Naruto Nine Tails Resurrection

Chapter 21: This is Goodbye

It had been a day and a half since Sasuke left the village and Kurama Naruto was running through the forest chasing after the faint scent the Uchiha left behind him. While running he came to the spot where Sasuke met up with a group of people, and according to the scent Sakura had been there waiting for them. Naruto bends his knees to inspect a few drops of blood that smelled like it belonged to Sasuke and looks at the scuffs of dirt left in the ground from ninja sandals. He then sniffs at the air until he could pick up the direction the group ran to next and Naruto jumps back into the tree's to continue his pursuit.

While he ran images of everything that happened this morning flashed by in his mind making him smile. He knew that his life as a human had reached a crossroads that required careful maneuvering for everything to go according to plan from here on. This knowledge made him sharp and focused, but his disciplined mind could barely control his excitement keeping him from roaring out.

Instead an enthusiastic growl escapes his lips every time he pushed harder off a tree limb which sent him flying through the trees faster and faster.

After bursting out of another tree canopy Naruto jumped onto a huge tree's wide branch and uses his momentum to hop up each branch until he reached the top. Using chakra to keep his feet attached to the highest point of the tree Naruto stands looking out over the top of the forest as he lifts his hands together to form a seal. Pushing chakra into his eyes he can feel his vision expanding and the forest began to glow brightly as he focused his eyes to see further out.

After his eyes passed over miles of tree's and through a mountain he started to feel like he was flying over the landscape as his vision expanded further and further. And after going over a river and a few hills he found a moving purple glow running through the forest. It was over forty miles ahead of him but his eyes still focused until he could see shapes moving in the chakra glow.

He could see the outlines of five people running in formation with two in the middle holding onto what appeared to be a large traditional coffin that kept fuming with the purple chakra. He stared harder and could begin seeing the five ninja's more clearly and he can make out Kimimaru leading a group of four others. While he stared he could tell the other four were arguing amongst themselves while one of them yelled while looking at the coffin he was holding. He could barely read his lips and he saw him yell,"he's coming out!"

Naruto blinks and pulls his chakra back out of his eyes until his vision returned to normal. He reaches a hand back behind him a pulls out a three pronged kunai by the ring at it's end spinning the blade before he snaps it out in front of him. Then concentrating on his Rinnegan training he focus's his Almighty Push into a small point behind the kunai and aims his arm in the direction of his prey and fires. A sound like a gunshot claps across the tree tops and the kunai goes flying for miles almost faster than the eye can see.

"Kimimaru! Im telling you he's going to come out any second now, we need to stop!" Sakon was the only living member left of the original sound five and he wanted to keep it that way so he stopped running and set down the barrel of burning chakra before it burst.

The group stops and turns to face the coffin and watch as the wood seems to catch fire then swell outward causing cracks to split the wood. It then exploded sending burning pieces of wood flying and creating a plume of black-purple smoke rising out of the spot the coffin just was. And in the center of that smoke stood the outline of a teenage boy who's hair appeared to rapidly shrink back. As the smoke cleared the sound five watched their new master's favorite transform back into his normal self as his golden mangekyou sharingan shone out in the sunlight. The pattern that settled in his eyes was a star shape overlapping a sakura petal that pulsed with power which spread to the rest of Sasuke's body. He takes a deep inhale as he feels rejuvenated and stronger than he ever had.

As Sasuke stared up at the sky he ignored the concerned questions of the people around him and thought back to Sakura's frightening promise. "Sasuke, listen well. I have given you a modified curse seal called the Heaven seal. The way it was constructed is so that my chakra will mix and multiply yours. Normally the seal would have tore its way through your chakra network as it spreads. However, by supplying you with more of my chakra I have taken away those dangers. But in order for it to transform properly to the rest of your body my love there is one more step you must take, you need to die!"

Sasuke had given her an incredulous expression and after looking at the rest of her companions faces his own turned serious when he saw that she wasn't kidding. The one called Sakon had then explained how each of them while still alive had the same thing done to them. And as the only living member left of the Sound Five he promised Sasuke that the jutsu worked perfectly.

Sakura continued to explain that, "While your dead, the chakra contained in this coffin will work through you at a faster rate changing you until your body has adapted to all that new power. And, we have a chance to awaken a power that has not been seen on this world in almost a century. The Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan! I have done the research; the mangekyou is very powerful but stories of the Uchiha clan has spoken of these eyes having a limited use. After a time they are said to become sealed away causing blindness and I have already begun to succumb to those symptoms. Fate can be so cruel sometimes, giving someone power they have desired only to have it taken away again. But the answer to this problem was discovered by your clans greatest warrior, Madara Uchiha. The stories say that when Madara's eyes began to go dark he stole his brother's sharingan and regained his sight becoming even more powerful. Now according to all the research Sasuke, a genetic match is needed to meet these requirements. And we are genetically matched since my Sharingan comes from you."

Sakura closes the distance between them while reaching back into her pouch and holds out a glass vile in her alabaster white hands. "Drink this Sasuke, and I promise you that when you wake we will both be more powerful than either of us ever imagined!"

Sasuke hesitated for a moment before searching Sakura's eyes but then he grabbed the vile and drank its contents. He felt week almost immediately and lost his footing falling into Sakura's arms where she began to stroke his hair lovingly while he felt his heart slow then stop.

And now he stood in the small clearing surrounded by the Sound Five feeling his new chakra coursing through him as the curse mark receded back to his neck and his eyes tingled. He stares out and feels the change in his chakra and the expansion of his vision then twists his sharingan back into their normal three tomeo seals with their new golden light.

Then Kidomaru lifts one of his hands up sharply and says, "Listen!" All of them remained quiet and then all of them heard the sound of a kunai slicing through the air approaching rapidly. Their heads turn in the direction of the sound and see a strange looking kunai falling out of the sky to embed high into a tree overlooking the group of six.

A millisecond passes by as the Sound five stare not recognizing the weapon while Sasuke smiles and says, "Naruto," right before the blonde with a wicked smile in orange robes and armor materialized in front of everyone.

"Found you!" Naruto's smile got even wider while he stared at Sasuke as he pulled his special kunai out of the tree. Then his stare was interrupted when the sound five jumped in front of Sasuke into a protective formation.

Kimimaru had his back closest to Sasuke and he says over his shoulder, "Lord Uchiha! Our master ordered us to protect you at all costs while we transported you to our hidden base. Now that your finished transforming you can continue on with out us while we take care of this enemy. We cannot be killed so this strategy will not fail, even with his new powers."

Sakon had a little drop of sweat running down the side of his sour face and he said loud enough for his whole team to hear, "Speak for yourselves. I haven't gone all zombie yet like the rest of you and I would like to keep it that way!"

"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SAKON! STOP BEING SUCH A COWARD IN FRONT OF THE ENEMY!" Even in death Tayuya still had a harsh tone as she stared hate filled eyes at Sasuke. "Besides, its not like you have to protect the guy who FUCKIN KILLED YOU LIKE ME!

"Yeah Sakon, besides you don't want to disobey our new master. She killed me and Jirobu after we first met her." As Kidimaru spoke he was already transforming his body with his curse mark making his six armed form more like a demon spider.

"Just because I wasn't dumb enough to get killed off early or not quick enough to adapt to a new change of regime doesn't mean you guys should plan our attack like I'm already dead too. Immortals to the front is all I'm saying, while I stay back for support. But Kimimaru is right Sasuke, we were ordered to protect you so now you gotta go!"

Sasuke let his eyes pass over the others and decides they can handle the demon if they really want to. "Fine! But Naruto, if you do get past them then i'm looking forwards to ending this rivalry."

Sasuke turns around and starts to run but he hear's Naruto call out to his back, "Don't worry Sasuke, I'll catch up to you!"

Once Sasuke was out of site Naruto's evil purple eyes turned down to look amusingly at the group of ninja that all seemed to be transforming into little demons as their skin changed color and new body parts grew. Naruto snorts out a few chuckles before laughing out loud to their serious faces.

"More wannabe demons looking at me like they think they can defeat me. You just made killing you worth the wait to kill Sasuke! NOW LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT A REAL DEMON LOOKS LIKE!" Naruto's hands come together into the ram sign and he calls on the power of his eyes and sends out his summons into a vast dimension.

The Sound Five tense for battle and Kimimaru even removes his spine creating a whip like sword but all of them open their eyes wide in surprise when they see the ground in front of them burst with purple fire. They couldn't see the giant head of the King of Hell sticking out of the fire but they did see the glowing white outline of the kings mouth opening wide creating a portal between the afterlife and this world. And out of that white light framed with sharp teeth were five dark silhouettes beginning to climb out and stand in front of the sound team.

Sasuke stood on top of the huge statue of Madara Uchiha at the Valley of the End looking out at the landscape. It was very beautiful here with the waterfall running between the huge statues of the First Hokage and Madara staring at each other. Sasuke stared out at the unfamiliar landscape thinking about everything he was leaving behind him, and everything he was running towards. But before he began his journey he reached up and pulled off his Leaf headband and looks at the metal surface before dropping it on the statues head. He closes his eyes and inhales lifting his face up to the sun and feels more free then he ever had before.

Then he felt tiny little drops of water hitting his face like sprinkles before rain starts to fall. He is about to open his eyes when he starts to wonder if it started to rain all of a sudden but realizes that the sky was completely clear moments before. So he jumps away into a fighting stance lifting a hand to wipe the moisture off his face and opens his eyes to find Naruto standing at the tip of one of the statues stone spikes of hair urinating.

Sasuke's face suddenly turns sour and then enraged when he realizes what kind of water was on his face and shirt. Sasuke screams out, "YOU DIRTY SON OF A BITCH," as he tears off his shirt and uses the dry parts to wipe his face.

"In the animal kingdom that isn't much of an insult. And besides, I've always wanted to pee on Madara's head and you just happened to be standing in the right spot at the right time. So you know, I thought two bitch's with one stone. MYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA.

Sasuke growls out his fury and raises his chakra while activating the curse seal which spread black marks like fire across his skin and sends a grand fire ball at Naruto. The attack hits the spike of hair and the force of the blast crumbles the stone to bits and sends the scorched rock falling down to the bottom of the waterfall.

But Naruto was unharmed and landed out of his jump in a relaxed stance smiling at Sasuke. "Why Naruto?" Sasuke's question made Naruto stand still and look expectantly at the Uchiha. "Why did you spend all that time going through the academy, being on Team S, and going through the chunin exams when your really a demon in disguise. And more importantly, I want to know why you have hated me the most out of anyone else. I could see it when we were in the academy all the way up to now. You have been waited so long for a chance to fight me and try to take me out. WHY NARUTO? TELL ME!"

Kurama Naruto's purple eyes narrowed darkly and for a moment his face was devoid of emotion, but then a smile begins to tug at his lips. "You want to know why I hate you so much that I want to kill you? And you want to know why I bothered pretending to be human for all this time, is that right? Alright, i'll tell you a little story. I was once a god! I don't know how long ago it was that I first came into being but I do know how. This worlds chakra and energies were used to create life on this world and eventually creatures like you humans came to be. When the world was teaming with life its chakra aura grew and grew creating all sorts of spirits, but you humans filled that aura with death, hate, anger, and all the other emotions you call evil. All of that hate corrupted the worlds chakra and allowed it to grow as your civilizations continued to kill each other age after age until the amassed hatred was so potent that it gained sentience. The black hate filled chakra condensed in the earth and used the planet's many elements to construct a crude body that was ever changing. And when it burst out of its mother earth the world met its creation, the Kami known as the Jyuubi. Thousands of years past and the Jyuubi did its best to eradicate you creatures off the face of the planet that created it, but even as powerful as the Jyuubi was it couldn't kill all the humans. You people breed and survive like cockroaches. And then the day came that the Jyuubi was defeated by the first Human I ever respected; the Sage of the Six Paths. The father of ninjutsu was the one who discovered how to tap into the most powerful energy on the planet, chakra. And using his powerful dojutsu he was able to defeat the Jyuubi in battle and consume the Kami into his body becoming the first jinchuriki. But, the man was mortal, after a few years he was going to die and the Jyuubi would again be free to escape and kill. But, the Sage had a different plan so using the power of his eyes the Sage separated the demons chakra from its body and split it into nine different pieces. I was one of the nine, can you guess which one little Sasuke?"

Sasuke had kept his guard up the whole time he listened to Naruto's story but he relax's slightly when he hears Naruto's chiding tone and sends the demon kid an annoyed expression. "Get on with it fox! You haven't said why your so interested in me!"

Naruto sends the Uchiha a mocking expression that made him look hurt by Sasuke's words. "Its always about you! Ha, well that has everything to do with next part of this story. When the nine tailed beasts were set free by the Sage each of us encountered humans that constantly attacked us. We did our fair share of attacking too but the humans just would never leave us alone. Until the day came that a ninja clan learned the secrets of sealing away the bijuu the same as how the Sage of the Six Paths did to seal the Jyuubi. That clan was known as the Uzumaki which were cousins to the Senju that created the leaf village. That day began the imprisonment of all Bijuu and since then you humans have made a slave of me. But even before all this happened and my freedom was taken away so that I can be crammed into the smallest space possible, there was another who took my freedom away. And we are standing on his likeness. Madara Uchiha!"

Sasuke's eyes looked down at his feet and over to the spikes of hair before repeating, "Madara Uchiha! So, you already know what its like to have an Uchiha beat your ass into submission!"

All amusement left Naruto's face at hearing this and his lips pull into a snarl as he continues, "Madara was a punk! He was a brat like you that was told his whole life he was special and when things didn't go his way he ruined everyone else's life around him. I have to admit though that he did have something special that made him stand out amongst the rest, his mangekyou sharingan. He was the first to awaken it in your whole clan, and with that power he used his eyes to place me under a genjutsu forcing me into a summoning contract so that I would serve him by fighting his battles. The funniest part of this truth is that the events I am most hated for by you humans were the times Madara was controlling me, and I was the one punished. So in truth you people should have actually hated Madara, but instead you built him a statue."

Sasuke thought about everything he just heard and to him it didn't sound like a lie. "So thats why you hate me, why you hate all Uchiha. Because of Madara controlling you. It still doesn't make sense why you hate me so much though."

"Really?! Ever since I have been enslaved by you humans I haven't been able to be free. And since the day I awoke in this frail and weak human body I have been afraid that I will die a mortals death and never be free again as I once was. For a time I almost let despair take me, but then my true personality shone through. I am a surviver and a patient entity that has the strength and knowledge to live far beyond the death of the human race. So I planned and bid my time until I was ready to take my power back and become the demon I once was. So Sasuke, to explain it simply for your small mind. If my goal is to be truly free again then why would I allow another pair of those eyes to exist in this world."

Suddenly it all made sense to Sasuke and his eyes go wide from the shock of how simple the answer was. "Th-thats why you stole my eyes, only a sharingan can fight a sharingan."

"Yes Sasuke. With those eyes you have the potential to resurrect the power of Madara Uchiha and try to take away my will. At first I thought I would just poke out your eyes when you got the sharingan but then I discovered the Bloodline Stealer Jutsu and the idea of possessing the only eyes capable of subjugating me was too much to pass up. With the Sharingan I would live out my existence without the fear of being controlled ever again! Once I stole your eyes it was only a matter of learning how to mutate them into their stronger form, but as you told me you need to kill a best friend to get that power. Thats why I gave Team S a chance, a chance to cultivate friends for sacrifice. But my feelings didn't change, I still despised you both. And again I despaired at thinking that the mangekyou ability would be out of my reach as well."

For a moment there was silence between them until Sasuke lifted a palm to his forehead and began to laugh near hysterics. "So thats it, is it?! You have hated me and are now trying to murder me because you will never have the same eyes AS ME!" Sasuke transforms his eyes so that Naruto could see his golden mangekyou sharingan. They had the sakura flower petal with an overlapping star pattern erupting from his iris's. "Now I have the eyes that can control you demon fox! What are you going to do now that your facing against another superior Uchiha. What are you gonna doooooohhhhhhhh!"

Sasuke suddenly felt as if a wall of solid earth slammed into him at sixty miles an hour and he is lifted into the air flying backwards over the waterfall to slam into the stone head of the statue of the First Hokage. After Sasuke pushed himself out of the small hole he just made he looks back where Naruto was seconds before and finds nothing.

