This is the sequel to my story "Undercover" which will focus on Kate's recovery after her kidnapping in which we will find out what happened and will focus less on the cop side of it and more on the Castle/Beckett side of things, which is always good. Anyway I hope you enjoy as much as you enjoyed the last one and new readers welcome, I hope you enjoy because I'm really not sure about this chapter and have been re-writing it over and over again all day.

Staring at herself in the mirror, she watched the tears stream down her cheeks as her fingers reached up and touched her hair, taking in the extremely short clumps compared to the longer ones. Her face was red from crying and her body was bruised and injured, her underwear not hiding any of it as she stared at every burn and cut that covered her torso and legs. The worst being on her shoulder. Turning so her back was facing the mirror, she looked around and led her fingers to the violent cuts into her skin. Castle. His name had been marked into her and it was going to scar, she was going to be marked as Castle's property forever. Yes, she'd admitted that she loved him but she was ready to be called Castle's property. No. She wasn't ready to ever be someone's property, Richard Castle's or not. Hearing a small knock at her bedroom door, she looked around and grabbed the blanket off the bed, throwing it around herself quickly as she walked towards the door, opening it slowly to see Rick standing there staring at her, a small smile covering his face.

"Everything okay?" he asked simply, causing her to nod and smile weakly at him. "Kate, you don't have to hide anything from me, you know that right?" he declared causing her to nod once again. How was she supposed to admit to the man who she guessed was her boyfriend that she thought she was ugly? That she didn't want him to even look at her. Richard Castle could have anyone and for some reason he'd chosen her. Chosen ugly Katherine Beckett. Shutting the door quickly before saying anything, she turned away and felt the tears get worse as she dropped the blanket and walked back to the mirror. She'd never been the most confident in women when it came to her appearance but was any woman? But now she was staring at herself and seeing nothing but ugly and disgusting. She was going to be scarred forever, her long brown hair was now going to have to be cut once again back to less than shoulder length and the mark on her shoulder wasn't pleasant. Rick wouldn't want her forever now, she was lucky that he'd stayed this long her brain kept telling her, he would find some attractive woman and disappear off into the sunset with her, leaving her forever. Letting out a scream, she grabbed the nearest object to her and flung it at the mirror, watching it smash into pieces of the floor. The sound of it smashing causing Rick to run into the room and stare at her in shock before walking over and pulling her into his arms. They'd left the hospital only an hour ago, arriving back at hers ten minutes earlier and he'd left her alone because she'd wanted to change. She'd seemed fine at the hospital, well as fine as anyone could seem after everything that had happened to her. Her kidnap, her torture, her rape. She hadn't told anyone anything in detail but after examinations from doctors and a rape kit, it was clear that whatever had happened wouldn't go away for a while, even though the man responsible was behind bars and would never get the chance to get to her. Now, he was seeing another woman completely. Someone broken and hurt and it hurt him to see her like this. She was normally so strong, she capable to deal with anything but now she was lost and hurt, clearly shown by the smashed mirror at their feet. Looking down, he noticed her bleeding feet causing him to lift her into his arms, carrying her out of the room quickly. "I need to bandage your feet Kate" he whispered as he placed her on the sofa.

"Can I have your shirt please?" she asked simply causing him to nod and undress himself, watching her quickly cover herself in his shirt as he walked towards the kitchen in search of her first aid kit. Finding it, he walked over and knelt in front of the sofa she lay across in tears, his fingers running over to her feet with the tissue, washing away the blood that was starting to stain her skin. Watching every mood he made, she bit her lip to stop herself from moaning from the pain. She was fed up of being weak, of being in pain. She'd watched her father break down at the realisation of what had happened to his little girl and had listened to him rant about her job was going to get her killed and for the first time in her career, she'd listened to him, starting to agree with every word.

"Why did you smash the mirror Kate?" he asked as he finished bandaging her foot and climbed onto the sofa and watched her curl herself into a ball practically on the sofa next to him. "Kate?" he asked again, the worry inside him not getting any better as he stared at her, almost not recognizing the woman in front of him. "I can't help if you don't tell me" he added, trying to get her to open up which he knew was going to be hard. It had been hard to get her to open up about anything and now with what had happened, he could see her barriers firmly building up once again. Locking everyone out once again like she'd done before.

"Because you're going to leave me" she mumbled as he stared at her in complete shock.