why this would happen to your dad, to our family of all people! Haven't we been through enough this year with your accident." Mom said and started to get emotional again.
"Mom, I know it is rough but we got to stay positive for dad. He's a tough guy, I mean you saw how he was when he coached me in basketball and Matt with football. He has to coach Trevor now. He'll pull through I know he will." I said trying to stay positive for the whole family as we sat in the waiting room.

It seemed like hours went by when it was only an hour waiting in the waiting room. Sara and my mom were half asleep while Gabi and Heather sat and talked about some plans they were hoping they could do after her appointment on Monday to get her cast off. While both me and Matt sat on our phones and talked quietly from time to time.
"Matt, you're the doctor here what do you think is taking so long?" I asked with my nerves getting to me.
"It all depends on what test they want to run on dad, there are probably a thousand scans that they are doing. If the scans come back with anything that is abnormal or anything that would require any other test they would be doing that as well. If worse comes to worse they will end up coming out and telling us that dad was rushed into surgery." He said and looked up at me. "Troy, mom was right why does this have to happen to our family, I mean first Heather with her accident and everything she is dealing with now, Dad with this, I mean Sara is due in less than a month, it's really freaking me out."
Gabi looked up over at us, "Guys, why don't both of you head out for a walk and get some fresh air. I think both of you need it."
"Gabs, thanks for caring but not with us not knowing how dad is right now." Matt said and started to pace the room.
"No I think Gabi is right, we both just need to walk and let some steam out. We both have our cell phones on and they can call us if they hear anything on dad or if they need us." I said as I stood up and waited for Matt to get up as well.
"I'm not so sure."
"Matthew, stand up right now and go for a walk with Troy NOW!" Heather said very cranky, you could tell that she is getting tired.
"Holy crap, you can tell you are tired huh." Matt said as we walked out of the waiting room and into the parking lot.
"You know we don't have to walk if you don't want to, we can just sit and talk. I think the fresh air is just going to do us good." I said and sat down on the bench that they have and looked at him as he paced around.
"No we can sit down I just needed to stretch my legs here a bit. I'm not use to sitting this long anymore." Matt said as he sat down beside me. "I'm not like how your job is going to be, you know sitting behind a desk punching in numbers all day." He said and shoved my shoulder.
"Ha you're real funny there." I said and looked over at him. "So besides you being nervous about dad what else is going?" I asked and looked over at him.
"It's about the baby I don't think you would understand."
"Wanna bet?" I asked him.
"What do you mean by that?" Matt finally looked over at me confused.
"Mom, Sara, and Heather found out and Gabi told them, so I better tell someone to before I go insane, Gabriella is pregnant Matt." I said with a smile on my face.
"Dude!" Matt screamed as he hugged me. "Congratulations man that's great. You're proposing still right?"
"Yeah she has no idea that the ring is coming." I said.
"Well, I guess you do understand then some of the stress I'm having over the baby." Matt said once all of the excitement was over.
"Yeah, just not that my soon to be fiancé is going to give birth within the next few weeks like your fiancé is." I said.
"That and something else." He said and looked at his phone again.
"Ok come on what is really up and why do you keep looking at your cell phone, we haven't even been gone for 15 minutes if you're worried we are going to miss something on dad, besides it was taking forever to begin with."
"It's not that Troy, I have a job opportunity and am waiting to hear about it." He said.
I looked down at my watch. "This late at night though?"
"Well, with a hospital, you never know when they are going to call." He said and looked out towards all the cars. "Sara would be able to find a job with no trouble at all, it's not half way across the country like we are now, plus I need to get away from working with kids, don't get me wrong I love kids, but I keep having this dream that it's my kid on the table and I have to deliver the news like I have to do day in and day out in Pittsburgh, I just don't think I could deal with it after the baby is born. I'm just warning you, once you really start to think about having your child and your wedding, you will look at life in a whole new perspective."
"I can tell Matt, why have you let it bottle up all this time, you know I am always a phone call away and you know that Cory and Lucas are the same way even though they are getting married and having kids now to." I said about not only me but his two best friends from high school.
"I know I'm realizing that now." He said and laughed. We both looked at each other and started to laugh.
