Split Personalities


It was the 25th aniversary since the day that some of the Digidestined had met Tesability. Ken was walking though Tamachi when he saw a familiar face.

"I'm sorry, TB, but the Wormmon card that you ordered hasn't come in yet. Why don't you try again next week?" The girl sighed. She had a Wormmon in her arms.

"Is there some type of delay on this card?!" She sighed & left the store. She turned toward Ken, who saw the Crest of Unity around the girl's neck.

"Tesability?" She looked up at Ken & smiled.

"Hey, Ken. I wasn't expecting to see you." Ken smiled back at Tesability.

"Hey, the other digidestined would like to see you again. Want to?" Tesability nodded. Ken to Tesability to his appartment, which has Yolei & their kids inside. "Yolei?" He saw Yolei walk out of the kitchen when he walked in. She raised an eyebrow when she saw Tesability.

"Ken, who's that?" Ken just pointed to a picture that was on the kitchen. She dropped the dish when she saw the picture, then looked at Tesability. Their kids ran into the kitchen when they heard the dish smash. They saw Tesability & remebered what their dad had said about her. Ken called the other digidestined to come over. When they asked why, he just said that it was a surprise. After a half an hour, the whole gang was inside the living room.

"Ken, what's this about?" Davis was impatient. Ken smiled.

"Guess who I found?" At that moment, Tesability & her Wormmon walked into the room. Tai, Matt, Izzy & Davis dropped their jaws. Everyone else was confused. "Everyone who doesn't know this girl, this is Tesability Black, the Digimon Tamer who traveled through time to save my past self." Everyone, except Tai, Matt, Izzy & Davis, stared at Tesability. T.K. was the first one to walk up to her.

"Welcome to the group, Tesability." Sora was next.

"Tesability, you must be talented to be a tamer." Kari was next.

"If you have seen true light, then we're going to be the best of friends." One by one, everyone walked up to Tesability, said something good about her & welcomed her to the Digidestined group. Tesability smiled. She knew that things were going to be just fine, now that the whole group is together. Before running into Ken, however, she told the story about the Shadow Empress & what she was going to do to her friends, showing the D-Power to those who didn't believe her. She told the story to a friend, who had decided to put it up on this site. That friend is me, Talen Avalon. Good bye, & I hope you enjoyed this tale. *the Digirap is heard playing*

**********Author's Note*********

Oh, boy. This story was originally planned to be based on Ken, but it turned out to be a Ken/Tesability fic. Expect the sequal to be like that, since I have the feeling that Tesability will be in more of my fanfics.