Then Sasuke hears Naruto speak from behind him. "Sasuke you idiot, have you not noticed the change in my eyes as well. This dojutsu is called the Rinnegan which was evolved from your sharingan and are the same as the dojutsu of the Sage of the Six Paths. His jutsu were said to be the most powerful in the world, and I am inclined to agree. So no, you do not possess the eyes that can stop me."

On Naruto's last word Sasuke heard a threatening growl in Naruto's voice and the sound of ninja sandals came rushing forwards so he pivots on his feet and spins around ready to fight. But right as he spins around bringing Naruto into his vision he see's a three pronged kunai fly right besides him. He lifts his arms up out of instinct and is able to bring his guard up in time to take the full impact of Naruto's kick aimed for his face as the blonde appeared in a flash of orange.

The kick was powerful enough to send Sasuke flying off the statue again and he began to fall down to the bottom of the waterfall. But Naruto jumps high into the air above him and sends Sasuke's worried face a smile as he said, "Shinra tensei!"

The blasts hits Sasuke as hard as before and accelerates his fall down to the water even faster. When he hits the waters surface it feels like he hits solid earth and is stunned for a few moments as he sinks down. When he felt most of the pain begin to subside he opens his eyes and prepares to use chakra to shoot himself back to the surface. But when he looks up he see's small metal rods splash past the waters surface and travel quickly leaving a white trail of bubbles behind them like torpedo's. Sasuke's face has a look of surprise when he see's these torpedos coming for him and he uses a trick Kakashi taught him using his chakra to push him through the water.

He tucks his arms tight to his sides and propels himself away from the metal rods but they act just as torpedo's would and followed their target. The closest were two small torpedos and they were moments away from hitting Sasuke who see's this and twists his body in the water and dodges them spinning like a corkscrew just as they exploded. The underwater blast was strong enough to send Sasuke tumbling sideways making him lose all sense of up and down. When he spreads his arms wide he stabilized his body and came to a stop looking up and down until he found the surface. After seeing the light of the sun he prepared his chakra to shoot up to the surface, and it was a good thing he did because the rest of the torpedo's had surrounded him and were moments from hitting.

He sent a strong surge of chakra to his feet and shoots upwards right before the explosion and ends up getting rocketed up faster from the blast. Sasuke erupts out of the water flying more than fifty feet into the air only to find Naruto flying fast at him with a right hook punch already extending to hit him in the cheek.


Sasuke's golden Sharingan vibrated stronger than they ever had before and he ducks under Naruto's punch and twists his hips mid air to spin horizontally sending a kick into the blondes ribs. The clone explodes into smoke and Sasuke continues his mid air spin to look down at the waters surface and see's over fifty clones running for him. As he falls he can see the before images of Naruto's clones and smiles thinking, "This will be a good test for my new eyes."

Ten clones converged at the spot Sasuke was about to land on and the Uchiha uses his eyes to dodge their combined attack. Twisting his body in the air at the last second he moved out of the way of one Naruto's grab and gets behind that clone to grab a hold of its back. Continuing his momentum he pulls the clone down with him into a jujitsu throw and slams the clone into another Naruto strong enough to turn them both to smoke.

Sasuke uses chakra across the surface of his skin in order to keep from braking the waters surface and rolls out of his throw across the water. He could see another two clones close enough to attack and he finishes his roll in a wide sweep with his leg taking out the footing of two clones. When the clones fall and sink into the water Sasuke hops into the air tucking his knees to his chest and waits until his back flip puts him into the perfect position to send both of his feet into a double back kick slamming into a clones chest. The clone stays solid long enough to grunt out in pain and act as a spring board for Sasuke to change directions into a front flip bringing his legs down together into a double axe kick going through the head of another clone. The smoke from the two clones hides Sasuke for a moment and he uses the time to land on the waters surface and quickly go through the hands signs for the chidori.

When the smoke clears and the clones surged for Sasuke he stands up whipping his arm up cutting a clone in half with the blue-white electricity. Then Sasuke opened his eyes wide and relied on his sharingan to guide him in the right direction to block or avoid another attack while dispatching multiple clones per strike. Sasuke was a blur of motion as he spun and flipped sending his lightning infused hand into each clone that came after him. When the last of the clones were destroyed a quick breeze pushed the smoke across the water as Sasuke walked confidently out of the smoke to look up and send a challenging smirk at Naruto.

"Trying to beat me with your oldest trick Naruto? Your new eyes seem to have given you delusions of grandeur into thinking that your superior. Even if yours eyes are the same as some legendary figure a powerful jutsu or opponent can be taken down by skill and surprise. And the fact that the Uchiha have more talent than you hasn't changed!"

Naruto didn't say anything and instead just hopped off of the Statue's head and fell face first towards the waters surface. Sasuke see's this and leaps into a sprint with his head forwards and arms behind him. Naruto was about to make contact with the water and Sasuke had reached into his back pouch to pull out a kunai and throw it where he saw Naruto's before image of his head was going to be. Naruto's purple eyes saw the fast moving dagger and he flips backwards through the air changing his fall so that his feet caught the kunai between them. With a strong pull from his abdominal's and a surge of chakra through his muscles Naruto spins fast in the air and uses the momentum to send the kunai flying back at Sasuke.

Sasuke's sharingan warned him of the incoming blade but he was running too fast and the kunai was too close to dodge or catch. So he just moves his head putting his left ear on his left shoulder and felt the Kunai go flying by cutting a few strands of his hair.

Naruto had landed hands first on the water with his chakra pulsing out keeping him from sinking then he flips back to his feet while Sasuke was still in a full sprint coming for him. Naruto's eyes vibrate with excited chakra and he stares at Sasuke as his former teammate closes the distance between them with a punch already pulled back in chamber. When Sasuke's punch lashes out his movements weren't too fast for Naruto's eyes and the blonde bends a knee dodging the punch by shifting his weight to the side. Naruto saw an opening under Sasuke's extended arm and twitch's his hip flexor muscles sending a fast roundhouse kick aimed for Sasuke's ribs. The kick almost hit but Sasuke jumps above the leg sending a jump spinning wheel kick at Naruto who bends his back under the attack.

When Sasuke lands out of his jump spinning kick Naruto rushes forwards sending a punch aimed for the dark haired teens temple but Sasuke spins around in time and blocks the punch with his forearm. Sasuke has to block three faster follow up punches from the blond after that but his eyes kept him from getting hit as every block of his echoed out solidly across the water. When Sasuke saw an opening he sent an uppercut punch under Naruto's guard aimed for his throat. Naruto saw this and twists his torso out of his last attack and sends a low block to intercept the punch but has to dodge and block each of Sasuke's fast follow up punches aimed for his head.

They kept attacking each other like that sending a powerful punch or kick that was blocked and then retaliated against. They moved in a fast blur of speed sending out hard whacking sounds as Sasuke and Naruto tried their hardest to land a hit on each other. After what seemed like a minute of exchanging physical attacks Sasuke stopped a punch from Naruto by grabbing his hand and Naruto did the same. Now they glared at each other while they pushed against each others grip but Naruto breaks the stare when he smiles sinisterly. "Ive been looking forward to smacking you around Sasuke, but I never knew you would give me this good of a FIGHT!"

Sasuke suddenly feels Naruto's strength increase and he gets pushed back across the surface of the water as Naruto shoved the Uchiha backwards. It was getting difficult for Sasuke to try and push back while keeping himself standing on the water making his back foot begin to sink and he began feeling his control starting to slip. But then all the thoughts of his ambition to become stronger and the need to kill his brother returned to him so he let his rage grow which made the three tomeo marks on his neck pulse and spin sending black fire-like marks spreading across his skin. When the marks almost cover every part of Sasuke's exposed skin Naruto feels like he was suddenly trying to push against a giant boulder that was much bigger underground.

Sasuke then moved lightning fast and pulled hard on Naruto's arms bringing him into his knee which hit squarely into the blondes solar plexus. The hit knocked the air out of Naruto's lungs but Sasuke wasn't done. He grabs the sides of Naruto's head and pulls down so that Sasuke can send four more knee strikes into Naruto's face. Dazed the blondes eyes seemed glazed for a moment but began to clear in time to see Sasuke sending a powerful side kick into his chest.

The kick sends Naruto flying backwards until he slams into the sheer cliff that ran along side the waterfall where he hit so hard that his body embedded his perfect outline into the rock. From the pain of the hit his eyes had clenched closed but the fast approaching sound of ninja sandals made him open them wide searching for the Uchiha.

Naruto looked down and could see Sasuke running up the cliff face towards him with a chidori fully charged and crackling with the sound of a thousand birds chirping. Naruto tried to move but the rock was wedged around him which made dodging impossible.

Sasuke jumped the last few feet into the air yelling out, "DIE," then he drove his chidori forwards aimed for Naruto's heart. Sasuke felt his technique hit and the smell of ozone and burnt flesh reached his nose. But then Sasuke heard a strange vibrating noise that was humming in harmony with the growing vibration he could feel in his hand.

Then Sasuke felt it.

His chidori flickered getting darker then brighter for a moment before the jutsu failed and the lightning disappeared to reveal the blue-green glow of energy draining chakra around Naruto. Where Sasuke's fingers touched there was a small patch of burnt skin that smoked and already began healing. "So Naruto, these are your new powers?!"

The blonde smiled and said, "Almighty Push!"

The stones around Naruto and Sasuke explode outwards making a dome of dust. Sasuke is the one who comes flying out of the dust and falls stunned into the water below. After the dust settled and Sasuke could feel his spine again his head broke the surface of the water and he struggled for breath for a moment while he got his chakra folded just right to stand on the surface again. Looking up as he panted for breath Sasuke could see Naruto still standing on the cliff face staring back.

Sasuke concentrated on his chakra and his curse seal stretched out across his skin again glowing fire red for a moment before turning back to black. "So your body has a defense against ninjutsu, and you can create an invisible repelling pulse that can knock me away. Is that all your new powers have granted you. I have some new powers of my own that have awakened in my eyes, let me show you!"

Putting his hands together to form a seal Sasuke continued to stare into Naruto's eyes as he worked through one of the jutsu Sakura told him how to use when she first awoke her Mangekyou. "Tsukuyomi!"

Naruto's purple ringed eyes open wide in surprise at hearing this and he can feel Sasuke's chakra entering his eyes as his vision closes in around him. The next thing Naruto knew he was standing in a dark void where only he existed. Then images began becoming clearer and light became visible showing Naruto where he was standing. He was in the middle of one of the busiest streets in Konoha and there were people slowly materializing around him that started see-thru but become solid as they walked by. Naruto looked around and saw many faces of the villagers begin to notice him and start pointing and yelling at the blonde. Soon an entire mob has surrounded the stoic looking teen and a few start to throw rocks at the blonde.

Naruto felt the rocks hit his head as hard as real stones and even felt a trickle of blood start to leak out of the wounds. Then more and more villagers picked up larger stones and threw them at Naruto from every angle ready to stone him to death. But Kurama already had enough of this genjutsu world.

As the stones flew at him he closes his eyes tight for a few milliseconds before opening them wide with a purple light that shone out brighter than any other light in this place and when this happens a sound like a deep bass fog horn echoes out making everything vibrate. The light and the sound grow and grow until the entire environment breaks apart and the real world comes back into focus to Naruto.

When Sasuke felt his Tsukuyomi break he blinked past the sharp pain in his head and breaks eye contact with Naruto's glowing purple Rinnegan.

"Sorry Sasuke, but genjutsu don't work on me anymore. You asked if what you've seen of my powers is all the new jutsu that I have. Well allow me to show you a jutsu that is brand new and allowed me to dispatch your five guards back there so easily." Naruto puts his hands together into the ram sign and focused his chakra.

Sasuke put his guard up and prepared his sharingan to counter whatever attack came for him, but what happened he almost couldn't comprehend. The Uchiha watched as Naruto's body twitched and convulsed as it began transforming into machines. First Naruto's legs and arms expanded and grew metal claws. Next his torso twisted and folded out creating metal ribs and then metal plating that armored his outer body. Even his head and neck moved in an unnatural way as two big metal ears grew and metal jaws extended out with large steel teeth. The metal monster grew and grew until its last transformation made nine metal tails grow out from behind the mechanical looking Kyuubi.

The metal fox opens its jaws wide and roars out at a frightened looking Sasuke while it crouched down on the rock shelf Naruto made earlier. Sasuke ready's himself for anything and waits to move at the first sign of an attack. But then Sasuke gets a confused look on his face when he watches the metal demon sit down and fold its legs while putting his fists together with palms up like it was meditating. The beast was about seventy five percent smaller than the real nine tailed fox was supposed to be and it stayed still in its meditative pose as if it was building up chakra. Then its tails stopped swaying as five of them bent forwards and down towards the waters surface forty feet below. Sasuke watched as the tails pointed tips twisted then transformed into circular openings letting five dark shapes fall out.

These five shapes fell in a blur of speed which wasn't too fast for Sasuke to see but he had to blink and look again out of his shock. Sasuke could see those five shapes that just fell out of the demon metal tails were actually five human beings, and Sasuke recognized all five. "W-what? This cant be happening, their all supposed to be dead.

On the far right stood Ino looking pale but very much alive. Next to her was an older teen he didn't recognize at first but looking into his arrogantly smiling face reminded Sasuke of a ninja he killed, and thats when he recognized the unpainted face of Kankuro smiling at him. After recognizing one sand ninja it wasn't difficult to recognize Gaara standing emotionless next to Kankuro while he stared at Sasuke. The second to last was the most shocking of them all since very few people wouldn't recognize the Third Hokage standing in front of them. And the last person made Sasuke very confused because she was not only the sound ninja he killed when pursuing Sakura's kidnaper but she was just part of the sound team that had escorted him out this far.

Sasuke was about to ask if Naruto knew the resurrection jutsu like Sakura but another sight caught his attention. Each and every one of these supposed to be dead people had a pair of purple Rinnegan the same as Naruto's staring back at him. And each of them had a variety of black piercing's on their faces and ears that resembled the new piercing's on Naruto.

Before Sasuke could say anything a mechanical sound like hydraulics loudly echoed out and Sasuke looks up to see the metal fox's head start to move. The mouth opens wide, then wider, and wider until the top of its head was open further than any real fox's mouth could open and out of the monsters throat rose Naruto sitting with legs crossed and fists touching in the same pose as his Mecha Kyuubi body was holding.

Naruto opened his eyes looking down at Sasuke and snorted out a laugh! "Sasuke, let me introduce my new friends, on the far right we have Ningendou. Next to her is Shuradou, the one in the middle is named Gakidou, next is Jigokudou, and finally we have Chikushoudou. NOW SASUKE, I HOPE YOUR READY TO FOR SOME FUN! HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!" Naruto continued to laugh at Sasuke and with a mechanical whir and the clap of metal Mecha Kyuubi's jaws snap shut obscuring Sasuke's view of the blonde as his laugher echoed past the big teeth.

Then without another word or challenge the five dead ninja all sprinted at Sasuke. Ino suddenly jumped into the air and spun horizontally until her feet touched Kankuro's outstretched hand. Kankuro acted like an Olympic shot putter and threw Ino in a straight line at Sasuke.

"INO! TALK TO ME, ARE YOU BEING CONTROLLED?!" Sasuke knew that if Ino and the rest were summoned with the Impure world resurrection that they would be completely under Naruto's control but she could still have her personality. And if Ino was the same as she used to be when she was alive then she would help him with any information she could give him on this jutsu.

But that didn't seem to be the case as Ino came into arms reach she tried to stab at Sasuke's face with a sharp looking metal rod coming out of her sleeve. Sasuke ducks under her attack and looks up into her unemotional face as she flies by. The others continued their sprints and were moments from attacking Sasuke who turned to face them after hearing the splashing of their sandals across the waters surface. Kankuro and Tayuya both jump into the air and come down on Sasuke at the same time, one with a low knife hand strike and another with a downward axe kick both aimed for Sasuke's neck.

