Sunlight sparkled down on the ocean, sending a thousand diamond-like reflections across the water and sky. A slight breeze ruffled the leafy palms, and the silent peace was unhindered. Then, a great shout of laughter punctured the air, accompanied by a loud splash as someone dived into the water. The person resurfaced with another laugh, his blonde hair plastered to his head and blue eyes dancing like the waves beneath him.

"Come and join me Artie!" he shouted to his companion, a man with dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes, strangely complemented by a pair of hugely thick eyebrows.

The man scowled at his nickname. "Either you call me Arthur or England, Alfred, none of this 'Artie' shit." he growled, laying down a couple of towels and stabbing a large umbrella into the sand. Alfred bounded out of the water, skidded under the umbrella's shade, took several deep breaths, and dripped salt water everywhere.

"Will you please join me for a swim, Arthur?" Alfred asked, grinning and shaking his head like a dog, sending water everywhere.

Arthur shook his head in disbelief. "You come all the way up here just to ask me that? Git, do you realize how little sense that made?"

"I did it because if you say no, I can forcibly drag you to the water with my hero strength."

Arthur sputtered at his companion's comment. "Alfred, I-er..." he managed to say, looking at anything but Alfred's face.

"So that's a yes? Sweet!" Alfred exclaimed, clapping his hands in victory. In the next second, he was snatching Arthur up from under the arms and pulling him down the shore, laughing in the most loud and obnoxious way imaginable. Arthur was kicking and yelling the entire way, shouting profanities and things like 'Bloody wanker!' or 'You haven't even given me a chance to get ready!'

Unheeded, Arthur was unceremoniously thrown into the ocean, coughing and choking on salt water when he resurfaced. He heard laughter, and turned to see that Alfred had swam up next to him, grinning widely. "Ain't the water great, Artie?" he asked.

"Arthur scowled again. "Why the bloody hell did you even want me to come here anyway?"

Alfred swam closer. "Because I want us to be close again, like back in the day," he said, still swimming closer. "I brought you here because, I dunno, you could use a tan!" he laughed. He grabbed Arthur around the waist and smiled as he saw the smaller male blush and struggle against his grasp.

"Fucking let go of me, Alfred!" Arthur shouted, flailing against the other's grasp.

"I was protecting you from a shark!" Alfred responded.

"There is no bloody shark! Now let go!"

Alfred pouted, and suddenly his face was centimeters away from Arthur's. "There was a shark! Really!" he breathed, his breath washing over Arthur's face. Alfred gently touched Arthur's cheek, surprised when he leaned into the touch. Alfred brought their mouths closer, delighted that Arthur wasn't fighting, he brushed their lips together-

Then, he felt a pair of arms shove him away, a furiously blushing Arthur glaring at him. "I'm leaving," he grunted, promptly removing himself from the water and stomping back up the shore.

"Wait-Arthur!" Alfred called after him, but Arthur just ignored his voice. Alfred slowly got out of the water, dejectedly plopping down onto a beach towel. "Damnit, I was so close," he cursed himself. "Arthur...I wish you'd let me be close to you again...I never knew the Revolution would do this to us..." Alfred lay there for a while, lost in his thoughts. Eventually, he got up and packed everything away, saddened that his his super-heroic-plan-of-having-Arthur-fall-for-him-and-make-love-on-the-beach had been cut short. He walked to where they had parked, dropping everything once he got there. "SHIT!" he shouted.

Arthur had taken the car.