Yuki: Nyah! Finally,an update! I'm sorry it took so long! I took part in SOOO many activities in school! I didn't join,the teachers chose me..Its so TIRING. And I'm in a tight pinch because of my hard lessons.

Yumi: So here's the next chapter! We would also like to celebrate,last chapter received most reviews!

Yuki: This will be a very looong chapter! Do the disclaimer Hinagiku-chan!

Hinagiku: Yuki doesn't own the characters of our show,Hayate the combat butler.

Yuki/Yumi: Magandang umaga/Magandang hapon/Magandang gabi sa inyong lahat!

Hinagiku: So you guys really speak Filipino

Yuki: Of course!

Yumi: Now….what's the next language?

Yuki: Hmm Italian or Korean?

Yumi: I thought we were gonna use French?

Yuki: Oh yeah…meh,let's just decide that next time

Yumi: Ok,first one is from archaeme

Okay, something NOT EMBARRASSING (ahem):

1. A world with an evil TAMA will be interesting.

2. What if Hayate knows he is in a love complex...

3. Hayate tells Luca that he is a boy outright!

Nagi: A world with an evil Tama? I don't think that's really possible!

Maria: But….in fanfiction,everything is possible.


Maria: But I don't think that Tama can be that evil,ne? *smiles*


Maria: *anime sweatdrop*

Yuki/Yumi: The enchanted lullaby can do anything! A world with an evil tama! LuLiLa~LuLiLa~LuLiLa~LuLiLa~LuLiLa~LuLiLa~

Then,a big lightning struck everyone.

Ayumu: Mou~That really hurt!

Athena: How on earth that we got struck by lightning in an enclosed room?

Maria: In reality,that is very impossible….Fanfiction sure is powerful….

Athena:and unusual…

Hayate: umm everyone,you might wanna look around….

Everything was on fire,it was completely quiet,there was no humans anywhere. There were some bones of humans and animals around them. The place where the dare base was,was now only a mini-cemetery. There were some gravestones. "Here lies Yuki Shiriashi!" Yuki exclaimed. "Here lies Yumi Shiriashi!" Yumi exclaimed too. "We can't believe it! Tama killed us!" They both said in unison. Nagi can't believe what was happening,her cat that she raised with love and care…has the power to kill someone? She turned around and saw a tall statue of Tama standing up, looking fierce. Nagi's eyes widened. Her cat was a Supreme Evil Over Lord? It was also written at the statue…his headquarters…it was the address of the Sanzenin mansion. "H-Hey guys…c-c-check this out…" She said. Everyone came to her,they read the same things as her. "O-Ojou-sama…." Hayate whispered. "We need to go to Tama!"Nagi said,she ran to the direction to the Sanzenin mansion. The cast chased after her. "Should we say that we can just change Tama back into normal just after singing the lullaby?"Yuki asked to her dark half. "Maybe we shouldn't tell them….I'm sure that it'll be a good entertainment for the readers" Yumi said,then smirked. Yuki just shrugged and headed to the mansion,with her smirking half right behind her.

~At the mansion~

For a Supreme Evil Over Lord,Tama hardly has any gaurds or whatnot. The security system was easily shut down by Maria. They entered the mansion without a sweat. They reached the highest and widest room of the mansion,Tama's most likely relaxing place. They opened the door slightly and took a peek inside. Tama was laying on an Indian style bed. Nagi and Maria were wearing short maid outfits,while fanning him with some leaves. Hayate was crossdressing, wearing the same stlye of Nagi and Maria's maid uniforms. He was about to feed Tama some grapes. Tama is enjoying the luxury life. Nagi,Maria and Hayate had multiple vein pops. The others were trying to hold back their giggles or trying to hide their weirded out looks. "Hayako-chan,what are my world updates for today?" Tama asked to Hayate, who is now called "Hayako". "Nothing has changed,Master Tama. The world is still completely on your control" Hayako said. "What about that army from America?" He asked. "The resources of America have completely drained,Master. They have already surrendered." Maria said. Tama smirked evilly and stood up. He thrown in an evil laugh too. "THE WORLD IS MINE!" he exclaimed,then he evilly laugh once again. Nagi can't control herself anymore. She barged in the room. "TAMA!THIS ISN'T LIKE YOU AT ALL! SNAP OUT OF IT! THIS IS ALL JUST A BIG MISTAKE!" Nagi exclaimed. Everyone's eyes widened. The Nagi that was serving Tama dropped the leaf then froze. Two Maria's looked worried for both Nagi's. The two Hayate's stared at each other. Hayako smiled at Hayate. Hayako probably remembered how comfortable it was wearing pants. Hayate stared at Hayako,who was wearing a maid outfit,so short and skimpy. Same for the Maria and Nagi who was serving Tama. Tama was surprised,two Nagi's,Maria's and Hayate's? Everyone else was too confused to think. Tama looked at the others…They were already dead! No friend of Nagi's survived! Not even the blonde with twin drill curls and the pinkette! How on earth did they resurrect? Then it hit him. Two black haired girls,trying to hide themselves. They died! This is too confusing! Tama quickly summoned his gaurds and captured the cast. They were thrown into cells. Tama called for the trapped Nagi and Maria. Instead of being trapped in a cage,they were chained by the wall near Tama's throne. Everyone but Nagi and Maria were sentenced for execution. Hayako wanted to free his friends….the friends that he knew before Tama became the Supreme Evil Over Lord. While Tama was busy with the two Nagi's and Maria's,He went to the dungeon,got the key and unlocked the cage. The cast thanked Hayako and ran to the throne room. Hayako went to Yumi and Yuki's cell and unlocked it. "You two are the reason why they got here,right?" He asked to the two girls. They nodded and thanked Hayako. "We think this is will lead to bad things…we shall let everything go back to normal, Hayako" They both said in unison. "Hayako,take care of yourself,ok?" Yuki said to Hayako. Hayako nodded. "LuLiLa~LuLiLa~LuLiLa~ LuLiLa~LuLiLa~LuLiLa~" They sang the magical lullaby. The whole cast once again got hit by lightning.

Hinagiku: Ugh….what happened? Don't tell me,we got struck by lightning again!

Athena: This is seriously bad for our health…

Ayumu: We're back to our normal world…aren't we?

Yuki: Yeah….

Nagi: I'm happy then…I never want to go back to that distorted place ever again…

Yumi: Let's forget that horrible world and get on with the dares,shall we?

Yuki: Next is….what if Hayate knows that he's in a love complex?

Yumi: An alternate world again? Oh well,let's do the spell. "LuLiLa~LuLiLa~LuLiLa~LuLiLa~LuLiLa~LuLiLa"

Being struck by lightning again. Hayate woke up,he got up from the soft grass. "Huh? Where am I?" He asked to himself. "So…you're finally awake?" A red headed girl approached him from behind. "And umm…you are?" He asked to the girl. "You forgot my name? Such a shame…just because you got chased by your harem and practically has been stepped on,you can't forget a friend's name!" She scolded the confused blue haired boy. And that's when it hit him… memories that he remembered that he didn't even know it happened. The time when his female friends confessed to him at the same time. The time when the girls had a medievial fight for his heart. Each time the girls would always try to seduce him. Then what happened earlier,he got chased by his so-called "friends". All the way to a faw away place..where his "friend" is with him. He looked at the red headed girl again. "Kyoko Kagaruzaka?" The girl smiled widely. "You remembered! That's good news! I was afraid you have amnesia or something!" The girl named Kyoko exclaimed. "Well…what are you going to do now? Are you gonna go back?" Kyoko asked to him in a very soft voice. Hayate looked at her. "I can't really stay much longer….I can't always run away from my problems…" He said. "Thank you very much,Kyoko-san,for taking care of me so well" he smiled at her and ran away. "No problem" she whispered. Tears streamed down her face. "You know that your friends love you….why can't you realize that I love you too…?" She whispered as she cried more. "Hayate…I love you….why can't you see this emotion?"

~With Hayate and friends~

Hayate was currently hiding from his harem. He wanted to face them all and say that he would be happier if they would just go back to the way they used to,being friends and not fighting over some dude that can't handle things with girls at ALL. He sighed as he looked at his friends. Is that Kotetsu-kun annoying the hell out of his twin sister? "Geez,you just had to join in,Kotetsu no baka" He whispered. He got out from his hiding place. He stood confidently as the girls stared at him and smiled contentedly. Kotetsu just tried to give flowers to him. Hayate just punched him on the face and made him fly away. "Hayate! Where have you been?" The girls asked in unison as they come running to him. "Please hault!" he exclaimed. The girls stopped and stared at him. Hayate was never that serious and stern when it comes to them. The dude hardly is stern. "Everyone…I'm really happy that all of you like me…that's a very strange occasion….'cause when I was young,I was hated by everyone. Thanks for proving that wrong." He said,he bowed his head. "I am very pleased…but our friendship has been torn because of your silly competition over my heart….I want things back to they way they were….I'm not ready for relationships as well….I don't mind if any of you can be my future girlfriend…you're all special in my eyes….I just can't handle it if…all of you turn each others backs because of me…sorry,I can't accept anyone's love for now….sorry and excuse me" He said softly,he walked away. Every girl cried as they realized what they have torn apart. They were all friends..and yet they broke it because of their innocent friend who isn't interested in anything about relationships. "We've seen too much" Two black haired girls whispered,they were hiding in a bush. They sang the lullaby softly as the whole cast has been struck by lightning again.

HNG Cast: *grunts* why do we keep getting struck by that stupid lightning!

Yuki: I'm just happy that I have a rubber band with me…

Yumi: Maybe we should stop using lightning for the chapter,I'm getting an extreme headache too…

Yuki: Next one says that Hayate should tell Luca that he is a boy outright!

Hayate: Again!

Yumi: yeah,now go do it!

Luca enters the dare base. "Wow,right on time Luca-chan,now,go Hayate!" Yuki exclaimed. Hayate took a deep breath. "Luca-san…I'm not a girl! I'm a genuine boy!" He exclaimed. He bowed down quickly. "Gomen'nasia!" He exclaimed. Luca was in the state of shock that she can't process what Hayate said to her. She backed away from him slowly then ran to the door. She then ran outside,not thinking on why she ran away and trying to process the confession in her head.

Yumi: Better to leave her alone.

Yuki: Yeah…..next is from Gittan-Muttan

nice one! Most of the people are on vacation you know. But some are back to school like me too.!

Before i shoot the dares, let me ask you one thing. About the x-over. Please post the animes/mangas that you are willing to crossover. For us to know what anime do you know.

Now, the dares...

Tama to reveal to everyone that he can talk! And tell what kind of animal is he.

Shiranui, to be busted by nagi while ripping her doujin. (again!)

sorry.. I can't think of any other dares..


Yuki: Are you sure about that? I saw in my chart that Filipinos read this story more than anyone…and by this time,Filipinos have school…the oh so annoying school…

Yumi: *pulls out a chart that says Filipinos read the story more*


Yumi: Well~let's get to it~

Yuki: Eh? Animes I'm willing to crossover….okay,but I might miss some:





Shaman King


Katekyo Hitman Reborn





Prince of Tennis

Fairy Tail

Familiar of Zero

Lucky Star


Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya


Yumi: Are you sure that's all of them?

Yuki: I don't remember all of the anime I watch ya know.

Yumi: Vocaloid isn't an anime.

Yuki: It has a manga! Hatsune Mix! But just saying vocaloid is easier

Yumi: Right…..onto the dares. Tama should reveal to everyone he could talk and what kind of animal he is.

Yuki: Tama~here kitty kitty kitty~!

Nagi: He's still at the cage.

Yumi: Until now? Wow that's harsh..

