By: SubsidedDavisPM

Scream 4: Part II

Chapter Five: The Truth

Opening Notes: Okay, I know what you guys are thinking, how could you do this to us! Well, I needed to leave a good cliff hanger to keep you guys interested. Want to know the truth; well you're going to have to read this chapter to find out.

Ten Minutes Earlier

"Wrong answer Toby, John Carpenter directed the original 1978 film Halloween. You know what that means right? Your little girlfriend here doesn't make it to the sequel!"

Since he had been in the far corner of the lobby Beth had been unable to pick up anything the Toby had been saying, though she was able to catch "family emergency, close up for me" as Toby sprinted past her out the back door, though he made sure to close it behind him.

Panic was beginning to set in as he walked out back behind the restaurant. It was very dark out since only a select few of the overhead street lamps actually worked. He slowly and cautiously made his way further out towards a group of trees on the edge of the parking lot.

"Hello?" he called out, though there was no answer.

Realizing his phone was still on he flipped it shut. Beth had always picked on him for having an out dated flip phone.

He was now at the edge of the parking lot when he heard a soft noise.

Someone was panting and it was coming from within the trees at the edge of the parking lot.

"Hello, who's there?" he called out again hoping for an answer.

The noise was slowly growing louder; someone was running towards him fast.

His eyes grew wide when he was able to make out who the person was.

It was Amanda, his girlfriend. Her shirt was covered in blood; it looked as though she had been stabbed in the shoulder.

Toby immediately wrapped his arms around her.

"Baby, what's wrong what happened!" he said; fear rising in his voice.

Amanda tried to form words through her loud sobs.

"He tried to kill me!" she cried, tears now streaming down her red cheeks.

She looked around as if the killer might pop out at any moment. Through deep breathes she spoke.

"Where is he? He was right behind me! He had that knife to my throat, and then I elbowed him hard in the chest and ran for it!" she said as she walked around expecting the masked killer to jump out at any moment.

Toby looked at her elbow; it was red and scrapped up and bleeding slightly.

"How hard did you hit him?" he asked her.

"Really damn hard, his chest felt like a granite counter top!" she complained as she put one hand over her bleeding shoulder.

Toby took a few minutes to look her over. Aside from her bleeding shoulder and elbow she looked to be alight. Her clothes on the other hand told a different story. There were scuff marks and dirt all over her jeans as well as blood stains on her shirt. Her hair was a mess as well and he could distinctly see a red line across her neck where the knife had been.

"We need to get out of here before he—" began Amanda before she was cut short by Toby's loud groan.

Toby's body sank to the ground like a rock in a pond. Standing behind him was the killer with a large blood soaked knife.

Amanda tried to find her voice but it was no use.

She turned on her heels and tried to run towards the restaurant. Someone had to be inside, someone that could help her.

She was about to pass the large dumpsters when she felt a sharp pain in her back. Black gloves reached out and grabbed her hair pulling her back. All of a sudden her world was turned upside down as the killer slammed her head first into the dumpster. Her head struck the metal with a sickening crack as she slumped to the ground; a pool of blood forming at her head. Her body was still and unmoving.

There was a sudden flash of flights.

The killer glanced over to see a car pulling into the parking lot.

Kirby looked around, she hated that half the overhead lamps never worked. She climbed out of her car and made her way towards the back of the restaurant. She always entered from the back whenever she went to see Beth at work. Sometimes she would score some free food here and there.

"That's odd." she said to herself noticing that the back door was open.

Five Minutes Later

Beth tried her best to move but was able to. She was in so much pain; it felt as if her insides were on fire. She looked down at her hands to see them covered in dark red blood; her own blood! She looked back up and saw the killer approaching her. Black gloves grabbed her by the shoulders and threw her up against the wall were she landed on the metallic table. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she watched the killer approach. She began to swing her feet despite the amount of pain she was in and was able to knock the knife out of the killer's hand.

Regaining composure the killer picked up the metal rod that the cooks used to sharpen the knives, the same one Beth had been toying around with earlier.

Wrapping a glove around Beth's neck, the killer drove the rod straight through the young girl's eye killing her instantly and pinning her to the table. All of a sudden the sound of screeching tires could be heard out front. Within seconds the killer had vanished as if never there at all.

Dewey ran through the open back door and looked around. He could hear noises coming from the walk-in cooler.

As the door swung open a knife slashed through the air missing him by inches. Inside he found a distraught Kirby, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Stay here!" he told the girl as he drew his gun.

He quickly ran out back. Whoever had been here was gone now. He put his gun back in his holster and made his way back inside to check on Kirby.

"That is the truth!" said Dewey.

They were all in the station now; Dewey still had the hand cuffs on though.

"Well I'm sorry Sheriff but we cannot take your word for that, we need proof. Was your dash camera on at all?" asked Deuce who had been playing bad cop all night.

"No, it was not on." said Dewey sounding rather annoyed.

Abbey sighed.

"You're not giving us a lot to work with here Sheriff." she said with a frown.

"Look, I didn't kill Kirby's friend! I was driving by and saw her car there in an empty parking lot, so I thought I would investigate!" said Dewey.

