A/N I know this is kinda short but it's mainly just to set the story up. Anyways I hope you enjoy and reviews make my day ;)

Kate Beckett sighed and sipped the coffee. She missed the expensive stuff Castle always brought her. He'd been away for just over a week for a writers workshop. He and Alexis had flown out of the country and were due to return in two days. Until then Kate was making due with the convenient coffee from the shop located on the way to work.

Ryan looked around as he sat at his computer.

"It's way to quiet around here." he commented. Kate answered with a grunt as she sipped coffee.

Esposito flicked his computer on with a humph as he settled into his chair. The usual morning banter as Castle loudly made his way in was missing. Ryan didn't have anyone to tell the funny story about him and Esposito to.

Just as Kate was contemplating the laugher Castle brought to their jobs her desk phone rang.

"Beckett." She answered automatically.

"Send her back." Kate said after listening for a moment, her stomach doing a strange flip flop.

"What's up?" Ryan asked noticing her strange look.

"Alexis is here." She said her voice sounding strange to her own ears.

Alexis walked into view a cop walking next to her a hand on her back.

The first thing Kate noticed was the blood.


"What the hell?" Ryan is the first to react as he sprung forward to assist the blank faced young women.

He pulled her over to the couch and gently lowered her in.

"Call the paramedics. Tell them to hurry." Kate ordered the cop as she rushed to kneel in front of the girl.

"Kate?" She asked in a small voice, sounding lost and scared.

Kate reached out and grabbed a cold hand.

"Your freezing." she said. Before Kate could blink two suit jackets where being settled around Alexis's shoulders. Ryan sat on one side, putting an arm around her and rubbing her shoulders. Alexis closed her eyes and leaned into the embrace for a moment before opening tear filled eyes.

"I didn't know where else to go." She said, tears welling up in her eyes before spilling over.

"It's ok your safe now." Kate said. She watched the Officer come back in out of the corner of her eye. He carried a bottle of water and a blanket. The cop settled the blanket around Alexis and Ryan. Alexis was unconsciously clinging to his arm with her free hand. The other clutched Kate's hand like a life line.

"How badly are you hurt?" Kate asked.

"It's mostly just scraped and bruises." Alexis said shaking her head. "And not all of it is mine." Kate was worried by that.

"Alexis, who does the rest belong to?"

Alexis's eyes closed. But not before the detectives saw horror in them.

"They've got dad. It's….he…..They…. He was hurt worse and they've still got him." She said her voice full of horror and pain. Kate felt as if she'd been punched in the stomach. The room felt airless and tight.

Someone had taken Richard Castle.