"I can't believe that we are sitting here talking about getting married, having kids, and jobs. Wasn't it just yesterday that I was chasing you out of the tree house cause you and Chad were following me, Cory, and Lucas everywhere?" he asked.
"One, that had to have been Heather and Alana cause me and Chad never did that." I laughed at him as he looked over at me. "It's crazy that we really are talking about this. I think we need to talk more, we haven't had this nice of a talk in forever."
"You're right we haven't." As he said that his phone started to go off. "This could be about the job."
"Well answer it then! I was going to head in anyway and get some drinks for everyone. I'll see you in there." I got up and headed inside.

**Matt's Profile**
"Dr. Matt Bolton." I said as I answered the phone.
"Yes Matt, this is Dr. Shepherd at Albuquerque General. I was calling about your application for our new Orthopedic Surgeon, are you still interested?"
"Yes, Yes I am very interested." I said with a smile and looked over at that exact hospitals sign.

**Gabriella's Profile**
I was starting to fall asleep as we were waiting to hear any news about Jack. Troy and Matt stepped outside to get some fresh air. Lucille, Sara, and Heather all have fallen asleep as it was getting close to 11. I was surprised that I haven't fallen asleep yet. I looked up near the door and saw Troy come in with a couple of drinks in his arms.
"Hey, I thought you were outside with Matt." I stood up and we kissed.
He sat the drinks down on the table that was in front of us and sat down beside me. "I was but Matt got a phone call and I didn't want to ease drop, plus I wanted to check up on you and get you a drink." He handed me a water.
"You are the best! I have seriously been so thirsty." I said and started to chug the water that he got me.
"I read on my phone before I went outside that it is important for you to stay hydrated so I figured you would want water now rather than a different drink."
I looked at him in awe. I cannot believe that he was looking different things up already. "Troy Bolton, you are the greatest guy I have ever met." I leaned over in the chair and hugged him.
We heard the door open and looked up. I was guessing that it would be another family coming in to wait or else Matt would be coming in but it was one of the nurses that we saw arguing with Matt when we first got here.
"Sorry to bother everyone, I am looking for the family of Jackson Bolton." He said.
I don't think I have seen anyone like Lucille wake up and jump out of her chair so fast.
"Yes, I'm his wife and these are our kids and their girlfriends." She said as Matt walked in and saw what was going on rushed over to us.
"If all of you could follow me I will show you back to a room where the doctor will talk to you." He said and waited for us to gather our stuff and we followed him. This was starting to bring back to many memories as we took this walk when they wanted to inform us about Heather. I could tell that Lucille was starting to get nervous as she started to slow down. I grabbed her hand. She looked over at me and smiled as we continued to follow the nurse.

Right when they were about to take us into the room both Troy and Lucille stopped. "I'm sorry I don't mean to be a pain but is there any way we could possibly have a different room, it's just that a little over two months ago we got some pretty upsetting news in that room." Troy said as they were about to put us into the same room that they told us what all had happened to Heather and that she needed more surgery then what she already has had.
"Of course, I am so sorry about that." The nurse said as he took us over to the next room that was open.
"Thank you very much you do not know how much that means to me and my family that you allowed us to have a different room." Lucille said as we all started to sit down in the small family room.
"It is not a problem Mrs. Bolton, I'm so sorry to hear that you had such bad news before, hopefully the doctor will be able to give you better news then the last time you were all here. He will be in shortly." The nurse said and left.
"Mom was that the room they had you go in about everything that happened with me?" Heather asked.
"Yeah it was, that room will always hold a bad memory for me. The minute we walked in was when all the police showed up and wanted to ask questions and Matt and Sarah weren't even here yet, Gabi and I just got here and mom and dad were a mess." Troy said since Lucy seemed to be getting upset again, almost going into that room probably not helping much.
"There were so many questions the police were asking us, I still feel overwhelmed by all of them." Lucille said.
"I don't blame you I was to and we just were walking in the door." I said and sat down beside Troy.
"I never realized that the police were in here when you all got to that room! I thought that they only got there a little before me and Matt made it in." Sarah said and hugged Lucille as she started to cry again.
"Well let's hope we get much better news this time rather then last time when you were waiting." Matt said looking out towards the door.
