New story, based on the movie called The Girl Next door, the one that came out in 2004.

Requested by .net/u/2764307/Jay_aka_Jordan and set to be multiple chaptered.

this is kind of an intro.. thing because it's very short.


The girl next door.

Middleton high, graduation was coming up soon. That meant one thing, buckling down and giving your best to make sure you actually graduate. Or for the popular kids it meant skipping classes and going to the beach. That's them but not everyone was like that. Some people actually did dedicate almost their entire social life to school. The once that wanted to go to college and become something big. It wasn't a destiny for everybody but a few always managed to make it. One of those hard-working students was Kim Possible. She wasn't in with the popular crowd but she wasn't hated either. She was the neutral one, the one that blended in just enough to stay underneath the radar. She was happy with it, or that's what she thought at least. She always worked hard and was one of the people who wanted to make a career. Well she was well on her way in doing so. She recently even got accepted by the best college in the state. All she had to do was write a speech in order to get her scholarship.

"Ugh yearbook, ugh pictures." She grunted as she entered her high school and read all the banners. Today it was her turn to get her picture taken and she wasn't really looking forward to it. What made it even worse was the fact that she had to write what she would always remember from high school. "That's the worst part, there's nothing good about this school." She murmured to herself as she readied herself for the yearbook picture. As happy as she could she sat down on the chair and looked into the camera.

"Say cheese!" The photographer said a bit too excited.

Kim tried with all of her might not to frown at the man, simply keeping up a neutral somewhat happy face. The moment the camera went off her face fell again. She blinked a few times, snapping out of her thoughts about picture day. She stared down at her picture again, the words, I will always remember next to it. The lines underneath it remained empty, she had no idea what to write. There wasn't a single thing she would possibly remember forever about her high school. She looked up from the sheet, her eyes scanning the cafeteria. The jocks, aka the popular kids, the cheerleaders, the geeks. She named them all as her eyes passed them; mentally noting that she had no connection with them whatsoever. All she had were her parents and her 2 best friends, Ron and Monique. She sighed softly, refocusing again on the piece of paper she had lying on the table. Memories kind of flashed before her eyes constantly, though nothing worthy enough to write down. She sat there for what seemed ages, staring at her yearbook picture. Her thoughts were disrupted by the school-bell ringing loudly. She sat up straight, watching how everybody left the cafeteria again.

"Time for class." She groaned and she too got up from her seat. She headed for class, seeing, once again, how all the so-called popular kids went to the beach instead of class. Just once would she like to skip class as well but today was not such a day. She decided abruptly, as she entered the classroom. Another day, another chance. She thought as she sat down for the lesson. It wasn't that she liked class that much, she just wanted to go to college really bad. She had gotten the chance of a lifetime and she wasn't planning on screwing up. It would ask her entire social life but in the end she was sure it would be worth it. I just got to survive every boring lesson I have in a week. Easier said then done.

As always school passed by slowly, a bit too slow for Kim's taste. She angrily walked out of the school, getting into her car and almost slamming the door shut. She dumped her book bag on the passenger seat and finally felt a load drop off of her shoulders. Finally. Home. She started her car, an old stationwagon-like Ford. She hated the thing but it brought her to the places she had to be. So somewhat happier then 3 hours ago she headed home.

She arrived at her house, getting out of the car just like she did every single day. Though this time something was out of the ordinary. Her eyebrow rose slightly as she looked at a green convertible version of a Volkswagen beetle. She stared at the car until she reached her front door, still wondering to whom it belonged. As soon as she entered the house though she had forgotten the car.

"Hi honey, how was school?" Her mother asked as she entered the hallway.

"Same as every day." Kim replied monotone and she dumped her bag at the front door. She headed for the stairs, not once looking at her mother as she headed for her room.

"Remember the neighbours are joining us for dinner tonight!" Ann yelled from the bottom of the stairs and the comment was answered by a door slamming shut.

"Stupid neighbours, like I care." She huffed and she threw herself across her pink bed. She simply lay there, forgetting about school for the first time in hours. It was a good feeling and it would've stuck if her mother hadn't once again interrupted her thoughts.

"Kimmie! Would you bring out the garbage for me?" She yelled and Kim groaned as she rolled off of her bed.

"Can't dad do it?" She yelled back.

"Bring out the garbage for me!" Her mother said in a finishing tone. With a dead look in her eyes Kim went down the stairs again. She collected the garbage and walked out of the front door. The cool air greeted her but that wasn't the only thing. Her eyes widened considerably as they fell upon a very curvy feminine form. Her eyes trailed up the form, leading up to wavy black hair and emerald, almost glowing, green eyes. Her mouth fell open as she walked down the path and towards the garbage cans. Her eyes never left the woman's body and only now did she realise that the woman was about her age.

As she walked, the beauty walked in opposite direction, heading towards the house located next to Kim's. In one hand she held a bag and she walked slowly passed Kim, her eyes falling upon the staring flabbergasted red head. Kim swallowed hard when she saw the woman looking at her and almost tripped over the trashcan she hadn't seen. She quickly caught herself from falling, quickly looking at the beauty again.

