Harry found himself standing the lobby of a bank that was in the middle of the street. The distrustful gazes that seemed to increase the longer that he walked down the street. He figured that if he stepped into one of the buildings that he would have a chance to discover what was going on and if not, he would have the chance to either try to continue on in a more stealthful manner or he could return to his ship in orbit and rethink his approach . All he was doing was admiring the world that he found himself in! He just hoped that this building would afford him the ability get lost in the crowds and continue on with the mission he set for himself.

What he didn't expect was the wave of energy that washed over him. From the energy pattern, Harry could tell that I was detection energy, one that captured his energy signature and transmitted it somewhere inside the building. Harry decided to continue to look around the building and try to find the room where people relieved themselves as that would be the best way to disappear off of everyone radar. He also ordered his ship to divert its scans to his location and surrounding area. After looking around and taking note of his environment, Harry noted that there were rooms marked off that a man just exited and was situating himself so he figured that this would be his best bet and headed to that direction.

He felt him before he saw him but one of the small creatures that seemed to run the bank, as it was only those of that species that was actually working there, was quickly approaching him. From the information that was gathered about the planet, he correctly inferred that these creatures were referred to as goblins. He just couldn't believe his luck as it seemed that this so called subtle attempt at gathering information was being thwarted at every turn.

"Excuse me sir. The director of the Bank, Lord Ragnok, would like to speak to you about an urgent matter."

"And what would this director want with someone that they have never met kind sir?" Harry asked in a steady voice. This approach made Harry suspicious as now everyone in the lobby was staring at him. He really just couldn't win today it seemed. He considered it a small gift the goblin fellow was prompt with his answer.

"Your identity was made known to us as soon as you entered the bank; though different than the one recorded, your energy signature still had enough similarities to tell us who you are. There is a matter that will require your presence and is of the upmost importance. I ask again, please follow me sir." With that the goblin tuned on his heel and started to walk towards the back of the bank. Harry had no choice but to follow.

As Harry followed, he seen two men look him in the eye with disdain in their faces and abruptly turn and make way for the exit of the bank leaving Harry with a bad feeling. This entire trip was a failure so far; hopefully this surprise summons would shed some light on the issue. Harry noticed that the goblin was leading him through a series of twisting, non-descript halls. Luckily his uniforms sensors along with those of his ships were keeping track of him while storing the banks layout for future use. Eventually they arrived at what Harry would assume was their destination as the goblin knocked on the door and waited to be called in. Harry noticed that so far from his observations that the goblins were a people that did not like to waste time as they were called in almost immediately.

"Lord Ragnok, I bring you Harry Potter as requested." The first goblin said with a low bow. Harry quirked at eyebrow at the display of subservience, it appeared as though the goblin that he was here to meet was very high in their society to demand such a display.

"Good job Griphook. You may go." Ragnok said from behind his desk. After Griphook left the office, Ragnok got up from behind his desk and made his way over to Harry. After looking at him for several moments, seemingly sizing him up, Ragnok extended his hand to Harry. Harry was truly glad that he learned of the Earth custom of shaking another's hand in a greeting of seemingly equals; nowhere else has Harry heard of such a ritual.

"I thank you for coming to see me on such short notice Mr. Potter."

"It is an honor to meet you Lord Ragnok and please call me Harry." Harry said as they shook hands firmly.

"Only if you call me Ragnok, please take a seat. We have a lot to discuss."

"As his is my first time that I can remember being in this area, what business could we have that we need to discuss?'

"That depends on how informed that you are on your ancestral history and of the current state of Magical Brittan."

Harry decided to be forthcoming, "I know nothing of my ancestral history or the state of Magical Brittan, and hence is why this meeting is rather perplexing."

"In that case, let us start with your family. You ancestors and Gringotts have been doing business together since before our inception as a bank and that makes us friends beyond reproach. Be that as it may, protocol must be observed and the inheritance ritual must be completed for you to claim your birthright. There are two types of tests; one will test your blood to that of a certain house to see if there is a rightful claim. The second and most guarded of the rituals is the one that will reveal any houses that you can lay claim to, this is the one that will be doing."

"What does this ritual entail and if you were as close as you say that we were than can you tell me how my parents passed on? All I know is that they died and this information comes from the letter that was left with me on the stoop of some supposed relatives when I was but a year old by a man named Albus Dumbledore."