"What about Toby Parker and Amanda Paige?" asked Deuce.

"What?" asked Dewey with a look of confusion on his face.

"Their bodies were found at the crime scene though Amanda was alive when we found her, unconscious but alive. She is in ICU, and right now we don't know if she is going to pull through. She suffered a cracked skull, and a really bad concussion, not to mention the amount of blood she lost.

"I don't understand I walked out behind the restaurant when I got there and didn't see any bodies.

"Her body had been found in the dumpster, and we found Toby Parker's body on the edge of the woods gutted like a fish. We determined that the killer was planning on finishing off Amanda. Which means—" began Deuce before Dewey cut him off.

"Which means the killer had been interrupted while doing his dirty work!" said Dewey.

"Yes, though we have concluded the killer was interrupted when Kirby arrived to pick up her friend. We won't be able to get much out of this unless Amanda wakes up which is highly unlikely. For all we know she could be a vegetable." said Deuce.

"Where is Kirby?" asked Dewey.

"Miss Reed is being taken home by Deputy Hoss, she has been through enough tonight." replied Deuce.

"I would like to speak with my wife now." demanded Dewey

"Your wife has already been contacted Dewey." said Deuce.

"Oh hell" said Dewey quietly.

Gale threw the phone back onto the receiver with such disgust and force that the phone merely bounced off the receiver and crashed onto the floor causing the back cover to fall off and the battery to top out. This caused Sydney to jump and she was all the way in the living room lounging on the couch watching television.

"What happened?" she asked as Gale stormed into the living room and grabbed the remote from the coffee table.

"Dewey has been arrested!" she yelled as she hastily turned on the news.

"What?" demanded Sydney sounding outraged.

"They somehow matched his prints to the ones found on the knife that killed Marco." she spat as she tossed the remote back down having come to the right channel

"Yeah, it's complete bullshit. I mean really Dewey a killer?" said Gale letting out a laugh. She was still very pissed that something like this had happened, but she couldn't help but laugh at the fact that actually thought Dewey could kill innocent people.

It had not hit the news yet which was a good thing. Gale could only wonder what would happen if the fact that Dewey was now in custody had been made public.

"Come on Sydney, we are going out." said Gale as she grabbed her coat from the hall closet.

Sydney got to her feet and grabbed her jacket as well. Both girls made their way to the door.

They both let out a loud shriek upon opening the front door.

"Damn it Kirby, you scared the shit out of us. What are you doing here?" asked Gale.

Kirby took a moment to catch her breathe before she spoke.

"Matthew's never showed up to my house. Lawson left about an hour ago, said something about being needed at the station and that Matthew's would watch over me for the night." she said as Sydney and Gale walked outside.

"When was Matthew's supposed to show up at your house?" asked Sydney.

"He should have been there thirty minutes ago. I didn't know what to do so I came here." she said.

Gale turned around and walked back inside, she was clearly looking for something important. After a few minutes or so she walked back outside with a sheet of paper with different addresses on them. She looked it over for a few seconds and pointed to one address in particular.

"I printed myself a copy of all the addresses of the men at the station." said Gale.

Sydney and Kirby just looked at each other unable to speak.

"If you knew how hard it was to find Dewey after work during football season you would understand, besides, it's not like I meant to keep the thing. I just, forgot is all." said Gale, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.

"Still a little weird Gale." said Sydney as Kirby just looked on speechless.

"So what do we do?" asked Kirby sounding slightly confused.

"We are going over to Matthew's apartment; I doubt the killer would have struck there with others around. If we don't find him there we will go to the station. Besides I need to see Dewey to see how he is holding up, not to mention give that forensics annalist a piece of my mind." said Gale as they walked down the steps towards the driveway.

"Kirby I hope you don't mind driving." said Gale as she climbed into the passenger seat of Kirby's car.

"Sure, no problem." said Kirby sarcastically.

They call fastened their seatbelts and made the drive out to the apartments where Matthew's lived.

The drive out took only ten minutes, though it was a very quiet ten minutes as nobody spoke.

Gale looked around.

They had just pulled into one of the up in coming apartments. They pulled in and made their way towards the back of the apartments, some of which where still under construction. They found a parking spot, climbed out and looked around.

"So what is the apartment number?" asked Sydney.

"303." replied Gale as she looked around.

"That way." said Kirby as she pointed towards a set of apartments, one of which read 300.

They all made their way up the stairs and found apartment number 303 on their left. All three made their way towards the door and made a shocking discovery. Someone had already been here, and they left the door ajar.

"What do we do?" mouthed Kirby to Gale and Sydney.

Gale pointed towards the open door with her head. She wanted to take a look inside. Sydney nodded her approval. Kirby, who thought the idea was ludicrous, nodded as well. They were going to go in regardless of what she thought.

Gale slowly pushed forward and opened her door. She quickly covered her mouth when she saw what lay before her. Someone had been here, and they had completely trashed the place. The couch and coffee table had been over turned. It seemed like a fight had broken out.

"Matthews." whispered Gale.

Sydney gently hit her in the back of the head.