Nagi: He deserves it!

Maria: Calm down Nagi

Hinagiku: I'll go get him.

Hinagiku goes in the room where the cage is located. She unlocked the cage and led Tama outside.

Yuki: Thanks Hinagiku!

Yumi: *whispers to Tama*alright dude,here's your next dare,you have to tell everyone you can talk and tell them what kind of animal you are.

Tama: What? Why?

Yumi: Because it's a dare and you can't refuse,refuse and I will show no mercy. *glares at Tama*

Tama: *shivers* A-Alright!

Yuki: Ahem,everyone,Tama has something to confess!

Everyone directs their attention to Tama. Tama immediately stood up and cleared his throat. "Tama? I didn't teach you that trick,have you been training yourself? That's so cool!" Nagi exclaimed,she beamed with excitement. Everyone sweatdropped. "Mistress…." Tama whispered. Everyone gasped. "Cats" don't talk. "I am a talking animal,and I am here to serve mistress Nagi and here to make everyone happy and contented!" He exclaimed proudly as he posed heroicly. Hayate anime sweatdropped. Hinagiku facepalmed. Ayumu can't stand up anymore,she was planning to run away. "A tiger can't talk! Maybe this one is a monster!" Ayumu thought frantically in her head. "This maybe be possible with the power of the ancient gods,or the work of the powerful sorcerers or sorceress" Athena whispered. "This doesn't go with any scientific explanation….this is too impossible,even for fanfiction…or maybe,Yuki-san did something to make it like a fable?" Maria said. "Don't break the fourth wall Maria,its not good" Yuki said. "I don't really believe that Tama brings joy to everyone" Yumi whispered. "You're saying that since you hate tigers or what they say in the Sanzenin,cats" Yuki said. "You know I had a bad experience with tigers/cats"Yumi whispered. Nagi grabbed the phone and was about to dial a number of some scientists. Probably to ask if its possible for "Cats" to talk. Tama ran to Nagi nuzzled her. "Please don't call them mistress! I don't cause any harm! Please don't bring me to the zoo!" He exclaimed. Nagi looked at Tama's pleading eyes. She smiled. "I can't resist those eyes…Got no choice then" she sighed and shook off the freaky,nagging feeling that the so-called "cat" talks like a human being.

Yumi: Next….Shiranui must be busted by ripping her doujin…again.

Yuki gets Shiranui. Then,she was totally enchanted by Shiranui's cuteness.

Yuki: You are sooooo cute~!

Shiranui: Nyaah! *puts on his cute,adorable face*

Every girl: AWWWW SO CUTE!

Yuki: Shiranui~you have a simple dare~I know you could understand me. Anyway~you have to rip your mistress' doujin,but you have to let yourself get caught,ok?

Shiranui: Nyaaaah!

Yuki: CUTE~!

Yuki goes to Nagi's room. Her doujin was still incomplete and it was open. "Good luck Shiranui!" Yuki exclaimed. She set Shiranui down and left him alone. "What's Shiranui doing in there?" Nagi asked. "Its better if we go ahead and see" Maria said. They opened the door and saw….


Nagi grabbed Shiranui and locked him up in a smaller cage,in a very dark room. "NO FOOD FOR THE WHOLE DAY!"she exclaimed. Shiranui whimpered. "Don't you think that was too harsh,Nagi-chan?" Ayumu said. "Hamster! Didn't you see that my doujin is getting ripped! He needs a correct punishment!" she exclaimed. Nagi was close to tears. "I have to start all over again…." She whipered. "You can skip today's session and get started on a new one,we'll just call you when you have a dare,alright?" Yumi said. "Ok…."she said. She entered her room and started to work on a new doujin.

Yuki: Next is from dwolfx

okay here we go again. most of the dares I have are for Hayate.

1st: Hayate needs to follow any of Ayumu's orders as long as it does not effect the dares

2nd: Hayate must take away Himuro's fan girls by making them his fan girls in 24 hours

3rd: Wataru must choose between the Sakuya and Isumi

and if you allow K-on x-overs

4th: Hayate must make the light music club + ui, jun and nodoka fall in love with him in 4 days.

Yuki: Hayate needs to follow Ayumu's orders,as long it doesn't affect the dares…

Hayate: Ok then..

Ayumu: Y-You mean….I get to be Hayate's mistress?

Yuki: That's right!

Ayumu: I'm finally an ojou-sama!

Ayumu looked at Hayate. "The best is that I'm Hayate's ojou-sama! Just think of what we can do in one roof!" She thought. She imagined that she was wearing fancy clothes,Hayate bringing a tray of delicious sweets and tea. "Ara,oyatsu no jikan dawa" She said. She always wanted to say that. "Here's your favourite snacks,ojou-sama. Made with complete love." Hayate said. Ayumu blushed.

Nagi: *vein pop* Don't take it seriously! I'm Hayate's true mistress! Remember that,Hamster!

Ayumu: I'm not a hamster!

Nagi: Just don't order anything that's stupid! *marches back in her room*

Ayumu: I won't! A-Anyway,Hayate,make some sweets for me!

Hayate: Hai,Ayumu-sama!

Hayate rushes to the kitchen and starts making sweets. Ayumu was still in trance,because her imagination is running wild. "Ayumu…..are you still here?" Hinagiku asked as she poked Ayumu. Ayumu just kept staring at the kitchen,where her butler is making sweets for her. "Hayate-kun~" She whispered. Hinagiku anime sweatdropped. "This is useless, looks like we just have to wait until she snaps out of her trance." Hingiku whispered. Hayate came out of the kitchen, holding a tray of sweets and lemon tea. Ayumu took a bite of the strawberry shortcake. "Delicious~" She said. Then she tasted the brioche. "So delicious~" Then,she tried the chocolates. "SO DELICIOUS" She said. She finished all of the sweets then drank the tea. "Still,so good!" she said. "You did a good job in making those sweets,Hayate-kun. Keep up the good work!" She exclaimed and gave Hayate a thumbs up. Hayate smiled at Ayumu,while Hinagiku and Athena started to be jealous of Ayumu.

Yumi: Ohhh this one is interesting~ Hayate should take away Himuro's fangirls by making them his fangirls in 24 hours~

Yuki: This should be easy for the airhead spice Hayate!

Athena/Hinagiku/Maria/Ayumu: Spice Hayate?

Yuki/Yumi: You know…Playboy Hayate….

Athena/Hinagiku/Maria/Ayumu: Oh…..

Yumi: To do that,Hayate needs some flowers to hold and some Sakura petals..and he'll look more charming than Himuro!

Yuki: Well…here's a rose petal to put on your uniform. If the girls say you're trying to imitate him,then just say your mistress ordered you to do so.

Hayate: Ok then?

Yumi: Good luck!

Yuki: And don't bring any new girls for your harem in here!

Hayate went to the Academy. He looked for the girls who are Himuro's fangirls. He saw a group of girls who are squealing loud. "Himuro-senpai is sooo cool!" exclaimed one girl. "I wonder…is he single?" another girl said. "I don't think so….I wonder…will he accept me as his new girlfriend?" asked another girl. Another girl snorted. "Himuro-senpai taking you as his girlfriend? That's only in your head,nothing but a dream,cause I'm gonna be Himuro-senpai's girlfriend!" exclaimed the girl. Then another one exclaimed that she is Himuro's next girlfriend,then more girls…until they have finally puched themselves. He ran to the fighting girls. He used his amazing,secret technique. Being the most clueless,idiotic but handsome and kind airhead. Of course,being the clueless yet handsome dude he is,he quickly catched the fangirls' hearts. Then,another similar case happened at another group of girls. Then did the same "secret" techinique. Then kept doing the same pattern over and over again. The next thing you know,he was holding a red rose,surrounded by girls. Him acting so cool and confident. "First,I met Spice Len,then I met Spice Hayate…what's next? Spice Naruto!" Yuki exclaimed. "Stop making anime and vocaloid references!" Yumi exclaimed. "I can't help it! For those who know Len Kagamine and Spice Len,you can't resist saying such things." Yuki muttered.

~24 hours later~

Hayate's phone ringed at 4:00 am. "Where have you been?" a voice from the phone asked. "Sorry,I had an errand to run for my mistress." He said smoothly. "….Really? You're not cheating on me,are you?" The voice asked. He laughed. "Dear,you're the only one in my life,I love you,don't think about those things, okay?" He said. The voice just sighed and said "ok" then hanged the phone. He laughed once again as he twirled some flocks of a tealette's hair. A girl with a kendo sword hit him directly at his head. Making him lose his conciousness.

Yumi: Thank you very much,Hinagiku. He's been driving me crazy with all the "Spice Hayate" stuff!

Yuki: I prefer him as a cute,uke-ish trap!

Hinagiku: I can't believe it! He brought a girl and maked out with her! Ugh!

Athena: *multiple vein pops* May the Gods punish you,Hayate! You have created such a big sin! You shall pay!

Athena grabbed her sword. A scary aura is coming out of her. Everyone shivered. The girls strongly agreed with her,Hayate had some guts. Too much guts that it was enough to make someone barf.

Yuki: I told him that he shouldn't' bring any girls! And the dare said FANGIRLS not HAREM.

Yumi: But he was successful in stealing Himuro's fangirls.

Yuki: We have to bring the old Hayate back! Let's go to the lab and erase his memories of being Spice Hayate!

Yumi: On it!

They carry Hayate to the brain washing machine. They erase his very disturbing memories as Spice Hayate. Unfortunately for everyone,they saw each memory of Hayate as Spice Hayate. "It is so… horrifying!" Maria exclaimed. Athena's eyes twitched. Hinagiku blushed at the darkest shade of red. Nagi wasn't informed of this,she is just a kid after all. Yumi was polishing her knife. "This is so annoying and disgusting that I can destroy that machine right now" She whispered. Yuki was getting a plastic bag and was barfing. She erased Spice Hayate's memories and let him go back to the idiotic butler we all love and know better. "Hayate is gonna traumatize the kids…" Yuki whispered. They finished the process. "We wish that we can forget as well" they all said in unison.

Yuki: Let's continue with the dares so we can forget about those horrible memories…and I am afraid that Hayate might turn this into an M-rated fic!

Yumi: *shivers* Dares! Its better than thinking of traumatizing things.

Yuki: Next one says that Wataru should choose between Sakuya and Isumi! Ohh this will be hard for Wataru~!

Wataru,Sakuya and Isumi enters the dare base. Nagi went out of her room. "Isumi? I'm surprised that you managed to find your way here" Nagi said. "That's because Wataru and I saw her wondering around an alley. She said she wanted to visit ya and we want to visit ya too. We had to make sure she's safe and sound with us,we were supposed to be here an hour ago but she got out from our sight and ran away. Good thing we found her" Sakuya said,with her accent fully present. "Ok then…." Nagi muttered.\

Yuki: Before you all go play with Nagi,Wataru,who would choose? Sakuya or Isumi?

Wataru: Uuhh…well…..

Yumi: Who would you choose?

Wataru:…Sakuya and Isumi are both very important in this world….I guess I'll pick…Isumi….*blushes a bit*

Yumi: Ok then…you can go now.

Wataru,Sakuya and Isumi enter Nagi's room

Yuki: There's another dare for Hayate.

Athena: He's still asleep

Yuki: Please wake him up.

Athena: Ok then

Athena grabs her megaphone and turned it on. "WAKE UP!" she screamed right into Hayate's ear. Hayate's eyes shot open as he covered his ears. "Oh good,you're awake. Now stand up,you have dares to do" Athena said sternly. Hayate saluted her and ran to the black haired girls.

Hayate: Uhh….do I have a dare?