"Your parent's fate saddens me still to this day. I will tell you about the ritual after you hear about your parents and the recent events that have led us to where we find ourselves at now. There is a man by the name of Tom Riddle, who is a self-stylized Dark Lord and was terrorizing Magical Brittan, bent on ridding the world of everyone that he deemed unworthy, most notably for their blood status. We are not interested in the exact reasons that he took this path but it is just a rehash of what happens every several generations here in the magical community. The oldest of magical governments are all built to favor the rich and the powerful, almost always those that consider themselves as purebloods, because it is them that is in power. Not only that but the leadership is heredity and is therefore kept within mostly the same families and having the same ideals; it is also the major reason why people like Tom Riddle are successful and why the magical communities are in stagnation.

To put it bluntly, Voldemort had already won this conflict fourteen years ago. He infiltrated key positions in the Ministry and had the magical community living in fear. Only a small group actively fought him but they paid the price in blood. Apparently, there was a prophesy made that stated that only you could destroy him. This was just made public knowledge by Albus Dumbledore as he pleaded before the Wizengamot, the ruling body of magical Briton; he was pleading for his titles as those were stripped when it was discovered that he was responsible for placing you with your mundane relatives. It is because of this prophesy that your parents went into hiding, which was understandable. Against our suggestions, they listened to the silver tongue of Dumbledore and they were hid under the fidelous charm at a place called Godrics Hollow.

This type of protection is only as good as the one that holds the key is trustworthy, and the person that your parents choose, betrayed them to Tom Riddle. He came and murdered your family; this much is certain but after that is where the guessing begins as there were no witnesses. Albus Dumbledore, using his fame from the defeat of the last Dark Lord made the masses believe that Tom Riddle tried to kill you with the death curse but it somehow reflected onto himself because of your mother's protection, thus killing him and freeing our world from Tom Riddles tyranny, and leaving you unscathed minus your scar.

That is all that the people knew and they all praised you as a hero and had instant fame, enough to rival Dumbledore himself. When it came time for you to go to Hogwarts after your 11th birthday and no one could find you, our world was thrown into chaos. The people were outraged that their hero was missing and the ministry needed somewhere to place the blame, as they just wanted to save their own political careers, and they found Dumbledore. He was the last to see you after placing you with your relatives so he was the perfect choice, not only as a scapegoat for the ministry, but with his removal of power, his political clout went with him; thus the pureblood agenda began to run rampant.

In the end, he not only lost the position as chief warlock, leader/spokesman of the Wizengamot, but he was removed as he supreme Mugwump from the international confederation of wizards, and most recently, he was removed from the head master position at Hogwarts for not only the death of one of his students but for his questionable hiring of certain professors. While he has been outside of the popular sphere of influence, he has been active behind the scenes tying to dampen the effect that the pureblood agenda. He recently released more information about you and Tom Riddle that had the opposite effect then he desired, it made people see you not only as a coward, but it made him out to be a manipulative fool, and anyone associated with him is looked upon with open disdain as they see him and you by extension as the reason they are living in these dark times."

Harry sat in his chair, all the while storing everything that the Goblin ruler was telling him. Part way through he decided to look deeper while Ragnok was talking and used his Alteran telepathy to bypass the mind shields that Ragnok possessed. While he would wager that if he started to snoop around in his memories he would be discovered, he just was feeling Ragnoks emotions, hoping to catch any glimpse of falsehood that may be present; he was glad to know that there was no deceit in what he was hearing.

"It sounds like it is truly dark times that the country finds itself in. Tell me, what is the percentage of purebloods versus non purebloods in magical Brittan?"

"While, there is no conclusive proof since it is very possible to remain hidden if one so desired and the right steps are taken, but if I had to guess, I would say that around twenty five percent of the population can be considered pureblood, this includes squibs." Ragnok, seeing what Harry was going too asked, answered the unasked question, "Squibs are the children from magical parentage that do not possess the ability to manipulate magical energies."

"I see. So why doesn't the rest of the population rise up and revolt? From what you say, living like they are cannot be the greatest way to live."

