Lily sighed heavily as she propped herself on the chair next to a brightly coloured girl at the Gryffindor table, who turned towards her almost immediately and flashed her startling yellow scarf around her with a smile.

"Lily!" Siena Wood exclaimed loudly to her friend, who covered her ears hurriedly, complaining about how she was sitting right beside her, and didn't want to go to Madam Pomfrey's because of a bleeding headache. Siena ignored her. "Don't you just love my outfit today? I decided that today was a time for colour, as it is so grey and gloomy outside. What do you think?"

Indeed, Siena seemed to have used every bright colour imaginable for her outfit. Her feet were clad in sun-yellow, knee high boots while the other half of her legs supported light purple jeans. A white shirt clung to her upper-body and a deep red coat was draped lightly over her shoulders, slightly hiding her bright yellow scarf. Lily rolled her eyes.

"Why do you insist on making a fool of yourself every time we go to Hogsmeade?" Lily sighed, shaking her head at her friend. Today was the schools' first Hogsmeade trip and most of the students sitting in the Great Hall were excitedly discussing their plans for the day.

Siena made a face at Lily. "I'm not making a fool out of myself. I'm simply putting a bit more colour into the day. Everyone else will be wearing dull grey and black jackets and boring blue jeans, while I like to differ from the ordinary."

Lily gave her a look, knowing that she was taking a hit at her own clothing, which consisted of everything that Siena had just scorned. The brightly coloured girl simply grinned and hurried Lily into scoffing down a scone and then half jogging to keep up with Siena's excited pace as they marched to the front of the school.

Lily had met Siena on the train ride to Hogwarts their very first year, and the two had be inseparable since, Siena one of Lily's best friends, other than Albus.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Siena laughed, grabbing Lily's hand and dragging her towards Hogsmeade, giggling hysterically whenever her friend tripped over a mound of snow or a frost covered rock.

Lily laughed along with her friends and they slipped their way into the Wizarding town, heading towards the Three Broomsticks for a mug of Butterbeer before they wandered the streets.

Pulling open the door with a huff, Lily enjoyed the warm rush of air that swept over her as she started for an empty table. Suddenly, she noticed a waving hand out of the corner of her eye, and she turned to see Albus gesturing for her and Siena to join him and Scorpius at their table in the corner. Lily hesitated, her eyes narrowed on Scorpius, before she sighed and moved to join them.

Stopping before their table, she allowed Siena to slide into the bench opposite the boys, before she said, "I'm going to go and get a Butterbeer. Do you guys want anything?"

Albus and Siena both agreed on a Butterbeer, though no response was heard from the blonde haired boy in the corner. Lily closed her eyes tightly, wishing she were elsewhere, before opening them again and zeroing her gaze on Scorpius.

"And you? Do you . . . do you want a Butterbeer?" she huffed slightly, keeping her eyes narrowed but only slightly. Scorpius shot a small look at Albus before nodding at Lily with a small "thanks". Lily spun on her heel towards the bar. She and Scorpius had an unspoken deal not to fight in front of Albus, seeing as they were both his best friends. While this was necessary, in order to keep Albus vaguely happy with them, it was hard to act nice to someone who spent their whole life criticising you, so Lily often found it hard, wishing she were elsewhere.

Small talk was exchanged between Lily and the barmaid that served her, before Lily handed over a handful of golden coins and, in exchange, the barmaid gave her a tray of Butterbeers.

Setting the tray in the middle of the table, Lily slide into the bench beside Siena and clutched her warm drink in her hand, sipping it slowly while extending her other hand out to the tables' other occupants, indicating that she expected pay in return for drinks.

Albus groaned. "But Lil, you don't really expect me to pay you back? I don't have any money!"

Lily raised her eyebrow at the pouting boy in front of her and replied, "Albus, I was there when mum handed you that bag of gold coins for getting prefect, remember?"

"Yes, but that money was meant to be spent on something special for me," Al grumbled, but fished in his pocket for three coins, which he reluctantly handed to Lily. Siena did the same and Lily turned to Scorpius, not expecting him to willingly give her change. Therefore, she was surprised to see Scorpius with his hand already stretched out to hand her the money. Lily stared at the hand in confusion.