Yumi: Yes you do. We're gonna go to another dimension~!

Yuki: To the K-on world we go~!

By a struck of lightning,they were no longer in the dare base. They were outside of a school. Hayate stood up. He saw many sakura trees. He looked behind him. Yuki and Yumi were dressed differently. Earlier,the two girls were wearing black dresses of different patterns and designs. Now,they were wearing a school uniform. Then,he faced a window. He saw his reflection. He was wearing different clothes too. He was wearing blue pants,blue tie and a dark blue jacket. Yuki and Yumi's uniform are the same but they are wearing a skirt.

Yuki: Hayate,welcome to Sakuragaoka. A school in another dimension,but still in japan!

Hayate:….*totally confused*

Yumi: We know that it doesn't make much sense. Well,just forget about that and concentrate on your dare.

Yuki: You have to make 8 girls to fall in love with you in four days. Their names are Yui Hirasawa,Mio Akiyama,Ritsu Tainaka,Tsumugi Kotobuki,Azusa Nakano,Ui Hirasawa,Nodoka and Jun.

Yumi: Here's what they look like.

Yumi hands Hayate the pictures of the 8 girls mentioned.

Yuki: We would always be around you,so you don't repeat what happened earlier.

Hayate: What did I do exactly?

Yumi: You turned into "Spice Hayate" which traumatized a LOT of kids.


Yuki: Good luck Hayate! By the way,you're the only boy in this school,since this is an all girls school. But you got considered. Ok?

Hayate: *nods*

Hayate entered the school with Yuki and Yumi on his tracks. They guided him to the music room,where The light music club are practicing…maybe not practicing…drinking some tea. Yuki and Yumi knocked on the door. Mio Akiyama opened the door. Yuki put on her "innocent face" pretending to be an innocent freshman.

Yuki: Hello there,Akiyama-senpai. Our friend wants to join the light music club.

The other club members quickly rushed to the door.

Ritsu: I,the president of the club,gladly accepts you as our new club member!

Yuki: Me? Oh no,I'm not gonna join your club,sorry. I'm in glee club.

Ritsu: Oh,is it you then? *points to Yumi*

Yumi: Oh no,I'm in dance club.

Ritsu: Then…..*notices Hayate* him?

Yuki/Yumi: *nods*

Hayate quickly put on his "handsome,gentleman face". As expected,as the girls blushed. Yuki facepalmed then Yumi muttered some inaudible words under her breath. Something like "Not Spice Hayate again… I'm gonna freakin' barf remembering about Spice Hayate". "Umm…all of you,please enter" Tsumugi Kotobuki said. So the three dimensional travelers entered the club room. Tsumugi quickly served them tea and cakes. "Thank you!" blunette and the black heads said in unison. They ate their cake and drank their tea. "Oishi~" the three "innocent freshman" said in unison. "What are your names?" Yui asked, surprisingly,she looked mature and calm. She's beaming with confidence. "I'm Yuki Shiriashi" Yuki said "And I'm Yumi Shiriashi" Yumi said. "We're twins" The girls said in unison. "My name is Hayate Ayasaki" Hayate said. The light music club introduced themselves one by one. "Hayate-kun,since you're gonna join our club,what instrument can you play?" Azusa Nakano faced Hayate and looked at him at the eyes. "Hayate can play the violin,the piano and the guitar,also,he has a very good voice" Yumi said. Hayate looked quite flustered. "Impressive…" Mio whispered. "Well,may you please play this piece on the keyboard?" Tsumugi asked as she pointed to her keyboard. Hayate gulped. He forgot all about the keys and stuff! He looked at the sheet and tried to play it. For some reason,he played it beautifully which made Hayate himself drop his own jaw. Tsumugi narrowed her eyes a bit while the others clapped. Azusa approached Hayate,with her guitar and the music sheet for "No thank you". "Please play this" Azusa said as she handed Hayate her guitar and music sheet. Hayate,for some miracle,played the guitar expertly. "So this is the power of fanfiction! Its so amazing!" He thought in his head. Everyone clapped. Yuki and Yumi smirked. "Amazing!" the K-on girls said in unison. "You also said that you can sing right? Sing a song for us!" Ritsu exclaimed. Yuki approached Hayate and handed him the lyrics of his character song, "Underage"

Hayate: doushite setsunai hitomi

kimi wa bukai iki o shite

kodoku to iu na no melody kuchizusamu yo

kimagure na furumai mo

yukibasho no nai iradachi mo

subete o hikiukeru yo

kimi ga kimi rashiku ikiteku tame ni

isoge isoge hayate no gotoku

hashire hashire shinjiru ga gotoku

atsuki omoi kokoro sawagu bekutoru

dakara isoge!

tachifusagaru kabe soko ni aru nara

boku wa toberu hayate no gotoku

zurui yo sunao na namida

amari ni totsuzen sugite

saigo ni nokotta joker hiita mitai

soko shirenu sabishisa mo

tayoru koto naki tsuyogari mo

yappari itoshii nda

nanimo dekinakute mo

soba ni itai

isoge isoge hayate no gotoku

hibike hibike kimi no na o sakebu

kooru tsukiyo shakunetsu no taiyou mo


modoreru sono basho mitsuketa boku wa

tsuyoku naru kitto makenai

(A/N: I'm sorry,I can't find any translation and I can't translate this!)

He sings the rest of the song. "I LOVE that song!" Yuki exclaimed. "I gotta admit,he sounds so good and cool,ne?" Yumi said. "Yeah!" Yuki exclaimed. Everyone clapped for Hayate. "You're in!" Ritsu exclaimed. "We'll be leaving now! Good luck Hayate!" the "twins" said in unison. The bid everyone farewell and went out of the music room. This is where the seducing begins.

~Day 1~

Hayate opened the door of the club room,only to see that only the pet of the k-on girls are there,no one else. "I guess I was a bit too early…" he muttered to himself. He was so excited that he really did buy a guitar and a keyboard then practiced his vocals. He set his guitar on the seats and studied the music sheets. After that,he grabbed his guitar and started playing the notes. One by one. "C D E F G…." he recited the chords silently. Someone entered the music room. It was Tsumugi Kotobuki. Hayate looked at her and greeted her. "Hello there,Kotobuki-san" Hayate said politely. Mugi blushed a bit and greeted him as well. "Hello to you too,Ayasaki-kun! My,you sure are early,I also heard your notes,indeed very beautiful" She said cheerfully. Tsumugi brought out the cakes and was gonna reach for the teacups. Hayate rushed to her and insisted that he would do the tea. So…with his experience with being a butler, he was able to do tea and he would clean the teacups with a soft cloth. Everyone else came in and saw Hayate adding some extra ingredients on the cakes. Hayate placed the teacups on the table then poured the tea on each teacup gently and elegantly. He placed the cakes on the table. Everyone took a bite of the cake. "Oishi~" everyone said in unison. "The cakes are once again very delicious,Mugi" Mio said. Mugi smiled at Mio. "Well,those cakes were improved Hayate-kun,I had a taste of the cakes earlier but after Hayate-kun added some ingredients,it was much more delicious! The most delicious cake I have ever tasted!" Mugi said with a smile. Mio looked at Hayate. "You know how to cook?" she asked. "Yes" Hayate said. "Hayate-kun also made the tea" Mugi said. Everyone took a sip of the tea. Their eyes widened,they were amazed on how the tea tasted. "It's lemon tea" He said. "I am very amazed with your skill,Hayate-kun!" Tsumugi said. Hayate smiled back at her. Tsumugi's heart skipped a beat when she saw Hayate's cheerful and kind smile. She went to the other side of the room to hide her blush from everyone else. She tried to calm her heart that's beating so fast. "One down,7 to go" Yuki muttered. They were spying on the k-on club. Yumi checked out Tsumugi from the list.

The so called "practice" of the K-on club was now over. The problem is,everything is a mess. With the other girls escaping the duty and the others have somewhere to go to,only Hayate and Mio are left to clean up the mess. "Well,I guess its up to us" Mio said. Hayate and Mio grabbed the cleaning supplies. Just after a few minutes,everything was spic and span and Mio only cleaned a part of the floor. "Eh?" she whispered. Hayate was cleaning the table,where the scattered crumbs and spilled tea are all over it. Hayate cleaned it up. Mio went to the board and erased it. She looked at Hayate,who was now wiping the spots of dirt of the windows. "Wow,he's fast" she murmured. She grabbed a clean cloth and started wiping the windows as well. Mio noticed that it was very cloudy. "It'll rain…" she whispered. After 10 minutes,the rain finally poured down. "Oh no,I don't have an umbrella" She said. "Me too" Hayate said as well. "Maybe we should wait until the rain stops." He said. After 15 minutes,the two finally finished cleaning. The rain hasn't stop yet so both just sat down on the couch of the club room and stared at the window. The atmosphere wasn't very comfortable. Hayate wanted to know Akiyama-san better. So he started with a simple conversasion. "Akiyama-san,you play so skillfully,when did you start playing?" he asked. Ok…maybe it wasn't the natural,normal conversasion he could have,he could've talked about the school and stuff but instead,he just had to ask about music. "Well…when I was in middle school? I don't really remember.." she said. "What about you,Ayasaki-kun? When did you start playing the guitar?" she asked. Hayate gulped. "I started playing…last year!" he said. "Ohh…"she whispered. There goes the awful silence again. "The way you play the bass is so beautiful. The way on how the bass would blend in and would people feel at peace." He said. "Yeah…" Hayate's sentence made Mio look at him. "What's wrong?" he asked. "You….do you like to stand out or not?" she asked. "Not really….I would rather play something that supports the band but I won't get too much attention…like the bass or the keyboard" he said. "I feel the exact same way" she said. "I hate to stand out too…I'm too shy to like that,I would rather cheer my friends on with my bass and just be at peace. For me…the bass is who I am" she said. Hayate gave her a gentle and understanding smile. Mio's heart skipped a beat,she turned around so she can hide her red face. "Akiyama-san? What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing…." She muttered. "Ayasaki-kun… no….Hayate-kun,call me by my name and I'll call you by yours. I don't want people calling me names that are too formal" She said. "Very well then,Mio-san" Hayate said. Mio faced him once again as they stared at each others eyes. They smiled at each other. The gentle pitter patter of the rain is no longer there. The rain stopped. They both headed out and bid each other a farewell. Yumi checked out Mio from the list. "Two in one day? He's good…" Yuki whispered. "That's why Spice Hayate exists after all" Yumi said. "Come on,let's go home" Yuki said.

~Day 2~

Hayate once again entered the club room. With no one in sight,he brought out his guitar and started of some miracle,Yui Hirasawa came in rushing in the room,thinking that she was late for practice. Hayate looked at her and greeted. "Hello,Hirasawa-san" he said. Yui once again that glow of confidence. "Why hello there,Hayate-kun!" She said confidently. "By the way,I hear you play,you sound pretty good!" she said. Hayate smiled at her. As expected of Hayate's amazing "skills". Yui's heart also skipped a beat. What's with this dude and his smiles? Where's the challenge in here? There's no excitement in here! Hayate is too good that he doesn't need 4 days to complete this! He could finish the dare in one hour! Gosh this is annoying. And why do I keep complaining to you people? Anyway,back to the two "lovebirds". "Uhh….do you want to practice together?" Yui asked. Hayate nodded and gave her a kind smile. "Doki!". Outside was two girls who are sitting on a treebranch. "Where's the freakin' excitement in here! Shall I continue my rant or what!" exclaimed Yuki. "Don't,its annoying,just accept the fact that Hayate makes it seem too easy and predictable that there's no excitement at all." Yumi said. She sighed as Yuki huffed. Back to the two guitarists. They were playing "Light and Fluffy time" with Yui doing the lead and Hayate with the rhythm. They created such a beautiful melody.

