A/N: The reasoning for this oneshot and my others is as follows: I was bored on vacation. That being said, enjoy this oddity and review it or something…

It started out as an average Wednesday afternoon for Malik Ishtar. He was enjoying a large lunch in his Egyptian house, and apreciating the rare moment that he had the entire house to himself. He lived with his sister and over-protective step brother. Maliks house was peaceful and normal. It was, that is, until Yami Bakura tumbled through his kitchen window.
"Bakura? What the heck are you doing!" Malik asked bewilderedly.
"Talk later, hide me!" the white haired spirit panted. He sounded as if he had been running a while.
"uhhh," Malik was trying to fully grasp what was happening, "you can hide under a bed, if you really wish..."
Malik indicated the direction of the bedrooms of the house. Without another word, Yami Bakura zoomed down the hallway, into one of the rooms (which happened to be Malik's), and dived with the skills of of an olympic swimmer under the bed.
"what has he been smoking?" Malik asked himself, just as there was a loud knock on the front door.
Still very confused, Malik went up to the oak door, and opened it halfway. The absence of the door revealed two burly Egyptian policemen standing on the front stoop.
"um, can I help you?" Malik asked in a cool manner, masking his confusion.
"Sir, there is a dangerous man loose in this area, have you seen him?" the first policeman held up a mug shot of Bakura.
[there are a million people they could be looking for, and they just have to choose the one hiding under my bed. Brilliant.] Malik thought bitterly.
"no, sirs," Malik responded lying through his teeth, "why? What did this man do?"
It was the second man who spoke this time. "this man committed armed robbery and arson two days ago. He was caught and arrested soon after, but he escaped without a trace only a few hours ago. This man is very dangerous son, just tell us immediately if you seen anything out of the ordinary."
"will do, officer, thanks for the warning." Malik said, closing the door before either man could say anything else.
The Egyptian blonde walked into his room and found Yami Bakura's pale face peeking out from under the bed.
"are they gone?" he asked.
Malik nodded and Bakura relaxed visibly, crawling out from under the twin bed.
"dude,"Malik said with a smirk, "you owe me big time!"