A/N: This is my favorite het pairing in this fandom, but second favorite when I count slash pairings.

Bubble Toes

Jinx always has music playing in her apartment. She says it's just for atmosphere. Wally suspects that she was living in close quarters with a bunch of rowdy boys for so long that silence unnerves her now.

One day when Wally was visiting, a particularly good song came on the stereo, and he couldn't help but dance in his seat next to Jinx on the couch and mouth along to the lyrics.

She rolled her eyes and said, "you're an idiot." But all he could hear was "I love you."

He got up and pulled her up along with him despite her protests. Drawing her in close, he danced them around the small apartment. Sometimes they were in step with the music but most of the time they weren't.

She rolled her eyes and said, "you're an idiot." But all he could hear was "I love you."

The song ended, and a new one began, but he kept them dancing at the same tempo. He leaned forward and whispered sweet, but ridiculous nothings in her ear.

She rolled her eyes and said, "you're an idiot." But all he could hear was "I love you."

As the second song ended, he dipped her low, waggling his eyebrows as he gave her his most charming smile then pulled her back up until they were nice and close.

She rolled her eyes and said, "you're an idiot." But all he could hear was "I love you."

Then she kissed him, but all he could feel was her love.

A/N: I don't know, guys...I really don't know. I guess this is what happens when I write het after writing so much slash. Enjoy the fluff. The story was inspired by the song Bubble Toes by Jack Johnson.

Later, baybays!