Then,Azusa Nakano came in with a smile. "Azu-nyan!" Yui exclaimed. She rushed to Azusa and glomped her to the max. "S-Senpai…I can't breath!" she stuttered. Yui let her go and apologized. "Hello Hayate-kun" she said. Hayate titled his head a bit and smiled angelically..but it has a hint of coolness as well. "Hello there, Nakano-san" He said. "DOKI!". Outside,you could hear Yuki's rant about how easy this is for Hayate. On how boring this is and how non-exciting the dare is when you let the MASTER do it. Leaving aside her rants,now,the THREE lovebirds are all playing their guitars,which is srtange for Yui since she hardly practices. They practiced then they would pull off occasional jokes and random conversasions. They were laughing so hard at one topic that Yui brought out. They laughed so hard that when Mio,Ritsu and Mugi entered,they stared at them as if they were patients from a mental hospital. They all sweatdropped and started the "real" practice, aka drinking tea and eating cakes. And after an hour,they bid themselves goodbye…but two other girls made a meeting. Ritsu and Nodoka was talking about Hayate,who made their friends act too lovey-dovey. It kinda annoys them on how their friends are acting but…they can't really blame them..Hayate is the MASTER…they have to admit,they're starting to be attracted as well. But that was when they were slapped back to reality,literally. They just went home and tried to stop thinking about the blue-haired idiot.

~Day 3~

It was early in the morning and four k-on members are present. Namely,Yui,Azusa,Mugi and Mio. Most likely that they were fantasizing about Hayate and stuff. They were giggling and squealing. Yup,its about Hayate alright. Ritsu and Nodoka heard these squeals and just sighed. They looked at each other. They nodded and smirked. Time to test Hayate themselves.

At lunch,they approached Hayate who was currently being dragged by the ear by Yumi. Nodoka and Ritsu sweatdropped while Yuki tried to hold back her rants about how easy it is blah blah blah. Ritsu and Nodoka approached him and smiled. Hayate smiled back,only this time,he added a wink. "DOKI!" again another facepalm was heard. "We're leaving" the "twins" said in unison as they walk away from another set of lovebirds. "Hello there Tainaka-san and umm…" He trailed off. "I'm Nodoka,just call me by my first name" She said as she took his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you,Nodoka-san,I'm Hayate Ayasaki" He said,he flashed another smile. With the girls' heart beating fast,they forgot all about their mission and started to act like shy girly girls. Weird for both of them,especially for Ritsu. Love makes you do weird things. "So Hayate…you are a new member of the club and of the school,we would like to get to know you better!" Ritsu said cheerfully as she clung to Hayate. Nodoka went closer to him too. "Go ahead Ayasaki-kun,tell us about yourself" Nodoka said.

After countless,random conversasions. The bell signaling the end of lunch rang. Time to say their goodbyes. When Hayate walked away to his class. Nodoka and Ritsu giggled. "I never knew that Hayate is this cool" Nodoka whispered. "I've never been crazy with a guy before and now,I pretty much know why the others aren't shy to be obvious on their crush" Ritsu said. They both smiled contentedly. "Mission complete" They whispered then high fived.

~Day 4~

Ui,Jun and Azusa was just talking about random things when the topic suddenly went to Hayate. "Oh yes I heard about him from my sister,she's been daydreaming about him….although to be honest, I don't know if that guy is really worthy for my sister's love" Ui said. "I haven't heard of him" Jun said. Azusa sweatdropped. "I can introduce him to you,then see for yourselves" She said. Ui and Jun just nodded.

At break time,they found Hayate by the cafeteria,nibbling on some bread with the "twins". "See the blue-haired boy nibbling on bread? That's Hayate Ayasaki" Azusa said. Ui and Jun spotted him and muttered an "oh". Azusa grabbed their hands and pulled them to Hayate. Azusa greeted Hayate with a smile. "Hello there Hayate-kun!" She chirped. The "twins" walked away,muttering the same old things. The rest just sweatdropped. "I want to introduce to you my friends,This is Ui,Yui-senpai's younger sister and this is Jun" Ui and Jun bowed down and Hayate did the same. "Nice to meet you" the three said in unison. Azusa's phone rang,and next thing you know,she was chasing another guy. "So….uh….I heard about you from my sister…she has been admiring your skills in guitar" Ui said. Hayate smiled a little. "Hirasawa-san thinks my guitar skills are good? Then I have to thank her later,though,her skills are better than mine" He smiled. "Well…I heard that you are really good in many things,what can you do?" Jun asked. "Well…I know how to play the keyboard,the violin and the guitar,they say that I have a beautiful voice and I'm studying how to play the bass" He said. Jun stared at him in amazement. "That's so cool! I would like to hear you play the guitar and sing!" Jun chirped. Hayate smiled again. "Maybe you two could come and see us practice later!" he said. "Sure!" they said. Jun and Ui's smile reached to their ears,now they know how cool Hayate is…and yet,they don't even know him well..they already have a bit of a crush on him. The bell signaling the end finally rang, they bid each other goodbyes

Ui and Jun headed for the music room. They heard a guitar solo,they opened the door,to see that Hayate did the guitar solo. Both of them clapped. "That's so cool! Did you compose it yourself?" Jun asked. Hayate smiled slyly. "You can say that" he said. "DOKI!" Outside,you can hear 4 branches snapping, that's caused by one single person,you know who she is. "Yes,I did!" he said. He played the guitar solo then sang the song. Again,the two girls clapped so hard that their hands were as red as an apple. Its official,the dare is finally completed. Hayate's phone rang. "Hello?". He suddenly acted super anxious and worried. "Oh no…I have to go to the hospital! My sibling is at the hospital!" he screamed frantically. He ran as fast as he can,the girls can't follow him.

Hayate rested near by a tree. The "twins" approached him and sang the lullaby,back at their own world.

Nagi showed up and hugged him.

Nagi: You made me worry! I hadn't seen you in four days! Where have you been?

Hayate: Doing a dare…I'm sorry I have worried you mistress,but don't worry,I'm here,right by your side.

Nagi: *blushes*

Yuki: Awww what a cute moment~….NEXT.

Yumi: Next set of dare is from SlugSLinger:

Nice.. Not bad I gotta say.

Here's MY list of dares...

1. the HNG cast is to be sent to desert island to see which one lasts the longest.

is to fight Hayate.. And WIN.(somehow..)


Yumi: Desert island? We have to go to a desert island this time…UGH.

Yuki: It says HNG cast,not with us~we would just guard them,but we won't stay at the desert!

Yumi: Hurray for authoress-ness and hostess-ness! And for made-up words!

Yuki: Now,let's go to the Sahara Desert! The only desert that sticked in my mind!

In a blink of an eyes,a lightning flashed. The HNG cast was at the Sahara Desert.

Hinagiku: What the? Where are we?

Athena: I think we are in the Sahara desert.

Maria: But…why are we here?

Then suddenly,a mini-tv poofed out of no where,its also…floating. "Its part of a dare,its to see who will last the longest. Good luck!" Yuki chirped.

Nagi: Why aren't you two here?

Yumi: It says "HNG cast" only,Yuki and I are just the hosts!

Ayumu: How on earth will we survive in a barren land!

Yuki/Yumi: We don't know…Good luck anyway!

The mini-tv disappears.

HNG Cast: We're doomed.

Maria: Well…we have to find an oasis!

Hinagiku: Maria's right! Let's go find one!

Nagi: I can't walk in this heat!

Athena: Then we have no choice….we have to take off some pieces of clothing and put them over our heads…its one of the ways that we can stand this heat…

All of the girls blushed. They removed some pieces of clothing and some folded up their sleeves,some let the other buttons be unbuttoned, Hayate took off his coat,he apparently took off his polo as well. All the girls blushed. Everyone would get a tan here. After so many hours which seemed like forever,with no water or food,they collapsed. How lucky they were,it was finally sunset,which it seemed colder.

Athena: The best choice is to rest for some hours and start traveling later.

Hinagiku: Good…choice…

They stayed like that,no one was moving a muscle. They had time to catch their breaths. Before you know it, everyone was already asleep.

~At the dare base~

Yuki: Hmmm…I would like to help them out,but the dare prevents me from doing so…

Yumi: I feel so sorry for them,I just wish that someone will colapse in the morning so it will signify that they give up.

Yuki: I bet its Nagi.

Yumi: Then we have to let her eat a lot of delicious foods when she gets back.

Yuki: Yeah….Just so they know,at the location where they are, the oasis is very,very,very far away. Why did we place them there anyway?



~Back at the Sahara Desert~

Athena: *wakes up* Hn..? Everyone….wake up,we have to get going…

Hinagiku: *Wakes up* Ugh….*stretches* looks like we have no choice,do we?

Maria: *wakes up*…..You can say that…..

The rest wakes up as well. Nagi kept saying "5 more minutes". Hayate her,which made Nagi wide awake and blush. "W-Wait! Put me down! Put me down!" she screamed. Hayate put her down. She turned away from him. After that,they walked…..and walked….and walked…..and walked…Nagi collapsed in exhaustion. She was panting so hard and her feet is covered in blisters. Everyone gasped and ran to her. Then a mini-tv appeared.

Yuki: Nagi is now eliminated,she will be transported back to the base.

Yumi: Now,the rest of you will continue,if you collapse completely like Nagi,your out. Good luck in finding the oasis!

The mini-tv disappeared.

HNG cast: *sigh*…

Hinagiku: Let's keep walking!

Hours of walking have passed. Before they know it,the hot,shining sun started to rise. They groaned and covered their eyes. They kept walking…and walking and still no sign of an oasis. Their stomachs growled loudly. It is so hot,like they were gonna melt any minute. Ayumu finally collasped completely,out of exhaustion and hunger. The mini-tv once again appeared.

Yuki: Ayumu will be transported back to the dare base.

Yumi: You are drawing near to something that will help you survive a bit longer.

Yuki: We won't tell what it is though~

Yumi: Good luck~!

The mini-tv disappears

Hayate: We have to keep going…..

Walking…walking…..walking….WALKING. ITS SO TIRING.

~Back at the dare base~

Nagi and Ayumu kept eating and eating and drinking and drinking. The two black haired girls sweatdropped.

Yuki: We can't blame them though...

Yumi: I guess we have to keep cooking….

~Back at the Sahara Desert~

After walking for so many hours,they saw many cactuses. Hayate's frown turned upside down. He pulled out a breadknife he brought with him. Athena tapped him on the shoulder. "Are you sure that it's enough to cut opened such a big and thick cactus?" she asked. "There's nothing wrong with trying,right?" he smiled brightly. Athena narrowed her eyes. "Don't smile so bright,I'll go blind!" she said. Maria and Hinagiku anime sweatdropped. Hayate breathed in…he sliced the cactus. Athena stared at him in shock, but then shook her head and just drank the water. The rest did the same as well.

Maria: Although we are lucky enough to get to drink some water….

Hinagiku: We should keep looking for the oasis,the water is much safer there.


~Back at the dare base~

Nagi was currently playing games while Ayumu was asleep. The two hosts just kept staring at the television, observing the 4 survivors walk to nowhere.

Yumi: Wanna play go fish?

Yuki: Sure..

~Back at the Sahara Desert~

All of them stops,then drops to the ground.

Maria: This is all too much….I don't think that I can go any further…

Athena: This is too tiring…

Hinagiku: It must be nice to lounge at the dare base…

Hayate: But if we stay here,we might die.

Athena: The girls will pick us up.