She saw her smiling, or better yet laughing at her and with a full body blush Kim dumped the trash in the cans. The beauty disappeared into the house and all Kim could do was blush brightly as she too headed back inside. She quickly closed the door behind her and almost bolted up the stairs, grabbing the phone as she stormed into her room, closing the door behind her. Everybody knew she was bisexual and the fact that a hottie just moved in next door had to be shared with her best girlfriend Monique. She dialled the number quickly and put the phone to her ear, listening to the beeps of her phone.

"Kim?" Monique said as she answered the phone.

"Mo you're never gonna believe this!" Kim started excitingly.

"What's up girlfriend? Give me the 411!" Monique replied.

"There's this girl "OH SHUT UP!" "Would you let me talk? There's this girl and she moved in next door like today. I'm telling you Mo, this girl … she's .. she's amazing. She's gorgeous." Kim said finishing in a dreamy tone.

"Girl it sounds like you've already got it bad for this chick. Have you even talked to her?" Monique asked.

"N-no! I just saw her for the first time and well.. I didn't really get the chance to talk to her. I was taking out the trash and that's not a good start if you know what I mean."

"Say no more GF, I know exactly what you mean." Monique said and it became quiet for a few seconds. "So I can safely assume you haven't banged her yet?" The girl said and Kim blushed brightly, mortified by the comment of her best friend.

"I haven't banged her yet! I wasn't planning on banging her Mo!"

"GF, I would've banged her already so you should definitely make a move on her." Came as a dry reply and Kim groaned loudly. She could die from embarrassment right now, she was glad no one could see her. Her face was bright red and if it were possible she would've stuck it in the soil.

"I mean it Mo, she's something special. I just.. don't know if she'd be interested, you know?" Kim mentioned.

"I understand but you'll never know if you don't make a move!" Monique said and Kim sighed as she turned to look at her window. As she turned towards said object she froze right on the spot. Her eyes widened again and her blush intensified. Her jaw dropped again and everything that Monique was saying drowned out.

"Whoa." She said softly as she stared at the beauty living next to her through her window. The woman walked around in her bedroom, placing a bag on the ground.

"What's up Kim?" She heard Monique question and she focused just long enough to answer.

"I can see her through my window." After that she tuned out again, staring at the woman instead of listening to a now insane screeching Monique. She felt her breath get caught in her throat as the woman reached for the hem of her shirt. It seemed like everything was going in slow-motion as the dark-haired beauty removed her shirt. Kim could only stare as the green fabric was removed from the woman's body, revealing her black bra. The red head swallowed hard, stepping closer to the window. Somewhere during this action she had broken the line with Monique, the phone still in her hand. It rang again and absentmindedly she took the call just to disconnect it again. She let the phone drop to the ground; her mind now only focused on the sight in front of her. The green shirt had come off and Kim almost choked on her tongue as she saw the beauty reach for the clasp of her bra.

Her eyes followed the movement of the woman's hands, watching how the bra came undone. It fell to the ground just like the shirt and Kim could feel the blush spread across her body by now. She tugged at the collar of her shirt, her eyes never leaving the scene. She licked her suddenly dry lips as she watched how the woman's hands went down to her pants. The button came undone and the zipper went down agonisingly slow.

The slim fingers of the woman slipped into the pants and slowly the black jeans were pulled off. She stepped out of the jeans and bent forward, showing off her lingerie, to pick it up. As she straightened herself she looked out of the window, looking straight at Kim.

With a gasp the red head ducked to the ground, hiding underneath her window. Did she see me? Did she see me? Oh gawd she's gonna think I'm a pervert! The red head thought as she panicked about the sitch. Slowly and still in a panicked state she peeked over the edge of her window and saw that the beauty was no longer there. She sighed and rose to her feet, thinking the woman hadn't seen her. The shock came back, however, when she saw said woman walking towards her front door. She gasped again and lowered herself to the ground again. She waited in silence, hoping, praying that the doorbell wouldn't sound.

DingDong. There it was, the standard almost cliché doorbell that sounded throughout the house. Kim closed her eyes, hearing her father open the door. She listened as a few words were exchanged and eventually her mother joined the conversation as well.

"Kimmie can you get down here?" Her dad's voice sounded and she gulped as she got to her feet again. She walked to the stairs, stopping at the top and looking down at her parents and the beauty from next door. "What are you doing up there?" James, her father, questioned.

"N-nothing." Kim stuttered.

"Well come down here." He insisted and hesitantly she went down the stairs, stopping at the last step.

"What's up?" She asked, trying to sound casual.

"This is Shego," Her mother said and she gestured towards the dark-haired beauty. "She moved into the house next door because she is house-sitting for the Jefferson's. They've gone on vacation for 1 month and she insisted on watching after the place." Ann said.

"And?" Kim asked, raising an eyebrow, not seeing where the conversation was going. She looked at Shego for a split second, looking away instantly when she noticed the woman's eyes on her.

"What your mother is trying to say is that Shego is new here," Her father cut in. "Show her around." He added in a tone that left no room for discussion.

Nervously Kim stepped down the last step and looked at Shego, whom was smiling sweetly at her.

"Ready to go?" Shego asked in a soft sensual tone and with a hesitant nod Kim followed her out of the house and to the green beetle. Let the fun begin.

Well that's sort of the beginning of this story, the beginning of many other chapters that will follow. I hope it was doable ...

and let's see.. what Shego and Kim are up to in the next chapter^^

yours truly,