Okay, so before we start I want to get a few things straight. I'm not dead, for one and neither have I been run over by a truck for another. This was an insanely difficult chapter to write because I wanted something really cool to happen and then it had to be postponed to the next chapter because it got so long. Also, in the middle of writing this I discovered that how I was going to chronologically fit the two stories together actually made no sense. I then had to go through the long and arduous process of redirecting both the plot and the timeframe in order to make sure there were no kinks in future.

So… Yeah, I'm back. Thank you to Skyleidoscope for all your amazing help, I was reading your reply to my plea for help when I had Eureka moment, so my shout out for this update is to you.


Disclaimer: I own nothing you recognise.

The Lies We Believed

1362 Associations and Institutes of the Modern Magical World

"I'm just trying to find… something. I'm sure I saw it in this chapter-"
"Bloody hell, Hermione. Would you just tell us already?"
Hermione snapped the book she'd been rifling through shut and picked up another from the ever increasing pile around her. "Look, Ron, I'm not sure what I saw… I could be very wrong – "
"Well, what do you think you saw?"
"I don't know!"

Harry sighed internally and slouched further into his padded library chair as his two friends continued to bicker. If only they had been able to search the third floor corridor then maybe he wouldn't be here right now. In hindsight, it had possibly not been the best idea to visit Hagrid. He had gladly given them information, but at a price. Upon returning to Hogwarts they had been met at the marble staircase by a frowning Professor. Apparently their excursion through the rain and sludge had not been appreciated. They had been escorted straight to the common room and encouraged to study.

It was a nice idea in theory.

Now, two days later, they were all seated around a small table piled high with books of every shape and size but it now only Hermione continued to search them. The two boys had thought following Hermione to the library to look for a picture of the warrior-girl's shield was a good idea originally, but after 3 hours of incessant page turning Harry and Ron's excitement had waned significantly. Especially because Hermione still refused to tell her companions what exactly she was looking for.

Hermione was studying what looked like a hand painted portrait when Harry spoke, "Hermione, seriously," Hermione looked up from her picture, "What makes the shield so special?" Harry was surprised to hear the desperation in his own voice, "Who was that girl?"

Hermione huffed, "That shield is important," she said glancing over the piles of books strewn upon the table, "I know I've read about it somewhere, but I think it must've been a long time ago now, maybe in our first year… I just can't remember…" Hermione snatched a book from under the table and opened it to the index.
"Do you even know what it was to do with?" Ron asked, slightly sarcastically, and Hermione shot him an annoyed glance.
"It was owned by someone important, Ronald. I'm not sure, but I'm almost certain it was someone ancient... who do we know who's ancient?" She mumbled the last sentence and Harry knew she was speaking more to herself than to them.

The strange thing was, even as Harry considered the peculiar shield, an inexplicable itch at the back of his mind argued that he too had seen that particular symbol before. He was sure they had never studied it at Hogwarts in class before but he had done his fair share of researching in the past (looking for Flamel, researching Polyjuice potion, finding a way to breathe under water, counteracting love potions, etc.) so it was entirely likely that he had come across it somewhere.

"I'm thinking-" Hermione said as she heaved another pile of discarded books to the side and Ron mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like 'Thank Merlin', "I'm thinking that the shield must be some sort of symbol or magical artefact that defines whatever group or society those girls are from." She paused to open a huge tome entitled '1362 Associations and Institutes of the Modern Magical World'. Hermione smiled, "This book shows a list of all the known magical groups in Britain. If those girls are mentioned anywhere, it will be here."

Even as Hermione started poring over the ginormous volume, quietly murmuring obscure group names, Harry somehow knew the boy (and his mysterious friends) would not be in there. He had a nagging feeling that this whole problem was much bigger than anyone at Hogwarts had originally suspected. The tension around the castle was like a dam waiting to break and Harry was becoming more and more certain 'mystery boy' was at the centre of all the commotion.

Ron was just starting to speak when Hermione quickly siphoned off her mumbling and grabbed his arm with a clear 'be quiet' facial expression, as a couple of nervous-faced first years hurried past their table. Harry didn't miss the looks of apprehension the two sent his way. It seemed that even after six years at Hogwarts he was still the one everyone gawked at.

