Hey people! This is my first Outsiders story! I hope you enjoy! I don't own the Outsiders but I own Daisy and the plot!

Daisy's POV

Chapter 1:

Today is the day! I swung my legs out of my bed and felt my feet make contact with the cool floor. I quietly got out of bed and changed out of my pajamas and in to my regular clothes. Since today is Saturday Darry let us sleep in.

I look to Soda and Pony's bed. They got up earlier than I did. I walk out of our room to be hit with various smells. Today I will finally ask Darry if I can join his gang. Pony is younger than me and already in it, so why can't I? That's an easy one, I am a girl and girls aren't greasers, apparently. There are girl greasers but Darry doesn't want to take the risk of his only sister getting hurt.

"Hey boys," I said as I sat down next to Ponyboy.

"Hey Daisy," Soda and Pony said.

"Woke up a little late today? Didn't we?" Darry asked as I poured milk in to a bowl.

I smiled and said, "Just a little."

Darry rolled his eyes as Soda chuckled. I felt my hands get really sweaty as I ate my cereal. Ask him already! You are turning sixteen soon, he can't turn you down! He could still turn me down, I told my inner self. You are turning sixteen, for crying out loud! He could turn you down but I doubt he will!

"Darry?" I asked, feeling a bit shaky.

Darry looked up at me and raised his eyebrows, telling me to go on.

"I was just wondering…I wanted to ask you…"I stuttered. Spill it already! Stuttering won't help him say yes! ASK!

"Can I be apart of your gang?" I rushed out.

Darry put his spoon down and wiped his mouth. Before he could say anything I continued, "I was just asking because I am turning sixteen soon. Also, you let Pon join and he is younger than me."

Soda had a smile on his face. He looked at Darry, waiting for an answer.

"Daisy…how many times do we have to go through this?" Darry asked me while running his fingers through his hair.

I sighed. "Darry, don't say I can't join because I'm a girl. I have lived with you three boys for a long time and I haven't met one of your buddies while you have met mine," I argued.

"She's got a point Darry," Soda said.

"Darry, we could keep an eye on her," Pony said.

I looked at my little brother in shock. I didn't think he would stick up for me. Apparently, my little brother proved me wrong.

"Well, I guess you can but I have to make sure with the gang. You understand Daisy?" Darry asked.

I Squealed and leaped out of my chair. I swung my arms around Darry's neck and shrieked, "Thank you!"

"O.k., well let's go meet them in the lot," Darry said.

Soda and Pony quickly did the dishes. Once they were done we were out the door. I looked to the lot to see the gang. Maybe, I could finally meet thr gang! Ponyboy told me Johnny was the littlest of the gang and his best friend. Johnny had turned sixteen about four days ago so he was close to my age. I was turning sixteen on Tuesday. He told me about everyone, how Steve and Soda were best buddies and so on.

When we got to the lot Pony stayed by my side as Darry went to whisper something in someone's ear. The man nodded and whispered among the group. Everyone nodded.

"Well Daisy you are in," Soda said.

I couldn't help it, I smiled. "This is Steve Randle, my buddy," Soda said. "Dallas Winston whom we call Dally. Two-Bit Matthews, and…where is Johnny?" Soda asked.

Dally shrugged. "I told him we were meeting here," Dally said.

"You don't think he got jumped, do you?" Pony asked. I felt my little brother tense up besides me.

"I hope not, he has been through to much. Especially with his parents," Darry said.

"Yeah, beating him senseless," Two-Bit said.

"What?" I asked.

"Daisy, Johnny has it rough at home. His dad is always drunk. His mom is most of the time. They beat him and sometimes we need to take him to the hospital. He has been in the hospital so many times, I lost track," Soda said.

I tensed up a little. I didn't know Johnny had it rough at home. That is just terrible.

"Sometimes, he crashes at your place," Steve said.

"How come I never knew he did?" I asked.

"He comes after you are in bed and leaves before you wake up," Pony explained.

"Ohh…" I said.

"Glad you in now Daisy?" Dally suddenly asked.

I looked Dally in the eyes and smirked. "Yes, I have been asking ever since Pony got in," I said.

Dally chuckled. I saw Two-Bit was playing with a switch blade, a fancy one at that.

"Now seriously guys, where is Johnny? Did he tell anyone where he was going?" Pony asked.

"No," Steve said.

"Well, he could be sleeping," Two-Bit suggested.

"Doubt it," Dally murmured. "Johnny doesn't sleep in. He is an early riser."

"What if a soc got him?" Soda whispered.

"No, a soc couldn't have gotten Johnny!" Pony exclaimed. I looked at my brother. He really does care about Johnny.

"You never know, kid," Steve mumbled.

"Lighten up guys. Don't think the worst. Johnny will be here any minute," Darry assured everyone.

"How do you know?" Two-Bit asked.

"Seriously, Two-Bit? We can't think the worse. We want to think the positives not the negatives. The negatives are Johnny getting jumped or Johnny being beaten by his father. The positives are Johnny is coming any minute or he just got a drink, he'll be here. If he isn't here in the next twenty minutes you can think the worst, o.k.?" Darry asked.

Everyone nodded. It got real quiet. I then heard a scream and a door slam shut. Pony nor I did not look up, everyone else did and smiles broke their faces.

"Hey guys," I heard behind me.

Pony and I spun around to find a boy about my height with black hair and black eyes.

"Who's this?" the boy asked.

"This is my sister, Daisy Curtis," Pony and Soda said.

The boy nodded. "She is in the gang now, that alright with you?" Dally asked the boy.

The boy nodded, again. I looked the boy up and down. Who is he?

"Daisy, this is my best friend, Johnny Cade," Pony said. He walked up to Johnny and slung his arm around Johnny's shoulders. Johnny met my stare and gave me a weak smile. I returned the smile, secretly wanting to faint.

This is Johnny, the boy who was Pony's best friend. The boy who…I think I just fell for.

Well, what did you guys think? Please don't critizize hard on me! Daisy is one year younger than Soda. Soda is going on seventeen. Daisy is going on sixteen while Johnny just turned sixteen. Did you guys like? Please review! Danke everyone!

~Lovely Kacey Faith