The Uchiha's sharingan see's the threat and he hops back away from the attacks but has to dodge and block Ino's round house kick and follow up punches coming from behind him. Next the Third Hokage and Gaara ran around Kankuro and Tayuya to attack Sasuke from his sides. The third moves to kick but drags his foot into the water and sends a small splash of the liquid up into Sasuke's eyes. The water makes Sasuke close his eyes for a moment but instinct and his training made him twist and dodge just in time to avoid Gaara's punch.

When he opened his eyes his sharingan vibrated with chakra and showed him the images of several attacks coming for him at the same time. Normally when his sharingan saw an attack it would feel like an invisible tug on his eyes drawing his focus, but with so many opponents it felt as if his eyes were being pulled back and forth by many small soft threads trying to split his attention. But his sharingan felt stronger and faster than they ever had before, at first he felt fear being surrounded but his eyes moved fast and processing the images giving his mind time to react.

The Third Hokage came at Sasuke bending his knees and spinning low while extending one foot out lightning fast to trip Sasuke's feet but misses when Sasuke jump spins horizontally above the sweeping kick. Then a fist belonging to Tayuya appeared in Sasuke's vision and he uses his spin in the air to send his arm out striking at her wrist redirecting the punch down. Sasuke then sends a back kick into Tayuya's chest but the girl brought her other arm up in time not to take the full force of the hit then pushes Sasuke away from her spinning him around to send another kick out to intercept a wide armed grab from Gaara. Kicking Gaara stopped his forward momentum and he drops to the waters surface and rapidly goes through the hand signs for the chidori making blue-white electricity dance around his right hand.

Both Ino and Tayuya were moving to grab his shoulders but Sasuke spun in a tight circle and sends his chidori into the ribs of both girls sending blood spraying out.

Stopping his spin he looks up and smirk's right into Gaara's purple ringed eyes and extends his body out into a deep front stance to stab the dead sand ninja through the heart. But Gaara moved faster than Sasuke expected and whipped a hand out to grab Sasuke's right wrist. Sasuke expected Gaara's hand to be destroyed since his chidori extended out across his whole hand but instead Sasuke felt a familiar vibrating hum.

Looking at his and Gaara's hand Sasuke see's his chidori dissappear as his chakra was drained away by the green-blue light surrounding Gaara's hand the same as when he tried to attack Naruto. Gaara tightened his grip around Sasuke's wrist and said as he continued to drain his chakra, "Surprise!"

Gaara sent a super fast punch into Sasuke's face making the Uchiha wonder if he lost a tooth or two and followed up with an elbow strike into the bridge of Sasuke's nose. Sasuke is dazed for a moment as stars dance in his vision but he noticed when Gaara let go of his hand and the sound of something mechanical whirring and clicking caught his attention next.

Peeling his eyes open he looks up at Kankuro smiling at him while holding onto his left bicep and pointing his left fist at Sasuke's chest. And again faster than Sasuke could react Kankuro rushed forwards pulling his left arm back into chamber and then upper cutting that fist into Sasuke's stomach. But Kankuro wasn't done yet and he snorts out a laugh just like Naruto and says, "Surprise number two," and then fires his fist that had transformed into a missile.

With the fist already pressed against Sasuke's stomach and rocket booster's now firing, Sasuke gets lifted into the air and starts to spin with the missile. Sasuke flew all the way across the water and was moments from hitting the cliff wall, and he had a hunch that when they hit the fist would explode. So in the last moments Sasuke grabbed the missile by the metal forearm and pushed himself off of it and twisted to fall back to down to the ground. Half a second later the fist exploded against the cliff sending chunks of stone falling down besides Sasuke as he lands heavily on his feet.

Sasuke looks up back across the water with an angry expression but that expression quickly changes when his eyes go wide and he quietly says to himself, "What the hell!"

Coming out of her jump through the air was Tayuya who was missing the big hole in her side he just gave her. When she landed her feet made a few splashing noises on the waters surface where she stood staring at him while going through the hand signs for the summoning jutsu. After the last hand sign she lifts her right hand up then slams her palm down on the waters surface yelling out, "Third surprise, SUMMONING JUTSU!" Under her palm large glowing Kanji circles spread out across the waters surface and create hundreds of little pops of smoke under the water that rose up in little bubbles that went poof like tiny geysers.

Sasuke watched closely to see what kind of creatures the dead girl just summoned and at first they moved too fast for him to see. They were small and they broke the surface of the water jumping into the air for a moment before diving back down. At first there were a dozen swimming fast towards him breaking the waters surface, but they seemed to multiply and there were hundreds of the small silver looking things jumping in and out of the water.

Then one of them broke the waters surface and flew straight at Sasuke with a speed his sharingan could barely keep up with. He dodged twisting to the right and let the creature fly past him to embed nose first into the stone ground. Sasuke got a good look at the creature and it looked like some kind of flying fish only this one had Rinnegan eyes and had what looked like saw blades for fins while its body was flat and edged leading to a sharp point just like a kunai at the tip of its nose.


The sounds of more fast moving flying fish breaking the waters surface behind him made Sasuke spins around fast saying, "crap!" The fish were coming out of the water dozens at a time with many more followed jumping out of the water behind them, and they were all coming for Sasuke. He dodges running sideways along the waters edge as more and more of the razor sharp fish tried to spear through him. After a couple close calls and a few cuts being drawn across his skin Sasuke had to pull out a kunai to deflect a few of the fish as more jumped out of the water. Then all of a sudden out of the corner of his vision he saw a black metal rocket fly out of the air to explode right where he was running to next.

Sasuke jump flips into the air over the explosion and is sent flying awkwardly by the blast as tiny hot pieces of metal and rock shrapnel burn into his back left hip. He lands bad and rolls for a few moments and has to roll even faster when more fish fly out of the water with their pointed noses embedding into the ground he was just occupying.

Sasuke rolls over his should and gets back to his feet running for the cliff thinking, "I gotta get some distance between me and the water or those fish things are going to get me!"

He ran up the cliff face using chakra and made it up twenty five feet before more of the small rodlike missiles flew above him and exploded into the cliff face sending boulders falling down at Sasuke. The Uchiha grits his teeth out of annoyance and dodges the falling rocks while he continued to run up the side of the cliff. More and more missiles explode above and besides him sending even bigger boulders falling down and Sasuke has to jump upwards and backwards to attach his feet using chakra to a huge boulder then run up its edge to jump back to the cliff.

Then Sasuke heard a mechanical sound and he looks far to the right over where Naruto's Mecha Kyuubi still sat and saw the metal fox's head turn to face him. The mouth opens wide to show Naruto's smiling face and the blonde stretches out his right hand pointing at Sasuke. When Naruto's finger flexed Sasuke could feel a pressure surround his whole body and he suddenly stopped moving mid air.

From this far away Sasuke couldn't hear Naruto say, "Universal pull," but he felt the powerful force yank him fast backwards like he was thrown by a huge monster back down to the water. Sasuke pulled his head as far back as it could go and he looked down at the rapidly approaching water that was a frenzy of movement where hundreds more of the razor sharp flying fish swam and jumped back and forth waiting for him.

Sasuke had moments before he was going to be sliced to pieces from the summoned fish so he slaps his hands together running fast through hand signs for the chidori and at the same time pumped as much chakra out of his curse mark as he could. He could feel the burning sensation of his lightning blade fueled with too much chakra hurting his hand as the curse mark began transforming his body. When he was moments from hitting the waters surface he felt his chakra multiply again when he felt the curse mark spread throughout his body. Feeling the surge of power Sasuke smiles over his now sharpened canines and drives his bright lightning covered hand into the waters surface.

Just before Sasuke hits the water the closest person to him was the Third Hokage who stared with his Rinnegan eyes at the electrical attack about to make contact with the water they were all standing on. And a millisecond before Sasuke's chidori hits the water and fries all the fish under him Sarutobi, Ino, Kankuro, and Gaara disappeared in puffs of smoke only to re-appear standing next to Tayuya on dry land.

When Sasuke's chidori hits the water steam erupts out of the agitated water and a bright light spreads out under him as the electrical current spreads out into the water killing all the half flesh half metal fish that were trying to kill him. Sasuke's attack only took a second and after the bright light flashes water explodes upwards and around him obscuring Kurama's view.

Naruto watched the water fall around the Uchiha dripping off of him and making his long wet hair shine... "Is his hair silver?!" As the water fell it created a shadow over Sasuke and made light dance off of his shirt less body. When the water all fell back into the stream Sasuke stood in the full light flipping his now down to his shoulder blades long silver hair back behind him. His hair wasn't the only thing that changed; his skin now appeared to be a midnight blue and there was a golden v running sharp along the edges of his eye brows down to the tip of his nose. He stared his golden sharingan that was now ringed with black instead of white up at the Mecha Kyuubi and waited to see if Naruto would make an appearance.

The blonde demon stays inside his metal shield and stares out of his five other eyes at Sasuke standing on the water. And when Naruto does speak it is out of Gaara's mouth.

"This is a surprise. Not only have you survived my summons frenzy attack but you seem to have a new power of your own. I can't say that its improved your looks though, its like your momma was into inter species erotica with a panther and your their cross bred abomination. I guess you Uchiha's really are just a bunch of freaks!"

Sasuke broke of his staring contest with the mecha kyuubi's's rinnegan eyes to look Gaara in the face and narrows his eyes at red headed panda eyed teen. "You don't talk like yourself anymore Gaara. You used to be cold and murderous, but now you sound like someone who is always laughing at his own jokes; like Naruto." Sasuke breaks eye contact with Gaara and looks at each of the other Rinnegan bearing "dead people" and then a new thought occurs to him. "Now I think I understand whats going on here Naruto. I know for a fact that each of these people are supposed to be dead. I killed Kankuro and Tayuya myself, I remember cleaning their blood off my hands. As for the Third Hokage, he died while fighting against Orochimaru. And you Gaara, Sakura and I watched Naruto snap your neck with his knee after you two fought it out. And now each of you are back on your feet and have a Rinnegan the same as Naruto. You five are nothing but PUPPETS!"

Gaara snorted a laugh and continued to chuckle in a very Naruto kind of way and Tayuya speaks up in a mocking tone that reminded Sasuke of his blonde teammate. "So there really is a brain in that little skull, but these are not just puppets."

Kankuro spoke up next saying, "These are kinda like puppets in the way that they do what I want but each of them are more like a part of me. I stole their corpses and returned their bodies to perfect working condition then used my dojutsu to possess them."

Sasuke felt a very young side of him cringe slightly at hearing the kindly and grandfatherly voice of the Third Hokage speaking to him next. "In a way they are like shadow clones, each one of them are a part of me, but the connection is more profound than that."

Ino takes a few steps forwards and smiles very sinisterly at Sasuke then says, "The powers of the Rinnegan are shared amongst them and can be used at a faster rate than just one person alone. With all of us here we can utilize the jutsu of the Sage of the Six paths in a symphony of destruction that only one couldn't achieve by themselves. So I hope this little transformation of yours will give more of a fight than the one you have been putting up."

Sasuke puts his hands on his hips and quietly laughs to himself as he shakes his head a little. "So your new power has made you a coward hiding inside a shell while five others fight your battles for you. Pathetic!"

Ino snicker's at Sasuke then says, "Its called strategy and technique that requires a certain amount of mental capacity and imagination that is perfect for my mind. The five you see before you wield one of the six jutsu in my stead keeping my hands clean. I remember when I figured out this jutsu, I was in a coma if you can believe it."

When Naruto was returned to the village over a week ago to get treatment for his burns he had lapsed into a coma while his body healed. But his mind stayed active and he fell deep within himself down past the catacomb's of his subconscious into the giant library that was surrounded by the dark marble column city. He spent his entire week inside that beautiful black and white marble library going over every book and scroll he could find. Some scrolls were full of memories when he was young as a Fox and some as a human while others were full of useless dreams and thoughts. But most of them were detailed records of the things, people, and jutsu he had seen in his life.

After walking up the huge spiral staircases leading up to the second floor of the library he had spent allot of his time reading the books down the long hall that had the big gem that looked like a sharingan staring out across the massive stone table between the bookshelves. But after he read every book in the Sharingan section he wandered around and discovered that the library in his subconscious had expanded out making another long row of bookshelves appear with a new purple Rinnegan gem looking out across this hall.

He spent most of his time in his mindscape reading and writing down notes about the jutsu his new eyes have granted him. He worked out strategies and maneuvers to get around the five second rule of his Almighty push and he felt as if he could shorten that time to just two seconds by calling on his demon chakra to fuel the jutsu. "Dammit, now that Minato/Kushina and I are not on good terms I would need to first subjugate them then draw on the chakra just to fire off a Shinra Tensei quicker. With that much focus I wont be able to concentrate on utilizing more than two Rinnegan jutsu at a time. So how do I get around this?! Minato and Kushina have got to go!"

Kurama Naruto sat there staring at the open scrolls thinking. His eyes were drifting over his notes and settled on a line regarding his summoning jutsu. According to the scroll his summoning ability could bring forth many strange creatures depending on the summoners need. And a crucial part of this summoning ability is using his Rinnegan to posses the minds of these summoned creatures so that they would obey him and send him the images they see as if they were a part of his mind through chakra receivers implanted in their bodies.

Reading these notes is when Naruto remembered something that happened to him before he left the village to help search for Tsunade. He got up and scanned the huge book shelves in his Rinnegan section until he found the scroll detailing the memories he stole from Itachi. Rolling that scroll open on the long desk he finds the spot where Itachi saw the six Pains working together on an extremely dangerous mission where the Akatsuki needed to team a few of its members up. Each one of the Pains was there and used one of the Rinnegan jutsu's each so that all six jutsu could be used at once.

"THATS IT! I find six bodies to posses and they will be my secret attack to use against my enemies. Like the shadow clone jutsu I will have numbers on my side as well as surprise and confusion. Everything a ninja needs."

This discovery made him roar out his enthusiasm and he began racking his mind of any recently departed people he knew that would be perfect to resurrect and possess. Ino was the first to cross his mind since the thought of using Sakura's former best friend to kill her someday made him laugh. Next he remembered killing Gaara and seeing his brother Kankuro being carted off to the morgue with him. Then the thought of stealing the Third Hokage's body and using it to attack the Leaf village was too much for him and Kurama Naruto began planning on slipping into the Anbu morgue to steal them all.

As he reached forwards to grab the pen he was using Kurama Naruto felt a hand lightly touching his arm and he turns to see Hinata sitting down next to him staring into his Rinnegan eyes. He stared at her wondering what she was doing here and he looks down at his arm and feels her soul reaching into his.


But it was too late. In one moment when her soul connected with his, everything in the library began to glow the same lavender-purple as her eyes. All of the books glowed and hummed then all the light suddenly shot into Hinata's eyes making her body go rigid and her eyes go wide as a look of horror stretches out across her face. Her eyes glowed with purple light for another moment before a single tear leaked out of the corner of her eye and she disappeared after letting go of his arm.

"NO, NO, NO!FUCK, THIS IS BAD! She now knows everything I have ever known, all my secrets. She knows I am a demon in disguise and she is going to tell everyone!" For a second Kurama Naruto started sprinting for the huge door but realizing that running out of this place wouldn't wake him up from his coma he stops and turns around to run out the back of the library. Once outside he ran down the long flight of steps to another long corridor lit by torchlight that led to the cage that held his "tenants."

Ignoring the roars and attempted attacks from manifested demon chakra Kurama Naruto sends a powerful amount of chakra into his Rinnegan eyes and captures the transformed Nine Tails in his possessive gaze. When he had control of their minds he forced them into concentrating the Kyuubi chakra into rapidly healing his body. And after a few minutes Naruto opened his eyes in the real world and got out of bed ripping bandages off his body. After he found his black and orange clothes he jumped out the window running across the rooftops as he planned his next move.

