Well after ages and ages I finally updated the story. I passed this schoolyear! So I'm really happy!

I kind of had a writer's block and even though it's based on a movie I couldn't get myself to write it. But last night I got inspiration and I finished the chapter within 2 hours.


The Girl Next Door 10

Prom night arrived quickly and for the first time ever Kim was actually going. Her parents had bought her a dress, a green one that suited her perfectly. She was actually quite happy with the dress, despite the fact that she wasn't a dress-person. It was tight fitting and had a Chinese style to it, a black dragon running from her left shoulder and stopping halfway her calve. She was nervous, tonight was THE night everything was going to happen. It was all or nothing, winning or losing.

She had agreed to pick up Shego that evening, knowing that Ron and Monique's dates would be with her. She met up with her best friends around 6 and to Kim's surprise Monique had arranged an entire film crew. Without paying too much attention to them they went to pick up their dates.

"Would you guys relax?" Monique slightly snapped at the guys of the film crew, whom were buzzing around them. The crew immediately came to a stop, keeping quite as they filmed calmly. With a shaky exhale of breath Kim knocked on the door and listened to the approaching footsteps. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as the door slid open in slow motion.

Shego stepped forward, practically glowing in her short black dress, strings running along her sides in a criss-cross pattern. She stared for a while, her mouth still hanging open.

"You'll attract flies." Shego murmured, sensually gliding a finger along Kim's jaw and effectively closing her mouth. They stepped to the side and after shaking off the daze Kim smiled.

"Ron, Monique," She started as she looked at her best friends. "May I introduce April and Ferrari, your prom-dates." Kim finished and a gorgeous blond and a gorgeous brunette emerged from the house, both wearing skintight short dresses. "Ladies, may I introduce, Monique and Ron." The red head said, a wide grin on her face as the crewmembers started taking pictures and her best friends stood frozen to the ground.

Monique eventually stepped to the side, giving tips to the crewmembers and telling the two girls how to pose with Ron. Said boy stood motionless between the two beauties, his face bright red as they made several poses for the camera.

"Uhm Monique what's going on?" Mrs. Possible asked as she and her husband approached with a camera of their own. They watched the entire scene, seeing how Ron posed with the ladies in skintight dresses. "Do these girls go to your school?" She questioned and Monique grinned sheepishly at Kim's parents.

"Uh no actually they're porn stars." She admitted and the Possibles simply laughed, not even considering that Monique might be telling the truth. After several other pictures and several clips the entire group left for the school-prom. The limousine arrived and after a slightly surprisingly hot drive, involving a kiss between Monique and Ron's dates they finally arrived at the school.

Walking arm in arm with their dates the trio entered the school, walking as though they owned the entire hall and in someway, they did as they showed off their gorgeous dates.

They got several stares and they knew exactly why. Almost the entire room looked up the moment they entered the gym, which was now completely decorated. The first person who noticed them was the person whom was in charge for the night. Kim almost cursed as he approached them, hoping he wouldn't be of an annoyance.

"Possible," Mr Barkin said strict.

"Mr. Barkin." Kim replied.

"What are all these cameras for?" He questioned, looking at the entire film crew.

"Oh don't worry," Kim said and she walked past him. "It's for the video yearbook." She said and her friends followed in silence, all of them grinning widely. They walked across the room, towards the beverage table and Kim could feel several eyes on her. The popular kids watched in shock and confusion, whilst the chaperons watched for any suspicious acts.

"GF, what should we do? Should we start setting up?" Monique asked as she looked away from the curious crowd. Kim looked up from the punch bowl and leaned in slightly.

"Yes we just have to make sure nobody notices us. We've gotta keep low." She replied and she took a look around the room.

"What are you gonna do?" Monique asked, following Kim's gaze.

"I'm going to get our actors." Kim smiled as she looked in the direction of the popular kids.

"Just make sure they can act alright?"

"Mo, I've got this handled."

"Okay, okay I believe you, I'll make sure things are ready. You just make sure this beauty has a good night alright?" Monique said, winking at Kim and Shego before she started walking off. "Come on people let's move!" Monique barked at the film crew and they quickly followed Monique out of the room, walking past the chaperons without a single problem.

Kim smiled as she watched her friends leave the room with ease. Thank god. She thought as she and her date took a seat at a nearby table. Shego wrapped an arm loosely around Kim's shoulders, "Look here they come." She murmured, motioning towards the bunch of popular kids. Kim looked up, seeing the guys approach them.

"What's up?" Kim asked, keeping it completely cool. She watched the boys with little interest, one eyebrow rising slightly in the progress.

"Can we talk to you?" One of the guys asked and Kim sighed.

"Dude, I'm with my girl here." She replied, knowing she sounded a little out of character.

"R-right, should we guys leave you alone?" Brick, the most popular guy, questioned and Shego rose to her feet, her hands gliding across Kim's shoulders. She smiled at the red head and leaned in, kissing the girl on the lips, their tongues clashing hotly for several seconds.

