I don't own Yugioh!

The next day, I had go to work again, and I could only pray Marik wouldn't show up, because the girls were sure to rush out of the back and interrogate him like they did me the day before.

About an hour into my shift, I was boxing some pastries, back turned to the counter and happy that for the time being Otogi was the one dealing with all the teenage girls and their antics. I heard some shuffling behind me as I put the box on the counter, but I figured it was just my coworker. Then, right next to my ear, "Hi."

I shrieked and jumped an impressive height, thankful that the box in my hands was empty at the time. As I whirled, I could hear Otogi laughing so hard he was no doubt doubling up. And when I turned, my eyes met a mischievous smirk, tanned skin, blond hair, and happy purple eyes.

I clapped a hand to my chest and exhaled heavily. "Damn it Marik! You almost gave me a heart attack! You are SO lucky this box was still empty, or we both would've gotten beaten into submission by the girls! They are scary when they're pissed! And - stop laughing! What's so funny?"

He was laughing so hard he was tearing up. "You scream like a girl!"

"I do not!"

"Yeah, you do, man," Otogi butted in, leaning against the counter. I rounded on him.

"You! Why didn't you warn me when you saw him coming over the counter?"

"I needed some cheap entertainment," he smirked, and my anger grew. I swear there was steam coming out of my ears.

Marik cocked his head. "Hm. His eye is twitching," he turned his head towards Otogi. "Is that a bad sign?"

"Ryou and Mariku say so. I've never been able to get him worked up enough to see the effects when he loses it though. I'd back up just in case."

Marik nodded, but he didn't back up. He smiled and put his hands on my shoulders, saying, "Breathe deeply, 'Kura. I'd rather not become the victim of a pastry attack." Otogi snorted at that one, but me? As soon as those hands touched my shoulders, all my irritation was gone. Poof! All I could concentrate on was the physical contact, and how is seemed to send jolts of electricity through me, making my heart race, and the blood rush to my face in a blush that I was thankfully able to hold back.

Marik noticed the change, even without the blush appearing on my face. He raised an eyebrow. "I think I found a pressure point or something. Cool."

He removed his hands and I let out the breathe I hadn't realized I was holding. I just barely heard Otogi mutter, "Pressure point my ass," and I sent him a glare. He held up his hands in an 'I surrender' gesture.

"'Kura?" Marik asked.


"Why are there three sets of female eyes staring at me from back there?" he pointed at he door to where the girls baked, and, sure enough, six girly eyeballs were peeking out, the women attached to them squeaking and retreating when they realized they'd been discovered. I sighed.

"Because the girls attached to them aren't capable of minding their own business," I muttered, rolling my eyes when a wave of giggles was heard from behind the door.

"And those girls are the ones who would have beaten both of us into submission had I made you drop a pastry?" he asked, still staring.


"... Do they stare at everyone like that?"


"Why me, then?"

Another wave of giggles was heard, including a rather masculine one from Otogi at the counter. He started to open his mouth, but shut up when he was impaled with one of the daggers my eyes were shooting at him.

"I suppose you're just more interesting than most of the customers we get in here," I replied, satisfied with my excuse. Until he smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"You find me interesting?" he asked, obviously trying to get a rise out of me.

"No! You are possibly the least interesting person I've ever met. THEY however, find you interesting, for reasons wholly unknown to me. So don't go getting a big head because you suddenly think you're interesting!" I was babbling now, but I didn't care. As long as Marik got the message. The blatant lie of a message. He just smiled and shook his head as if I was making an idiot out of myself. Which was easier than usual what with the uniform.

As I turned around to continue with my job that had been so rudely interrupted by the beautiful jerk behind me, I saw the eyes were peeking out again. I scowled and growled at them until they retreated. I sighed in relief. And then the hands came.

Where the three sets of eyes had disappeared, three sets of hands came flying out and grabbed my apron, dragging me into the back room as I shrieked indignantly. And not at all like a girl. Because I DO NOT scream like a girl. I have a very masculine shriek, thank you.

The frenzied whispers coming from the she-demons before me broke my train of thought, and after a moment, I was able to make questions out of the babbling.

"Is that him?"

"He's adorable!"

"Do you really like him?"

"Does 'Kura have the hots for blondie out there?"

That last one was obviously a jibe directed at the nickname Marik had given me. I scowled.

"Only he can call me that," I grumbled. Immediately the giggling increased and I realized that had made it sound an awful lot like we were together. I flushed and growled.

"That's not what I meant, and you know it!"

"But you wish it was, don't you?" laughed Shizuka.

"No! Not at all. You're all delusional. You three, Otogi, Ryou and Mariku-" they cut me off.

"Ryou and Mariku know of this crush too?" Mai asked, eyes lit up with mischief. "We might just have to talk to them!"

"No, you will not! God knows what sick ideas Mariku will put in your head!"

"Um, 'Kura?" I heard Marik call. "Are you okay? You aren't being assaulted are you?" he asked. I straightened myself and marched out to the counter.

"Of course not. I'm not so weak to be overpowered by a bunch of girls," I sniffed, trying to ignore the amused look on his face.

"But you scream like one."

"I don't!"

More laughter from everyone in the establishment.

"Agh!" I exclaimed. "You're all intolerable!"

A couple customers walked in at that time and looked a bit like they were ready to walk back out if a conflict started.

"Welcome to Half-Moon bak-" I started, then whipped around to snap at Marik and Otogi, "Stop laughing at me! -ery, what would you like?" They still looked a bit uncomfortable. It might have had something to my furious expression. I scare people sometimes.

The woman on the left started speaking first, hesitantly. "We'd just like a couple of cupcakes and a croissant, please." I nodded and turned, squatting to get the croissant, because it was on the bottom shelf of the pastry holder thingy. Then I heard the two bastards behind the counter with me giggling again. I grabbed the pastry, put it in a box and turned to glare at them.

"What? What is it now? What could possibly be so damn funny?" My eye was twitching again.

Otogi was leaning against the counter and managed to squeeze out a strangled, "You squat like a girl too!"

Marik was almost crying at this point.

"I do not! I do not scream, squat, or do anything else in an even remotely girly fashion!" I was getting severely pissed now, but I still grabbed a couple of cupcakes, put them in the box with the croissant, and handed it to the customers, who were also sniggering at this point. I would have yelled at them too, but again, it would have been 'unprofessional'. Then something hit me.

"Wait!" I turned to Marik. "Who are you to be making fun of me for being girly? Which I'm not. You, who wears jewelry and eyeliner?"

He wasn't even phased. He grinned at me and said, "I know I'm girly, though. Your denial just makes it even funnier."

"There's nothing to be in denial about!"

Then Mai's voice drifted out from the back. "You keep telling yourself that Bakura!"

I growled and squeezed my eyes shut, pinching the bridge of my nose to try and get rid of the oncoming headache. I gave up. I just sighed and sat down. Until the girls yelled at me to stop slacking and get off my lazy ass.

At least I didn't have work tomorrow.