Title: Contagious
Rating: M
Pairing: Shizuo/Izaya
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters.


So after a month of trying to find a job, and with the help of my little brother, Kasuka, I've finally managed to do just that. If it wasn't for Kasuka, I probably wouldn't have got the job. I guess that goes in the 'pro list' of having a famous sibling. But it's actually a pretty pathetic job, if you ask me – I'd rather be a bodyguard or something. All I have to do is make this guy coffee and do some filing work.

What was that called again? …An assistant? I think so.

Though I haven't met this guy yet, I heard he's a total dick and no one can stand to be around him for more than fifteen minutes. The last assistant he had quit because he made her cry. It's not very hard to make a girl cry, but I'd like to see him make me cry. I'm a man, I don't cry as easily as a girl.

I still kind of feel bad for her though, you know? She probably did nothing wrong; he was probably just being an asshole.

But seriously, how hard could making coffee be? I already have experience making coffee with my old job at the café. I think I'll be good in that department; unless, he's one of those people who like Starbucks. That would make things easier for me, because all I'd have to do is go out and buy it for him; instead of making it and probably messing up.

I'll bring him coffee all day if he wants me too; as long as he doesn't piss me off… or that steaming cup or coffee is going in his face.

Speaking of his face, I wonder what he looks like. From what I heard he sounds like a grumpy old man, probably balding a little with big spectacles. Ha-ha. Oh well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow morning.

"You should get to bed soon." My brother calls from the bathroom, in that monotone voice of his. As if he has to remind me about my 'big day' tomorrow, I've been thinking/worrying about it all day.

I don't believe I mentioned living with my brother, have I? Now you know. I had to move in with him after I lost my last job and I couldn't pay my rent. That was about a month ago; since then, I've been looking for a new job. Once I get enough money from this job and I'm back on my feet, I'll be able to move out. Then I won't have to count on my little brother so much. I kind of feel like a dick for putting him through all this, even if he says he doesn't care.

I call back a short: 'Alright!' and shuffle into my room. I kick aside a few discarded T-shirts while I make my way to my dresser. I pull out a pair of blue sweat pants and a white shirt to sleep in.

I just hope this new job works out for me. I'm going to try my hardest to not get angry.

Wish me luck.

The next morning, the only thought that was going through my head was something along the lines of: 'Does he like his coffee black or with creamer? And if he does like creamer, what kind of creamer or flavoring does he prefer?'

I got up an hour earlier than I had to. Don't ask – I just felt it was needed. But these thoughts have been bothering me all morning and I'm starting to get worried. I didn't know if there was a coffee machine at the office or if I had to stop somewhere and pick some up. I should have asked the girl who was interviewing me. I should've asked stupid questions like this so I wouldn't get fucking fired on my first day!


He wouldn't fire me over something so small. He couldn't be that mad over a cup of coffee. Though, my interviewer did mention that he was kind of a –

I'll just have to take my chances.

I stand up, giving the mirror behind my door a once over, and adjusting my blue tie. I'm clad in a pair of black slacks and a white button up (and blue tie, like I just mentioned.) Kasuka bought me a pair of black dress shoes to match, so I wouldn't look like a bum wearing sneakers with these nice cloths. I think this is the nicest I've ever dressed; minus my bartender faze.

Alright, don't laugh at me… I understand Starbucks in kind of girly and cliché; but I have this gut feeling that's practically pulling me through these glass doors and to the front counter. My eyes fix on the menu of beverages above the counter, skimming for something that my boss would like – maybe like. I prefer Gloria Jean's over Starbucks actually. However, I have had a few drinks from here before. And I have to say, they proved to be quite nice.

But I still have one big problem: What does he like? I guess I should just get him something I fancy and hope he thinks so too.

I settle on getting him a 'Caffè Misto.' Not too eye-popping but still very flavorful.

I thank the women behind the counter and exit the shop, heading in the direction of my new job. It's a medium sized building, all black and shining when the sun hits it just right. I can tell it wasn't built very long ago.

When I reach it, I take a moment to stand outside and stare up at it. His office is on the top floor. And I'm not a very big fan of heights. But, you know, people do crazy things for their jobs.

I sigh and walk inside. Instantly, I head for the elevator. I don't really feel like socializing with anyone.

The elevator opens, and a brunette woman steps inside with me and gives me a warm smile. I return it. She's short, with brown hair pulled into a bun at the back, but a few pieces of bangs are hanging down and shaping her face nicely. She's wearing a black office dress-thing and holding a binder to her chest. Her big brown eyes are as warm and welcoming as her smile. When the doors close, however, I find her eyeing my Starbucks cup curiously.

"Is that for Izaya?" She asks, gesturing to my cup with her head.

It takes me a moment to nod because I've completely forgotten my boss's first name. I only remembered his last name – Orihara.


She hums lightly in reply and releases her binder to hold a hand out to me. "I'm Erika, I work for Izaya too. You must be Shizuo – the newbie."

It's kind of weird when random people know your name, but I shake her hand anyway.