"You are correct, currently, only those of pureblood status truly leave their homes out of fear for their safety and that of their family. But the people are sheep, they take what they hear and believe it. Not only, but the people wait for someone else to fix the situation because that is how it has been for centuries, the classic hero and villain scenario."

"And I was that hero and that can be some of the cause of the looks, but how would they know that it was me. I haven't been seen since I was a year old."

"That is because, your facial features are almost an exact replica of your fathers and everyone has heard of or seen your father as he was a pureblood; granted he never pushed the pureblood agenda, nor did his parents but his place in society was firmly established."

"Last question before we talk about the ritual to discover my ancestry; if Voldemort was to remain in power where does that put the rest of the world?"

"For majority it would mean slavery or death."

"Alright, that's enough of that for now; let's see to this ancestry ritual. What exactly does it entail?" Harry questioned

"The one that you will do will require for you to join me in the ritual chamber. Once there, you will remove all of your clothing and several goblin elders will use your blood draw runes on your body. Once that is done, a circle of seven will begin the chant and from there, your ancestry and any claims that you hold will be revealed."

"Sounds interesting, let's get started."

Ragnok was impressed with the young man before him; it was not often that wizards such as him looked eager to participate in a goblin ritual. And the way that he handled the other information he told him, he knew that it was still on the forefront of the young man's mind, but he appeared to be handling it well, most would show some type of explosive emotion. As they were headed towards the office door, Both Harry and Ragnok stopped mid step. Harry's ship picked up a massive energy spike and the sudden arrival of a lot of people outside the bank while the wards surrounding the bank notified Ragnok of the same thing.

"It appears Harry that the ritual will have to wait as there is something outside that requires our attention."

Harry did not let Ragnok know that he was aware of the arrival of the mass of people outside. "What situation is that Ragnok?"

Ragnok walked over to a mirror that hung on the wall. He waved his hand in front of it and Harry saw that the reflection of Ragnok change to that of a view of outside the bank. Harry could see that there were a large number of people in front of the bank; they were standing in an arrangement surrounding one person and were all wearing the same type of uniform, black robes and a skull like mask.

"This allows me to view everything under the wards of the bank and everything within sight of them. As you can see, there is a gathering out there as we speak and I would care to wager that they are here because you are. The wards alerted me to their arrival."

"Would I be safe in assuming that this here is either Tom Riddle or Albus Dumbledore?"

"That is Tom Riddle. After his rebirth he quickly made moves to dominate the country. Do to Dumbledore's fall from grace along with that of the ministry of magic's corrupt nature, Magical Brittan is now run by Tom Riddle and his followers that are called Death Eaters. The heavy handed tactics forced us to activate the latent wards that would allow no hostilities in the bank, wards that requires sacrifices to be made but we knew that they would come for us after the ministry."

Harry was intrigued by the examples of magic that he was seeing and recording. What he was not happy about was that he walked into an area that was ruled by the man that killed his parents. The fact that his being saved by the Asgard facilitated the state of the world that he found himself in right now was disgusting. He was also not happy that his arrival caused this visit by man and all of his goons. The sacrifices of the Goblins and the oppression of the people would end.

Harry accessed the data that he collected on the bank thus far as he was about to thrust the future of the magical community onto the Goblins and he needed a large sized room in order to initiate the change, but first, Ragnok had to accept his offer.

Switching to a more formal stance, Harry addressed the goblin before him. "Lord Ragnok, I wish to bring this conflict that I find myself in the middle of to an end." Harry knew that he could trust Ragnok. All through the meeting knew that he was telling him the truth about what happened in his past. Entering his head he learned that he did not wish to use Harry for his own gains and that Riddle and Dumbledore were really as dangerous as Ragnok said they were.

"I can apprehend Tom Riddle and all those that follow him outside and will place them in your care to be judged for their actions by a jury of every magical species that is willing to participate. With them gone, the government will need new leadership; how would you rectify the situation as a whole so that the rise of another madman would be infinitely more difficult and that every magical species is seen as equals by the government with said government working for people."

Ragnoks head snapped to look at Harry, surprised in what he heard. With what Harry could assume would be a smile, Ragnok approached the few steps to Harry and addressed him just as formally. "If it were up to me the position of minister and the Wizengamot would be abolished. In its place would be two councils, one council would handle the running of the nation and the other would ensure that the laws and actions of the other are fair and just. These councils would also have representation from all the intelligent magical species. Of course there would need to be some fine tuning of the plans but that is the basic outline that I would follow." Harry really liked Ragnoks answer as it was one of the first ways that his own people governed themselves.