"So, just to be clear, you have no idea what this funny shield thing means?" Ron grinned as Hermione glared menacingly at him.
"Well, Ron, if people could stop pestering me, than maybe I could get some research done." Hermione slammed the book she had been studying shut and the sound rang out across the quiet library. Madam Pince-the-Vulture gave the trio a death glare so scathing that Harry wondered if Snape had been giving her lessons.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to Harry, "Hermione," He said, his voice low because Madam Pince was still looking at them suspiciously, "How do we know these people are his friends? They could be after him or wanting to double kidnap him or what if he -" Harry broke off as he saw his friends' faces, "What?"
Hermione sent a nervous glance at Ron, who was now completely serious, "Harry, how do we know this guy is even on our side?" Hermione pushed through Harry's consequent outburst, "It's not that we don't believe you're right… We just know sometimes you… obsess over some… things sometimes." Hermione looked down to study the table top as Ron refused to meet Harry's gaze.

Ron spoke up when Harry remained silent, "Mate, sorry, we don't want to argue with you about that… Stuff." He sighed, "We just, you know, want to make sure we're helping the right people before something bad happens." Ron didn't need to add the 'like before'. It was not lost on Harry.

Harry was about to reply but was overtaken by Hermione, who was collecting certain books out of the various piles and rising to her feet, "Look, we can talk about this later. Dinner's in an hour and I need to borrow these books." She started to clean up their table as Harry and Ron got up too, "How 'bout I meet you in the Great Hall then?" She gave the two boys a quick smile before saying, completely seriously, "Don't do anything stupid until then."
Hermione turned and hurried over towards Madam Pince. It was lucky she was too far away to hear Ron's, "We make no promises."

A last glare from the strict librarian waved Harry and Ron from the Library and the two were met with the relatively busy corridor outside it. Students rushed past the two boys as they ambled in no particular direction, looking for a distraction with which to pass the time. The entire atmosphere was so light and bustling, from the first year girls giggling in a door way to older kids practicing their transfiguration on the side of a hallway, that it was hard to imagine anything being wrong. Only the look of ill-disguised horror on the face of the occasional teacher and the dulled rumbling of thunder from outside signalled something out of the ordinary.

It was only as Harry and Ron began to climb higher, towards the astronomy tower and off the beaten track, that an undermining tension could be felt. The storm overhead was suddenly so much louder without the busy, everyday noises of the castle and for a minute Harry was tempted to turn back towards the safer, more populated areas downstairs. Even the portraits had fled down from the silent upper corridors and Harry was very tempted to follow them.

"Is there something you're not telling us?" Ron's question startled the formerly quiet mood of the corridor and broke Harry out of his thoughts.
"No… why?" The query made little sense to Harry and he sent his friend a questioning glance only to find Ron was wearing an uncharacteristically serious expression.
"It's just… I dunno, you just…" Ron's expression hardened, "It just feels like you know something we don't… you just, care a bit too much about this 'kidnapped boy' for you to know nothing about him."
"Ron, I really don't know anything I haven't already told you-." Harry began, but Ron interrupted him.
"Then don't you think we should find out who he is?" Ron's anger laced his words, "We know nothing about this kid! He could be anyone!" Ron had stopped walking now, "How do we know he doesn't deserve to be captured? He's caused a giant storm for Merlin's sake! Whoever wants him back is powerful enough to take on Hogwarts for this guy." Ron lowered his voice, "How do we know that person isn't You-Know-Who?"

Harry thought for a minute. Could he be wrong? It was true that everything he knew about this boy was based on an event he'd seen from his window. Maybe it had all just been one giant misunderstanding and Dumbledore would call him into his office to explain everything at any moment. A part of Harry wanted to believe what Ron was saying, condemn the kid and be done with it. It was certainly the easier of the two options.

At the same time a deeper, more familiar voice whispered a different message. Harry's curiosity was racing through his body, urging him to find out more and pushing him ever so slowly towards the third floor corridor. It was almost like a challenge. Harry couldn't very well just forget about what he had seen. It had all felt so utterly wrong… and every inch of Harry wanted to know why.

A part of Harry also knew deep down that the captured boy could not be evil. Harry had never even seen him up close but from just those few moments he'd observed all he needed to. That boy had been brought here against his will and his captors had been hurting him. As far Harry could see, that was reason enough to want to help him. It was that simple.

Ron must have seen his unsure expression, "Look, mate I know you want to believe he's a good guy. Just… think about it… Okay?"

Harry didn't even hear Ron leave. He was so deeply immersed in his own thoughts that when an answer to all his questions did emerge, he almost missed it.

Hurrying silently and anxiously through the corridors was a ghost Harry had never seen before. A girl, who definitely didn't belong. One who was looking straight at him. Then, before Harry could so much as call out to her she hurried on, eventually passing through an empty portrait canvas and into another corridor on the other side.