"How did you know Izaya likes Starbucks?" She seems amused, and way too happy. Then she giggles and keeps talking before I can even get a word in. I'm already started to feel a little annoyed. "Don't tell me Namie told you, Izaya wanted to keep you guessing!"

Namie? Namie? …Who was that again?

I shake my head. "Truthfully, I just guessed."

I do feel a little prideful for getting him the right coffee – or at least coffee from the right shop. It's all thanks to my gut feeling; I should follow it more often. But pat on the back, Shizuo. For once you guessed something right. I feel some of the tension and worry from earlier slip away. Then I noticed this girl – Erika – smiling at my widely. It's kind of creepy really. I raise an eyebrow at her.

"That's cute!" She giggles. I didn't know that knowing someone's favorite coffee shop was cute. Girls are weird.

The door makes a 'bing' when we finally reach the top floor. I guess she's coming with me, then. Oh wait, she said she worked for Izaya – Mr. Orihara – too…


I let her walk out first and then follow.

I notice now that the whole freakin' top floor is his office. There's one wall that's just all windows and an empty black desk sits in front of it. There's a small sitting area and a T.V. off to my left; a mini-meeting-table off to my right. The only thing that seems to separate the whole top floor is the bathroom door and what I'm guessing is a closet.

He must be really rich if he gets a whole floor to himself…

Erika puts the binder on the desk and then pats a spot next to it. "You can just set the coffee here. It's not like you have to hand it to him personally."

I walk over and set the coffee on the desk. I take a moment to skim over his desk; which is pretty much empty except for a computer and the binder Erika set down earlier. But one other thing catches my eye also – an empty picture frame, sitting up right as if a picture were in it. I'm guessing he's not married and he just doesn't know exactly what he wants to put in the frame yet.

The elevator door 'bings' again and a man with short black hair steps in. I find myself stepping quickly away from the desk. I don't want anyone to think I'm snooping. That would be bad.

The first thing I notice about this newcomer is that his eyes are an extraordinary color; a pretty reddish-brown. Then the pale skin; then the fur coat he's wearing, which looks way too girly for a dude… at least in my opinion.

I stiffen when his eyes land on me. I can't tell what he thinks of me because he doesn't smile nor frown; just stares. Then he turns to Erika and jabs a finger at me, rudely. "Who's this?"

This little shit can't even ask me personally who I am. Fucking –

"You're new assistant, Shizuo Heiwajima." She replies, still smiling like she did in the elevator.

So this was the famous Izaya Orihara? He doesn't look anything like I imagined him to look. Well, he's Asian, as I expected by his name, but he looks way younger than what I thought he was. And he's more... happy looking.

Secretly, he's kind of attractive too. He's shorter than me, probably by a few inches, and has a thin frame. Everything about him seems to complement each other. His hairs; his eyes; his skin – they all look perfect together.

"Ah~ hello, Shizuo." Izaya says, turning away from Erika to face me. The hand he was pointing at me earlier was now stretched out in greeting.

I give it a firm shake. I'm kind of taken aback by how soft and delicate his hand feels in mine. I mean, I know I have big hands, but his hands feel right in mine – okay, I'm just going to stop talking now…

I clear my throat, brushing away the thoughts when he releases my hand. I watch him walk to his desk, curiously. He seems to notice the coffee first because he points at it with a smile.

"Aw, Shizu-chan~ how did you know?"

Shizu-chan? …The fuck?

The stupid nickname makes me grit my teeth.

I don't trust my voice at the moment, so I decide just to shrug.

"He told me he guessed!" Erika pips in, cheerfully. I'm starting to wonder if everyone here is as happy as these two. Not that I like prissy bitches, but I'm not too offend of hyper people either.

Izaya picks up the cup and sips it. And there's a moment of silence.

I feel like I'm sitting in a fucking judgment room, waiting for my 'innocent' or 'guilty.'

"It's good." He says. As if he's surprised by it.

Instead of being happy that I picked the right kind of coffee, I'm kind of feeling pissed. It's fucking coffee. Coffee! Why on earth am I being judged over coffee?

I don't like him already, I decide.

He may be attractive and he may have a nice ass, but I don't like him.

He sets the coffee cup back on the desk and takes a seat in his black chair that looks too big for him, in my opinion. He starts flipping though the binder that Erika brought up. His lips flicker from a smile, to a frown, and then back to a smile.

I notice out of the corner of my eyes that Erika's smile fades slightly and she's staring at Izaya intently. I'm guessing that's her work and now it's her turn to be judged.

"This is good, so far," Izaya states simply and closes the binder. He pushes it off to the side of his desk. "I'll look it over more thoroughly later."

Erika immediately breaks into a smile, looking entirely excited by Izaya words. "Really? Yumachii and I stayed up all night looking it over."

Izaya gives a short chuckle. "Tell him I said good job too."

Izaya waves a hand dismissively; which I'm take as a sign to leave. I turn and follow Erika to the elevator; who is walking to the door with a little skip in her step.

I watch Izaya through the closing doors. And just before they close, I see him look right at me and break out into a smirk. "Bye bye, Shizu-chan!"


I hate that stupid nickname…

Eh. Not sure about this one.

Encourage me?