In the mirror, Harry and Ragnok could see all of the people in the street fire energy beams at the building only to be met by an energy barrier. Harry didn't know how long the barrier would hold so he asked the questions that he needed answers to before making his decision.

"And I can take it that you have the means to uphold the law and handle any acts of violence committed by the public fairly?"

"We have more than enough warriors that can handle this and I can ensure that their honor would not allow them to use more force than is necessary. Of course, our response and punishment will be severe for those that abuse their positions."

"Would you allow my oversight in this process and eventually turn the policing and military duties to the people once the transition is complete?"

"Policing and military forces will be created and it would be run by the council. The Goblin Nations Warriors will be governed by the Gringotts until such time as those forces are set up but once the councils are set up and we goblins are seen as equals, they will in turn be run by the council as well." This was a lot that Ragnok was offering. From his telepathy, Harry could tell that he was being truthful but there was one more thing he had to know.

"Lastly, why are you willing to do this?"

"We Goblins want nothing more than to be seen as equals in the magical world. Too many wars have been fought trying to gain this freedom and nothing has come from it. We also know that majority of the magical world is innocent and treat us the way that they do because that is how things are in our society and we will do anything it takes to change this view." Ragnok spoke this with conviction.

"In that case you have my support to do all that we just talked about with post haste as there is sure to be anarchy until everything settles, but it will be better than the current living conditions. I will be monitoring everything however to ensure that things go in a forward, positive direction. But tell me, do you have need of this room that I have found that will see to my needs." Harry held out his hand, palm up and an image of a room that was in the lower levels of the bank confines and its surrounding area appeared in vivid detail.

Ragnok took a few steps backwards in shock at what he was seeing as it was impossible to comprehend. Gringotts was a fortress. No one has ever been able to get past its defense like he was seeing before him. It should be impossible and yet it was staring at him in the face. Harry was looking at him with a smile in his eyes but his face was still stiff and formal, as was his stance. Ragnok seen that he had no choice but to move forward, it wouldn't do well to broach the obvious and glaringly evident breach of security.

"That room has been emptied recently. We were going to house magical creatures there so that they would survive the coming storm. If you would like, it would be doable to allow you usage of this room for the time being. What exactly would you need it for so that I can have it prepared?"

"I need all the exits guarded by your best warriors at all times as it will house the witches and wizards that follow the two psychopaths to await their trial; how long until guards can be placed there?"

"It can be done in moments. Are you going to need help searching the prisoners for magical items?"

"No that will not be necessary, do not be shocked about what you are about to see." Harry learned and saw enough about this worlds 'magic' that the display that he was going to put on could be seen as magic and not of the advanced technology that he had at his disposal. Harry looked at the mirror as he sent his command to his ship. In a series of light flashes, the militant crowd began to disappear from the street outside the bank. Soon it was pure pandemonium as they separated and tried to flee. Harry made sure that Riddle was one of the first ones to be transported, only instead of appearing in the room like the rest of the people he was with; he appeared in front of Harry and Ragnok.

Ragnok shot up and shouted something in what must have been his native tongue and several goblin warriors appeared out of nowhere and surrounded Riddle who appeared in midair and fell to the ground in a crumpled heap. He was wearing a jumpsuit uniform and Harry ensured that the clothes were the only thing that he had on his person. It wouldn't do well to leave him anything that could pose a threat to them. A painful moan escaped from the pile of wizard that was currently on the floor before them. Riddle was coming around and Harry had one more thing to do to ensure everyone's safety. Harry surrounded Riddles body in an energy stasis field. This field was designed by the Nox and what it did was keep the energy created by an individual inside that person, not allowing it to be used or even escape their body.

Regaining his bearings quickly, Voldemort shot to his feet and attempted to lash out at everyone in the room in a rush of raw magical energy that he was capable of since he didn't feel or sense his wand on or around him. He was shocked when nothing happened. The first person that Voldemort saw was Ragnok, and he immediately started to demand his wand and his release.

