Lunchtime. I was dreading this, one, because I had to avoid Edward, and two, BECAUSE I HAD TO AVOID EDWARD!

Alice seemed to catch my expression. "You'll do fine babydoll. Just concentrate on being you. Just stubborn and obnoxious you. The girl who doesn't give a shit about Edward, the girl who shuts everyone out but herself. Don't be a bitch though, that's not what I meant. Just play hard to get. Edward loves what he can't have. Not giving in will only makes you more tantalizing." Alice smiled, hooking her arm around mine, and leading me into the lunchroom.

I started to walk towards the lunch line, but Alice yanked me back with a frown. "Where are you going?"

"Um. To eat. If you're going to say I can't eat because I'm a cheerleader, then newsflash, I'm not a real cheerleader." I said, annoyed, trying to walk away again.

"That is such a cliché rumor! Cheerleaders do not starve themselves. And anyways, my point is, Ang went to go get our lunch. We bring food in. Have you ever tasted the café's food? Disgusting!" Alice made a face, and then led me towards a table.

Several people were already situated there, and she immediately began introducing me. "Bella, this is Jasper. Better known as Jazz." She motioned to a lean, yet muscular boy with blonde hair bright blue eyes like his sisters. When he spoke he had a slight southern drawl.

"This is Emmett." Alice pointed towards an extremely burly guy, probably roughly around 250 pounds. You could tell though, it was pure muscle, not fat. When he stood, he towered over me, at a 6 foot 5 inches and I had a momentary freak-out. That is, until he cracked a huge smile and pulled me into a big, tight, hug.

"Hey there! You must be Bella." Emmett laughed loudly, his voice and laugh booming.

"Yeah." I said uncomfortably, pulling away as politely as possible, although I was pleased he liked me.

"Ah! Angela's here! Yes! I'm so hungry!" Rosalie called. I glanced at her. With her body, it looked like she never ate. It was refreshing to see she had an appetite.

Angela placed a large brown paper bag on the table, and began unpacking. "Okay. Boston rolls for Rosalie. California rolls for Alice. Texas rolls for you, Emmett." For Emmett, she pulled out 3 packages. "Um, Jasper, Temaki, right?" He nodded, and she handed him one. "New York rolls for Edward, like always." Edward wasn't there yet, so she set them on the table. "Ebi rolls for me, yum." Angela giggled. "And Bella, since I had no clue what you wanted, I got a couple of each."

I nodded slowly, swallowing thickly. I think I would have preferred the schools so called 'disgusting' lunch over raw fish…

I sat down, and Alice nudged me. "Edward approaching. Just look nonchalant, and eat your sushi."

I nodded, and opened my chopsticks. How the hell was I, Queen Clumsy, supposed to do this? I gripped the chopsticks (at least I knew how to use those), and carefully picked up a California roll.

I pinched it between the chopsticks, and tried to bring it to my mouth. Unfortunately for me then, Emmett, who was sitting on my right, knocked me, causing the sushi to go flying. My eyes followed it throughout its airborne flight, and it finally landed.

Smack dab on the back of Edward Cullen.

He whirled around, rubbing the back of his neck. Immediately I looked down. Alice, who'd seen the whole thing, was cracking up.

"Who just threw that at me?" Edward's eyes fell on me. "Trying to get my attention, huh?" He smirked.

"I'm so-"

Alice nudged me. "Sorry, no, it was me. You know how you can be a total pro at something, hence, eating sushi, but just sometimes it slips? Yeah. That's what happened. Sorry Eddiekins." She grinned cheerfully, dipping some sushi into her soy sauce/ wasabi mixture. I fought the urge to gag.

"Uh, sure." Edward smirked at me, raising his right eyebrow.

I looked away, trying to appear disinterested.

Edward squeezed in between Emmett and I. "So, you're new?"

"Duh." I sighed, then looked away. I wasn't much for being rude, but sometimes my dry sarcasm turned into a poor attitude. "Obviously so, you haven't seen me before, have you?"

"No. Well you could have lived in the area." He said, still smiling, but obviously surprised at my smart mouth.

