yeah I have issues…but I needed a crossover of two of my most favoritest tv shows of all time! anyways I have 3 chapters of this already written, but am running out of ideas, so let me know if you have any!

"GUS!" The shout could be heard by the man called Gus, even though he was all the way in the back room of their office, while the shouter was barely through the door."GUS COME HERE!" came the inevitable follow-up shout. Shawn could never just go to Gus…no Gus always had to drop everything and run to Shawn. He sighed. He wasn't really sure why he always did go to Shawn, instead of making Shawn come to him every once in a while. His thoughts rambled as he walked slowly to where Shawn was now lounging on one of the chairs in the front room.

"What is it now Shawn?" he snapped irritably. He had been going through some old files and financial records, and was eager to get back to them. They weren't going to organize themselves, and Gus was sure that Shawn was only going to distract him with some pointless venture. He didn't disappoint.

"Guess what we're doing!" Shawn ordered in an irritatingly sing-songy voice. Gus sighed. He really was not in the mood for guessing games. Shawn seemed to be able to sense this, and immediately backtracked. He sat up in the chair and said in an uncharacteristically serious voice "We are going to…" he paused here for dramatic effect, which was completely ruined when the phone rang.

"Oh come on!" Shawn yelled, thoroughly upset about this. "That completely ruined the moment! There's no point in waiting for dramatic effect now I guess." He threw his arms up in exasperation, not seeming to notice that the phone was going unanswered. "We're going to New York." He called to Gus over his shoulder as he headed for the kitchen.

Gus, who had been about to answer the phone, suddenly turned towards where Shawn was, rummaging through the mini-fridge. "Are you crazy!" he demanded of his friend.

"Not really sure." Shawn answered offhandedly. "Never been tested. My dad was always suspicious though." He said, managing to keep a straight face all the way through the end of his monologue. Seeing his friend's death glare he started to laugh. "Come on Gus! It'll be fun!"

"Fun like a root canal..." Gus complained under his breath. "Do I have a choice?" he asked in a tone that implied he knew, and dreaded, the answer to his question.

"Nope!"Shawn said in a tone that could only be called chipper. I already have the plane tickets and hotel room booked!"

"Fine." Gus relented, recognizing and admitting defeat in the matter. He started back towards the back room muttering about files and packing.

"Oh come on Gus!" Shawn called after his retreating back. "It'll be fun!"