They broke apart with a soft gasp and with a wink Shego walked off, leaving Kim and the popular kids behind. After looking after her girlfriend Kim finally turned her attention towards Brick and the others, still not looking very interested.

"What's up?" She said once again and the guys started grinning.

"H-hey what's up with those girls?" They asked eagerly.

"What about them?" Kim asked nonchalant.

"Are they like uh… Are they porn stars?" Brick asked and they almost shook from anxiety as they waited for Kim's response.

"Yeah." She breathed almost tiredly.

"I knew it, I recognized them." One of the guys said. "Can we meet them?" He asked and Kim leaned forward, knowing she had them right where she wanted.

"How would you guys like to be in a movie?" She questioned, knowing they wouldn't deny her offer. Without another word she got to her feet and walked off. Of course Brick and his friends followed her immediately, curious as to what she was planning. She had played them right how she wanted, not even having to explain herself for them to blindly follow her. She handed them a small stack of papers and continued down the stairs.

"What are these?" They asked as they followed her.

"Your scripts," She answered simply. "You should sign the release form on top." She added as they hurried down the stairs, making one of the jocks nearly trip over his own feet. They rounded the corner and Ron was waiting there for them

"Are these our actors?" He asked Kim as they approached him.

"Hmm just these two." She replied pointing towards Brick and the jock standing left of him.

"What about me?" A guy, Kim knew as Dan, asked.

"Sorry Dan, party's all full." She replied and she gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before walking off.

"Gentlemen." Ron announced, stepping aside and opening the door for the two men. With open mouths they entered the room, their eyes latched onto the naked porn stars. The young men swallowed hard, taking in the sights whilst Kim rejoined her girlfriend at the prom again. With a satisfied smile on her face she took Shego by the hand and with a sly 'hey' she guided the beauty towards the dance floor. She twirled Shego slowly on the floor, pulling her close and wrapping her arms around her waist. They slowly started moving to the soft and slow music whilst her best friends were hurrying towards their next location. The couple kept on dancing while the film crew kept on running, hurrying from location to location.

"Come on I gotta be in this!" Dan protested as he ran through the school with them. Without a single word Monique tossed him a camera, allowing him to tag along with the project.

While they were rushing Kim and Shego enjoyed the prom. Still dancing, moving slowly as they held onto each other closely. Smiling slightly Kim dipped Shego, and without a moment of hesitation she captured the beauty's lips. They kissed softly, their surroundings completely forgotten as their lips moved together once again. They both smiled into the kiss, lips caressing and hands clinging on to bodies.

Even as they straightened themselves again her best friends were still hurrying around. Without a worry they danced across the floor.

"Possible," Barkin's voice sounded and Kim looked up. "May I have a word with you?" He asked and Kim nodded, pulling away from Shego slightly. "I found this in the hallway," Barkin started and he showed the couple a piece of paper. "Do you know what this is?" He asked and Kim looked at the paper and shrugged.

"No, what is it?" She asked.

"To me it looks like a release form to something." Barkin replied.

"Yeah I don't know what it is." Kim said and he eyed her for a few seconds before walking off, wishing her a good night. Shego wrapped her arms around Kim's neck again, whilst the red head watched Mr. Barkin walk off. The pair shared magical moments, not a care in the world as Monique and her team worked as hard as they could.

"You can do this," Monique said placing a hand upon Chad's shoulder. "Be strong, be firm, act like you have a secret." She told him and he stood, frozen, watching the porn stars as he was only dressed in a robe.

Upstairs Shego pulled back from the embrace, looking Kim in the eyes.

"Thank you." She murmured.

"For what?" Kim asked as she looked into those bright green eyes.

"I never went to prom." Shego simply replied a slight smile on her face. Kim reached up with both hands, caressing Shego's cheeks and sliding her hands down the beauty's neck. Shego placed a soft kiss upon Kim's hand, and Kim lowered them again, pulling her girlfriend close.

"Uh sorry," A timid voice said and Shego and Kim stepped away from each other. "We have a problem." A young man from the crew said and without a second to waste Kim bolted off, heading towards the last set.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she entered the room.

"Our actor didn't quite work out." Ron said and Kim gave him a questioning look. "Let's just say he wasn't strong. Or firm." He added and Kim nodded in understanding.

"Guys I can't work like this." Monique sighed and Kim chewed on her bottom lip, trying to come up with a plan.

"Well we'll just have to get someone else to do it." Kim announced. "This is the key scene."

"Yeah somebody has to step up." Monique said suggestively and she eyed Ron.

"Why are you looking at me?" He asked in a panicked tone.

"Come on guys, if we don't have this scene Monty won't buy it." Kim groaned. The trio looked at each other and whilst Kim was raking her brain Ron and Monique were arguing.

"It has to be a guy in this scene, that's the important part. If I were a guy I would've done it immediately but I'm not so I can't do this. I have to direct and you're the only guy that's left Ron. We have no one else beside you." Monique explained and Ron groaned loudly.