Scorpius smiled warily at her, startling everyone at the table. "You can take it, you know. It won't bite." Lily scowled at him, and placed her hand under his, allowing him to drop the small fortune into her hands. Her eyes widened.

"A Butterbeer cost three galleons each mug. You just gave me ten galleons," Lily told the blonde boy, who shrugged.

"Doesn't matter, keep it."

Lily frowned, tipping his coins out onto the table in a clatter and then pushing seven back towards him. "Ah, no, that's fine, I don't want them."

Scorpius moved to nudge them back. "Well, neither do I. Go do yourself a favour and buy a new shirt with the money." If it was meant as an insult, it was lost in the soft way that Scorpius said it, a way that, unexpectedly made Lily's heart flutter. She locked eyes with Scorpius, trying to figure out the change in his attitude towards her. Even though Albus was sitting with them, Scorpius had never offered Lily anything unless forced to under the presence of being polite. Never would Lily guess that the Gryffindor would give her more than the amount due. She continued to examine Scorpius until her gaze was broken, as Scorpius pulled his eyes away from hers with a yawn, standing.

"I'm heading to the post office; I have to send a letter to my dad," he said, lift himself out of his seat and gesturing for Albus to move. Once he was out, Lily shoved the money towards him again.

"Great. You can use this money to send it."

Scorpius leant down and grabbed Lily's hands, pushing them and the coins towards her chest. "Honestly, Lily, just keep the damn money," he told her softly, before moving towards the door, leaving three open mouths hanging after him.

"Did he . . . did he just call me Lily?" Lily gasped, still staring after the youngest Malfoy even though the door had closed.

"Ah, I have to go," Albus exclaimed loudly, before rushing out of the pub after Scorpius. Lily and Siena exchanged thoroughly confused looks.

The rest of the Hogsmeade trip was spent with a visit to Honeydukes and the Shrieking Shack, before the Lily and Siena trudged back up to the castle.

Once inside the Gryffindor common room, the two sprinted up the girls' dorm stairs and collapsed on top of their respected beds. Siena sat up in her bed and twisted around to smirk at Lily.

"You like him."

Lily raised her head from her pillow, opening her eyes tiredly and yawning. "Who?"


Lily was suddenly wide awake, staring at a grinning Siena with wide eyes.

"What the- no! Why would I like that, that twat?" she exclaimed loudly, staring at her with disbelief.

Siena giggled. "Because you enjoy fighting with him and you get sucked in by his boyish good looks."

Lily gagged. "Boyish good looks? Are we talking about the say Scorpius Malfoy?"

"Oh course," Siena paused from standing from her bed, giving Lily a hard glare. "You cannot tell me that you don't visualise Scorpius without a shirt, just like the rest of the population of women in this school."

Ignoring Lily's squeaks of disagreement, Siena grabbed a spare pair of clothes from the floor, announced that she was having a shower then skipped to the bathroom, humming word that almost sounded like, "Lily and Scorp, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. . ."

Lily threw her pillow at her just as the bathroom door slammed shut. Sighing, the youngest Potter rolled onto her stomach, staring out the window that was located just beside her bed. You couldn't deny that she had a slight thrive for the fights that happened between herself and Scorpius. And she definitely couldn't deny that she had thought about Scorpius without a shirt on. There was something about him that got her curious. Every single one of their fights allowed her to peer a little more closely at the mystery that was Scorpius Malfoy. He captured her interest, ever since her first year at Hogwarts when he'd poured a bowl of mash potatoes over her head.

And it had been impossible to get him out of her head since. She had dated guys before (not that they stayed around much after Albus and, when he was attending Hogwarts, James had 'spoken' to them) and she found herself always comparing them to the Blonde haired boy. No matter how smart, talented or good looking, they couldn't measure up to the way she felt around Scorpius Malfoy. No, she didn't love him or like him, had never considered herself his friend or partner, but there was something about him that held her, kept her hanging on every word that was spoken during their arguments, even if she found nothing new about what he said.

Something about him grabbed at her, and she was finding it increasingly more difficult to stay away from him, almost as if she wanted him to be around.

Lily shook her head and moved around to get more comfortable; deciding that falling asleep was easier than trying to sort out her thought of a certain someone.

It was no surprise to her when she found herself dreaming about Scorpius. Without a shirt.

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