"Yeah, and been uneducated for the past 18 years of my life? There isn't any other schools besides the 3. Forks elementary, Forks middle, and Forks high."

"Oh, okay then." He looked away.

I was kind of worried that he was disinterested now.

"So, I feel like I don't know you well. Date, Friday?" He asked, completely squashing my fears.

"One, of course you don't know me well, I'm new, remember? And two, nope. I'm busy. Have a date with a college frat boy. Totally sexy." I stood up, pushed my untouched sushi towards Alice and exited the café.

Lucky for me, I didn't trip until I was out of eyesight.


Edward's POV

"College boy? Stupid college boys." I muttered under my breath. I stood up, roughly shoving Lauren out of my way as she tried to approach me. I stormed out of the cafeteria, cursing numerous times. "How dare she deny my request for a date? No one denies me anything. And then she just… was completely rude." I continued talking to myself as I walked down the main hallway, fuming.

"So you resort to pouting?" I heard a soft, sweet voice, and I smelled freesias. I looked up. It was the devil herself.

"I'm not pouting." I said, trying to calm down. I didn't want to make an ass out of myself any more than I already had.

"Oh, what do you call that then?" She said just as calmly, her beautiful brown eyes glued to my own green ones as she took a careful step towards me.

"I don't know." I said, watching her. I stared at emotion filled pools of her chocolate brown eyes.

She took another step in my direction. "I think you do. You just don't want to admit it." She was close enough now, that if I moved my head just a tad, I could kiss those full, luscious lips of hers. She drew in, her warm breath tickling my lips.

"Goodbye Edward." She withdrew, a small smile playing across her lips, then walked away, leaving me dumbfounded.

"Goodbye?" I called. "Wait." I jogged up behind her. "Does this mean that you'll go out with me?"

"Does what mean? We just talked… that's all… and I accused you of pouting. How did I make it seem like I was canceling my date for you?"

"Ouch." I said. "I'm offended. And to answer your rather rude question… you almost kissed me. " I scoffed.

"Kissed you?" She laughed lightly. "Never that." She turned on her heel and walked off again, once again leaving me surprised. I didn't follow her; instead my eyes followed her shapely backside as it swayed from side to side.

I knew I needed a way to make her like me. Because… One. I hadn't had good sex in about a month. So I seriously need to get laid. And two, there was something about her… an air of wild innocence maybe?, that made me want her more.

Bella's POV

I rounded the corner, finally away from him. My heart was pounding… I couldn't believe I did that while managing to stay in control.

"Bella!" I heard a shrill voice call from behind me. I whirled around, crashing into a locker. "Ow." I muttered, looking for the source of the voice.

It was Alice. Should have known. "Bella! Wow! You were amazing!"

"Oh. You saw? How? I didn't even hear you!" I smiled.

"Oh. That's right! We didn't tell you. Feel the right side of your bra and tell me what you feel." When I looked uncertain she said, "Just do it!"

"Um. Okay." I felt my boob.

"You feel that?" She asked.

"Um, yeah. It's my boob." I gave her a weird look.

"No! It's a camera! That way we can watch what's happening. You know?" Alice said, jumping up and down.

"My boob is a camera?" I was seriously confused now. What the hell was Alice on?

"No, there is a camera attached to your bra." She looked a little annoyed. "You get it?"

"Uh. Sure." I looked up at the ceiling. What in the world was I getting myself into?


School was over, and today was my first cheerleading practice. I sighed. I was sure to trip or fall. Or cause others to do so.

"Bella." I heard a soft voice call from behind me. I turned more slowly this time, making sure not to crash into a locker. It was Rosalie.

"I'll walk with you to the gym, if that's okay?" Rosalie asked, smiling.

"Sure." I said, grinning back. You know, Rosalie looked like she could be a mega bitch, but I'm glad she's nice enough to me.

"Great job with Edward today. He definitely notices you. So… that means we're making progress here." Rosalie said, twirling a strand of her hair.

"That's good." I smiled again. We stopped in front of the gym, and Rosalie pushed open the doors.

