Author's Note: Okay well the story is well on its way. I'm really hoping that everyone who reads it enjoys it. Also criticism and compliments...both are accepted. So if you have anything you need to say about the story (plot, details, etc.) just let me know and I'll try my best to improve. Thanks to my beta DarkSacredJewelXoX. You really do a fantastic job and are the best!

Premature Encounter

5 days earlier…

Kagome gently took a sip of her coffee as she listened to her friend's jovial monologue allowing its robust yet comforting scent to fill her entirely. Her whole week had been extremely fast pace with all the clients calling in and scheduling she had to do. Today's work had especially made her body feel overloaded. So to unwind she decided to start the weekend off with her best friend of course and no better place to do it than her favorite diner. Kagome had made the plans early on in the week knowing very well the hard necessities work would put on her; thus, she brought a comfortable pair of shoes, a cute shirt, and jeans to change into.

"So what do you think you'll be doing this weekend?" Sango asked sitting up attentively across the booth strawberry smoothie in hand. Her wide brown eyes stared patiently into Kagome's. She delicately pushed a dark strand of hair back from her face and patiently waited for a response.

"Probably the same: clean, cook, and watch movies for the most part…"Kagome paused, listening to herself. Sango most likely thought she was some sort of loser by now, constantly doing the same thing every weekend. It was fine with her though; she liked doing it because it was…comfortable.

At Kagome's response, the corners of Sango's mouth fell. She could have predicted her answer from the start but decided to give it a shot anyway. It was then that she realized that Kagome needed her help lest she end up an old unmarried woman, and there was no way Sango would ever let that happen. That's what she was here for.

"I have tickets to a local movie theater. I accidentally made plans and before I realized it; it was already too late," Sango revealed, turning her attention to her purse to dig out the tickets. She pulled them out and handed two slightly crinkled tickets to Kagome who was about to protest, but instead politely accepted.

Kagome's eyes roamed over the tickets before turning her interest to the bustling people on the sidewalk. She quietly watched as they swiftly ambled by while hugging their coats closer in attempt to block the weather's bitter cold. She used to love the winter season. For some unknown reason it had always made her more cheery, perhaps because of the special holidays that were celebrated during it like Christmas, New Years, and Valentines. But now all it ever brought was a blistering cold and a yielding ache in her heart.

She sighed deeply before turning back to Sango. "I don't know what to do with these. I don't really have anyone to go with."

Sango immediately perked up. "I know! I could set you up with Hojo. He's wanted to go out with you for a really long time Kagome. Maybe you could give him a break."

Kagome's heart dropped to her stomach; if he was her last and final option she was doomed. Hojo was a really nice person. She'd known him since high school and they even attended the same college together. All throughout those years he had showered her with small gifts and cute keepsake items, and he never denied her any small favors. He knew how to be a gentleman and he was super sweet and kind. But for some strange reason he never was really appealing to her; he didn't stand out. To be honest Hojo just wasn't her type. Plain and simple.

"When did you say these tickets expire?" Kagome asked hoping that she would say they were good for ten years.

"I think the expiration date is on them," Sango said watching as Kagome eyes eagerly roved the ticket.

"Oh. It says here to use by January 18. In two weeks."

"I take it that means a no to Hojo, but I also take it that means you're actually going to try to find somebody you like to take with you?" Sango's heart did a small ecstatic jump. It had been too long since her friend last went out. She knew that with persistent pushing and adding Hojo's name to the mix that Kagome would learn to take her own steps.

Just then the door to the diner opened with a little ding, admitting a sharp rush of cold air that lightly dispersed itself throughout the room. Kagome's skin rose as the cold air caressed against her causing her eyes to glance up in response for the person responsible. That was when her eyes fell on him. If it weren't for the cold air she would've never even given the man that walked in a second thought. Her eyes stayed glued to him as he strode along towards the bar, his hands shoved into the pockets of his leather jacket. The way he walked made it seem as if he owned the place, but she knew that was impossible because she practically knew the owners of this diner since grade school. Yet he held his head high making her assume that he was important.

As she watched him take a seat on the bar stool she perked up her ears trying intently to listen and had to choke down a gasp when he ordered a cheese burger all the way with fries, his deep velvety voice flowing freely through her.

Sango was quick to notice what had caught Kagome's attention since she had made no attempt to hide that she was staring at him. Kagome might have even failed to realize her plunder. Turning her attention towards the man Sango did notice his strikingly handsome features: lightly tanned skin, firm body, and long dark hair that was pulled neatly into a ponytail. He was indeed a rare sight to behold.

"Why don't you go talk to him?" she inquired, watching as Kagome's attention came back to her. She looked slightly baffled.


"Go talk to him!" Kagome shook her head and hands frantically in unison. There was no way she could go up there and ask a stranger to go out with her; it was completely absurd. Not to mention she hadn't done something like that in so long she was afraid she'd lost her touch.

"Kagome, are you really going to let a good looking guy like that pass you by?"

Kagome knew Sango was right. She had no reason not to go, but she felt that something was holding her back: pain, sadness, the chance of heartbreak. She wasn't ready to go through all that again.

Sango slapped her hand down on the table, causing a few of the nearby people to turn and stare. "Kagome it's just a date. I know what you're thinking and not every man on the planet is like Inuyasha. Asking him out doesn't mean that you're going to go straight into a relationship." Sango sighed fearing the worst for her friend. "All I ask is that you go out and have fun. It doesn't have to turn into anything serious. Just go out. Stop hiding in your apartment all day long, it only makes me worry."