When he snuck into Anbu headquarters and found the corpses he was looking for Naruto used the King of Hell to bring their bodies out of rigamortis and healed the wounds their bodies sustained when they died. Naruto then stood very still as he used his chakra to extend black metal chakra blades out of his arms. He creates many different kinds of spikes using what he remembered of Pains paths to pierce his corpses in different places. Then he concentrated his chakra and his vision changed until he could see chakra glowing all around him and he could feel the rods like humming tuning forks. Kurama Naruto concentrated on connecting to each of the black rods in the room and feels them as clearly as if he was holding each of them in his hand. Then he pushed his chakra into them and felt each of the dead people become more and more alive until he received a shock of completely new information into his brain. It was like suddenly growing eyes in the back of your head. Kurama Naruto suddenly became aware of them as if he was living as each of them and could see out of their eyes. He concentrated even more and all four bodies leaned up on their racks and got to their feet to stand in front of Naruto. It was one of the strangest experiences of his existence being able to simultaneously see out of five pairs of eyes and look back at himself. It felt very strange, but also strangely easy to handle. Naruto felt as though it should have been difficult to comprehend five different body movements and awareness but his Rinnegan controlled the flow of chakra and the steady stream of information coming from each of the black chakra spikes.

He stood in front of the four he just resurrected and began thinking on who should be the fifth and sixth bodies he would take. Looking around the morgue he found Tayuya's body and decided she would do and he began the process of resurrecting and piercing her body. After that was done he looked around a few more bodies and didn't find anyone he wanted to use. Thats when he heard the commotion outside and sent Ino out to hide and listen for any information. From what Ino could hear rumors were spreading like wild fire that Sasuke Uchiha had gone rogue and ran from the village.

A plan started to take shape and Naruto disguised each of his new paths into jonin blue uniforms and sealed them away inside the King of hells mouth. He made a clone and sent it to the Hokages office to both tell them he was going after Sasuke and to see if she knew about what Hinata learned yet. After teleporting out of the village and chasing Sasuke's scent he got the information from his dispelled clone and ran even faster after his next path.

Ino stopped talking to Sasuke for a few seconds and had an introspective look on her face during that time. Then she looked back into his eyes and her face became unemotional again and says, "Now my time in the village hidden in the leaves is over and I will leave that place with all the weapons necessary for carrying out my goals. With all the jutsu I have learned and stolen with your sharingan and the awakening of these Rinnegan and all their powerful jutsu that will fuel my Six Paths of Destruction I can finally walk the earth confident that a ninja will never subjugate me again!"

Sasuke narrowed his golden eyes and snorted out a laugh, "You have to get past me first demon! And these paths as you call them, there are only five of them moron not six!"

The sounds of gears and metal moving draws Sasuke's attention up to see the Mecha Kyuubi's mouth opening again with Naruto sitting in a meditative stance looking down on him. Then the blonde reaches a hand out aimed at Sasuke and the Uchiha feels a strange light pressure around his body right before he began floating up into the air. Sasuke tried to fight it but whatever force was holding him couldn't be fought off and he kept rising into the air until he was fifty feet over the waters surface at Naruto's eye level. "Wow, thats reeeeeaaaalllyyyy observant of you Sasuke! Do want a lolly for all your hard work?! You are right, I only have five of them right now and the sixth I wanted to be special After all, when I use the paths against my enemies I want to see the despair brought on by the visage of their former friends killing them. Just like when I track down Sakura and use you to kill her."

For a moment all anyone can hear is the sound of the rushing water from the water fall and the fast current running beneath Sasuke. "You have got to be kidding me! You came out here not on village orders to take me back, or even to take me out for security of even some petty grudge between us. Your trying to kill me here and now so that you can use me as one of your sick puppets. GO TO HELL NARUTO YOU FUCKING ANIMAL, IM GOING TO KILL YOU AND SEND YOU THERE.

Naruto's face seemed to get angrier but ends in a sinister smile as he says to the floating Sasuke, "My name is Kurama, and now you die!

Sasuke kept staring into Naruto's eyes and was about to begin a jutsu to attack him but the sounds of gears moving beneath him draws his attention below. Looking down at the five paths he see's Kankuro's body was transforming and as he bends forwards on all fours his back opens backwards with one solid panel and what comes out seems to be a box shaped missile launcher. Nine missiles fire out of Kankuro's transformed back and fly fast trailing smoke behind them as they all home onto Sasuke floating in the air.

Sasuke struggled again as hard as he could against the invisible force but just ended flailing around mid air as the missiles closed the last few feet between them. Panic surged through Sasuke's veins and he raised his chakra making his skin seem to pulse while his only thought as missiles were about to hit was, "GOTTA BLOCK THEM!" And as if his body and fully active curse mark responded to his desperate thought he felt a strange vibration and chakra surge running to his back just behind his shoulder blades.

All nine missiles now surrounded Sasuke and hit at the same time creating a ball of fire flash out and billow with smoke completely obscuring every view of Sasuke. Dark smoke continues to rise from that spot in the air and Naruto smiles wide dropping his hand and his jutsu to let Sasuke's smoldering body fall down into the water to douse the flames. The smoking mass seems to fall for a moment and starts to dissipate showing the damage done to Sasuke's body .

Then Kurama Naruto's smile disappears and his eyes narrow in angry confusion at seeing the smoke dissappear to reveal that Sasuke was unharmed and had grown a huge pair of slightly singed silver feathered wings that had wrapped around his body in the last moment to protect him. Sasuke continues to fall down to the waters surface for a few moments then the Uchiha gets over his own shock at the new development and stretches then flaps his wings stopping his decent and rising slightly in the air.

Kankuro's back makes several heavy clicking sounds making more missiles grow into place and he fires nine more into the air at the angelic Sasuke. He see's the flying weapons and decides to break in his new wings and gives the air a strong flap sending him soaring away. The missiles all changed direction and followed Sasuke as he dove down and flew above the waters surface letting two of the missiles get closer before he barrel rolled mid air. The two missile tried to spin after Sasuke but their movement made them explode when they hit the waters surface sending water flying up high enough to take out another missile. The other six missiles continue to follow Sasuke and slowly gained on him, so the Uchiha flies up and closer to the cliff face until the missiles did the same. Sasuke saw them move as he moved so he got even closer to the rocks and waited for the missiles to do the same. He then he seems to flip in the air after tucking his wings to his sides then extends his wings out wide and flaps hard changing directions so fast the missiles couldn't keep up as they arced wide and hit the cliff making them explode.

Curving high into the sky Sasuke looks back at Naruto's Paths of Destruction and flies directly at them like a hawk diving in for the attack.

Kankuro's back fires even more missiles at him but Sasuke was too fast and he flapped his wings hard enough to rocket between them before they could maneuver around to hit him. Sasuke kept Kankuro in his sights as he flew and swooped down right at him, and as Sasuke flew he prepared to attack and saw Kankuro begin to transform again. The missile launcher folded down into his back and the panel closed but his head began making clicking noises until four sections opened up to reveal the charging muzzle of a lazer.

Sasuke was soaring fast at Kankuro and could tell he was moments from firing his lazer at him so he flexed his wings and pushed against the air as hard as he could propelling him faster forwards. A bright light was building at the lazers emitter and Kankuro's smiling face came into view right as Sasuke flew past him he extended his right wing out and discovered how sharp his feathers were when he cuts Naruto's Gakidou paths head off.

Pulling up into the sky in a high arc Sasuke looks below him and see's Kankuro's head rolling and his body fall like a sac of potatoes. This made his dark blue lips spread wide into a smile but his confidence was short lived when he watched the Third Hokage walked over to Kankuro's body and held the monkey hand sign over him. He saw a strange sight with his fully active mangekyou sharingan; behind Naruto's Jigokudou path erupted purple-violet fire and a demons head pops out of it to extend black chains with sharp hooks out to yank Kankuro's body and head into its mouth. Sasuke could hear crunching sounds like the demon head was breaking Kankuro's bones in its mouth then he see's the former sand ninja walk out from between huge teeth with his head re-attached.

Sasuke stayed in the air flapping his wings looking down at the five paths thinking, and while he thought Tayuya went through the hand signs for the summoning jutsu and fired glowing Kanji glyphs into the sky summoning a big bird with a pair of Rinnegan and a huge solid looking beak. "Earlier I badly damaged Ino and the other girl but a few seconds later they are coming after me again. So this is how he did it, the third Hokage summons that demon thing and can revive the rest of them back to the fight. I have to take out the Third then the others while Naruto hides in that thing. Kankuro seems to be a walking armory capable of transforming at will while the red head can summon things to chase me down." Just then Sasuke had to flap hard in another direction and pull his wings in close to his body to avoid the bird that flew much faster than a bird its size should. Sasuke watched the bird change course again and come soaring back at him ready to strike with its beak. Flipping over he spreads his wings wide gliding in the air while he went through the hand signs of one of his favorite fire jutsu's.

The bird was moments from hitting so Sasuke pulls his wings behind him letting him fall as he reaches his left hand over to his right hip and roars out, "FIRE STYLE; FIRE BLADE JUTSU!"

A solid beam of fire erupts out between Sasuke's hands and glows with blue-white flames and extends further and further out as he swings his jutsu at the bird. The hot beam of fire arced around and hit the flying summons and at first doesn't seem to affect it until a avian shriek echo's out and the bird gets cut in half before bursting into smoke and disappearing.

Sasuke smiles and twists again and flaps his wings just in time to dodge more missile fired by Kankuro and fly's directly at all five paths. Four of them spread out in front of the Third Hokage in a protective pattern. Seeing this Sasuke knows their strategy is to keep their ace protected so that he can continue to revive them so he uses his sharingan to feel out the best way to get around them but gets distracted when the two in the middle both begin charging purple Rasengans and hold them out in their palms. Sasuke takes this as a challenge and sends a chidori down to both of his hands letting the electricity dance around him as he flew even faster at them.

It was moments before Sasuke extended his two chidori's out to intercept Kankuro and Tayuya's Rasengans and his sharingan showed him the before images of their high powered clash. But that future changed instantly when in the last possible moment both Kankuro and Tayuya bent their knee's and drove their Rasengan down into the stone ground sending chunks of rock and dust into Sasuke's face.

Sasuke had no choice but to close his eyes from the pain and dust as rocks belted his face and body. Then Sasuke felt two feet land on his back and gluteus and he heard Ino's voice say, "Gotcha!" In the next moment pain exploded into Sasuke's brain when Ino makes two long black chakra blades slide out of her wrists and stab them down through Sasuke's wings then embedding them into the rocks below. When the blades stabbed into the rock they anchored Sasuke to the ground and all his forward momentum was suddenly stopped but still tore at the flesh between the bones of his wings.

The pain was intense and Sasuke was having trouble thinking past it, but he knew he was in more trouble when he felt two sets of arms grab a hold of first his arms and then his legs. Next he felt Ino grab a hold of his wings and then proceed to tear them out of his back pulling a large piece of skin as they stretched out before it ripped off. The pain was incredible and Sasuke couldn't stop himself from shrieking out a long scream of agony as Ino jumped off him letting his wings fall with metallic clangs to the ground. The other four used their grabs on Sasuke's arms and legs to toss him head first into the ground where he finally was able to pry his eyes open.

His back throbbed and he could see he was loosing allot of blood so he concentrated as much chakra as he could into his curse seal making new flesh grow around his torn open shoulder blades. He shakily got to his feet and reached into his kunai holders and pulled out two blades each when he saw all five paths grow chakra blades out of their right arms. Then all five rushed him.

Sasuke was buzzing with pain and rage and his chakra levels were still running hot so he sent that energy into his mangekyou and attacked out of instinct. Five feet in front of him a black mass of flames came into being and followed the path Sasuke's sharingan were aiming at and shot forwards at the five running paths. Gaara was in front of the rest of them and raises his left hand in front of him and absorbs the black flames into a spinning vortex at his palm.

Sasuke felt fear creep into his mind and he raised his kunai ready to attack. Gaara was the first to reach him and he tried swiping sideways at Sasuke's head but the Uchiha parry's with a high block clanging his kunai against the chakra blade. Next came the Third Hokage and Sasuke tried to get the upper hand on him and attacked with three fast slashes. But he couldn't follow up with anymore attacks since he had to go on the defensive when Ino came after him with a flying side kick. Sasuke ducks under the kick and jumps away keeping him from being surrounded by the five ninja who all turned and pursued him just as fast.


He was being attacked on all sides at a speed that matched his own. Each time one of them rushed him and attacked two more would run around him to attack his vulnerable spots. When Sasuke evaded they moved with just as much speed and grace not letting him get far away from them. They even chased him running horizontally along the cliff face around and under Naruto's mecha Kyuubi attacking with their black blades. The round metal chakra rods with the angular edges kept swiping, stabbing, and being thrown like spears or kunai at Sasuke. The weapons missed their mark due to Sasuke's sharingan but they were getting closer and faster until little cuts were appearing on Sasuke's body drawing blood across his dark blue skin. But worse than that, every time the blades cut Sasuke's skin he felt his chakra get disrupted on that spot and it made his muscles start to shake.

Sasuke brought his blades up to block with one high block and the other an inside out strike and jumped away throwing the blades at the faces of two paths who were about to stab him. With a little bit of distance between them Sasuke goes through the hand signs for a grand fireball jutsu but see's Gaara running to the front again ready to absorb the jutsu. So instead Sasuke sends the chakra he was molding into his legs and jumps high into the air above the paths which looked up and all jumped to follow.

Sasuke was still climbing into the air from his jump and raising his chakra as he went, then an idea popped into his head. He thought about combining his jutsu creating a new chidori and the way he thought about it he felt as though it could work. So he molded his chakra into patterns with his hand signs and felt the jutsu begin to take shape as Naruto's Paths rose into the air after him to attack. When he was done he felt inspired by his new technique and roars out its name as he fires off the most powerful jutsu he had yet to use. "CHIDORI THUNDER BOLT JUTSU!"

Time seemed to come to a stop.

But both the Sharingan and the Rinnegan were able to process information and images at a much faster speed which allowed them to witness the next moment clearly. Kurama Naruto saw through his Paths eyes as electricity seem to come to life springing from Sasuke's fist and surround his entire body before becoming a solid bolt of lightning that shot out at the Paths.

Five perspectives from Rinnegan eyes watched the bolt coming at them and one Paths eyes were looking past the blinding white light and could see Sasuke's look of triumph on his face. Both the Rinnegan and the Sharingan saw the bolt moving fast in this strange slow motion world and was moments from striking and destroying the paths.

Sasuke was elated, until he saw his lightning bolt suddenly change coarse as if it was slapped away and struck down harmlessly into the water below. Sasuke turns his head looking for Naruto and saw his cocky smile directed at him while he sat there pointing his arm out aimed at the space between him and his paths. Sasuke felt fear and anger creep into his mind and he stares at Naruto from far away and could see the blondes lips were moving.

He was too far away to hear what Naruto was saying but he watched closely and could read his lips saying, "three, two, one."

Then Sasuke saw Naruto's hand reaches out in his direction and Sasuke could feel a pressure surround his body, and as fast as Naruto's hand moves down Sasuke gets pulled just as fast into the stone shore below. Dust and rocks get lifted into the air from Sasuke's impact and the Uchiha slowly tried to push himself up as his body turned back to normal. His dark blue skin and bones sticking out of his back melt into red dots of fire receding back into his curse mark. Once again he tries to push himself up and gets to a knee before he has to grasp his ribs and cough up a bit of blood.

He tried to think past the pain and he got up on both feet but then a pair of black ninja sandals land directly in front of him. Sasuke looks up into the smiling face of Naruto and then the blonde sends a front kick so hard into his face that he is sent flying backwards twenty feet. Sasuke was moments from hitting the ground behind him but he hears another pair of ninja sandals belonging to Tayuya land behind him and he gets kicked high into the air. While soaring through the air and feeling his broken ribs and nose throb and bleed he gets another pain in his back when the Third Hokage appears behind him swinging both fist like he had a bat. That strike sent Sasuke flying again in another direction to get intercepted by Ino who side kicked his solar plexus sending him flying in another direction.

With all six of them spread out around Sasuke they kept hitting him back and forth between them like they were playing a high speed pin ball game in the air until Sasuke took a hard punch to his jaw sending him falling back down to the ground at Naruto.

Sasuke opened his eyes and saw who he was falling to next and he can feel the killing intent in his old teammates eyes. "N-NARUTO, DONT!"

The blonde smiles wider and yells loud enough for the falling teen to hear, "MY NAME IS KURAMA!" Kurama snaps his right arm out and an arm length black chakra blade extends out then he bends his arm in and snaps it forwards driving it through Sasuke's heart.