"OKAY!" She yelled at the cheerleaders, her usual soft voice becoming loud and demanding. "START WARMING UP PEOPLE! NO TIME TO WASTE. THERE'S A PEP RALLY THURSDAY, AND THURSDAY IS TOMMOROW! SO GET GOING, SO WE CAN PRACTICE OUR CHEER, AND TEACH BELLA HERE WHAT'S GOING ON!" She turned to me and smiled. "Okay, let's get you some shorts." She said to me, then lead to me to the locker room, unlocking a closet with a key she pulled from her purse.

"You're a small. Okay, here you go. Put these on." She tossed me a pair of grey shorts, and they were short and tiny. And when I say short I mean SHORT. And when I say tiny, I MEAN GODDAMN THEY WERE TINY.

"But they're like underwear." I trailed off, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

"I know, cute huh? Emmett loves them. Oh by the way, we share the gym with the football players while they work out. So… Edward is going to have a full view."

I gulped. "I'm not ready for this."

"Sure you are hun, I saw you after lunch with Edward. You know how to flirt. Use common sense. Trust your instincts. And you'll be fine." Rosalie smiled. "Kay. Change, we gotta go practice."

I pulled off my jeans, revealing my underwear. "Oh god. You wore granny panties? Atrocious. Completely odd that Alice didn't put you in some lingerie this morning. Well…" She dug through her bag, and pulled out a teensy- tiny pair of underwear, with a tag dangling from it.

"Don't worry, they're brand new, from Victoria's Secret. Put them on. Quickly, quickly. Then throw those away. This weekend we're going lingerie shopping. Ughh."

I turned around, facing the wall, and changed quickly, leaving the Fork's high tank top on.

Rosalie inspected me. "Nice bod, B. You should show off your legs more often."

"Thanks " I said nervously.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I sighed. She grinned, hooked arms with me, and pulled me from the locker room.

"Okay guys! Let's show Bella the routine. In the mean time Bella, stretch." Rosalie winked, giving me an all knowing look. So I'm assuming she meant something…

Luckily, the boys were still running outside, so I could stretch without being self conscious. Damnit. Shouldn't have thought that. The very next minute they came running in, giving cat calls to the cheerleaders. Oh no... Now I get what Rosalie meant. Use my body to stretch. But use it… so Edward liked it.

I groaned. Okay. Let's try this. Okay. Okay. Okay. Seriously Bella. Friends for simply stretching, or no friends at all? Friends won over. Edward, the captain of the football team, just happened to be only feet away from me.

I stood up. I was shaking, hopefully not visibly. I slowly bent over, so my legs were parted, my ass was up in the air, and my hands touching the mat. I made sure Edward got a good look at it… And he was looking… Then I slid back up slowly, my hands grazing over the length of my legs. I sat on the floor, facing Edward, and parted my legs, stretching again. I made sure that the lacy member from VS that Rosalie made me put on showed a bit while I touched my fingertips to my toe points. Then I stood up, letting the tank top ride up on my flat stomach.

After I'd watched the routine several times, I was able to do it. I had a good memory, whether I was athletically inclined or not.

"Okay, Mariah, off the top of the pyramid. Bella's going to take your place." Rosalie said.

"Thank god! I was scared I was going to fall. Thanks for taking my place." The Mariah girl grinned at me, and then took place in a different position. She was going to do back flips. Don't know which one… top of pyramid, or doing back flips… is more dangerous…but whatever.

"Why me?" I squeaked.

Angela came up beside Rosalie and I. "Duh, he likes girls on top." Rosalie and I looked at her, disgusted. "The top of the pyramid stupid!" She huffed and walked away, blushing.

"Sureeee." Rosalie cracked up. "Now get up on top. Jay here, will help you."

Jay was one of the males on the squad. Both of them were gay, I later learned. I figured, since I over heard Jay and Mason discussing which was better for them to wear in pink – a thong or a string bikini.

It wasn't so bad once I was up there. I think it was more frightening when you're thinking about it. Or dreading it. But I fell backwards, like I'm supposed to, and was relieved to find Jay and Mason caught me with ease. We practiced several more times, each time easier than the previous. I loved how I felt when I was falling. It was a huge adrenaline rush. I was sure to have bruises… but the feeling was worth it.