This was no time to be making themselves known, especially if they were not alone. Gale made her way through the mess and peeked down the dark hallway; it was the only part of the apartment that was shrouded in darkness. Whoever had been here left all the other lights on.

She slowly crept into one of the rooms.

All of a sudden a pair of hands reached out and grabbed her, pulling her into the closet and covering her mouth.

Panic setting in Gale looked over her shoulder; it was Deputy Matthews. He looked to be okay from what she could tell though he was bleeding slightly from the head.

He quietly closed the closest door as another figure walked into the room. Gale got on all fours and looked under the door.

Black boots; it was the killer!

She watched as the boots walked over to the other side of the room for a few moments before walking out of site. Without warning the closet door burst open and dark gloves grabbed at Gale tossing her against the far wall. Gale looked up in time to see the killer draw a large hunting knife and raise it up in the air. She put her hands over her head expecting the worst when all of a sudden Deputy Matthews jumped out of the closet and tackled the killer.

Somehow the killer seemed to be expecting this and rolled with the attack and was able to plunge the knife into Matthew's leg in the process. Matthews let out a loud scream of pain. Picking her timing wisely Gale lunged at the killer causing them both to crash against the wall with a loud thud.

By now Sydney and Kirby had heard the commotion and ran into the room to see what was going on.

"Come on, hurry!" yelled Sydney when she noticed that the killer was still sprawled out on the floor.

The four of them quickly ran out the door and down the steps towards Kirby's car.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" yelled Kirby.

As they approached the car they noticed that all four tires had been slashed.

"ARGHHHH!" screamed Matthews.

The killer has just run the large blade of the knife deep into his back. Matthews fell against Kirby's car smearing blood along the side of it.

"Run!" yelled Kirby.

Matthews staggered to his feet and ran after Sydney as Kirby did her best to run into one of the apartments that were still under construction. She found a hiding spot in one of the empty rooms, though none of the dry wall had been put up yet.

Along the side of the unfinished apartments was a ladder that ran all the way up to the roof. The construction workers had put it there so they could get to the roof fast.

Sydney ran towards the ladder and began to climb, with Matthews behind her.

Sydney was now halfway to the room when she glanced down; the killer was following them.


Sydney reached the top and pulled herself up, then helped Matthews up onto the roof as well.

Her heart skipped a beat when she looked down after him. The killer was gone. How was that possible? The killer had been on the ladder right behind Matthews. The only person on the ladder now was Gale who was now about halfway up.

From her hiding spot down below Kirby was able to watch the entre thing unfold before her very eyes.

All of a sudden arms reached out and grabbed Sydney tossing her across the roof where she rolled over the side grabbing onto the side at the last second. She looked over at the far side of the apartments. On the other side of a small fence was the pool.

Matthews tried to reach for him gun but it was too late. The killer had already closed the gap between the two of them. Grabbing onto his uniform the killer thrust him backwards off the roof. Sydney watched in horror as Matthews hit the pavement with a sickening thud. A small pool of blood was now forming around his head.

Kirby quickly got to her feet and ran out towards where Deputy Matthews lay face down on the pavement.

The killer now walked over towards the ladder and spotted Gale who was about a third of the way up. Gale looked up at the killer who was pulling something out from under the costume.

"Well that is new and unexpected!" said Gale stunned as she watched the killer pull out a gun.

Sydney swung a leg up and was able to crawl back up onto the roof when she heard a loud bang. Someone had a gun on them.

Thoughts began racing through her mind, Gale couldn't be dead! She would never forgive herself if she lost Gale, not to mention what would happen to Dewey.

The killer turned towards Sydney, gun on one hand, knife in the other.

She then did the only logical thing that came to her mind. A killer with a knife was one thing, but a gun and a knife; now that was just suicide. Sydney began to sprint towards the other end of the roof, she was sure she could make the jump.

From behind her she could hear the killer fire off a few rounds though all of the whizzed past Sydney. As she got to the edge she hurled herself from the roof, arms flailing about. She landed in the pool with a loud splash. She quickly swam to the surface and looked up. Nothing, not to mention it was really quiet now aside from the water splashing against the side of the pool.

She heard footsteps approaching and turned around to see Kirby running to too her.

"Are you alright?" asked Kirby.

"Yeah, nothing years of therapy won't fix." said Sydney as she swam to the side of the pool and pulled herself out.

They made their way over towards Matthew's body once Sydney had gotten out of the pool. Sydney crouched down and pulled the gun from his belt.

"Sorry, but we are going to need this a little more than you." she said to the dead body.

Kirby followed her around the side of the apartment where the ladder was.

"This is where Gale fell right?" asked Sydney.

Kirby nodded.

They could see small traces of blood, but no body.

"Where is she?" asked Sydney with a stunned look on her face.

:END: Well guys there you go, you can all feel better now knowing that Dewey is not the killer. Who is the killer though? Well that, my friends you are going to have to keep reading to find out. Things will finally start to explain themselves as we get down to the wire with this story. I hope you all liked this chapter; I wanted to pay a little homage to Scream 2 here with Matthew's death. Next chapter we will learn what the heck happened to Gale. Also we will get some more clues as to who the killer might be. Well until them please read and review. I will try to have the next chapter up as soon as possible.