"Ok let's not talk about my accident or else your really going to see someone upset. Do you think I should text Ben or should I wait until we know about dad?" Heather asked. Ever since the accident she does not want to talk about it. I for one do not blame her with everything she has been going through with it and with being awake when they were pulling her out of the car. Before any of us could answer the doctor walked in.
"Hello everyone I am Dr. Avery, I have been working on Jack." He went around and shook everyone's hand.
"Hi Dr. Avery, I'm Lucille Jack's wife, how is he?" she said once he got to her.
"He is doing much better since you and your son have seen him last. After running our test and after the signs that you and your family reported to the EMT's we have come to the conclusion that he has suffered from a TIA, which is a…" He was just about to finish until Matt interrupted him.
"A MINI STROKE! You have got to be kidding me right!" Matt said really upset.
"Matthew calm down." Sara said and rubbed her hand up and down his arm.
"Sorry, Matt is a doctor as well so he knows what you ment and needs to calm down." Lucille said and looked over at Matt.
"It's ok I would be acting the same way if it was my father in this position as well. As I was saying your husband had a mini stroke, now no damage has been done to his brain or anything however it can be a warning sign for a stroke to happen. We will be putting him on a blood thinner to help prevent any more blood clots from forming. I would also like to keep him overnight for observation. If he stays stable through the night and most of tomorrow morning we will release him early tomorrow afternoon. I can go over any questions that any of you may have tomorrow to give you time to think since I know I am throwing so much at you at one time. The main thing to know though is that he is ok and is awake and is waiting to see you all." Dr. Avery said.
"Thank you so much!" Heather said and hugged him.
"You are very welcome! Now he was telling me that you were in his position not too long ago, why don't you go and tell your dad some tips to help him get on the nurses good side."
"It's ok that we go back?" I asked.
"I would suggest not all of you at the same time just yet. We are getting him a room ready to move him out of the ER but if two or three of you go back at a time I do not see any trouble with that."
"Ok thank you so much Dr. Avery it really means a lot to us." Lucille said standing up.
Once the doctor walked out of the room and told us that we were to inform the nurses' station who we are once we got back there they would show us where Jacks room was we started to talk quick.
"Ok kids I'm going to stay the night with your dad, why don't me and Heather start so once the second group is done she can head home with you to take her medicine and you all can fill Ben in and tell the twins that your dad is going to be ok and oh gosh we have so much to do and …"
"Mom take some deep breaths, we are all here we will figure it out, you need to relax to we don't need you admitted to the hospital cause of a panic attack or you passing out." Troy said and had Lucille sit down again.
"I texted Ben and told him what was going on and he said that the twins are fine and in bed." Heather said.
"Just tell us what you need to do yet and we will do it or help in any way that we can." Sara said and held Lucy's hand.
"I really do have the best family in the world."
"Now, go ahead and be with Jack by yourself for a few minutes, we will send Heather back in a little bit and we will all take turns." I said and gave her a hug.
"Thank you all so much!" She said, she gave each one of us a hug and kiss on the cheek and rushed out of the room.
We all sat back down, everyone looked exosted, I'm sure I did to. Matt started to laugh and we all looked over at him.
"You know this is ridiculous, I'm a freaking doctor I should have seen the signs sooner or have been able to do something." He said laughing trying to cover up the fact that he was so upset and crying.
"Matt, no one could have seen the signs except when he started with everything when we were doing the Christmas tree. Yes, he had a headache when we went to get it this afternoon but so did I, it happens." Troy said trying to help him.
"Troy's right, my med class in school went over mini strokes and stokes just last week and I had no idea. Honestly, I was more worried about dad then anything and you can't tell me we all weren't thinking the same thing other then we have to get dad help." Heather said.
"I know that's what I was thinking, and I'm a nurse." Sara said as she rubbed Matt's back and gave him a hug.
"Matt you did everything you could by being with him and helping him when we were at home." I said and gave Heather a hug as she started to cry.
"I guess you are all right. Gosh being around all of you has made me get soft I think." Matt said.
"Uh huh, sure it is man." Troy said. "Heather, why don't you head back after you calmed down a bit and then me and Gabriella or Matt and Sara can take you home so you can get your medicine and like the doctor said dad will be home tomorrow."