"All you talk about is banging hot girls and now that you've got the chance you won't do it!" Ron protested.

"That's because I'm a girl and we need a guy for this scene. Besides I'm the director, I can't act and direct at the same time." After quite some arguments and a lapse of time Ron finally caved in. He finally realized he was the only one who could save their plan. The only demand he had was that he was allowed to wear his fencing mask. He didn't mind going on camera but he didn't want to be recognized by anyone. The last scene was made in no time, and thanks to Ron their plan was saved and completed.

The prom came to an end and the entire gang left for the limousine again. To say the night was a success was an understatement. Ron and Monique left with their dates and both Shego and Kim had a fairly good idea of what was going to happen. They said goodbye and smiling brightly Shego closed the door of the limousine again.

"So what's the craziest thing you've done lately?" Shego questioned and Kim didn't even bother to answer. She simply pulled Shego into her arms and kissed her. The limousine started driving again and their lips never parted. Slowly it heated up, their lips mashing together and tongues dancing with each other. Gently Shego straddled Kim and undid the buttons to the girl's Chinese dress. The dress was slid to the side and slowly Shego lifted her own, pressing herself against Kim's heated center.

Cautiously they started moving against each other, their slick centers moving together, both struggling to keep quiet as the limousine rolled on. Shego clung to Kim, her fingers threading in red hair. They rock harder and faster again each other, wet centers colliding and grinding in search of release. They sealed it with a kiss, both whimpering softly against each other's lips as they shared their first time together. They breathed each other for a while, trembling and smiling as they finally headed home.

Somewhere in the morning Kim arrived home, having kissed Shego goodbye she adjusted her dress and headed towards her front door. Before she could reach it her cell-phone went off and she reached into her dress, fishing the beeping thing out of it.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Kim we've got a big problem," Monique started in a panicked tone. "I can't find the tape, it's not here. I've looked everywhere but it's nowhere to be found!" She yelled through the phone. Kim entered her house, listening to Monique and realizing that the tape was really gone. "Somebody stole it!" Was the last thing she yelled before Kim hung up on her.

Scared she walked into the dining room, seeing her parents and her school principal sitting at the table.

"Kimmie, this is Mr. Lipsky, he says he has something very important to discuss with us." James said as his daughter entered the room. Frightened Kim looked at the blue-skinned man, spotting the tape in his hand. Her throat dried up and slowly she rounded the table, taking a seat across Drew.

"Might I have a word with the girl alone first?" He questioned.

"Of course." Ann replied and the others left the room.

"How was prom?" Drew asked as he looked at Kim from across the table.

"That's mine." Kim stated, her eyes directed towards the tape.

"This was mine, it was my idea and you stole it. Now I'm really gonna fuck your shit up." Drew replied.

"I'm really gonna need that back." Kim replied calmly and Drew placed the tape on the table.

"Take it from me," He said and Kim leaned forward but didn't act any further. "Yeah, what are you going to do?" Drew questioned, a grin gracing his face.

"I don't have to do anything, I'll get it back. Just call Monty, he's my partner on this, 50/50."

"Then you're giving me your share." Drew said grabbing the tape from the table.

"And if I don't?" Kim asked.

"Then I guess we'll have to show your parents this tape." Drew grabbed the tape from the table.

"Alright, show them the tape." Kim said in a daring tone and Drew's eyebrows shot up at this. Silently Kim watched how Drew gathered her parents in the living room, plus her school principal and turned the TV on. He inserted the tape and all she could do was watch and wait for her parents' reactions. Silently they watched the movie and Kim almost did a victory dance as Drew realized he wasn't watching what he had in mind. They did not watch pornography but a sex education movie.

"This is horrible," Kim's principal said. "But the hell with it, the kids these days are so screwed up, this might be the only way to teach them something. You might just have found something here Kim." He said to the red head and she smiled, looking how Drew gritted his teeth in frustration.

"I think it's pretty wild!" Ann cheered. "This could really sell." She added and Kim's smile widened even more. From that moment on nothing could go wrong. The end of the school year had finally come and it was finally time to go to college. The sex education movie became a big hit at high schools. Ron, Monique and Kim all got their diplomas and thanks to her deal with Monty, Kim finally got the money together to fly in the exchange student.

Drew ended up making his own movie and while Wade, the exchange student and Monty, Kim's partner, enjoyed their fame, Kim decided to stay low. She earned her own scholarship to the college she wanted to go to. George Town. Though it was not all thanks to her own efforts. There was one person she was eternally grateful for. A smile graced her face as she walked off the school grounds. Shego stood beside her green beetle, wearing a similar smile. The one person I'll never let go and never forget. She thought and she pulled Shego into an embrace. The girl next door.

The End

Well this took me ages to write and it's also the final chapter. I didn't completely write the sex-scene out I decided to keep it a bit more subtle. To all the people who were/ are reading this story! Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoyed this 10th and final chapter. I think it turned out pretty well if you don't agree don't hesitate to tell me^^

Yours truly,