Hayate: But we know them,they get bored and play something like go fish,they'll be too distracted to pay attention to us!

Maria: How can you be sure of that?

~Back at the dare base~

Yumi: Got any threes?

Yuki: Go fish…

Yumi: Got any twos?

Yuki: Go fish…

~Back at the Sahara Desert~

They tried to walk more further..but one finally collasped and gave up. It was Maria. "I guess….I'm more used in cleaning a mansion….than walking in too big of a distance" she laughed bitterly. The mini-tv appeared.

Yuki: Whew,good thing we noticed ya,we were almost too distracted to look at the screen~

Hayate: Told ya so.

Yumi: Anyway,Maria shall be transported back to the cozy,COLD dare base~with lots of delicious FOOD and WATER~

Yuki: Good luck survivors~and don't die~

The mini-tv disappeared.

Hinagiku: Those girls are teasing…

Athena: But I certainly want to stay in a cold place….

Hinagiku: And drink water and delicious food…

The two girls imagine themselves,lounging on a wide,soft sofa. With the AC turned on. Served with delicious cake and the sweet ice tea from the Philippines. Doing nothing but reading the famous "Harry Potter" book. The were reading the last edition,the "Deathly Hollows". "Yeah…that would be nice…" the two girls said in unison. Hayate anime sweatdropped,with his real sweat dropping down as well. "Its hard to stand this heat…I'm gonna gain a tan…" he whispered. "With all the walking,maybe I can turn muscular too" he muttered. He imagined himself with a deep tan and with an overly buff body,beating up Kotetsu. "Although beating up Kotetsu-kun would be fun,I look hideous being overly buff with a deep tan" he said. "Let's keep walking!". Hours and hours have passed when Hinagiku,the all powerful student council president,collasped from exhaustion. "I….can't….go….any….further" she whispered. Athena and Hayate ran to her aid. The mini-tv appeared.

Yuki: What a surprise! I never expected the powerful SCP would actually colaspe!

Hinagiku: Don't rub it in….

Yumi: Hinagiku shall be transported to the dare base.

Yuki: Now,good luck to you two~!

The mini-tv disappears.

Athena: Then we have to keep walking….

So they walk…and walk…and walk…. Now,do you know who fainted this time? Its Hayate. The mini-tv appeared.

Yuki: He shall be transported to the dare base.

Yumi: To prove you are the winner,go to the oasis,good luck!

The mini-tv disappeared.

Athena: Oasis?

Athena saw some trees not too far from her. She ran as fast she can. Before she knew it,she dropped on the water of the oasis. She splashed around and had fun with the cold water. The mini-tv appeared.

Yuki: Must be fun to splash around,isn't it,Athena?

Athena: Very!

Yumi: You must be starving now. You are the winner! So you're gonna be transported back here and eat.

Athena: Ok…

She was transported back at the cold dare base. Maria offered her a towel. "Please change your clothes first before you eat,you might catch a cold" she said with a smile. Athena smiled as well. "Very well then, thank you Maria-san". After those things…eating so delicious food,each HNG character was laying on the sofas. The two hosts don't have anywhere to sit on.

Yuki: Oh well….the next dare says that Wataru has to fight Hayate and win.

Yumi: With Hayate's condition,it'll be a snap.

Wataru enters the dare base.

Wataru: So…what dare do I have?

Yuki: Fight Hayate…and win,somehow.


Isumi suddenly pops out of nowhere.

Isumi: Wataru-kun and Hayate-sama would fight? Oh,that's a fight that I would love to watch.

Wataru: just watch Isumi,I'll win!

Hayate was already snoring softly. Yuki pulled out her megaphone. "Wake up dude,you have a dare" she said. Hayate stirred a little but then fell asleep again. "OH NO THE DARE BASE IS ON FIRE! HELP!" Yumi screamed desperately. Hayate waked up completely. "WHO?WHAT?WHERE?" he asked. "Oh sure, you're not awakened by a megaphone but you're awakened by a fake situation? That's not really good Hayate. Tsk tsk tsk" Yuki said. "Anyway,just go ahead and fight Wataru! Here's a sword." Yumi said,she handed him a sword. Hayate was hardly paying attention. They went to the arena of the dare base. Wataru was ready and fierce while Hayate was lightly snoring. "Sleeping while standing? Wow….." Hinagiku said. Athena sipped her tea. "He's gonna lose this,big time" she said. "Well,it is a need for the dare….." Maria said. Nagi sighed. "He's already sleeping,how can he call himself a butler in that condition?" . Ayumu patted her head. "Nagi-chan,we're all wiped from walking in a desert,we can't really blame him" she said softly with a smile. Nagi just bowed her head and whispered "hamster". "Not a freakin' hamster!" Ayumu exclaimed.

Wataru dashed to Hayate but before Wataru could strike,Hayate fell down and went into a deeper sleep. Everyone anime sweatdropped. "W-Wataru wins!" Yumi exclaimed. Wataru smiled so big,when he turned to Isumi…but instead of congratulating him,she ran to Hayate's aid,just like what all other girls did. Poor Wataru went to the emo corner.

Yuki: Think of the bright side! At least you finally beat Hayate.

Wataru: *becomes more depressed*

Yumi: Next dare is…..GENDERSWAP!

Everyone: *LE GASP*

Yuki: I don't mind being a boy at all…

Yumi: Me too…..


They sing the magic lullaby that changed everyone into the opposite gender.

Yuki: Everyone who is now a boy,go to the dressing room and change your clothes and everyone who is now a girl,go to the separate dressing room.

Yumi: And by girl,that means you two,Wataru and Hayate. *smirks*

Hayate acts all tsundere and marched to the "girls" dressing room,Wataru didn't go to the dressing room,"she" headed to the to the Tachibana store instead. Hinagiku came out,wearing a white shirt with an abstract design of pink and gray,white pants with a chain belt. Athena came out wearing a black polo with a red tie,black pants and leather shoes. He pulled out a black fan and started fanning "himself". "He" was also wearing a black choker necklace. Then Maria came out wearing a navy blue butler uniform with a red tie. Nagi came out wearing a green t-shirt and black pants. Yuki and Yumi came out wearing black t-shirt of different designs,with both wearing black pants.

Yuki: Well….should we change our names?

Yumi: No need.

Hayate came out of the dressing room. She was wearing black t-shirt and pants. Both garments hung loosely on her thin frame. Yuki went back to the dressing room,"he" came out wearing a white polo shirt with a yellow tie,black arm warmers,black shorts with yellow trims,black leg warmers and white shoes with yellow soles. Yumi did the same as Yuki did,then came out wearing blue shirt and black cargo pants.

Yuki: We had to change since the colors here are getting repeatitive,also,I want to cosplay.

Yumi: Hayate,you're a girl! Can't you wear something cuter? You look like a tomboy!

Nagi: Who wants to give her a makeover?

All "boys": Us….*smirks*

Hayate: W-Wait! I like this….AAAAAHHH!

Hayate was currently a black,spaghetti strap with a red mini-skirt and black pumps.

Nagi: You look much more beautiful like that.

Maria: Be careful of perverts,Hayako-chan *winks*

Hayate: *shivers*

Yuki: Alright! Next set is from 20yuuki11

hehe *evil grin* }:D

1. push hinagiku from somewhere on the top (not too high), then hayate must catch her without her noticing ;)

2. for hayate: date or kiss nagi (you can choose)

3. hayate must proposed someone that he really likes ;) (truthfully

hehe. sorry hayate ;p well, have fun! (evil grin and go back to the dark side)

Yuki: Let's transport to one of the tall trees of our school!

So they get transported to one of the tall trees in Yuki's school. Athena and Hinagiku are at the top.

Hinagiku: Kyah! *clings to Athena*

Athena: Sorry for what I am about to do,Hinagiku.

Athena pushed Hinagiku off of the tree. Hinagiku close "his" eyes and screamed. When "he" opened his eyes,Hayako was currently panting. "Hinagiku-san…are you okay?" "she" asked. Hinagiku nodded. "Thank you…Haya…Hayako" "he" said. Hayako smiled. "No…problem" "she" let go of Hinagiku and they were transported back to the dare base.

Yumi: Next one is….Hayate must either date or kiss Nagi.

Hayate: Uuhh….I can't really decide which….

Yuki: Here,pick one of these two.

"She" picked the one saying "kiss". "She" blushed.

Yuki: Nagi-kun!

Nagi came out of "his" room.

Nagi: What is it?

Hayako approached "him". "She" leaned closer….and closer…and closer. Until "she" kissed Nagi. They stayed like that for 30 seconds. Nagi blushed heavily,"he" bowed his head and dashed to "his" room.

Yuki: Now…next one is still for Hayate….Oh Hayako-chan~!

Hayate: What is it?

Yuki: *whispers to her* You have to propose to someone you really like,truthfully.

Hayate: Oh…

Yumi: But….he's a girl now,a girl proposing to a so called guy? That's so….weird.

Yuki: Then let's give "girls" a chance to be seme for a short moment. Do what the normal thing is!


Yumi: Uhh…then just use this ring….*hands her a ring*

Hayate: *nods*

Hayate approached Athena who was just leaning on the wall. "Athena…please…would you marry me?" "she" asked. Athena blushed. "I did make a promise….I do!" "he" said with a smile. The other "boys"started to be more and more jealous.

Yumi: The atmospshere is intense,especially from Hinagiku

Hinagiku: *evil and jealous aura coming out of him*

Yuki: Let's just move on,shall we?

Yumi: the next one is still from 20yuuki11

oh, i forgot to make one more dare -'

okay, here it goes;

yuki must sing infront of the audience. any song~ i wouldn't mind anyway :)

sorry if the dare is TOTALLY boring. Hehe

Yumi: Yuuki-kun must sing infront of an audience..any song…

Yuki: You have gotta be kidding me…

Hayate: You can do it Yuuki-kun!

Hinagiku: Go ahead and do so,Yuuki-kun. Can you resist "her" eyes?

Hayate: *adorable puppy dog eyes*

Yuki: F-Fine…tell all of the HNG characters to assemble by the auditorium..and I mean ALL….

Maria: I'm on it! *dials lots and lots of numbers*

So everyone assembled in the auditorium. Yuki was currently doing vocalizations.

Yuki: This would've been easy if I was a girl…oh well,I guess I have to sing one of Len Kagamine's songs!

Yumi: Yuuki-kun would now sing,Paradichlorobenzene! Originally sang by Len Kagamine!

Yuki was now at the center of the stage. The music started to play.

Yuki: boku wa nan no tame ni utau? (For what do I sing?)