Kagome closed her eyes and let out an audible sigh. "Alright you win. I'll go but just this once okay."

Sango clasped Kagome's hands between her own and smiled. "Okay."

Kouga could hear the small squeak of shoes headed in his direction. Pulling open a newspaper clipping that had been left by a previous customer; he opened it up jerking it towards his face. If it was someone he knew, he would look busy, but if it wasn't then he wouldn't look like a loner.

He heard the stool next to him slide against the floor as someone sat in it. There was silence which was broken by the sound of a woman's voice ordering a cherry coke. He cocked his eyebrow slightly. Didn't sound like anybody he knew but the woman's voice sounded appealing enough. He lowered the newspaper just below his eyes and peered to the side. Next to him was a small petite woman wearing a fitted t-shirt and jeans. Her black hair flowed past her shoulders in small waves and it stood out against her light skin.

As the bar tender reappeared he placed the requested drink in front of her and walked away. Kouga watched as she leaned in to sip the drink, her pink tinged lips gently wrapping themselves around the straw tempting.

"Is that your favorite drink?"

His question seemed to take her by surprise as she let the straw drop from her lips, causing a small drop of cherry coke to dribble down her chin. She quickly wiped it and responded.

"It is my favorite."

Kagome could have face palmed herself for allowing such a simple answer. She could have elaborated it or maybe asked him a question in return. That's how these things are suppose to work right?

"Cherry coke is my favorite too." His last statement shocked her since she hadn't expected him to say anything after she almost shot down their all too short dialogue. Immediately she noticed his eyes, so clear blue almost like a Caribbean ocean, holding an amused twinkle.

"What's not to like about it right? I mean nothing can beat the originality of the taste," Kouga stated simply watching the woman's reaction to his words.

Kagome nodded, agreeing completely with him. "I agree. Although I prefer the Coke-Cola company Cherry Coke than an original brewed one. For some reason I just can't stand the sweetness. It's too much for me."

Kouga chuckled lightly to himself. "I think you have it all wrong. It's the original brewed one that tastes better. What person in their right mind wouldn't like its sweetness? Besides, the Coke brand has way too much carbonation."

Kagome bit her lip. She tried her hardest to brush aside his statement that carried a bit of mockery in it. There was no way he could get worked up over cherry coke. She hadn't messed up the conversation yet…had she? Still she had to defend what she knew was right in her own heart.

"I don't think its all carbonation. And I'm sure plenty of other people don't think so either. Besides hardly any diners and restaurants makes their own cherry coke these days."

Kouga couldn't believe his ears. As attractive as this woman was, and he knew attractive, there was no way he could just sit there and have her bash originality. It was the sole basis for which he lived; he, Kouga, who was unlike any other. Maybe he was putting too much thought into the discussion, but it was too late to turn back now. Even if it was unknown, his ego was still slightly bruised by the fact that she didn't appreciate individuality.





"Listen Kagome Higurashi. If all the things were alike in this world they would all be the same. Boring. It's as simple as that. Once you get that down I'm sure you'll be well on your way to being your own person and not trying to be like everyone else." Kouga watched her face as it slowly changed from fascination to complete degradation. That's how he liked it. He pulled out his wallet and generously placed a ten dollar bill on the table.

Kagome watched as he stood up from his bar stool and looked at her with an overly satisfied smile. She had just wanted to ask the guy out. But he ended up turning their small conversation about cherry coke into something else entirely. Had he just categorized her with people that only follow what everybody else in society is doing? She felt her blood boiling at his comment. Not only did he dislike Coke-Cola Cherry Coke, but he labeled her a follower.

"Look here! Just because I disliked original cherry coke does not make me a follower. I am my own person!" She replied a little too loudly but that didn't stop her from saying what she had to say. "Just because I may own a few things that are currently in style doesn't mean anything."

"Ah. I see," Kouga replied. "I'm in front of a person who is in denial." He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Where did you find that nice shirt you're wearing?"

The close proximity surprised her and his voice in her ear sent chills down her back, but she tried to stay focused. "I…I saw it in a magazine."

"And those cute earrings that I'm looking at?"

"I saw my favorite singer wearing them…"

"Hnn." He pulled away from her and looked into her face his eyes shining at the obvious. "I'm guessing those jeans are designer right?"

She nodded her head wearily.

Kouga sighed. "Sorry to burst your bubble Kagome, but you are." He gave his shoulders a small shrug. "Don't worry too much about it though. I'm sure one day you'll find a guy that can look past all that. You're beautiful enough."

Okay now she was really ticked. She didn't even get to ask him out and she was already shutting her down. Not that she would ask him now anyway. He's just another jerk.

Pulling the sleeves of his leather jacket over his arms, he turned to leave but stopped. He smiled to himself. She really was attractive. Turning around he winked at her causing already upset face to redden. "Nice to meet you Kagome, my name's Kouga."

Slowly he made his way to the door and opened it. Turning his head slightly he picked up his hand, "I'll see you around." The door shut behind him leaving a gaping Kagome alone at the bar.

She was confused and upset by him. First he judged her, then proceeded to make nice. Not to mention that he winked at her. Who did he think he was? Kagome shot a deadly glare at Sango who was been watching the whole time. She noticed that her friend had her head buried in her palms attempting to cover her laughter.

"Never again! All hell will freeze over next time I run into him again." Picking up her drink she slid off the stool and made her way back to the comfort of the booth. As she walked a slow smile formed on her lips. I'm beautiful.

I hope you enjoyed it. I know who gets worked up over cherry coke? lol. Review. :)