Alright, so I wanted to address and issue with Wolfshipping that has been popping up for quite some time. Mainly, it has to do with the plot device I used for the main storyline which concerns Joey raping Kaiba.

I know the fact that Joey raping Kaiba bothers a lot of my readers, and at first I ignored it but I just wanted to make a few things clear.

I DO NOT believe love can ever be achieved through rape. I think a few of my readers may have assumed I believe in that, but I don't. Rape is an invasion of the body and soul, and can ruin lives.Rape is WRONG. The only reason I used it as a plot device is simply for the fact of all the emotional factors it brings into play. And in the original seven manga of Yugioh Kaiba is a truly twisted character obessessed with power and defeating Yugi. He cheated, threatened, and kidnapped Yugi's friends and family multiple times in order to gain the upper hand on him. Seeing as Joey is the only character who Kaiba seems to respond to most of the time, that's why I cast him as the villain and Kaiba the victim.

I also want to point out that this story is FICTIONAL. It is in no shape or form encouraging people that royal bastards like Kaiba need to be victimized to show them a thing or two. That is what the law is for and people in real life who do commit such acts of violence have their days in court are punished for their actions.

Also, I wanted to say to my readers who were disturbed by this story that I am sorry. I should have at the very least posted a warning on the first chapter to show what was in store for the entire length of the story. But the story was meant to be a bit dark and yes, disturbing on a certain note.

One reviewer also mentioned Wolfshipping is an insult to real life rape victims. Now, I had no intention of insulting anyone. But I do understand where this reviewer is coming from and I fully back up their claim. BUT, the fact that Joey used rape as cheap revenge is one of the few points of the story since he is a young man twisted with a desire to seek a revenge on Kaiba. Only to realize he went to far and because of it lost the two people closest to him, it being Ryou who was probably the only person who knew him for who he really was. Along with Bakura dropping the bomb on Joey that they were the only werewolves left in the entire world. Forcing Joey to be punished for his own actions along with the fact he is now responsible for picking up the pieces of Kaiba's life and to try and reverse the damage he himself as done.

Again, I back up what the reviewer said. But the story is fictional and not meant to be taken literally. I do try to incorporate real human emotion in my fics in order to flesh out the characters. Other than that, no, I am not ashamed for using it as a plot device. I know I can't please everyone because there are doubtless more readers out there who object to Wolfshipping and its storyline, but on the other hand Wolfshipping is just a story. If don't want to read it than don't, if you do then do so.

I again apologize for at least not posting a warning on the fic, which I will put on the review of so anyone who scans my stories can see it. If anyone else has any questions, concerns, or want to discuss the Wolfshipping at length feel free to private message me or to review.

I have an open mind and I have told my reviewers to tell me exactly what they think or feel concerning a story. I have never argued with a reviewer or reader concerning my stories, and most of the time a lot of my reviewers make a good point of telling me what is exactly on their minds.

On a final note I do want to say I did not intend for Wolfshipping to take the dark note it took. I never plan my stories in advance, I always start out with a vague idea of what I want then go with it.