The Nightmares Begin

11-A/N: Hello, this is my first fanfiction. I hope you like it.

Summary: Merlin hears a voice in his head calling for help. Merlin goes to see what he can do to help. He is shocked by who he finds. Set a week after Series 3.

I know that is a rubbish summary.

Pairings: Arthur/Gwen. Merlin/? (I will let you guess)

Please enjoy :D


Chapter 1: A cry for help

Gods I hate that prat, Merlin thought as he walked down the corridor, let's all have a knights only party so Merlin can't come. He sighed it wasn't fair being a servant.

Merlin looked down at long list of jobs Arthur had given him and smiled. Everything was done, from cleaning Arthur room to feeding his dogs. But now what. He couldn't talk to Gwen because of Uther and Giaus would what him to collect herbs. Well done Arthur, I have nothing to do.

The sudden cold hit him, making him shiver, there was something wrong he could sense it. His ears twitched, he could hear something, a kind of mumbling. He closed his eyes, it was slightly clearer. Slowly words began to form in his mind.


Merlin jumped and his eyes flew open. The pitch of the help was so high pitched it was defiantly a girls but the terror, the confusion in the way it was screamed into his head made him scared. He had to help.

Once again closing his eyes he tried to block the pleading going on inside his head. He tried to find where the voice was coming from, it was definitely inside the castle, but where? Then another screaming help made his head jerk right, he could feel the pull of the words now, being transmitted from their brain to his. He ran forward, following the trail the voice was admitting. Then he came to a stop.

Huge oak doors stood closed, the voice was definitely coming from inside that room. But no one was allowed inside. This was what was now known as the cup room. The reason for no one going inside is because it was so damaged from Morgana's tantrum and as most of the people who had been inside the room put it "Felt like I was being watched" or "It feels wrong", that Arthur stepping in as regent for his mad Father, had banned anyone from entering. Thought merlin knew one thing, it could only be locked from the inside so it was easy to get in.

He pushed the door lightly trying not to make a sound. He stepped thought the crack he had opened and closed it. He turned to face the room, the voice in his head clearer than before.

The room had been completely destroyed, shattered glass littered the floor, bits of wall and ceiling crumbling as it landed on the floor, broken. The red blood stain, still visible upon the pillar.

Then a figure wearing a crimson dress looked up, her ebony hair in tangles, her face socked in tears. Merlin's mouth fell open, his body tensed in shock.

He had found Morgana.

Her olive, blood shot eyes looked at him.

"Merlin" Morgana gasped trying to suppress a sob "what has happened". Her face suddenly looked shocked, as if remembering something, "what have I done" she whispered to herself.

Merlin was still too shocked to speak, even to move, has she just released what she has done.

"Merlin" a sob escaped her body "I'm scared Merlin"

Merlin stepped forward at last, she was the one scared after everything she had done to everyone.

"I went to her" She gulped "I was angry, I'm sorry Merlin I went to Morgause" Morgana shuddered "He's not dead is he? Uther?"

What? She knows he's not dead, she made sure of it.

"She…Morgause put a spell on me"

What…that was over a year ago.

"I don't know what has happened since then…how long have I been out for?"

Merlin's mouth opened again in shock. "You" he tried to speak "You have been out for over a year".

11-I hope you liked my first chapter!

First thing I what to say is that do not worry about Gwen. When 10 read this she asked me straight away, "what has Uther done to Gwen?" I won't tell you but if you read the digital spy interview with Angel, you will find out (I was shocked when I found out I had given Gwen the right job! :D).

I will tell you now that this is a Merlin/Morgana! I adore the couple!

I expect the next chapter to come soonish, I really need to do homework but have been neglecting it for a week.

Please review! :D