Sasuke feels the blade pierce right through him as he comes to an abrupt stop against Kurama's fist. He coughs out blood and gasps for air as he feels his heart struggle to beat against the cold blade that stuck through it and out his back. Then his mind went white and memories flashed past his eyes as he started to go numb.

His earliest memories of being hugged close and warmly by his mother went first, then his early years playing with his older brother. The many attempts at playing ninja and practicing with shuriken out behind his house. Going to the academy and being chased by a flock of admiring girls, being number one in all the exams and challenges. His father teaching him a jutsu and telling him he was proud of his accomplishment. His mothers smiling face flashed by as did his fathers as well as many other members of the Uchiha clan he used to see on a regular basis. But none of these faces flashed past his vision as much as his brother Itachi. He saw the massacre, and then he saw his brothers smiling face. He saw his brother cut down both their parents with his sword, and then he saw his brothers smiling face. Over and over and over again Sasuke's mind went back to that night his brother killed their family but there were so many many more images of his brother and his kindness. They would practice together, play together, give each other bandages after a bad fall, and sharing their food over funny stories. Then the memory he had repressed over and over again came to the surface and showed him the sad face of Itachi with a single tear looking back at him before he left the village. In this moment as his life flashed before his eyes Sasuke's mind burned with a question he had ever since the night his brother killed their clan. "How brother?! How could you have been so kind and so gentle only to end up trying to kill us all? It never added up, I couldn't believe it even when it was right in front of me. Thats why I wanted to track you down so much Itachi, I was going to make you tell me why!"

Reality came rushing back to Sasuke when his heart seized again sending pain through his chest and making his head light. Naruto lifted Sasuke higher into the air and pulls his chakra blade out of Sasuke in one fast pull then kicks his former teammate back ten feet to crash heavily to the ground.

Sasuke made a hard effort and wheezed in a full breath before he coughed out blood again looking up into the sky as five shadows descend on him. Then Sasuke is in store for more pain when five more chakra blades stab into his body when all five paths descend out of their jumps. Each of them break their rods off at their wrists leaving the five poles sticking out of Sasuke's body and pinning him to the rock.

There were just moments left of his life and Sasuke could tell. Sasuke realized right then that dying felt like being the most tired you had ever been in your life, like your eyes were so heavy that when they closed you would enter the deepest sleep of your life instantly right when he just lets go. But before he does he hears the sound of ninja sandals walking closer and then a voice.

"You know Sasuke! The reason why your brother killed your entire clan is because of a mission, right? Heheh, thats right when I was used to attack the village its highest members of the village council decided to blame the Uchiha since Madara and his sharingan were the ones to control me. Your brother was ordered to gain the mangekyou and kill every last one of your cursed family. Except, he couldn't kill you, a harmless little worm. So sorry Sasuke but your life was a lie and you had no honorable revenge to exact. But now allow me to give your existence a truly useful and worthy cause; for the resurrection of a God. Me!"

Kurama stood staring into Sasuke's dimming eyes and could see the rage still burning even as he lay dying and then Kurama knew he had made the right choice for his Tendou divine path. He slaps his hands together in the ram sign and focus's his chakra in a huge swell into the black blades sticking through Sasuke. The Uchiha was moments from death and thinking his last thought when he felt the swell of chakra and felt his body vibrate violently as a sound like a deep bass fog horn blasted through his body. Now all he can see is Naruto and his paths surrounding him and a huge pair of bright purple Rinnegan eyes glowing above them all like two intense spot lights. Then he felt the chakra rods get hot and they melt into molten metal and burn their way through Sasuke's body until they poke out in random places like piercing's.

His eye brows had three spikes each sticking out and two at the bottom of his lips while both ears had long spikes pointing out the back. Then Ino leans down and grabs a hold of his arm and pulls, and all his pain vanished. Sasuke felt himself float up between the five paths and Kurama and he kept going up and feeling better by the moment. Until he heard Kurama speak.

"Oh no Sasuke! Up there is your Mother and Father and everyone who ever loved you." Next to him the Third Hokage goes through a few hand signs and summons the King of Hell and makes it open its mouth wide. "But im sending you to hell instead, this is goodbye Uchiha!" It sounded like he spat out on his last word and the Third gestures to Sasuke's soul making black blood covered chains shoot out of the Demon Kings mouth and wrap around the non-corporal form of Sasuke Uchiha then pull him down into his mouth and into the pits of hell.

When Sasuke was gone the King of Hell was dismissed and Kurama stood in a ring with his paths seeing out of their eyes and watching his Tendou path stand up and open his purple Rinnegan eyes. Testing out his control he makes Sasuke's body say for him, "Well, now Sakura cant resurrect him like the others. I doubt her abilities allow her to summon a soul out of Hell." Next he made Sasuke fire off a few Almighty push's and made him move and flex until he felt completely in control.

"Alright, now with Sasuke dead one of my goals are complete. Now to deal with Konoha!" Kurama Naruto turned around fast and sprinted back towards his Mecha Kyuubi he made and his six paths follow just as fast. When they all jump into the air the paths land on six tails clicked and opened to reveal compartments big enough for each of them to lay in and Kurama landed back into its metal jaws. When the tails and mouth snapped closed the Mecha Nine Tailed Fox jumped to his clawed paws and leaps into a sprint heading back towards the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

Konoha was entering into the fall season and the leaves were beginning to fall off the branches. People were out and moving throughout the village with the same pace as usual going about their business, going to work, playing with neighbor kids in the street, or sweeping away all the dying leaves filling the streets. As usual it was peaceful and serine in the Village Hidden in the Leaves and most villagers didn't have a care in the world.

Then an explosion rocks out in the eastern quarter of the village spreading smoke and broken bits of buildings from the summoning of a massive bull like creature with purple ringed eyes. Then at the south quarter not far from the main gate missiles fired into the air with the sounds like fireworks before more buildings and streets exploded making screams echo out after. People who were close to the explosions started to ran through the streets and a few where were unlucky enough to get touched by a blonde girl some recognized as Ino Yamanaka. Others turned down a street and screamed out in shock at seeing the third Hokage standing in their way but died rather quickly when he used to King of Hell to pull their souls out of their mouths. Then in the west corner buildings began toppling over and streets full of panicking people where flattened by a person that looked like the last Uchiha. By then ninja were running across rooftops searching for the cause of the attacks and ran into a boy they recognized from the last chunin exams from the sand village. They tried sending their best jutsu at the dark eyed red head and watched their attacks have no affect right before Gaara rushed them all and killed them with his chakra blades.

Attacks continued like this all over the village and ninja did their best to spring into action but many of the villages jonin and teams were out of the village. Since Tsunade took the Hokage's office she continued to commit her stronger ninja to missions that would sure up their power in the region and bring in some much needed money to help recover after the invasion. But with out the extra protection inside the village many civilian casualties began flooding the hospital and the Hokage had no choice but to stay on top of her tower and send out her slug summons to heal her people. All the while more chaos broke out as more giant summons creatures destroyed buildings and chased down villagers.

Outside the village Naruto dragged a civilian he didn't like too much towards the entrance to the Uzumaki clan home. The villager was a man who ran a local restaurant that every year celebrated the Fourth Hokage's defeat of the Nine Tails those almost thirteen years ago. Every year he and his drinking buddies would get so excited and drunk they would go out and hunt him down and beat him in a circle. The coward and his friends stopped after he got good at throwing shuriken and was a couple years into the academy but Kurama never forgot. Now he was dragging the man to his death, but he needed him to do something first.

He pulled the man inside his house and deactivated a few blood seals on the walls that opened to a hidden hall that lead to Minato's secret study. Inside he ignored the bookshelves of scrolls and walked over to the wall covered with hanging Shinigami masks and took down the one he recognized. Naruto took down the mask and attached it to the mans head then gave him a hard kick to his testicles waking him up. The man cried out then saw Kurama Naruto's evil smile and opened his eyes wide in fear. Looking into the mans eyes Kurama sent a strong command through his Rinnegan into his eyes and forced his chakra into him. Fueling a jutsu he forces the man to make ninja hand signs to summon the Shinigami used to seal him into Naruto.

Behind the now doomed man appeared the laughing Shinigami that already had a firm grasp of the mans soul and just hovered there waiting for a command.

Naruto then turned inward and fell before the great golden bars that held the consciousness of Minato and Kushina's chakra spirits that attached to his demon chakra. They were there staring through the bars with their two different colored eyes ready to fight. "WHAT NOW, KURAMA NARUTO?! DO YOU INTEND TO USE THE SHINIGAMI TO UNDO THE SEAL ON YOUR STOMACH. NOT MUCH GOOD THAT WILL DO YOU SINCE WE ARE STILL ATTACHED TO YOUR CHAKRA. WE WILL JUMP OUT OF HERE WHEN WE HAVE THE CHANCE AND START OUR LIVES AS THE NINE TAILED FOX. A BENEVOLENT BEING THAT WILL DO EVERYTHING IN OUR POWER TO STOP YOU FROM DESTROYING THE LEAF! DO YOU HEAR USSSS!"

Kurama Naruto just laughs and looks up at them and goes through the hand signs for the summoning jutsu. Out in the real world Naruto slammed his palm down on the ground which sent black chakra Kanji spreading out into two circle that suddenly poofed smoke and Minato and Kushina appeared.

The both of them had shocked expressions as they looked at each other, then at Naruto, then took defensive stances. Kurama Naruto just laughs at this."I didn't give you any chakra, so there's really no point in fighting this."

Minato took a defiant step forwards and said, "How did you summon us?! We set it up that we had to agree every time you wanted to let us out!"

Naruto pointed a clawed finger at his eye and replied, "The Rinnegan, it gives me the power to summon what I want when I want it. Now its time I was rid of you parasites." Behind them the Shinigami let out a raspy growl that sounded both angry and hungry which made Minato and Kushina turn to look. "And it looks like the Shinigami noticed it missed a helping of the meal you promised it those twelve years ago. Farewell Fourth Hokage!"

Minato didn't have a chance to respond instead he turned to Kushina and caressed her cheek and said, "Im sorry," before the Shinigami opened its mouth wide and created a great suctioning force that pulled him into its mouth. The Shinigami chewed and then swallowed sending Minato's chakra down with the rest of it in his stomach which connected to Minato's true soul and updated him on everything that had gone on in the world while he was dead. And for the rest of his existence the Fourth Hokage knows that he had failed his son and his home.

Kushina turned and tried to plead with Kurama. "Naruto...p-ple-ease don't do this. You have a real chance at being happy, at being loved, at having a home and a family. You did find friends, you did make a connection with humanity. Why do you want to hurt us so."

Kurama Naruto takes a step forwards to close the distance between them and looks directly into Kushina's eyes and says, "Because you denied me my freedom you and all your kind have proven your hatred of me. You think so low of me that I must be sealed away inside you people to keep your kind safe, and if that wasn't enough your reasoning was shallow. You pitiful creatures desired my power and used the fear of it to keep your enemies at bay. You created a peace by taking what you wanted no matter what the cost, even if it means stealing freedom from another. But now I have a chance to use your own trickery back on your species. Now I have been taught how to lie, cheat, steal, and sneak up on my opponent when they least expect it then kill; that is what being human has taught me. Now, time to kill you Kushin..."


The sound was so sudden and unexpected that Kurama Naruto actually jumped a little. Behind him in the door way stood Hinata Hyuuga breathing heavily with a look of fury on her face. He turned to face her and felt a lump rising in his throat but forced it back down as he stared at her. For a few moments neither one of them wanted to say anything as they stared into each others purple Rinnegan. Her's were full of anger but there were still tears barely forming in the corners of her eyes while his were hard and resolute.

"HINATA!" Kushina twisted fast and sprinted at the young girl. "EMBRACE ME HINATA, PLEASE LET ME IN!"

Both Hinata and Kurama have the same look of confusion on their faces but Kurama was the first to figure out what Kushina meant. He tries to stop her raising his arm out to use his Universal pull but it was too late, Kushina dove into the arms of a puzzled and concerned Hinata. The Hyuuga girl immediately felt what the red head was trying to do, so without any second thought she embraced Kushina and the red head seemed to melt into Hinata.

The dark blue haired girl slowly straightens up hugging herself and stares into Kurama's angry eyes. "I can always count on strange things happening to me when were together Naruto, or should I call you Kurama."

He snorted a laugh and put his hands on his hips then says, "I have no more use for that...disguise! Tell me, how much were you able to comprehend from my memory. Ive always wondered what hundreds of years of life would do to the human psyche, if it would break you or not."

"You should know the answer to that. Our Rinnegan seems to order the information into a comprehensible experience whenever we touch a persons soul. Your life feels like a distant childhood memory of mine that is both difficult to recall and as real as if I lived it. I know how you came into being, I know how humans have hunted you, trapped you and caged you. Of course I know the real truth; you like to play the victim but you were the one who started your long life of violence. In your youth you attacked a Shogan's castle, destroyed farming villages, and even fought one of your brothers for sport in the middle of a human city killing thousands. Before any human knew of your existence or even what your name was you were attacking people who had done nothing to you. For these crimes your karma has punished you so, even if you cannot see it. And now, your planning even more evil for this world, and for what, so that you will be more powerful. As the Kyuubi you are more powerful than any other demon on this earth, you don't need to kill the others." Hinata then got a look on her face like a person who was listening to something far away.

Naruto notices this and chuckles darkly. "Is that Kushina whispering in your ear. Your a fool, now you have the shadow of a person living inside of you and unless you plan on sealing her inside the soul of a fool like this guy here then your going to have her poking you in the back of the head the rest of your life. Oh which reminds me." Kurama turns his head looking behind him and sends a pulse of chakra into the doomed mans eyes which made him cancel the jutsu. As soon as he did this the Shinigami grabbed a hold of the mans soul soul and cut it in half with the blade in its mouth and devoured him as they both disappeared into limbo. "Now, I can guess what it is Kushina is asking you, let me tell her."

Kurama took a couple steps forwards and stood in a shoulder wide stance tensing his whole body and making his Rinnegan shine out. Deep down inside himself Kurama Naruto stands smiling fondly up at the golden bars that used to hold the spirits of Kushina and Minato standing guard over his demon chakra. But no more.

Clasping his hands together and focusing his Rinnegan chakra into the seal he forced all the power of his will into a mental command thundering out, "OPEN!"

The paper over the lock with the Kanji for seal burnes away and several heavy metal clicking sounds echo out as the circular lock opens. Kurama opens his arms out wide fast and the giant gold bars open just as fast allowing him to walk freely towards the huge ball of glowing light hovering between the huge red gate posts. He walks all the way under the ball of energy then lifts his arms up until his palms just barely touched its glowing surface and thinks warmly, "Home," then pushes his hands all the way into his power.

Hinata watches Naruto's eyes glow with purple light, then all of a sudden every part of him begins to glow with golden yellow light. His orange robes glowed and seemed to float like they were under water. His armor glowed as well and had dark lines and circles spreading out across his body and had six tomeo marks around his neck like a necklace. His long hair seemed to get sharper and flowed in the air like it was alive over top of his bright Rinnegan eyes.

Back in the village each of Kurama's paths were surrounded by ninja and each suddenly start to glow golden-yellow. With a fresh and much more powerful charge of chakra they needed even less instruction from Kurama who continued to stare at Hinata as his paths created even more destruction and death around them.

"You see Kushina, getting my power back has always been my goal. And once I had this power again I would make this village and its people pay. But that was my old goal, my life has drastically changed beyond what I could have planned for. Acquiring the Sharingan and then awakening the Rinnegan, you say my enslavement was my karma coming back around to get me then why was I allowed the tools of my ultimate salvation. With these eyes and my Kyuubi chakra no one will be able to stop me when I go out into the world searching for my brothers to take their chakra for my own. Each day my control of the Rinnegan grows stronger and when the day finally comes that I combine the chakra of the tailed beasts inside my body I will become a God. I will reshape the world, and I will kill every last human and let nature take back the planet before your kind consumes this planet."

Hinata knew what Kurama was going to say and she stays quiet as she listens to Kushina gasp inside of her down behind her seal in her demon chakra. Hinata stood there on the pier that was her mental image of her seal over her demon chakra with Kushina standing next to her.

