Nega Snap
Chapter 1: DOOM and Fearsome Five
It seemed quite uncertain that a certain Vernomous Snaptrap could escape from prison, as he and his DOOM compatriots were headed off to jail for good.
"This blows, and I always get beaten up by the police more than any of you!" whined Larry.
"Well, that's what you get when you volunteer yourself to be our human shield" laughed Snaptrap.
"Well, that's not very fair to me" said Larry.
Francisco then was allowed by the guards to smack poor Larry even while handcuffed.
"Hey, he's not allowed to do that to me!" cried Larry, "Do something!"
The guards instead turned to Larry and started to beat him up a bit.
"At least you said they should do something" laughed Snaptrap as he was heading to his cell.
As DOOM agents were placed in separate cells, Snaptrap knew only outside help can save them, which meant getting help from one other group of villainous villains known as the Fearsome Five led by NegaDuck. That led the TUFF agency to speculate why the Fearsome Five would be interested in Snaptrap or his DOOM operatives.
"Alright, listen up" said the Chief to Dudley and Kitty, "we got intelligence reports that state St. Canard's resident Fearsome Five are prepared to help break out DOOM."
"Don't worry Chief, we're on it" replied Kitty.
"We also would like for you to team up with Gizmo Duck and also Darkwing Duck, two of St. Canard's resident heroes" continued the Chief.
"Wow, real superheroes live in St. Canard?" asked Dudley with excitement.
"Yes" replied the Chief, "and they are willing to help you out. Now go, get going, find out what plans the Fearsome Five have in store in setting Snaptrap free."
"We're on it Chief" said Kitty as she along with Dudley rushed out heading to the garage of the headquarters and getting on a hi-tech car.
Yet as the two TUFF agents were on their way to St. Canard, a certain NegaDuck with his fellow Fearsome Five were indeed plotting to free Snaptrap and his fellow DOOM compatriots.
"Why are we concentrated on someone like this?" asked Bushroot to NegaDuck.
"Think about it, he thinks he can be helping us when we break him free, but instead we're just going to use him as a patsy" laughed NegaDuck.
"You mean, we can blame him for all of our crimes?" asked Quacker Jack.
"Oh indeed yes" laughed NegaDuck, "it's the perfect plan indeed. Why not free some gullible so-called villain to help us out, then when he thinks he's getting the loot, we grab it instead!"
"Hmm, I never thought about it that way" said Megavolt.
"Of course you didn't, you're not an evil genius like me" laughed NegaDuck.
"Well excuse me" said Megavolt, "but why is DOOM locked up?"
"It is because of these two TUFF agents" said NegaDuck as he showed a diagram of Kitty and Dudley, "they are the ones who foil DOOM's every move."
"So we take out the two TUFF agents, they'll agree to feel safer on our side?" asked Liquidator.
"Yes, for now at least" continued NegaDuck.
"But how the heck are we going to trick even the TUFF agents to have a certain accident?" asked Bushroot.
"Another simple easy answer, I shall dress up as my goodie-two-shoed double" continued NegaDuck, "while you four provide a distraction for the real Darkwing Duck."
"Sounds fair" said Quacker Jack.
"Now get going, rob a bank or whatever it is you do to get a distraction" laughed NegaDuck as he started to put on his Darkwing Duck disguise.
About a few hours later as the two TUFF agents arrived in St. Canard, NegaDuck who was already in his Darkwing Duck disguise got out of his hiding place and began to wave to the two.
"Hey, that's one of the superheroes the Chief said would help us!" cried Dudley.
"Alright, I'm getting to him" said Kitty who was at the wheel of the car.
As the two TUFF agents were unaware it was NegaDuck in disguise, Dudley was quite not aware of the obvious difference though Kitty was starting to get suspicious of this so-called Darkwing Duck they were picking up.
"Oh boy, it's so nice to meet you" said Dudley who was drooling over meeting with Darkwing Duck.
"Yuck, get this slobber away from me!" cried NegaDuck.
"Sorry, I just start to drool when I see someone who's famous" laughed Dudley.
"Please keep him away from me" said NegaDuck.
"Will do" said Kitty.
Yet as the trio drove off, the real Darkwing Duck who had received intelligence from Petropolis of two TUFF operatives coming to pick him up were nowhere to be found. His sidekick Launchpad was baffled to what might have happen.
"Gee DW, maybe they got lost?" asked Launchpad to Darkwing.
"Lost, lost?" cried Darkwing Duck, "Obviously this must be a plot by the Fearsome Five, my arch nemesis's to undermine our effort to stop their evil plot to free this DOOM from prison."
"Gee, a group named DOOM must be scary" said Launchpad, "we should get our buddy Gizmo Duck, TUFF said they were looking for him for additional help as well."
"Yeah, fine, just make sure he doesn't get all the glory like last time" continued Darkwing Duck.
Yet as the two were pondering what might happen to the TUFF agents, the two TUFF agents in particular were taking a pseudo Darkwing for a ride into the city to which NegaDuck knew his allies the Fearsome Five would indeed be helping out to provide an end to the two TUFF agents for good. Instead of a simple bank being robbed, Megavolt was indeed robbing the bank in question, while Quacker Jack robbed a toy store, Bushroot robbed a garden store and the Liquidator robbed the supermarket of its liquid products.
"This is great, we're in a crime spree that'll certainly draw the right attention" laughed Megavolt.
"And here comes that attention right now" said Bushroot as the two TUFF agents were arriving on the scene.
"Alright you local villains" said Dudley who got out of the car, "you four are under arrest by the order of TUFF!"
The villains just stood there and started to laugh at Dudley.
"Let's spark up this pooch's life" laughed Megavolt.
"You got it" laughed Quacker Jack.
Poor Dudley didn't know what he was getting into, and he was likely going to need Kitty's help to bail him out of this one.