An Attempt in the Dark
Emily's POV
You sit on the edge of your bed, staring at the bottle of pills and pen and paper in front of you. You're not sure which one to pick up first.
You think maybe you should take the pills first but you reason, you would probably fall into the darkness before you could get out everything you wanted to say. So you reach for the pen and paper, resting them comfortably in your lap. Surprisingly you're not sure what to write; should you let out all your thoughts and emotions or just say something
simple. In the end you just write, I'm sorry; you don't particularly feel like giving a long winded explanation. You don't feel you're actions need explaining in the first place.
You lean back on your bed now, taking the bottle of pills off your nightstand. You hold them in your hand like you're weighing them. You just look at them for several long moments, contemplating what it is you're about to do. You finger the lid, twisting and turning it nervously. You're not crying or angry or sad, no, you've already resigned to your fate but you're stalling. You feel like there's another way, something else that will make you better but even the thought isn't enough to dissuade you. You are tired and exhausted. You're ready for it to be over already and you don't care how much it'll hurt the people closest to you because for once you're allowed to be selfish, to do something for you.
So you empty the whole contents of the bottle into your hand and quickly swallow as many as you can with the help of a glass of water. You gulp down every single pill till you're light headed and dizzy. Black spots start to appear before your eyes and you slowly slide down to lie in your bed.
It takes too much effort to turn onto your side so you only make half a turn to look out your bedroom window. The night sky is gorgeously lit up and you can see for miles around from your apartment. The last thing you see before you slowly drift off into the dark abyss is the bright lights of the Capitol in the distance.
AN: This is really short I know, probably the shortest thing I've ever written. Anyway, this was written a while ago and I decided to post it. I've got some more written so if you want to see more just let me know. :) CT.