"He plans on killing the human race, and becoming the demon that almost did it those hundreds of years ago. The sage of the six paths was the only one who could stop the Ten Tails by absorbing his power. But Naruto is talking about becoming both the sage and the demon, he really will be unstoppable if he isn't defeated here!"

Hinata turns to look at the red head and asks, "Even now, after everything you know about him you still call him Naruto! Why?"

Kushina got a sad look on her face and said through trembling lips, "The Nine Tails is no more. The same as how my son never got a chance to grow into himself. Don't you think it a bit strange that he doesn't turn back into the fox. He has the demons chakra and in the past he has been known to be able to reform his vulpine form but now he hasn't. I don't think he can become the fox anymore because he is mostly human now. When he merged with my son his spirit took on the energy of a human soul but with the undying energy of a demon fueling him. So, his soul was invaded by a demons and never allowed his mind to developed a personality of his own, but even so he is still my son. He still is a part of me and I love him now as I always loved him. And if there is ever still a chance for his human side to shine through its with you Hinata. I witnessed and felt the emotions you awakened deep inside him, his human side couldn't get enough of your affections but his demon personality forced him to bury those emotions. You have to tap into his heart if you are to stop him now, and yes you must fight him. Your the only one who can. I will help you, I can control the demon chakra inside you and supply you with a steady amount of power. But your Ichibi chakra isn't as potent as the Kyuubi's. His well of power is bigger and recharges faster than the other tailed beasts. While you both fight you must try and reach him, you must try and convince him that this is the wrong path. Don't fear Hinata, you are the only one who can do this!"

Hinata blinks for a moment and concentrates on the outside world again and decides to try one last time. "Naruto I love you, and your breaking whats left of my heart. I know there is kindness and desire to do good in you, I know this because you have shown me those emotions." Kurama stands there glowing gold as before but Hinata noticed his eyes go just a fraction of an inch wider at hearing this. "Please, I wanted to start a family with you. I wanted to show you that this world isn't all about pain and that even a person who I heard called "Demon" his whole life could find acceptance, and love. I had seen and felt your pain, I understand it even greater now then before since Ive seen through your eyes. And I know you were confused by your feelings for me and that you cherished every close moment that we've had. It doesn't have to stop, this good feeling doesn't have to stop and you don't have to be angry anymore. Be with me Naruto, I will give you love and I will take away your pain and your loneliness. Because that is what you will have if you follow the path you have laid out for yourself, you will be all alone just as you once were." Hinata pulls her right arm to her chest then extends her hand out towards him and says with pain in her voice, "Ple-ease, you are hurting me!"

Kurama did not move. He stood there glowing with erratic bursts of golden chakra as his eyes began to tighten into a tug of war of emotions. His eyes flexed and looked sad for a moment before signs of effort pulled them back to and angry position then back again. He seemed to get control of his eyes when they turned steely but he could'nt do anything to stop the large single tear escaping the corner of his left eye. His lip quivers for a moment and another tear starts to form in the corner of his other eye which makes him press his thumb and forefinger to the edges of his eyes and wipe the tears dry. When he stops he looks down at his wet finger tips looking sad and like he was about to cry again, then in a flash his eyes turned furious.


Kurama slaps his hands together with fingers interlocked and sends a command to Chikushoudou who jumps off her summoned rhino's back onto a buildings ledge holding out a three pronged kunai to her side. Kurama disappears in a flash of gold and reappears holding the kunai next to Ino's re-animated body. Ino jumps up into the air and lands on Kurama's palm and gets thrown high up into the air arcing towards the tops of the Hokage monument. As soon as she lands she goes through the hand signs for the summoning Jutsu and makes every path and Kurama appear in puffs of smoke standing in a line together. Kurama stares out of all seven pairs of Rinnegan eyes at the destruction the extensions of his will wrought upon the village. He could hear cries of pain and fear and the sounds of collapsing buildings that were crushed or burning sending plumes of smoke into the air. Kurama made sure he would remember this sight for a long time.

Then all six paths went limp fell back wards laying on the stone head. Kurama took a few steps forwards and let his memory go far back when he was a new born demon and he watched the Sage of the Six paths seal away the Jyuubi's body inside a sphere of rock and cast it into the heavens far from earth. Thinking on the jutsu the sage used Kurama concentrated all his Rinnegan focus into his Tendou path and held his hands together and began folding gravitational forces into a tight ball that felt simular to a Rasengan. When his eyes felt as though he had pumped more than enough chakra into the jutsu he held the small black pulsating orb of chakra in his hand outstretched to the village like he was presenting it as a gift.

"Goodbye, Village Hidden in the Leaves !" He then let go of the ball and watched it climb high above the center of the village which caught the attentions of several ninja. When the black ball reached its highest point a voice thunders out across the village drawing even more eyes up to the now glowing ball. "PLANETARY DEVASTATION!"

The light becomes so bright and intense that it becomes its own sun making everything in Konoha shine white. Ninja and villagers were trying to shield their eyes when they felt the ground start to to shake. Then people began noticing small pebbles then rocks slowly lifting into the air then larger pieces of broken buildings began getting pulled into the sky, but the villagers didn't begin screaming until the first child began rising into the air. The mother screamed and cried out for help as she tried as hard as she could to keep her son from being pulled into the sky. She didn't have to struggle long because she and many other people began lifting off of the ground into the air. Cries of panic and fear echo out across the village bouncing off of the great stone walls which were cracking and breaking into bits being pulled into the sky. Whole buildings crumbled upwards and giant portions of the ground were lifted as well. The sounds of giant rocks crushing into each other drowned out the screams of people being crushed into the giant sphere forming over what was rapidly becoming a giant hole in the ground. Next the Hokage tower breaks apart and Anbu ninja are seen running away carry the glowing green Tsunade who was desperately trying to use her jutsu to save as many of her people as she could. When the last bits of the great wall and the earth around it rose into the air the Village Hidden in the Leaves was gone and what was left of it compressed tightly into the floating sphere of rock that was becoming the tomb to thousands of people.

Kurama watched the destruction of the Leaf with a strange sense of triumph, a sad triumph. He looked out at the jagged rocks and debris and saw the streets he used to run through. The buildings he could steal useful things or delicious foods. Images of the academy and the old crappy apartment ran past his eyes as if he were still seeing it in front of him. He knew now in the end that he destroyed this place and its people not because he really wanted to but because he needed to in order to prove he was still a demon and not a weak human slaved to his emotions. Kurama processed all these emotions then turned his back on the former village and walked away. As he walked his paths all received chakra and got to their feet and followed Kurama as the giant sphere of rock fell out of the sky and crashed back down into the village sending a huge cloud of dust and smoke high into the sky. The rocks and big pieces of concrete go flying everywhere and a swell of stone surges at the Hokage monument crushing the First and second Hokages faces and only destroying half of the Thirds while the fourths stone face stayed relatively unharmed staring out at the destruction his legacy caused.

Hinata had fallen to her knees crying . When Kurama teleported away she ran as fast as she could back to the village and almost made it to the west gate when the destruction began. She came to a sliding stop when the bright flash of light shone out over the village and she watched as the seemingly impenetrable stone wall shattered and rose into the sky. When she heard the screaming and saw the people rising into the sky is when she fell to her knees and watched as the tears ran down the sides of her face while her home was crushed by the magnificent gravitational force. When the huge sphere of rock fell back to the earth the ground shook so hard that she was thrown for a second. After pushing herself back to her knees she stared out a the final destruction of her home.

Everything was gone. Her clan home gone. The Hokage stone faces all but destroyed. Smoking and jagged rubble strewn out. Hinata had never felt such a crushing hopelessness it left her with a gaping hole in her chest that she could feel rapidly expanding a becoming cold. She began to believe that nothing could ever fill the vast emptiness inside her chest until she found a small but intense fire inside the void. "KURAMA!" She said his name with such venom in her voice she surprised herself. "I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"

She jumps to her feet and pushes on her back leg ready to sprint away but feels a strong hand slap down firm but not hard on her shoulder stopping her. She turns furious purple eyes on Jiraiya who had sweat running down the sides of his face and a look of pure sorrow on in his eyes. "So Naruto was the cause of this then. I failed once again!"

Hinata puts her hands over Jiriaya's and looks into his eyes and says, "There never was a Naruto. The Nine Tails tricked us all and overcame the Fourth Hokage's jutsu during the sealing. The fox lied and waited for the right opportunity to strike..sniffle..and he did this. Im going to go get him Lord Jiraiya! I have to go NOW, OR ELSE I WILL LOSE HIM."

Hinata turns to run again but the sannin keeps his hand on her shoulder and says, "NO! Not now Hinata. Right now you and I need to help any survivors we can find."

She looks incredulously at him and smacks his hand off her shoulder then spreads her arms out wide gesturing at the destroyed landscape around her. "WHAT SURVIVORS! LOOK AROUND YOU, HE KILLED EVERYONE!"

Jiraiya takes a step forwards and points over her shoulder back at the rubble and says, "Look!" When she turned around she saw many large blue and white slugs crawling out of the rubble and off to the outskirts of the village to let the people they saved out of their bodies. The slug clones all crawled out and deposited all four hundred and thirty seven people they were able to save out of the whole Leaf village onto the unbroken ground. "I know and sympathize with your anger Hinata but right now as a ninja of the Leaf you have a job to do. We have to search the ruins and save as many as we can then organize our remaining forces. If you leave now and run after Kurama then we will lose our best chance at defeating him. If what you said before is true and your dream is to become Hokage then you must stay and help your people and when the time comes your two sannin sensei's and you will track him down and take him out for good. You have my word Hinata."

The dark blue haired girl look sorrowfully down at the ground then clenches her eyes shut and yells out her frustrations but ended clenching her fists and not allowing herself to shed one more tear.

"I couldn't have said that better myself Jiraiya." Both Hinata and Jiraiya recognize the new raspy voice of Sakura standing twenty yards behind them besides a tree staring solemnly.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE SNAKE! I'LL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND!" Hinata had to be held back by Jiraiya from attacking the pale girl.

"I am here to because I came to kill Naruto who apparently has gone all fox. He killed him Hinata, the only man I ever loved. We were going to be together despite everything that had happened to me, Sasuke and I were going to be together. But Naruto took that from me and now I cant even resurrect Sasuke's soul, the Kyuubi sent him somewhere I cant reach. And now we have a common enemy. I will commit all of Orochimaru's resources to the Leaf village. The hidden sound will now be an extention of the Hidden Leaf and be called as such from now on." Sakura pulled out a scroll and threw it onto the ground in front of Jiraiya letting it roll open then say, "This scroll outlines the routes to all the hidden bases, I will be at the largest on in Rice country. I will share every secret and every jutsu Orochimaru learned, I will commit everything to helping kill the Nine Tails I swear it." On her last word Sakura ran a kunai slowly across her palm and made a tight fist that she pointed at them to allow her blood to fall down between her fingers.

Jiraiya bent down and picked up the scroll looking at the map inside before rolling it up and saying, "I'll inform the Hokage and if your where you say you are then we may just have a deal."

Sakura nods her head and disappears into the forest running.

Jiraiya patted Hinata on the shoulder and motioned with his head for her to follow him. She watched him walk away for a moment then she turned her head to stare out at the remains of the village. She sent more chakra through the rubble and saw the faint chakra patterns of people who were still alive, people who were dying, and even people who were dead. With as much chakra as she had in her eyes she could see the faint outlines of souls rising up before becoming a streak of light and disappearing into another dimension. She stared out past the rubble seeing through more rock and stone until she could see the faint aura trail Kurama left behind him.

Jiraiya didn't hear footsteps behind him so he turns around saying, "Hurry up Hinata we don't have time to er..." Looking behind him and around he doesn't see a trace of her anywhere. "AAAAARRRHHHGG! WHY DOES THIS ALWAY HAPPEN!"

Naruto had sealed his Paths of Destruction away into the scroll he kept at his waist and started to run across the land with a feeling of elation he had not felt in years. Each push with his legs sent him further and further away from a place he would never have to return to again. A place that he had been forced to be kept for a little over a hundred years. He ran and ran until he reached the ledge of a deep cliff and he jumped off firing an Almighty Push beneath him as he leapt which sent him soaring through the air. While mid flight he felt as though invisible shackles that he had never noticed before crumbled around his ankles as he realized he was finally free and now possessed even more power than he had before.

But, his feeling of being free of his invisible shackles were premature when he suddenly feels a strong force grip his legs and yank him backwards. He rushed through the air at a speed the sent the air screaming past his ears and slapping against his face as he flew down the ravine into the side of the cliff sending dust and boulders flying from the point of impact.

Kurama roars out and jumps out of the hole he just made spinning into the air looking for what just attacked him. But he doesn't have enough time when he feels an intense blast hit him from behind that sends him flying down to the bottom of the ravine. He was falling way too fast and he needed to do something or else he was going to die. So he pushes his arms straight down at the fast approaching ground and fires off an Almighty push which created a dent of soft dirt below him and created enough backwards momentum to slow his fall. When he landed he felt a heavy vibration run through his bones and his knee's creaked slightly as he stood up.

Then on a rock up and to his left Hinata landed in a low crouch then stood to glare at him.

"HINATA?! What the hell are you doing here?! I thought you'd be too busy crying over your home. With how emotional you can get I figured you'd be a wreck after seeing the village." Naruto stood there with his hands clenched into fists and he slowly moved his hand over to his sealing scroll at his waist.

"TEARS! You figured I would be in tears Naruto! Oh no, your dead wrong, I have no more tears to shed for all the things you have done today. I am not interested in being sad for the THOUSANDS OF LIVES YOU JUST TOOK! No I am interested in action now, I am interested in justice, and I am interested in being the instrument of all your bad karma coming back to you by SENDING YOU TO HELL NARUTO!"

Kurama gnashes his teeth at hearing that name again then he slaps his hand fast to his scroll and puts his finger through the loop that keeps it closed. But faster than he thought she could move Hinata lifted her right arm at him as it twisted and transformed then fired five missiles at him.

Seeing the missiles spread out around him Kurama had no choice but to jump forwards to dodge and gets knocked back to the ground from the concussive force of the explosions. He ducks his head and rolls to the side reaching down for his scroll and finds that its gone. More missiles rain down and Naruto turns a palm upwards and destroys them after saying, "Shinra tensei!"

The missiles explode creating a wide blob of fire that Kurama smiled at and stared into. Then Hinata came bursting through the flames with a flying side kick. Kurama twists out of the way of her kick which hit hard enough to crack the stone beneath her and has to dodge her follow up spinning crescent kick aimed for his cheek bone. She followed him like that, spinning like a ballerina sending wheel kicks and spinning hook kicks to his head or trying to stab him with her chakra laced fingers. Kurama saw and opening and went on the offensive and sent a series of punches at Hinata's face.

She blocked all three punches easily with one hand just by twisting her hips and intercepting his fist before he could fully extend his punches. The result made Kurama feel as if every punch he sent out pushed him back. He blocks two round house kicks and ducks under a third spinning low with a sweeping hook kick aimed for her Achilles tendon, but mid spin he quickly transformed his foot into a blade that shot out from the center of his foot.

Hinata saw the kick and the blade coming for her so she lifts that leg up off the ground as she twisted in the air over it. Kurama wasn't done yet so he continued his spin but jumped off the ground bring his leg and bladed foot around for another spinning hook kick aimed to cut Hinata in half. She saw this and used chakra to attach her foot to the ground to yank herself back down and under his kick only to do the same thing again when Kurama spun kicking low then high again. Kurama's blade was on course to cut through Hinata after she jumped again but she was too high up this time to duck under it so she twisted up into the air and used chakra laced hands to push herself higher into the air after pushing off Naruto's leg.

Her families jutsu the Jyuuken hit its mark when she touched his leg and disrupted Kurama's chakra flow to his foot making the blade disappear. Shock was seen clearly on his face as he looks up into Hinata's smiling face right before she sends a front kick under his chin. The kick was hard enough to lift him into the air in front of her and she lifts a palm up aimed at Kurama's chest and says, "Shinra Tensei!"