PARAJIKUROROBENZEN (Paradichlorobenzene)

tada imi no rikai sezu ni utau (I just sing without understanding why)

PARAJIKUROROBENZEN (Paradichlorobenzene)

sou kotaemotome hashiridashita (Yes,I ran,seeking the answers)

PARAJIKUROROBENZEN (Paradichlorobenzene)

sono saki ni tadoritsuite nanimo nai to shitta kedo (Though I knew there was nothing out there for me to reach)

saa utaimashou odorimashou (So,let's sing,let's dance)

PARAJIKUROROBENZEN (Paradichlorobenzene)

saa wamekimashou sakebimashou (So let's scream,let's shout)

PARAJIKUROROBENZEN (Paradichlorobenzene)

inu mo neko mo ushi mo buta mo mina (Dogs,cats,cows,pigs,everyone)

PARAJIKUROROBENZEN (Paradichlorobenzene)

saa kuruimashou nemurimashou (So let's go mad,let's sleep)

kuchihateru made saa (Until we fall apart,come)

RUURU ga boku wa iya de (I hate rules)

tada shibararetaku nakute (I don't want to be held down)

dakara boku wa nigedashite (and so I run away)

atosaki no koto wa wasure (Forgetting everyone around me)

sashizu sareru no ga iya de (I hate to be told what to do)

sukoshi aku ni naritakute (I want to be a little evil)

shin'ya ie wo nukedashite (I slip out of my house in the middle of the night)

yoru no machi wo hashirinuke (And run through the town)

nan no tame ni ikiru noka (What's my purpose?)

boku wa noraneko ni hanashikaketa (I asked to the stray cat)

neko wa nanimo kotaezu ni (but the cat didn't answer)

tada mikudashita hitomi de boku wo mita (it just looked at me with spiteful eyes)

nome mo shinai koohii nomihoshite (I drank some coffee)

kumorisora wo miagetanda (and looked up to the cloudy sky)

ima no boku ni nani ga dekiru? (What can I do?)

soresura wakaranai (I don't know that)

dakara boku wa utaisakebunda (And so I sing and shout)

PARAJIKUROROBENZEN (Paradichlorobenzene)

sono imi no rikai sezu ni wameku (I scream without knowing why)

PARAJIKUROROBENZEN (Paradichlorobenzene)

kore de kimi wa manzoku dekiru no? (Are you pleased with this?)

PARAJIKUROROBENZEN (Paradichlorobenzene)

okite kisoku yabuttara kimi wa nanika kawaru no? (Will you change when you break free from the rules?)

sou dare demo ii buchimaketai (Yes,I'd like to spill my guts to anyone)

PARAJIKUROROBENZEN (Paradichlorobenzene)

aku wo tataku seigi furikazasu (I'll weild justice against the "evil")

PARAJIKUROROBENZEN (Paradichlorobenzene)

seigi tate ni SUTORESU kaishou (With "justice" as shield,my stress goes away)

PARAJIKUROROBENZEN (Paradichlorobenzene)

mawaritomeru bokura kizukanai (as we stop wondering)

orokana koui (our foolish deeds)

Yuki sings the rest of the song. Everyone claps for "him".

Athena: You sounded good.

Yuki: Thank you!

Nagi: I thought you said that you hate performing in large crowds?

Yuki: I do,but I got used to it. Blame my teachers for making me sing/dance/act for the school activities..

Maria: You did great Yuuki-kun!

Yuki: Thank you!

Yumi: Before Yuuki gets all prince-like,let's move on to the next set of dares.

Yuki: Its from randomstuff1900

hey, sorry for the late review, I was busy with some homework and tests.

Anyway, dares ...

to be stuck in a room with Hina.

to be Hayate's maid for a whole day.(I can't let chiharu off without something happening)

3. Yuki to write a fake love letter to hayate and add at the end, 'Plz meet me at the clocktower, your secret admirer' And give another one to Athena and Hinagiku.

That's all :D

Yuki: Long time no see senpai!

Yumi: School distracts us from so many important things…*sighs*

Yuki: Now,to the dares we shall go!

Yumi: *reads the dare* How on earth shall we do that?

Yuki: Hmm….*snaps her fingers* I got it! Everyone! Do you guys wanna play truth or dare?

HNG Cast: sure…

Nagi: Who'll go first?

Yuki: Me! Hinagiku,truth or dare?

Hinagiku: Dare…

Yuki: I dare you carry Hayako-chan,bridal stlye and stay in that closet for 30 minutes!

Hinagiku: E-Eh? Ok…..

Hinagiku carries Hayate bridal style. They both blushed. They went in the closet,then they suddenly heard some noises.

Hinagiku: What are you doing?

Athena: We're just making sure that you won't leave that room!

Maria: Good luck!

~inside the room~

Hayate: Uuhh…Hinagiku-san?

Hinagiku: What is it?

Hayate: Its hot,isn't it?

Hinagiku: Uhh….yeah…

The silence killed the two. It was so uncomfortable and the temperature wasn't making anything better.

Hinagiku: H-Hey Hayate…

Hayate: What is it?

Hinagiku: Those clothes that you're wearing…are very seductive. You always warn me about some…guys. I guess its my turn.

Hinagiku held onto Hayate's shoulders.

Hinagiku: Today's society is filled with sheep and wolves lurking in the shadows,in your current form,you could get eaten by those wolves,even you're normal form could drive these wolves crazy,so be careful! Understand!

Hayate anime sweatdropped.

Hayate: Don't worry Hinagiku-san,I won't get into those kind of situations!

Hayate smiled brightly. It made Hinagiku's heart beat..but this time,"he" has another feeling,a feeling that he didn't feel when "he" was a girl. A feeling like…"he" wants to hold the "beautiful lady" "he's" facing. The "girl" "he" fell for is too tempting. "He" had to mentally slap "himself". Hayate noticed Hinagiku's silly movements. "She" approached "him". "Hinagiku-san? You alright?". "she" asked,with their faces so close together,Hinagiku can't help but to blush. "I-I'm fine" "he" said. Hayate nodded then backed away from "him". After so many minutes which seemed like forever,Nagi opened the door. "You're dare is done,you can get out now". Hayate and Hinagiku dashed out of the closet,they let themselves be surrounded by electric fans and the AC.

Yumi: Next one says that Chiharu should be Hayate's maid for a day.

Athena: Isn't she affected by the Genderswap dare as well?

Yumi: Yeah….now what?

Yuki: Then let's change her back for a moment.

Chiharu enters the dare base. "He" was wearing a long-sleeved plain shirt,red pants and black shoes.

Chiharu: Alright…..what dare?

Yumi/Yuki: *sings the magical lullaby*

Chiharu changes back into a girl.

Yumi: Now that you're a girl,you're dare is to be "Hayako's" maid.

Chiharu: Oh…

Yuki: Wear your maid outfit!

Chiharu entered the dressing room,then comes back wearing her maid uniform. Chiharu smiled cheerfully at her "mistress". "Hello there mistress! My name is Chiharu! But please call me Haru!" She said cheerfully. "Hayako" smiled. "Hello there,Haru-san. You don't really need to call me mistress,please just call me by my name. Haya…..Hayako!". "Hayako-san,is there anything I could do for you?" Haru asked. "Well…..is it okay if you get me a glass of water, please?" Hayako asked. Haru nodded and dashed to the kitchen to get a glass of water,then dashed back to her "mistress". Hayako took the glass and drank it. "Thank you Haru-san". Ayumu was drinking a chocolate milkshake,but she accidentally spilled it. "Oh,looks like I have to clean that up" Hayako said. "Don't do it mistress,you might stain your clothes! I'll do it!" Haru said. "Is it okay?" "she" asked. Haru nodded and flashed a smile. She started cleaning the mess.

Yuki: Let's see…the next dare is for me! *smirks* another dare that's so mischievous~

Yumi: And yet you enjoy doing them~

Yuki: There's nothing wrong with being a little evil~

Yuki got started on the love letter for Hayate.

My dear savior,

That smile that enlightens ones mood,that attitude that is deserving to be called a saint,you are my dearest. You don't know how much I adore you,I adore everything about you. You make me do weird things. You inspire to move on although I have heavy problems. The love and passion that burns in my heart and soul,no one shall put it out. How much I long to touch and look at you,to be together as one. And so I shall say my feelings through this letter,Ayasaki Hayate….I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I do not look for a very fast answer,it is enough for me for you to know my feelings that was deeply engraved in my heart.

P.S:Please meet me at the clocktower.


Your secret admirer

Yuki: Do you think this is too cliché?

Yumi: Its fine,time to make another letter for the girls.

Yuki wrote two letters for Hinagiku and Athena,it's the same,but the difference is the name.

My dear angel,

Oh,your eyes make the stars look like they're not shining. Your hair falls perfectly without you trying. Your so beautiful,I want to tell that to you everyday. Your lips,I caloud kiss them all day if you let me. Your laugh,you hate it but I think its so sexy. If you ask me "Do I look okay?" I'll say…when I see your face,there's not a thing I want to change,'cause you're amazing,just the way you are! I say these things,which are from my heart..Katsura Hinagiku/Tennos Athena…I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! These feelings that was long kept in a deep part of my soul. I confess it to you. I do not need a very fast answer, all I want is to convey my feelings to you.

P.S: Please meet me at the clocktower


Your secret admirer

Yumi: The other two letter are from a song…

Yuki: Yup,and I won't say what song it is.

Yuki placed the letters in the mailbox. Haru opened the mailbox and noticed the love letters. Haru distributed the letters,except for one. "Umm…has anyone seen Ayasaki-kun?" Haru asked. "Hayako" gulped. "She" grabbed the letter from Haru. "I know where he is! I'll just give it to him!" Hayako said. "Oh,mistress,I don't want you to get tired, please let me bring it to him" Haru insisted in doing so but Hayako still resisted. "I want to give this him since I want to see him ,I won't be tired in doing so". Hayako said confidently. Haru finally gave up and said "Whatever you say, mistress". Hayate dashed into another room and opened the letter. He blushed as he read the letter. He is curious… who's his "secret admirer"? He ran out of the dare base and headed to the dare base,forgetting the fact that it was painful running in high heels. Hinagiku was the next one to read the letter,like Hayate,"he"also blushed. "He" also ran out of the dare base and headed to the clocktower. Athena read the letter, blushed as well but instead of running out of the dare base,"He" summoned Machina who is currently a girl because of the GENDERSWAP DARE and drove to the clocktower. Hayate,Hinagiku and Athena encountered each other at the top of the clocktower.

Hayate/Hinagiku/Athena: *blushes* are you my secret admirer?...no! infact,I received a love letter!

All three of them were extremely confused. The phone rang. Hinagiku answered it.

Hinagiku: Hello?

Yumi: Hi,do you know who's your secret admirer?

Hinagiku: nope,we're clueless and confused.

Yumi: Then I guess its best to come back here.

The three confused teenagers just went back to dare base.

Athena: Although these letters maybe fake or not,they are kinda sweet.

Hinagiku: Yeah….

They reach the dare base.

Yuki: So~who was your secret admirers?

Hayate/Hinagiku/Athena: We have no idea….

Yuki: *giggles*

Yumi: To the next set of dares! From FlareRegion

lol I love this. The way you do it with the characters and your OC's. I love it.

Anyway, here's my dare:

1:Hayate and Nagi go on a date. And Hayate has to accidently kiss her without Nagi knowing this.

2:Have Maria do karaoke. (your song of choice)

3:Have Hinagiku run across a bridge that's very high. And the bridge is very long.

4:For Hayate to read Nagi's entire manga. the Magical Destroy one And give a summary of what he thinks is happening.

5:For all the girls to wear Butler uniforms, and all the guys to wear Maid uniforms.

And that's it. I'm looking forward to this story!

Yuki: OMG I'm so happy~! *does the snoopy happy dance*

Yumi: Thank you for supporting this crazy session!

Yuki: Ok~so the next dare says that…Nagi and Hayate should go on a date and Hayate should kiss Nagi..

Maria: The genderswap dare…..

Yumi: Let's give a cute "girl" a chance to be seme~!

Hayate: Uumm….ok…

Hayate knocked on Nagi's room. Nagi opened the door. "Oh,hey Hayate" he said. "Um….mistress or master I should say….would you like to go out with me?" she asked. He blushed and nodded,then slammed the door right at her face. Nagi blushed massively. He did his best to look pleasing at Hayate's eyes. Hayate is a girl….He's a boy…genderswap. He has to choose clothes that will make him look cool, not cute. Talk about nosebleed. He found a leather jacket,a dark blue t-shirt,skinny jeans,chains,and black shoes. "I kinda look a bit emo…but I do look kinda cool…."He muttered. He went out of the room. He saw Hayate wearing a beautiful red dress,red sandals,a ruby necklace. He was wearing a wig,the same color,only longer. It was tied up to a ponytail. Nagi blushed on how LOVELY and BEAUTIFUL Hayate looked. Which is weird,knowing that Hayate is really a boy…and that he is really a she. Hayate looked at Nagi and smiled. Nagi looked COOL and GOOD-LOOKING. Hayate mentally slapped herself. She is really a he and that he is really a she! Man,this is confusing.