Filled with apprehension, Harry followed as quietly as possible.

Harry skidded around corners as he raced to catch up with the ghost girl. He inwardly winced at the noise he was making but shrugged it off and ran faster. He could not lose this girl. Harry was sure she held the answers he'd been searching for and this time he was determined to get them.

However, as he continued to search the upper corridors at a breakneck pace it became increasingly obvious that the ghost had simply disappeared (which, Harry supposed, was not all that strange for a ghostly entity) and, although her appearance was firmly wedged in his mind, outwardly there was no trace to be found of her. Harry was forced to give up and, with a sharp twinge of disappointment, he began to descend the many moving staircases to the feast waiting below.

His eyes were still anxiously searching the crowd for any sign of the ghost when Ron and Hermione caught up with him. Painfully aware of the still slightly awkward argument between them, the three took their places at the Gryffindor table in silence. Harry knew he had to tell the other two about the dead girl but it was hard to as the other two were making no attempt to speak with him.

Eventually, about half way through dinner, in between Ron's second and third helping, Harry found enough courage to mutter, "Listen, did you see this ghost? She was never there before, I would have realised -,"
Harry faltered as Hermione and Ron's faces showed incomprehension. Hermione was the first to speak, "Harry, what are you -,"

Hermione was interrupted by the doors to the Great Hall crashing open violently. The hinges on the doors groaned as strain was placed on them, but the figure that stood in the giant doorway showed no sign that it was she who had pushed the doors open.

"Hermione," Harry breathed, "She's what I'm talking about."

The ghost surveyed the Great Hall with a calm exterior that killed the sounds of happiness around the hall, leaving an almost deathly chill in their wake. No one moved as the serene young girl glided slowly down the main isle, silent and emotionless as a shadow flickering in a small flame's light. The glow from the candles on the walls and ceiling seemed to move through her body and there was no silhouette cast on the floor around her. As she walked her feet and ankles often slipped beneath the floor as though it was under the earth where she truly belonged and she was eager to return there. She was unlike any other ghost Harry had ever laid eyes on and he wondered where she had come from or what she had seen that would leave her so… composed.

"Hello," she said, "My name is Bianca Di Angelo."

Ok, that's that. I'm really not sure about this chapter. I've never been very good at dialogue so I hope you like it but if you thought this chapter was rather boring then please read the next chapter because I'm really looking forward to writing it. This was sort of the last chapter for now that's based on suspense and I'm looking forward to answering some of the questions you might have in the following chapter.

For people who would like to review, I really would appreciate it. As I said before I don't know if you guys will like this chapter, so any feedback would be great. In terms of what feedback I'd like if you could tell me how I did on dialogue and if the story is still interesting. A lot of you liked where I was going with the story last chapter, has that changed?

Lastly for reading and putting up with my infrequent updates. I love all.

To my anonymous reviewers:
I'm not sure if this was one person, or a few because 'nobody' reviewed several times, but thankyou for the support. It means a lot.
Fourteen Things: well, here I am. I updated for you! Thankyou for caring enough to say thakyou that many times.
A Person: Not annoying at all… Please don't give up on this story! I want you to read and enjoy!
Mimi: Well, here we are January 9 2012. I'm sorry I didn't update by the end of the year but if it's any consolation, your review did make me start writing, it took me longer than three days to write this, but I did do my best.
GreekGeek: I'm glad you like it… And I think I'll take that cherry. They're yummy.
LaLa: Well, I've written more, and will continue to do so.
CLARATHEBIGGESTPJOFAN: thankyou for your consistent reviews. They are much appreciated and thankyou for not giving up on this story.
A New Reviewer: I just really like suspense.
Anonymous: I am especially grateful for your review because you really did give me a lot of feedback. I agree with you about the way the HP/PJO section has become rather repetitive and this story is my attempt at breaking that up a little bit.
athenaposeidonme: Thankyou for your praise.
Melanie Mellark: Thankyou and yes I totally agree.
A Person (Possibly not the same one as above): Wow! I think it's me who should be saying THANKYOU. That is impressive.
Nord: Thankyou.
Dov5e: I've posted now, and thankyou.
to Ana, FD, MoonSurfer3343, Primcartoons and anyone else I missed: Thankyou!
Shinigami: I'm not going to answer any of your questions as they will be revealed in time but I'm glad you like my story.

Yeah, I think that's it… GoodBye.