Kurama gets knocked backwards through the air like a baseball and breaks through two trees before crashing into a rock wall. He grunts out in pain then growls out angrily as he gets back to his feet and sprints back at Hinata. She was running straight for him too and she had pulled out a trench knife with pointed knuckle dusters that was attached at the hilt to a long chain that came out of her left sleeve. Seeing her weapon he extends out a forearm length black chakra blade out of his wrist and brings it between them to intercept her blade with a shower of sparks.

They spun around each other trying to score a slash or stab but their eyes helped to block and dodge each attack. Hinata came in with an upward inside outside slash that would have opened Kurama from hip bone to shoulder was blocked by a low block sending sparks into the air when the blades struck each other. Naruto moved to swipe at her head but stops half way anticipating her ducking under the blade and instead stabs down for her eye but gets blocked by the chain stretched tight between her arms and pushed his arm back up and away.

Hinata was about to lean forward and try to drive her blade into his jugular but a clicking a whirring sound pulled her eyes down. Naruto's feet split open and two inch thick saw blades popped out and began spinning and cutting into the ground at his feet. He lifts his leg straight up trying to cut Hinata in half but she spins out of the way and uses her blade to block Kurama's follow up round house kick.

The buzzing blades on his feet were strong enough to chip a metal off her blade and she gets knocked backwards from the force of each strike. Kurama see's this and keeps sending his chainsaw feet kicking out at Hinata three more times until he see's an opening when she trips and starts to fall backwards. He jumps in the air lifting his left leg up to his left shoulder before bringing it down into an axe kick aimed for her skull. Then she smiled.

The first sign that Kurama was in trouble was the sound of her chain rattling, next he saw her arm pull on the chain which he now could see was wrapping around his chainsaw blades. When the chain caught between the buzzing blades it caused them to stop spinning suddenly and with enough force to spin Kurama off balance. Kurama was about to fall over but he kept his eyes on Hinata and they widened in fear when he see's that she wasn't falling backwards, she was stepping back into a deep stance that he recognized.

"Eight trigrams; SIXTY FOUR PALM!" The ground around them seemed to glow with circles and Kanji and Naruto felt as though he couldn't move for the next couple of seconds.

"TWO PALM!" Hinata didn't show and ounce of mercy and went straight for his chakra points with enough twisting sharp strikes to obliterate his chakra network. Her two finger strikes went out deep into Kurama's pectorals causing pain and constricting the muscles around his lungs.

"FOUR PALM!" Her next four strikes lash out into Kurama's abdomen cutting into his larger chakra pathways.

"EIGHT PALM!" She opens her attack radius and sends her sharp fingers into his shoulders and biceps then hip flexor.

"SIXTEEN PALM!" Her strikes become a blur of motion as each attack sends Kurama's body convulsing backwards with the sound like electricity sparking.

"THIRTY TWO PALM!" She pushes herself to move even faster than before as she jabbed out at his bright chakra points.

"SIXTY FOUR PALM!" Her last attacks were so fast its seemed like she didn't move at all as the sound of electrical strikes fire out like a machine gun and Kurama goes flying backwards.

Hinata feels a little winded but she smiles triumphantly until she see's Kurama land on his feet in a backwards slide in the sand. He clutched his chest for a moment and leaned forwards to cough out a little blood on the ground then leans he head back up to send a predatory growl back at Hinata.

"YOU BITCH!" He stands up straight and raps his knuckles against his metal chest plate and points out the damage done to it. "You see how many holes you put through my armor. I actually like wearing this since it draws so much fear out of you people to see a someone imposing marching towards them." He lifts his hand up to his collar and presses the seal he placed their awhile ago and makes the armor disappear with a pop of smoke.

Hinata expected to see blood spots on his clothes but finds none which continued her confusion until it hits her. "Now I see! You absorbed all the chakra at the point of impact. Its still surprising what these eyes can do."

Kurama snorts out a laugh and puts his hands on his hips in a superior way and says, "Its only surprising to idiots. Anyone with intelligence would have known your jyuuken was useless against that jutsu. But for ruining my favorite armor I just may have to eat you for your insolence."

Hinata got an incredulous look on her face right before she began laughing very loudly and very out of character for her. Kurama's eyes narrowed and he was about to ask why she was laughing but she suddenly stops and points directly at him. "Your-heh-going to eat me. Hahahahahahahahahaahaa, oh thats really funny! To think that after all this time..ha.. and how far you've think that your still a fox. Oh its too much, hahahahahHAHAHAHAA!"


She gets an angry look back into her purple eyes and she takes a cocky stance with one hand on her hip and says, "Think about it for a second, anyone with intelligence should be able to understand." Kurama growls out a threat and looks pissed off, just like Hinata wanted. "When you pushed your "tenants" out of your seal, weren't you supposed to turn back into the Nine Tailed fox when you got your chakra back." She paused just long enough for Kurama to actually consider that information.

Then she continued, "You see, Naruto! Your body didn't take the shape of the Nine Tailed Fox it stayed the same, it stayed human because your old form is lost to you.. You forced your way into the seal and made it combine your spirit to a human soul, you became Naruto Uzumaki. The problem is that you also had the memory and personality of the Kyuubi so you never had a chance to develop your human side. So the truth really is both pathetic and funny. Your not a demon trying to reclaim glory and power, YOUR JUST AN INSANE HUMAN WITH A GOD COMPLEX AND I AM HERE TO PUT YOU DOWN!"

Fury explodes out of him and he yells red faced with his veins popping out, "MY NAME IS KURAMA, BITCH!"

Hinata bared her teeth growling out from exertion as she raised her chakra which made her hair bristle and she then stomped the ground hard enough to split it and lift a man sized boulder into the air and fires an Almighty push sending the rock hurling at Kurama. His eyes go wide and he spins as fast as he can to his right and barely dodges the rock. Kurama glares at Hinata and extends his right palm out towards her and yells, "SHINRA TENSAI!"

The invisible blast and repelling force of the Almighty Push wasn't invisible to the Rinnegan. To Hinata's eyes she see's a wall of purple chakra hurling towards her, but she could see it's edges. She sends chakra to her legs and jumps into the air spinning horizontally to gain momentum and dodges Kurama's attack.

As soon as her feet touch the ground she charges another Almighty push and extends her legs and arms out into a deep front stance firing at Kurama. He saw the wall of chakra coming for him so he jumps up and over it and lands on the side of the cliff pointing his hand palm out firing at Hinata again. She jump flips backwards a couple times and comes to a sliding stop as rocks and small stones fall all around her. She watch's Kurama jump off the cliff towards her and she jumps high into the air to meet him. They both see their on an intercept course for each other and both extend their arms out and yell at the same time, "ALMIGHTY PUSH!"

Both jutsu slam into each other and compress the air until the friction caused the air to catch fire as both techniques exploded outwards sending both teens flying backwards through the smoke and fire filled air.

Naruto was going to hit the ground first and he was spinning at a bad angle so he extends his arms out towards the ground and fires off an Almighty push. The blast sent him flying high into the air up towards the top of the cliff. Hinata had watched him do this and did the same before her feet hit the ground and went blasting into the air chasing after Kurama.

While still climbing into the sky Kurama saw Hinata coming for him so he turns mid air and tries firing off another Almighty push but ends up just propelling himself in another direction. Hinata see's this and twists her body around changing directions and fired her push behind her and follows him through the air.

Still seeing her behind him he spins around and aims his push at the cliff face and fires sending rocks and boulders into the air between them. Seeing this Hinata began spinning in the air and getting faster and faster until her body was a blur and an almost solid white ball of spinning chakra appeared around her as she used the Hyuuga rotation technique to protect herself from the bone crushing rocks. When she is clear of the flying debris she stops spinning and finds Naruto still mid air moving towards the top of the cliff that had a large formation of boulders near the edge. She reaches her arms out towards those boulders and yells, "UNIVERSAL PULL!"

Kurama heard the yell and expects to be yanked back and had looked down at Hinata and saw her coming at him fast but then hears above him the sound of something big moving fast was getting louder. Looking up he can see over twenty horse sized boulders and one the size of an Elephant flying fast towards at him so he twists his body around and fires off his Almighty push. But the angle he was spinning when he fired only hit a few of the stones which just turned them into smaller stones bouncing between the bigger ones as he spun faster out of control.

Using his Rinnegan he tracked the rocks and watched out for the first rock coming his way and used his feet charged with chakra to land hard on its surface in a squat, but landing on that rock changed its mid flight course and sent him and it crashing into the others. Kurama jumped off that rock onto another and another dodging the rocks and climbing them at the same time. Then he heard the screech of ninja sandals behind him and the sound of Hinata growling out made him turn in time to duck under her trench knife attack.

She jumped off another boulder coming back for him and swipes the sharp blade at his throat but he extends a chakra blade out of his wrist and deflects the blade with a metallic clang. The rocks kept falling down the ravine for the next few seconds and the whole time Kurama and Hinata moved in blurs of motion jumping from rock to rock trying to cut or stab each other. When the stones were moments from hitting the ground they both saw it and jumped away sending an Almighty push at the same time at the rocks making them explode. The force of their attacks sent them flying out to the opposite sides of the ravine only to jump off the cliff face back at each other to try and slash at each other with their weapons.

They kept connecting with metallic clangs and even causing white sparks when they dragged their blades against each other as they continued using their chakra to go jumping back and forth between the canyon. This time as Kurama pushed chakra into his thighs and jumped back out to meet Hinata he made another chakra blade grow out of his wrist but he sent a mental command in his chakra to make its tip split into two. He whips his wrist to the side and brakes off those two spikes and uses them like kunai throwing them at Hinata.

She saw the small spikes coming for her and she pulls more of her weapons chain out of her sleeve and spins it around her body in protective arcs that blocked the two blades harmlessly away. But she did notice in those few milliseconds that when the black rods hit her chain they disrupted the flow of chakra she was using to control the chains movements making the links go slack. "Those black rods of his can disrupt chakra! If he pierces me he may temporally take away my jutsu so I cannot let him get me even once."

They were moment from clashing again and both had their weapons pulled back and ready to strike but Hinata moves first and whips out her left arm sending the solid steal ball with a spike at the end attached to her chain flying out at Kurama. He has no choice but to block the heavy metal weapon and deflects it to the side, but Hinata had taken advantage of his arm movement and swung one of her legs up under his blind spot and was pulling her left leg all the way up to her right shoulder. Then she extended her leg down and axe kicked him in the face so hard the crack echoed out in the canyon and sent Kurama crashing into the dirt below.

He was blinking past the stars in his vision and feeling the throb not only in his whole body from slamming into the ground but from Hinata's powerful kick to his face. Then he heard and felt a huge blast of chakra explode out above him and he looks up to see Hinata glowing silver with a light blue aura. Inside of her Kushina had taken root in the seal and attached her consciousness to the Ichibi's chakra. With Kushina's mind controlling the chakra flowing into Hinata the Hyuuga girl didn't need to use any focus to draw out its power. So she glowed floating in the air using her Tendou power to keep her there while she concentrated her chakra in a jutsu Kushina suggested she combine. She pulls her right arm back and chakra wraps around her arm and glowing brightly around her open palm. She takes a deep breath and then screams out, "ALMIGHTY AIR PALM!"

Kurama was still laying numb on the ground when he heard the technique's name screamed out at him and there was no time for him to move when he saw a giant purple open hand fire out from Hinata's palm. It moved as fast as lightning and slammed down hard with the force of a multiplied Almighty push amplified by the fast and tightly woven chakra attack of the Hyuuga Air palm and created a huge dent in the ground in the shape of her hand. But Kurama felt the full force of the attack hit him since he was at its dead center and was now crushed deeper into the ground feeling blood run out his nose.

He felt the pain and the strange vibrating hum running through his whole body from the pressure, but he didn't think about the pain. He thought about how much this pissed him off.

Golden light shines out of the hole shaped in the outline of a human and Hinata has difficult seeing what Kurama was doing. Then the sound of clicking and whirring reached her ears and something moving very fast was fired out of the glowing hole. The thing coming for her was a metal hand attached to a long wire with four large pincer teeth spread open wide to grab at her. And in the last few moments before it grabbed at Hinata and she swatted it away with a chakra laced hand the back of its head fired off the hidden booster rockets and shot out grabbing onto Hinata's face faster than she could move. Hinata felt as if someone just punched her face with a flat iron and she falls backwards in the air as her hand reach up to try and pull the metal hand off of her. But the metal wire connected to the hand suddenly went taught as Kurama glowing with his nine tails chakra jumps out of the whole he made in the ground and pulls hard on the wire coming out of his metal wrist.

Hinata gets pulled and feels the metal cord being reeled in which increased her speed as she arced high in the air before Kurama pulled hard down slamming her into the ground like a meteor.

Kurama lets go of his metal hand and reels it all the way back to his wrist and reconnected it with with the whir of a torque wrench. Then his attention went away from his hand as a giant explosion of smoke pops out of the ground where Hinata had crashed. Then three more huge explosions of smoke spread out in the ravine creating a deep fog for a moment obscuring Kurama's view of what was just summoned, but he could hear the giant beasts. There was a sorrowful neighing of a horse with the bark of a dog echoing out while the sound of a huge beast stamping the ground and snorting out a breath mixes in. Then he hears the screech of a bird and see's the huge summons with the sharp pointed beak fly out and start to circle in the sky. The flapping of its wings helped disperse the last of the smoke and Kurama could see Hinata standing on the head of the six legged horse with the sharp looking shell around its head. Next to it stood a snarling dog with Rinnegan eyes and furry wings sticking out of its back. And on the other side of the horse stood a giant Rhino that had what looked like a solid horn extending out its nose and out under its chin too.

Hinata felt a connection to these creatures through her Rinnegan and she prepares to order them to attack when she hears Kurama's laughter echo faintly to her from far away.

He was holding his face and pushing the bone in his nose back into place with a crunch while he laughed, then he opened his glowing eyes sending a dark look at Hinata. "SO YOU DONT THINK IM A DEMON ANYMORE?!" His yell echo's out and sounds as harsh as a bark but the sound of metal clicking and whirring quickly drowned out his yell as Kurama's whole body begins transforming into a machine.

His arms and legs extended and grew big claws at the ends of his fingers and toes. His body expanded and grew metal plating while his head spun and open while more metal grew and clicked into place. At the end of the transformation his head snapped its bottom jaw into place extending out sharp steel teeth while his back opened and grew nine metal tails that were segmented with curved metal plates that were edged at the top.

Hinata and her summons stared down a metal Kyuubi as it roared out a challenge to them all. She sends a command out and the dog jumps forwards breathing heavily through its jowls. Kurama leaps forwards and runs fast tearing into the ground with his big sharp claws and opens his jaws to bite down hard on the dogs neck. They both slammed into each other biting and twisting around each other like wild animals but the dog was having trouble finding a soft spot over Kurama's metal hide while his steel serrated teeth tore into the dogs flesh. But the dog suddenly grew an extra head and then separated from his main body and jumped to the side to run and head butt him off of the other dog.

Mecha Kyuubi crashes to the ground and rolls to his feet and has to jump to the side to avoid the fast rush of the Rhino that tried to slam its horn into him. Kurama turns and tries to jump on the Rhino's back but mid jump gets slammed into from the flying bird that was swooping down from the sky. Its giant beak slammed into his metal body sending him crashing to the ground and breaking off a few metal parts. Next the dogs were running back around and had split in two again making four dogs leaping at him with drooling fanged mouths open to bite. Mecha Kyuubi see's them coming and hops forwards and slams its front right metal paw down into the ground and pivots like a break dancer bringing his sharp metal tails lashing out like a whip knocking all the dogs out of the air. He feels the ground rumbling under his clawed feet and hears the Rhino running for him again. So Kurama turns around and concentrates his chakra into his mouth making the end of a cannon extend out with what looked like lazer emitters surrounding the edge of the gun barrel. They were moments from slamming into each other so Kurama jumps and spins in the air over the Rhino letting it run under him. As it passes he charges what looks like a Bijuu dama at the end of the cannon and fires the spinning ball of chakra down between the Rhino's shoulder blades killing and turning it to smoke.

Kurama mid jump heard the screech of the bird swooping down on him again so he twists mid air around and spreads his tails wide. As the bird tried to stab its beak into him the Mecha Kyuubi's tails lash out and wrap around its beak and neck. Kurama uses his tails and pulls his body into the air and brings his jaws down on the big birds spine. The extra weight and Mecha Kyuubi twisting a pulling the big bird went crashing down to the bottom of the canyon where he was still biting down. Kurama twisted his body around to stand over the bird then snaps its neck loudly between its teeth.