Yumi: Have a happy date~!

Hayate and Nagi left the building.

Yuki: A so called "girl" becoming a seme for once. I gotta take a picture~

Yumi: And sell it to Hayate x Nagi fans to make some money!

Yuki: Good idea! *high fives Yumi*

Yumi: *high fives Yuki*

HNG cast: *sweatdrop*

~Back at Hayate and Nagi~

Hayate: Umm master…do you want to go to the park?

Nagi: Sure….

When they arrived by the park,the park was strangely quiet,no one was there.

Nagi: I guess we have more space then?

Then,Nagi spotted the swing.

Nagi: Hayate! Let's go to the swing!

Hayate: Ok!

Nagi sat on the swing and started moving,then Hayate pushed him,making him go higher…higher…higher…

Nagi: Kyah! Too high!

Hayate stopped the swing.

Hayate: I'm so sorry!

Nagi: *sighs* Its okay,even though you made me surprised there,it was fun! *smiles*

Hayate: *smiles as well*

They heard the ringing of the bell. "Ice cream!" They heard it from some children.

Hayate: Master,do you want some ice cream?

Nagi: Sure!

They went to the ice cream stand and ordered two vanilla ice creams. They happily licked their ice cream.

Nagi: Now,where should we go to next?

Hayate: If I'm not mistaken,there's boat riding that's close here….want a ride,master?


They finished their ice cream and headed for the boats. They got on the boat,Hayate was the one rowing the boat.

Nagi: It sure is peaceful~

Hayate: Yeah.

"Hayate and I are alone at a boat! Ever since the dares were given, she has done nothing but those! And most of those dares goes against the confession…This is my chance!" He thought frantically. Hayate stared up to the sky. It was very cloudy,it looks like it was gonna rain. When Nagi was about to speak,a rain drop dropped on his head. It started to rain. Hayate started to row back,so they can get some shelter. "Master,please take off your jacket and put it over your head!" she said. Nagi did what he was told to do. The two finally got off of the boat and seeked shelter in a near by restaurant. They were at a famous Japanese restaurant. Nagi was kinda wet,but not like Hayate. "Are you alright,master?" she asked as she grabbed a face towel and started to wipe some water droplets on Nagi. "I'm fine…." He muttered. "Looks like we're in a restaurant,please find a seat and order some food while I go to the CR, is that alright with you?" she asked. He nodded. Nagi found a seat near by CR. Hayate was kinda having some trouble in which CR would she go to. He is a she now,I guess its to the LADIES CR. Hayate dryed herself off. Then went to Nagi and sat down. "master,did you choose already?" she asked. "No….I wanted to wait for you"he muttered then blushed. She smiled and started to browse the menu. Then,a waiteress who is…KOTETSU….gave a big smile that reached his ears. "Its that Kotetsu dude….or dudette….what is he doing here?". They both thought frantically. "My name is KATARA and I'm here to take your order~HAYAKO-CHAN AND NAGI-KUN" "she" said in a very high pitched voice,which annoyed the two genderbended protagonists. They ignored the annoying fact that Kotetsu was now a girl. They enumerated the food and drinks they want. Kotetsu put on another creepy smile and headed of to the kitchen of the restaurant. Kotetsu was not very pleasing as a girl,the dude still had that somewhat buff body,like it only had breasts and longer hair. The two genderbended protagonists eyes twitched. If they were driking water,they might have made an epic spittake. Hayate wanted to practically kill Kotetsu with killer insults,like the typical "mean,popular girl" type. Nagi looked cool as a boy,and as a boy,he thought that the current dudette Kotetsu was..ahem,ugly or not pleasing for a guy's fantasies.

(A/N: I'm so mean to Kotetsu xD,I hope I didn't make any of you Kotetsu fans mad or anything! Don't flame me!)

Anyway,Kotetsu served their food. "Enjoy~" she said. Its official,Nagi wanted to the "bad boy" type and make Kotetsu get outta there,its weird. Hayate wanted to the "mean,popular girl" type and kill Kotetsu with insults. Its gotta be fine,right? They have the looks for it. They just shook the mean thoughts out of their head and took a bite of their food. Hayate smiled widely. "The food here is delicious~master,what do you think?" she asked. "Well,the food is not bad but…"he looked away,blushing. "I like eating the food YOU cooked,its more delicious and…..I like it better, 'cause I feel thought more" He whispered. Boy or girl he's quite a tsundere. They ate the delicious food and drinks. They talked about so many random things. Until they came into a certain conversasion.

Hayate: Do you think that Kotetsu-kun really changed into a girl?

Nagi: I don't know…maybe. He did have….those…breasts.

Hayate: What if he's just wearing a padded bra?

Nagi: That's possible….

Hayate: And earlier,his voice was kinda…screechy…

Nagi: Oh Hayako,I never knew that you're the "cute yet mean popular girl type" *smirks*

Nagi looked really cool and like a bad boy type. Hayate just giggled.

Hayate: I never knew that my master was the "cool,bad boy type" either.

Ah yes,their types are the perfect match. They payed for their food and started to stroll around. Just talking about random things. They would laugh and laugh,it was so fun that they didn't even realized they ended up at the park downtown. They sat down at one of the park benches. It was once again,very quiet and no children was in sight. They just stared at the swing. Hayate stood up and leaned down to Nagi.

Hayate: Master,I had such a good time! I enjoy being with you!

Nagi: Oh…I enjoy being with you too,Hayako!

Hayate: I want to give you a gift…

Hayate kissed Nagi on the lips. Nagi was too stunned to process what was going on. He melted into Hayate's kiss. Hayate pulled away,blushing massively,with her eyelids half-lided and with a small smile. Nagi was spacing out,a red blush was clearly visible on Nagi's face. "I hope you like my gift!" she said. Nagi stood up and muttered "Uh…yeah.. let's go back to the dare base now" his voice was shaking and he was woobly. Hayate carried him and they headed to the dare base.

Maria: How was your date?

Nagi: *runs off to his room*

Hayate: It was fun but I guess I scared him with my kiss.

Yumi: He loved it in the inside,he's just too stunned to admit it.

Yuki: Anyway,next dare says that Maria,do the karaoke! And sing a song of your choice!

Maria: Ok then…..

The HNG cast go to the karaoke box at the dare base. "You know what's weird? We built the dare base and yet I forgot about this karaoke box" Yuki said. "That's because you tend to forget and you're too lazy to actually study the map" Yumi said. "Guys,break it up" Hinagiku said. "Yes sir" they said in unison. They all sat down as Maria searched a song. He found the song he tends to sing the most, "Black Tea Waltz", he pressed the numbers. The intro started to play,Maria swayed with the tune.

Maria: shiruvupure yuuga ni ne

meguru hirusagari wa

koi o yobu kaori tadayou

koganeiro no nomimono

saa hitosukui no chaba o

potto ni ireta nara

suki na hito o hitotoki

omoiegaku no yo

an-du-toroa swing

koucha no warutsu de odorimashou

garasu no suteeji de mau riifu no you ni

an-du-toroa swing

koucha no warutsu de omajinai kakeru

oishiku naru you ni ne ai o komete

shiruvupure kifujin no

misesu anna maria

hajime hirogatta shikitari

tii taimu wa oyatsu o

saa sukoon ya sandwich

keeki o torei kara

suki na mono o hitokuchi

sore de shiawase yo

an-du-toroa swing

koucha no warutsu de odorimashou

hitotsu de tomaranai ankooru no you ni

an-du-toroa swing

koucha no warutsu de omajinai kakeru

karorii heru you ni ne negai komete

an-du-toroa swing

koucha no warutsu de odorimashou

garasu no suteeji de mau riifu no you ni

an-du-toroa swing

koucha no warutsu de omajinai kakeru

oishiku naru you ni ne ai o komete

anata ni ireteageru ai o komete

(A/N: I'm sorry,I can't find any English translation and I can't translate it. SORRY)

They all clapped for Maria. "Nice one Maria-san!" They all said in unison. "Maria,if you want to sing more,you can stay here,we'll just call you if you have dares,ok?" Yuki said with a smile. Maria nodded and waved. The rest went back to the living room,sat on the sofas and drank some tea.

Yumi: Alright,next dare says that Hinagiku should run through a bridge very high and long…


Athena: Actually,it's a dare that's just mentioned,you take the challenge yourself,without the so called "twins" forcing you to do so.


Yumi: Let us now go to a random bridge that is very long and high!

Hinagiku covered his ears and shouted "You don't need to shout it!". The light half and dark half both sweatdropped,then just poofed to a random bridge.

Yuki: Its simple Hinagiku,just cross over this bridge and after that,you relax at the soft comfy bed and eat sweets~

Hinagiku: Sounds very tempting….

Yumi: Go,Hina-kun,go!

Hinagiku gulped as he faced the bridge. He already felt dizzy by just staring at it. The lighter half looked at his darker half,then nodded. "What's wrong Hinagiku? Chicken?" They yelled in unison and they started to make chicken noises. This mocked Hinagiku that gave an evil glare to the "twins".

Hinagiku: I'll show you! I can cross this bridge in a matter of seconds!

Yuki/Yumi: Oh really~?then go do it then!

Hinagiku closed his eyes shut,then dashed to the bridge. He felt the bridge rock. He opened his eyes a bit,then was greeted by the abyss. He got dizzy and started wobbling. The bridge rocked more,it made him more nervous and scream. All the panic rushed through his body but he isn't even at the ¼ of the bridge. The "twins" laughed so hard, pointing at him as if he was the biggest joke in mankind. This made Hinagiku face them and glare at them that was as cold as an artic ice. Hinagiku closed his eyes shut and started to run as fast as he can,unfortunately,the rocking of the bridge always stop him from doing so. He would scream whenever he would feel the bridge rock. "No more~!" he yelled. The light and dark halves started snickering loudly. This aggravated Hinagiku once again,he dashed as fast as he can andshe finally reached the other side. He started to jump up and down in joy. "Who's laughing now,Yuki, Yumi!" he shouted. The "twins" anime sweatdropped.

Yuki: Third time is the charm indeed.

Yumi: And to think he won by our teases.

Yuki: We knew that her pride is so big that he can overcome his weaknesses just to defend his title.

Yumi: We did three simple teases and it led his to victory.

Yuki: Well,let's go back to the dare base!

They poof back to the dare base. Hinagiku plopped down to the sofa and relaxed. "Sweet,soft sofa and no rocking bridge~this is what I like~" Hinagiku said in a sing-song voice.

Yumi: Next one says that Hayate should read Nagi's manga,the Magical Destroy one,and she must give a summary of what he think is happening.

Hinagiku patted Hayate's shoulder.

Hinagiku: be strong,Hayate!

Hayate knocked on Nagi's room. He heard soft giggles emitting from it,must be from Nagi. Nagi opened the door with a big smile plastered on his face.

Nagi: Hi there Hayate!

Hayate: Hello master,may I read your manga,the Magical Destroy one,please?

Nagi: Ok then!

Nagi looked for her manga that was somewhere at his drawer. He spotted it and gave it to Hayate. She went out of the room and sat down on the softest sofa. She opened the manga and started reading. Everything just made her get dizzy and even drive her soul out.

Yumi: Can you understand it?