"You Goblin filth, you will be destroyed for you…" That was all Voldemort got to say until he was kicked behind the knees, bringing him to his knees and had a sword at his throat. A Goblin warrior would not allow this pitiful terrorist to make demands or speak to his king in such a manner. Being a master of the sword, the goblin warrior added just enough pressure to stop the wizard from speaking as well as cutting slightly into the wizard's neck so that he would know how close he was to being killed.

"Allow me to introduce myself Mr. Riddle as we have not been formally introduced. I am Ragnok, King of the Goblin nation. You find yourself in a serious situation, one where you will not be able to buy or power your way out of. You have committed numerous transgressions against us, the Goblins, all unsuccessful mind you but the cost was still too high for us…" Harry chose at that moment to come into Voldemort's field of view.

"And with the help of our friend here, you and the filth that was outside will no longer pose a threat to us or no one else." Ragnok looked at Harry with a cunning smile and mischief in his eyes and continued on. "Mr. Potter here," a startled gasp escaped Voldemorts mouth at hearing this, "has given us the assistance that we needed and captured you and your henchmen. Mr. Potter?" Harry picked up on Ragnok giving him the floor so to speak.

"Lord Ragnok, capturing these thugs was no problem at all; it was in fact an honor to capture the man that is responsible for the death of my parents, not to mention all of the illegal activities that have happened since then. Now, since I know that you will not answer truthfully the questions that I have for you, I will get them myself."

With that statement, Harry crashed into Voldemorts mind. Voldemort thought himself so powerful that his mind could stay protected but he was wrong. Like Ragnoks mind, he was not prepared for Harry's telepathy and soon he had access to all of Voldemorts knowledge and memories. Seeing that the man's memories were filled with disgusting and brutal acts of violence, Harry decided not to subject himself to that so he routed the memories to the computer core aboard his ship while he made a copy of all of his knowledge and held it within a vault in his mind so that he could go through it later and retain anything that he deemed usable and purge the remaining knowledge that was of no use to him.

"This man is utterly vile and his acts of violence on innocence are deplorable. He was a child that starved for attention and so he used his brilliance as a means to strike back at the world that he thought was responsible for the situation that he found himself in. Take him and hold him until a trial of sorts can be arranged. The world will need to see it and you the Goblin Nation will be held as the ones that bring him to justice." With a nod from Ragnok, Tom riddle was drug from the room by the Goblin warriors to a cell designed for the most dangerous of men and Goblins.

"This will do much for the perception of my people and our standing in the magical world. We just have to root out the rest of the Death Eaters that was not out in the alley."

"During transport, I have detected that there is some form of a link between Tom Riddle and his men. I have used this link to locate everyone and they have been transported into the room with the others already."

Ragnok was stumped silent for several moments. This young man was truly astounding. "That is a relief indeed."

"If you act now, taking over the government for the people will be easier now than it will be later. Being the ones that captured Voldemort and bringing him to justice will do much in the way others see your people are viewed in society. Now we just have to worry about Dumbledore and his ilk."

"I think that Dumbledore is the only one that we have to worry about as he is a man that manipulates people into doing his bidding under the banner of the greater good."

"Well then we will have to bring him in before he can do anymore damage. I assume that you can handle that with the other things that we discussed?

"We can and will Harry; and you trust us not to abuse this trust that you have placed in us?"

"I have it on good authority that you will ensure that my trust is not abused. I know that all you want is to better you people and society, not dominate over those that have attempted to dominate over you for centuries, which is truly remarkable."

"I thank you for the words of confidence and the faith that you have in us; it is reminiscent of our relationship we have had in the past with your family."

"And we will continue that relationship; now let's talk about this ritual…"


Thor, the Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet was enjoying the task at hand; exploring the Pegasus galaxy. For him, there was so little time for a venture such as this as his duties did not give him the option. The only reason that the High Council have allowed him to come to Pegasus without him having to push and use his authority to go anyway was that the Asgard ships that accompanied the young Magnus discovered a signal that was based off an ancient Asgard design; one that Thor himself developed as a means to locate any destroyed vessels and its technology. The ships were incapable of triangulating its source and Thor was not only going to attempt to solve this mystery but he was going to take advantage and explore as well.