The strangely deformed bird lets out a loud squawk before disappearing in a cloud of smoke leaving Mecha Kyuubi in the middle waiving his tails through the smoke. Then he feels the ground shake with six heavy thumps.

A shadow passes over Kurama and he looks up to see the giant six legged horse jumping through the air and bringing its hooves that looked more like massive spear tips down to stab him through the spine. He dodges to the left and charges opens his mouth so extend his cannon again and the tip begins charging chakra when he suddenly see's Hinata standing on the beasts back yelling, "ALMIGHTY AIR PALM!"

Mecha Kyuubi gets slammed backwards and hits the cliff face braking stones behind him and feeling his metal body begin to bend and dent as a few more nuts and bolts seem to fall out of his joints. He feels the ground shake again with from massive hooves and looks up to see the horse about to stab its sharp shelled face right into him. Mecha Kyuubi crouches low and dives forwards under the horses stab which pierced into the cliff face making boulders fall around it. Kyuubi wasn't done yet though.

When he dove forwards he stopped under the horses stomach and crouched low pulling all his writhing tails together into a point. Then straightening his legs and pushing his tails straight up he stabbed into the horse driving his tails through its organs and out its spine next to Hinata who suddenly saw a huge geyser of blood and gore explode behind her.

The horse let out a pained shriek before dieing and disappears in a cloud of smoke that Hinata falls blindly into. When she lands she is in a perfect grey void of swirling mist so she quiets her breathing and listens for any sound. There was a heavy swish of air behind her so she turns to look and see's nothing and hears nothing. Then all of a sudden the smoke parts when Mecha Kyuubi's head bursts forwards roaring out and charging a Bijuu dama aimed at Hinata and less then fifteen feet from her.

Hinata's eyes go wide and she thinks she is about to die until she hears a voice deep inside call out to her. "Hinata, listen to me! When you touched his soul you learned everything he knew, including his jutsu. Use the Rasengan and I will supply the chakra."

"But Kushina, Ive never done the jutsu before!"

"It does not matter. Think about those memories of using the Rasengan and concentrate that into your Rinnegan chakra. Your dojutsu allows you to master any jutsu even more profoundly then the Sharingan. NOW DO IT HINATA, OR ELSE YOUR GOING TO DIE!"

Mecha Kyuubi's Bijuu dama was almost fully charged when Hinata put her hands together and began forming a blue-white sphere of spinning light that got bigger and bigger and bigger until she had to hold it above her head. Then her eyes widened in horror because the Kyuubi was done and his bijuu dama was much bigger than her Rasengan and he was leaning forwards to fire.

Then Hinata was saved by her two summoned dogs who jumped on either side of Kyuubi and bit into his neck and lifted his head up and forcing his blast to fire far away and destroy a mountain in a huge flash of light. The dogs fought against the Mecha Kyuubi's attempts to pull and shake away so Hinata smiled and jumped high into the air and pumped as much of her demon chakra into her Rasengan making it swell in size. As she came down she brought the huge ball around and in front of her to drive it into the metal fox and yell out, "RASENGAN!"

The ball of twisting energy hits down behind the fox's head at the base of its neck and begins to tear the metal to shreds. The attack was slow going at first and the Mecha Kyuubi shrieked and opened its metal jaws wide letting a dark blur dash out as the rest of it was destroyed.

Her Rasengan went through the metal fox and exploded when Hinata hit the dirt leaving her in the center of a smoking crater alone after her dogs disappeared in puffs of smoke. Hinata smiles and chuckles lightly as she looks up into the sky and says, "I did it, its over." Then pain explodes in her back and chest and she looks down to see a black chakra blade sticking out above her right breast.

She felt him snap the blade off behind her leaving the black rod sticking through her and she takes a few uneasy steps forwards and turns around to look Kurama in the eyes. He was standing there glaring at her and growing another chakra blade out of his wrist and taking a menacing step forwards.

"N-cough-Naruto, wait! Tell me why...why did you destroy the Leaf village. WHY DID YOU MURDER ALL THOSE PEOPLE?! WHY...WHY...why are you trying to kill me...please Naruto..I gave you my heart, my trust...why are you throwing away the happiness I could have given you?! What goal can you have that is more important than that?"

Kurama stops walking and stares her in the eyes and for a moment his eyes looked uncertain and then look down to the left. Then fire returned to his eyes and he glared up at the girl and said, "I AM NOT HUMAN! You things are horrible and far more malevolent than I ever was and I cannot forgive the violence your kind perpetrated against me and mine. Your Leaf village made me suffer for over a century and for what, the lust for my power." He stops talking for a moment and gets a glossy look in his eyes while he stared at her. "But you, you were the only one thing about the Leaf that I didn't want to destroy and allowed me to experience something new. I did not wish to kill you Hinata. I left you behind while I took my revenge upon the village and made sure there would be none who survived to try and control me again. But now your here and willing to do what ever it takes to stop me. So I will kill you Hinata. I will kill you and take the chakra I gave to you just like I will do to the others. Out there there are more tailed beasts that are locked away inside humans and I am going find them all. There is also an organization called the Akatsuki that is after the same goal and plans on resurrecting the power of the Jyuubi. I will kill all of the Akatsuki and take the power of the other eight tailed beasts, and I will become the new Ten Tails God of this world. But, there is something that I need to tell you Hinata. I am going to kill you and take your chakra not only for this reason. But because you have corrupted me into feeling your species emotions. I love you, and to prove that I am a demon I need to kill you in order to overcome this weakness and rid me of the pain you inflict upon me! And because, my name is Kurama!"

Hinata heard all this and shed a single tear the same time as he did and they both looked down at the ground to wipe it away. She reaches up to the black rod and whimpers a little as she pulls it out of her with a wet squelch. When they both looked back into each others eyes they looked sad but then they both remembered the good times they had together and they could both see the love they had for each other in their eyes. The images of the memories played out like a movie in front of their eyes leading them all the way to this point. Then both of their eyes turned steely and then angry and they both attacked.

Hinata lunged forwards with the chakra rod in her hand and tried to swipe at Kurama's head but gets blocked by his other chakra blade which sent an electric jolt into Hinata's hand. She had no choice but to drop the chakra rod since it was attuned to his chakra and she pulls out two kunai and starts blocking and attacking Kurama. She blocked his right outside inside swipe with her left and stabbed forwards for his gut.

He saw this coming and he spun bringing his blade into a low block and sent a powerful back kick aimed for Hinata's solar plexus. She uses her flexibility and bends back then around his kick and spins low sending a leg out to trip Kurama's under him. He see's this and jumps spins bringing his blade around which was blocked by Hinata with a loud metallic clang. The sound of metal begin to clash rapidly and echo out in the canyon as they continued to fight in a blur of motion.

Then it happened.

Hinata's wound was taking its toll and she missed a step and gets a chakra blade through her side. She keeps from crying out in pain but Kurama sent chakra into the blade which sent pain like electricity through her whole body. Then she heard, "Shinra tensai!"

She gets slammed with a full force Almighty push head on and goes flying backwards and hits the ground rolling and hitting every rock as she goes. When she comes to a sliding stop she coughs out blood and whimpers in pain but feels too numb to get up. But she digs deep down inside her self and gets her body to move and struggle back to her feet. She felt demon chakra being supplied to her but the chakra rod in her side was agitating her energy making it impossible to mold chakra. So she slowly pulls the rod out and takes a deep breath and looks to find Naruto walking towards her and moving faster into light jog while charging a Rasengan in his right hand.

Hinata see's this and begins spinning chakra in her right hand as well. "Kushina, this is it. Give me every thing we have left." Her Rasengan and his took shape and grew in size and color. Hinata's glowed silver and blue while Kurama's was purple and fire red and they both pulled their arms back at the same time and yelled, "RASENGAN," as they drove their attacks forwards.

Both balls of energy hit and fought for dominance but Hinata felt herself becoming weaker by the moment while Kurama started to glow golden yellow again and yell out, "POWERRRRRRRR! UNLIMITED POWERRRRRRRRRR!" There was a big explosion which shook the surrounding area making hundreds of birds fly away and small earthquakes to split the ground and send boulders rolling.

Down in the bottom of the ravine the dust was settling and the sounds of things falling were coming to a stop and Kurama was walking slowly forwards to the spot he could see Hinata laying with smoke rising off her body. She was just barely alive as he stood over her and he took a moment to look her over and stare at the pools of blood leaking out of her from wounds he caused.

"Well, I guess there is no reason to make you suffer anymore." He stepped forwards growing out a chakra blade and snapping it off then pointing its tip right at Hinata's forehead and stares into her eyes one last time. Then staring into her pain and tear filled eyes he felt an explosion of emotion in his heart. It was like having this heavy thing rolling around in his chest and making his body shake. He then growls out a yell and stabs down.

Hinata saw him move and said her mental goodbyes as she stared into his eyes and then heard the weapon stab down. She waited to feel the pain and to die but nothing happens. Then her purple eyes look to the side of her head and see the chakra blade sticking into the ground next to her. She looks back at Kurama and see's pure agony in his eyes as tears openly fall. "I...I didn't want to kill you...I don't want... I.. love..."

Hinata smiled and reached her hands out behind his neck and pulled him down on top of her into a hug and for a few moments they just laid there telling each other they were sorry. Kurama held onto her and whispered into her ear that he was going to take her back to the village and that everything was going to be all right again. He told her about a jutsu he discovered that could bring all the people he killed back to life and he would help rebuild their home. Hinata heard all this and forgot all her pain and all her anger and dreamed of the happy life they would have together and her mind went back to their spot. The sun was setting and they were pressed against each other as they leaned against the training posts and re-enacted their first kiss. Then the sun set and everything felt right, until Hinata remembered all the dead back home. She reached her fingers into his neck using her Human path to grab a hold of his soul while staring into his shocked eyes. "For the village, you must die!" And she pulled out his soul and watched it dissappear as she laid back on the ground looking up into the sky with her dead beloved on her chest and saw her vision go black as her heart beat its last.

Kurama stood over Hinata staring with glowing eyes sending his genjutsu into her eyes and waited until he saw her chakra fade away. He pulled the chakra blade he plunged into her forehead out and then stabbed it down into her stomach. He slapped his hands together through the hand signs for the summoning jutsu and makes the Gedo Mazo appear out of the ground behind him. He steps to the side and goes through a few more hand signs and makes the giant statue let go of the bit in its mouth and open its jaws wide.

"DEMON ART, SOUL EATER SEALING!" Kurama thunders out his jutsu's name and the Gedo Mazo roars out making a see-thru blue tendral of chakra with a mouth full of sharp teeth rush out towards Hinata's body. It slams down into her lifting her off the ground and drawing out red chakra from her navel out of the chakra rod in her stomach. Kurama pumped allot of his demon chakra into the sealing and drew out the Ichibi's chakra at a very fast rate. At one moment he swore he could hear Kushina screaming as the last of the chakra was consumed by the Gedo Statue. When it closed its mouth again three eye balls opened past the blindfold and Kurama threw a three pronged Kunai into its forehead and waited for the other ninja with Rinnegan eyes to summon the statue back. And just as he expected it disappeared in a huge burst of smoke.

Kurama stood there in the center of the destruction his and Hinata's fight caused and he just turned his head around absorbing the sight. Then his eyes passed over Hinata's body and he felt his heart skip a beat. He turned around fast and began walking away muttering to himself, "the bitch tried to kill me.."

He made it a few more steps before he stopped and started breathing hard. He lifted his right hand to the left side of his chest and pressed hard against the flesh there. He held his hands in fists and his whole body was going rigid. He felt tears building up in his eyes and he was trying to control and keep from falling. But he failed.

He fell to his knees and felt the pain in his heart take over and he cant help his mind going over and over again on what he had just done. He saw every memory of Hinata's smiling face and then the dead look in her eyes with blood running down her face was all he could see. He kept asking himself over and over again "why this hurt so much. WHY?! WHY?! WHY DID SHE MEAN SO MUCH TO ME?! WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH?! NNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !"

He screamed there loudly echoing out against the cliff face on his knees with arms out wide and hands clenched into open claws as blood teared out of the corners of his eyes. Then an overwhelming amount of chakra opened up to him and he felt every wound heal instantly and his golden glow and aura suddenly lit up and burned bright enough to turn everything around him white. Then he opened his eyes and they began to bleed in steady streams as the first and second circles in his glowing purple Rinnegan eyes each opened three tomeo comma seals each and start to spin.

He wasn't sure exactly what happened but he felt more powerful than he had when he was the nine tailed fox. "POWER SEEMS TO BE MY DESTINY! NOW, TIME TO VISIT THE AKATSKI!" He looked left and right until he found his scroll holding his paths of destruction and used his power to lift it over to him. He unsealed each of them and they all began glowing the same as him and followed him over to Hinata's body where Kurama bent down and sealed her body into his scroll. "FOR SOME REASON MY POWER FEELS EXPANDED. I MAY NEED MORE BODIES FOR FUTURE PATHS!"

Kurama then stands up putting the scroll into his back pouch then sends chakra to his eyes and concentrates on the rocks around him turning them to molten slag and reforming its shape into a new suit of armor. He floated the obsidian black armor over on onto him and used his eyes to create more for each of his paths until each of them looked like they wore the first Hokages armor made of black polished stone. He then puts his hands together into the ram seal and disappears with his paths then reappears standing on top of the Gedo Mazo in the center of the Akatsuki head quarters. He looked down and saw a blue haired woman and the man known as Pain looking up at him and into his Infinite Rinnegan eyes and heard him say, "HELLO THERE! NOW TELL ME WHERE I CAN FIND THE ONE IN MASK THAT CALLS HIMSELF MADARA UCHIHA!"

Kurama woke up from his nap in a start and lifted his head up looking out across the wide landscape on top of his huge stone throne he had carved out of a mountain. Years ago he had used his Creation jutsu to build the marble city in his dream scape over looking a huge forest and a vast river and allowed him the highest vantage point for miles over the wide expanding forest.

He had dreamed as he sat there remembering his life those many years ago when he was resurrected into his new form. It began his destined path to defeat all his enemies and kill each of the jinchuriki and take their chakra for his own. And now after becoming the new Ten Tails Demon he rid the world of ninja villages and destroyed every major city or large gathering of humans. The world began filling with animals and nature began erasing most of what human civilization had carved into the world. Even the Hokage monument was over run with trees and the fourth Hokage's hair just barely pokes out of the forest besides jagged the earth that remains of the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

Kurama sat there leaning to his side while his ten glowing gold tails waived in the air behind him. Then he though, "Im bored! Time to go destroy something!" He stood up and ten more glowing bodies stand up and open their Infinite Rinnegan eyes and prepare to teleport with Kurama off to find another human village to massacre. And after that, like always he returned to his throne and dreamed; of her.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo, thats it. My story is now complete. I have finally finished a project that I have been wanting to do all my life. Thank you all for reading and loving my story so far and I hope you like how it ended. I always planned for this story on being dark and Kurama getting his revenge against the village but after seeing the fox working with Naruto it gave me a chance to give him human experiences like falling for Hinata. I originally was going to make her a very small part of the story but after thinking up the bloodline stealer jutsu I thought of giving him the Rinnegan which made me even more excited to write this story. And it took me this long to write it out because I though of two other endings. One where Hinata pulls out his demon soul and a human Naruto remains with a relatively blank slate for Hinata to care for and partner with. Or of leaving Hinata in the village and not even doing the last fight. But im happy with the way it ended so I hop you do too. Now im off to other projects. Im starting my own costume company and im going to be making Anbu masks hopefully ready for Comic con. Plus writing this story has expanded my imagination and given me ideas for a few original stories to write so who knows, I may sell a story someday. So yes it was worth starting this project because it helped create brand new more exciting projects to come. If there is something out there you have always wanted to do that isn't illegal in most countries then go and do it. ITS FUN. Thanks for reading, maybe if I get enough reviews I may write out the fights against the Akatsuki and Jinchuriki if I can find the time. Later bitch's