Hayate: No….

Yuki: Do your best Hayako-chan! Or you'll go to a new punishment room!

Hayate: eh?

Yumi: We have fangirl and fanboy closets in here. When you fail to do a dare,you either go to the fanboy or fangirl closet.

Yuki: and everybody knows that raging fans are the scariest of all!

Hayate: *gulps then reads the story all over again*

~After so many minutes and cramps later~

Yuki: times up! Now explain Nagi's manga!

Hayate: Uhh….I think that Britney is a detective who tries to stop an evil tea party that is made up of a cat and a squirrel,Britney attacks the squirrel with a thingy,then the scene suddenly changes into a cat that was just drinking his milk…

HNG Cast: *sweatdrops*

Yumi: Incomplete,but it isn't an evil tea party,it was just that the cat and the squirrel worked together to get all the sugar of the world...

Hayate: Oh...ok then...

Yuki: Ok….now that's over with….next!

Yumi: The girls to wear butler uniforms and boys to wear maid uniforms…

Yuki: Senpai has another idea in mind…but,what about the ganderbend dare?

Yumi: I think we have to temporarily let the genderbend dare slide and bring it back for a moment at the next session…

Athena: You guys like being boys,don't you?

Yuki: Of course we do,we escape the hardships of a girl every month!

Yumi: Right~

Hinagiku: I guess being a boy isn't so bad,it actually gets off much of the stress from you~

Athena: You all do have a point…..

Yuki: Well….everyone will turn back into their original gender~!

Nagi was at his room,just working on his manga. He felt a change a in his body and went to the CR. He was a she again! She smiled widely and started digging for some girl clothes. Maria was still singing at the karaoke box,when he felt a change in his body. He ran to the CR and changed his clothes,for he was now a she again! Ayumu and Chiharu were just chatting,somewhere at the kitchen. They wanted to keep away from the madness that was going on at the living room. Ayumu felt a sudden change in his body, then he ran to the CR,only to see that he was finally a she again! She ran to her room and changed her clothes. Hinagiku and Athena noticed this changed and went to their rooms to change. They came out with huge smiles plastered on their faces. Yuki and Yumi went to their rooms and changed. They came out with frowns and they were wearing two different designs of black dresses. Yuki had some strands of her hair to block her left eye then Yumi had her hair cover her right eye.

Hinagiku: Are you two emo or something?

Yuki/Yumi: Maybe….maybe not….

Last one to come out was Hayate. He was wearing PANTS,definitely his butler uniform. He had a smile that reached at his ears.


Athena: Hayate,you just got jinxed…..

Yumi: Dare is that girls will wear butler outfits and boys will wear….maid uniforms!

Hayate suddenly kneels down and looks up. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he screamed dramatically. Everyone sweatdropped. Nagi,Maria,Ayumu and Chiharu entered the living room. "Do we have any dares?" they asked. "Girls should wear butler uniforms,boys should wear maid uniforms" Yumi said. The girls entered the dressing room again, then came out wearing the butler uniforms. "We look handsome" they all said in unison. Hayate came out,blushing widly. He was wearing a red main uniform that was an open one. It exposed his back. Only the apron,the maid cap, ribbon and socks are white. His shoes are black,while the rest are all red. The outfit almost brought him to tears,but the rest of the maid uniforms revelead too much skin compared to his current maid uniform. Every girl giggled on how cute he looked like.

Hayate: It's not funny!

Hinagiku: *giggles* Right~!

Nagi: It's not funny,its adorable!

Hayate: That's worse!

Yumi: Well….let's go to the last set of dares. It is from Story Reader 97:

This story is very fuuny!

Alright, I dare Hayate to kiss every member of his harem(including Luca)!

I also dare Ayumu to eat ten meals per day without getting fat!

I'd also like Hayate to combat a dragon with a stick!

That's all.

Yuki: Says here that Hayate should kiss every member of his harem,including Suirenji-san.

Yumi: Then its time to contact them all.

Yuki: While we're calling the others,go ahead and kiss your harem that's in here!

Hayate: *blushes* Uhh…ok..

Hayate kissed Ayumu,then Maria,then Nagi. The other harem members arrived so quickly. Hayate kissed Isumi,then Sakuya next is Luca then Izumi,and followed by Risa and Miki. Every girl her had kissed was either blushing hard or in a trance or both. The last girl was Athena. He approached Athena and kissed her. It probably the most romantic kiss he did with all the girls. He truly loved Athena and only her. Athena kissed back,with the same emotions still dwelling inside her heart. They pulled away blushing. All of the Hayate x All fangirls and fanboys gathered at the dare base and took pictures discreetly.

Yumi: I think we're gonna see those pictures they took tomorrow at the internet.

Yuki:…..you got that right….

Yumi: Next dare says that Ayumu should eat 10 meals per day without getting fat…

Maria: That is hard for every girl!

Yuki: I know how it is to be fat,its hard,so do your best Ayumu-chan!

Ayumu: *gulps*

Hayate suddenly comes in the scene,holding a tray that has delicious food on it. Ayumu's eyes gliterred and her mouth watered. She went to the dining room and sat down,getting ready to devour the delicious food presented at her. Yuki and Yumi smirked and started going to opposite directions. "I'll get the dress" Yuki said. "I'll get the exercise equipment or maybe cook gruesome food to make her into Vanika Conchita!" Yumi said. Ayumu was already devouring her second meal for the day. When Yuki came back, she was holding a red dress. "Wear this Ayumu,it will fit your character for today's dare!" Yuki chirped as she handed Ayumu the red dress. Ayumu grabbed the dress and changed into it. She came out with a wicked smile. "I want more!" she yelled. Hayate cooked more and more and Ayumu finished them all. Yuki grabbed her guitar and Yumi prepared her drums. Maria grabbed her violin. Athena and Nagi were pushed in the dressing room. They were now wearing a yellow tie. Then Yuki gave them lyrics of a song while Yumi handed the same to Ayumu. Hayate was still cooking food but its part of the song as well~

Yumi: Why don't play this song? It'll be fun!

The HNG cast got ready. Yuki made the Guitar intro,then came the drums then was followed by the rocking violin. Then Ayumu started to say some words.

Ayumu: saa, nokosazu ni tabenasai! (Now eat, and don't leave even a crumb behind)

fushuu tadayou haitoku no yakata (In a mansion of corruption, with a rotten stench hanging in the air)

kyou mo hajimaru saigo no bansan (today, too, the last supper has been commenced)

mi no ke mo yodatsu ryouri no kazukazu (There are myriad dishes that will give anyone goosebumps)

hitori kuiasaru onna no egao (and moreover, a girl will hog all of them down with a smile)

kanojo no namae wa BANIKA KONCHIITA (The name of that very girl is Vanika Conchita)

katsute kono yo no bishoku o kiwameta (who in her past had tasted all the gourmet in this world)

sono hate ni kanojo ga motometa no wa (but in the end,she seeked for)

kyuukyoku ni shite shikou no akujiki (the ultimate repulsive food of the highest tier)

Athena: uyamaitataeyo (honor and praise)

warera ga idai na KONCHIITA (our great Conchita!)

Nagi: kono sekai no shokumotsu wa (All in the food in the whole world)

subete ga anata no tame ni aru (all exists only for you!)

Ayumu: kuraitsukuse kono yo no subete (Eat away everything in this world!)

ibukuro ni wa madamada aki ga aru (There is still room in my stomach)

aojiroku kagayaku moudoku (A deadly poison shining with pale blue light)

MEIN DISSHU no SUPAISU ni saiteki (is most fitting to be my main dish's spice)

hone no zui made shaburitsukuse (Suck and chew down to the marrows of the bones)

tarinakereba sara ni mo kaburitsuke (If you're still hungry, feel free to bite into the plate)

shitasaki o kakemeguru shifuku (As a supreme bliss runs down from the tip of my tongue)

bansan wa madamada owaranai (the supper shall continue!)

Hayate brought forth so many food and he was very tired. He approached Ayumu.

Ayumu: kotoshi ni haitte juugoninme no (Upon entering this year)

o-kakae KOKKU ga kou itte kita (my 15th personal cook started asking me)

Hayate: sorosoro o-hima o moraemasen ka? (Would it be okay for me to take a break now?)

Ayumu: mattaku tsukaenu yatsura bakari ne (Geez! All of them are just useless in the end!)

Nagi: uyamaitataeyo (honor and praise)

warera ga idai na KONCHIITA (our great Conchita!)

Athena: uragirimono ni wa (We must make the traitors)

mukui o ukete itadakimashou (receive the appropriate reprisal)

Ayumu: kuraitsukuse kono yo no subete (Eat away everything in this world!)

kyou no MENYUU wa tokubetsusei na no (Today's menu is specially ordered and prepared)

aojiroku kagayaku mouhatsu (The hair shining with pale blue light)

OODOBURU no SARADA ni choudo ii (is most fitting for my appetizer's salad)

hone no zui made shaburitsukuse (Suck and chew down to the marrows of the bones)

tarinakereba "okawari" sureba ii (If you're still hungry, feel free to get seconds)

chotto soko no meshitsukai-san (Ah, my dear servant over there)

anata wa donna aji ga suru kashira? (I wonder how you would taste)

Athena and Nagi suddenly gulped at the sudden line while Ayumu sang the rest of the song. After that, she ate all of the food on the table. Which was approximately 24 dishes….everyone's eyes widened,some already fainted and worshipped her on how she could go on like that. The next day,she had 16 meals,she doesn't seem to get fat….next next day,she ate 16 meals and yet she doesn't still get fat. The next next next day,Ayumu is still eating and ISN'T gaining ANY weight…how could that be? Everyone confronted Ayumu.

Ayumu: What's wrong?


Ayumu: I exercise every night when everybody's asleep.

Everyone else: Ohh….

Yuki: I wish I have my self dicispline and do the same things as Ayumu….

Yumi: Yeah….next and last dare says that Hayate should combat a Dragon with a stick…..

Maria: Uuhm…good luck Hayate-kun! And don't die…..

Yumi: Let's go to the time of dragons,princesses,magicians and etc! the medievial times!

They sing the lullaby. Then they ended up near by a cave. Then heard a roar of a dragon. Hayate shivered. Yuki gave him a stick. "It should be enough to fight a dragon…somehow" Yumi muttered. Hayate gulped then entered the cave. Next thing you know,Hayate came out running with some parts of his clothes burning. "AH! HOT HOT HOT! WATER WATER WATER!" he screamed desperately. Yumi threw water on him. Hayate calmed down then charged once again. Next thing they heard,the dragon started roaring,then Hayate came out. He was smiling victoriously.

Yuki/Yumi: You deafeated the dragon? How!

Hayate: Well,I hit him with the stick,but it broke to pieces. The broken stick gave the dragon a splinter. The dragon stumbled back and hit itself hard on the rock….

Yuki/Yumi: And we thought that dragons are smart….

Hayate: They are…but that dragon is the only exception….

They sang the lullaby and was transported back at the dare base,with the modern time.

Yuki: That's it for now! Thanks for everyone who gave dares!

Yumi: And don't forget to dare again!


Yuki: Weird,they weren't sarcastic or monotonic…

Yumi: Meh,the more cheerful the better!


Yuki: Gah! *bows down at 180 degrees* Sorry again for the late update and sorry again for the chapter seriously sucks! SORRY!

Yumi: Yuki-chan won't update sooner because her periodic test is coming up but she's sure that she'll update before August ends!

Yuki: Maybe….*smacked by Hinagiku* Ow! *rubs her abused head*

Hinagiku: So that's it! Please don't forget to review!

Yuki/Yumi/Hinagiku: BYE BYE~!