After practice, I told Alice my feelings towards practicing. "I see why your cheerleaders. It's really invigorating."

"I know, right?" Alice grinned then got into her car. I followed suit, and we drove to her house. Everyone met there.

"The boys will be home soon." Angela said, climbing out.

"We know. Bella, you staying for dinner?" Alice asked.

"If you'll have me, sure."

"Yeah, you can. Esme and Carlisle are going out tonight… so it's whatever we want. I think we'll get 6 pizza's."

"Five? Who else is coming?" I asked, frowning at the absurd amount of pizza they were getting. "That's like, 48 slices."

"Silly girl." Angela said, laughing.

"I know." Alice laughed.

"Emmett, Edward, Ben, and Jasper can all eat one pizza per person." Rosalie continued giggling.

"Oh. Okay." I followed them into the house. "Alright guys… I need your help. I don't know what to do next. Today in gym, I sort of teased Edward while stretching. You guys saw… So; now what?"

"Good girl." Alice said.

"Well…" Angela started. "OH!"

"What, what?" I asked.

"Okay… it involves stripping. You in?"

"Depends. How stripped?" I asked.

"Lingerie?" Angela replied.

"Okay." I agreed, kind of reluctantly.

"YES! Okay. Here's the plan guys. When the boys get home… We'll distract them. Of course, I'll take Ben, Rosalie, you take Emmett, and Alice, of course, Jasper. We'll makeout with our guys, and you know how Edward gets when he's all alone. He'll run upstairs, and Bella, will be undressing. Then you can walk out to the hallway... just happen to see him there…. And simply say, 'oh.' And he'll be like… Well there's no explaining." Angela gushed.

"Okay. I'll try it."

"Nice plan." Alice said.

"Yep." Rosalie popped the p.

"We have to get her some nice lingerie then. Blue. Blue is Edward's favorite color." Alice said, clapping her hands. "I'll just get you some of the stuff we keep here for Angela. It's all new, of course."

Realizing that I had bigger breast then Angela, I had to wear Rose's bra, and Angela'

They dressed me in a blue, lacy demi bra, and tried to put me in a matching thong. "No. No… no way am I going out in the hallway like that."

"Fine." Rosalie sighed. "Here." She gave me blue boy shorts, tiny ones, but they hugged my ass nicely.

"Damn. You should were lingerie to school." Alice said, examining me.

Then we heard keys jangling in the lock. "Hurry! Plan into action!" They ran downstairs, and I waited in the hallway, feeling like I was lurking. Sure enough, 2 minutes later, I heard footsteps up the stairs. Getting nervous all of the sudden, I ran into the nearest open room, and shut the door behind me.

I heard the door reopen, and prayed it was one of the girls. I turned, and of course, it was Edward.

He stared. And stared. "Bella?"

"Oh. Fancy seeing you here." I replied nervously

"This is my room…" He trailed off, his beautiful eyes raking over my body.

"Oh really? Well I was just going to go change." I said sweetly. "Let's talk, okay?"


"In here. While I change, silly." I smiled. I made no moved to get dressed though. Instead, I perched on the edge of his bed. He stared for a good couple of minutes before he came to sit beside me.

His voice sounded strained when he spoke. "Blue is your color, Bella."

"You think so?" I reached down and cupped my breasts. "I think this bra looks kind of trashy, don't you?"

"Uh." He cleared his throat. "No, you look… Beautiful." He breathed.

I got up and pulled on my jeans slowly, zipping them up, trying to appear seductive. Then I walked towards him, still without a shirt.

"So, tell me about yourself." He said slowly, his eyes on my tits.

"I'm Bella Swan, and I actually just want to know more about you." I breathed, straddling his lap.

"N- nope." He stuttered, for once his cocky arrogance was replaced with nerves.

"Oh, too bad." I pulled on my shirt. "I was looking for an excuse to be in here with you longer. I pulled myself off of his lap, stalking out of his room to return downstairs.