Exploration was something that Thor did not get to do much these days. With the training of the young Magnus and his duties as the Supreme Commander of the Asgard fleet, he had no time to do what he truly enjoyed; not to mention the war that was now taking more and more of his and his people's time. To think, it all started as a simple patrol mission that started the war between the Asgard and what they call the replicators. An Asgard discovered a piece of inert technology floating in space, and doing something that every other Asgard would have done, himself included, the technology was beamed onboard for further study.

It turned out that the technology was derived from nanotechnology and while the Asgard was familiar with the technology, as they themselves used the technology extensively, the nanites were being held together in a way that the Asgard could not negate. Add that to the fact that they were impervious to energy weapons and could assimilate any technology that they come across and improve on it, they were a great foe. Luckily enough, through sheer numbers and technological redundancy, the Asgard were holding back the enemy in which they call the replicators at bay.

This conflict was still new and if they were unable to solve the issue themselves, they were going to approach Harry to see if the Alterans had a way to dissolve the bonds between the nanites that made up the replicators; but for their own sake, they had to give it everything that they have. Thor feared that they as a race have been stagnant long enough, with the gift that Harry already gave them, they truly had something to fight for and as much as he does not like it, Thor knows that when a race is threatened with destruction, that race will either adapt and come out victorious and be all the better for it as a race or it would lead to their downfall. Thor just didn't want to think about how the battle would be fought by them if there was no cure for their cellular degradation that his race once suffered from, they would truly have nothing to live nor fight for; those were thoughts that Thor banished from his mind as they did no good to him to dwell on them.

Focusing back on the displays in front of him, he noticed that the ships sensors were detecting the signal that they were looking for. After several moments of analysis, Thor shook his head as he realized why the signal could not be triangulated, it appeared as if the signal originated from multiple points from different directions and it was the same signal being broadcast so they were in essence, overlapping each other. Add in copious amounts of signal degradation and you had the facts that were plaguing the mighty race. It was a challenge that Thor would relish as he was always one that loved to solve mysteries.


Harry couldn't believe what he was seeing. He was back on his ship and was looking at the sensor readouts that were showing. While they did not get the gate to establish a connection, the Americans did manage to dial the first six coordinates, just missing the point of origin. They were close, very close and what was more, their attempts helped the sip locate a second astria porta. What was even better was that not too far from the astria porta, there was an Alteran outpost, frozen over with miles of ice, lying dormant but from the scans, fully functional. From the scans, he knew for sure that the planet knew not of the outpost, they simply did not have the technology to scan that deep and because even his ship did not locate it until intense scans of the area was performed.

Plans were flashing in his mind, but he already decided that he would make the outpost his base on the planet, one that was hidden from the population but one that would give him a huge tactical advantage in the future. The first thing that he would do was to restore power, and then encompass the entire area in a dampening field that would stop sensor scans. With that done, an upgrade and expand the outpost. He would build construction facilities deep within Terra and use beaming technology to move ships to and from orbit as needed.

The situation with the magical community was progressing as the Goblins were very quick in their response even though it has only been a few days. He was glad that it was being handled by others and not him, he was of course giving advice and hints but they needed to pull themselves out of the hole that they have created; the Goblins would see to it that they would succeed. Voldemort and his men were going to be tried before a council that was created from all intelligent willing species of the magical world. This was long overdue, for too long witches and wizards alike thought themselves above other magical creatures. Reformation of the government was critical and with the goblins not only holding Voldemort and his men, the goblins also held all of the gold. But unlike the wizards, the goblins are leading the way and are going to create a fair and just government; Harry would be watching them and would handle any regression that the leaders allowed.

For now though, Harry was going to spend the rest of his time in Avalon down in his new outpost and monitoring the planets progress on its own 'Stargate' program. The problem that he could see was that the United States, who was already the world's strongest nation in terms of its economy and military, once they go through the gate, they will have access to all types of advanced technology and that would make the nation even stronger. This would disrupt the delicate balance of power on the planet and could lead to war between nations. Harry was very interested to see how this would pan out. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to monitor them personally but he would do so digitally; but that would not be as effective as being there himself. One thing that he would do is to override the gate address from certain Alteran outposts that he did not want them to have access to, but that was already in the program that he wrote and planted into their mainframe. His next step in his plan was to create the nanites that would work on his expansion project while he was a galaxy away so that by the time he was ready to man the outpost, it would be ready.