Chapter 9

Skylar's POV

I came here to apologize, about everything. I really want to be your friend again. We were friends before we dated, and I miss you" Kendall somehow managed to say all of this in one breath, gasping for air when he was done. When I didn't reply and just looked at him he said "So what do you say? Friends?"

I stared at Kendall waiting for him to say got yah and tell me it was all just a joke and he was just pulling my leg, but that never happened.

"Kendall, I don't think you realize how much you hurt me. You promised me you would keep in touch that you wouldn't forget about me. I spent nights alone waiting up for you to call but it never happened. I loved you so much. And then after one week, one week after you broke up with me I read in a magazine 'Big Time Rush member Kendall Knight and New Town High star Jo Taylor have finally make things official' Do you realize how much pain you caused me?" I asked Kendall letting a single tear fall from my eye.

I let my eyes wander the room, looking anywhere but at Kendall. After my little rant I had left Kendall speechless for a moment.

"I know I have no right for you to forgive me, but I truly am sorry and I never knew about all of that, with working with Gustavo then doing my school work I guess I just lost track of time, and when I called to break up with you I was hurt too, it broke my heart. I thought it would be best for both of us. Please forgive me" Kendall pleaded staring at me the whole time.

I pondered both options in my head. If I forgave him I could be friends with all four of them again, if I didn't forgive him I would loose my four best friends in the whole world. Well I thought about this Kendall stared at me pleading me with his eyes.

"Fine, friends but if you ever hurt me again you will not be another chance."

"Are you serious!" Kendall asked picking me up for a hug. "I know three guys who have missed you a lot who will want to see you" Kendall pit me down grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room. When we entered he yelled "Hey guys! I've got someone who wants to see you!"

As Kendall yelled this I heard people grumbling and shuffling out of bed.

"What are you doing yelling like that Kendall, some of us were trying to sleep" Logan grumbled rubbing his eyes. Carlos and James nodded agreeing with what Logan had said.

"What were you guys doing sleeping its only 11:30?" Kendall asked quizzically "Besides the point look who came to see you guys" Before Kendall could say anything else the three of them had noticed me and jumped on me all trying to give me a hug at once.

"Kendall Knight!" the booming voice of Mrs. Knight yelled from the hallway. It seems that Kendall didn't just wake up Logan, James, and Carlos like he had intended. "You bett3er have a good excuse for waking me up at 11:30"

"Mom look who it is!" Kendall explained motioning his hand to me.

"Skylar Hart is that you?" Mrs. Knight asked enveloping me into one of her motherly hugs. "It's been so long, what are you doing here in L.A?"

Pulling away from our embrace I said "I got a record deal with Gustavo, and yes it has been way to long!"

"I've missed you so much dear but I'm headed back to bed," Turning to Kendall she said "someone woke me up." Turning and going back into the room she had came from.

"So Skylar what do you want to do?" Carlos asked jumping up and down with excitement.

"It's almost midnight you seriously want to hang out?" I asked laughing at Carlos' childish behavior.

"Well yeah of course I do we haven't hung out in so long! So what do you guys want to do, go skating, go to a movie, get corndogs?" Wow I though, he still loves corndogs!

Well since its almost midnight I think that nothing is going to be open" I told Carlos laughing as his face fell "but I have an idea why don't we go up to the roof and talk like we used to do all the time in Minnesota."

All of the guys agreed quickly as we were leaving Kendall stopped and said "Maybe you three should go put on some actual clothes" to James, Carlos, and Logan who were all still in their pajamas. Laughing they all went back into their rooms then came back out in normal clothes.

I was so glad to have my four best friends back, it was just like it was in Minnesota, I had missed this so much. Just letting go and having a good time. I haven't yet to meet someone who is as funny as these four boys.

Opening the door to the roof laughing Kendall stopped dead in his track going stiff. Looking over his shoulder to see what he was looking at I let out a gasp "Oh my God."

In front of us was something that I would never expect to see in 100 years. Jo and Dak, kissing.