I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist


"There is no escape."

She smirked as she watched the three people in front of her squirm. I love new recruits. It's not every day I get fresh meat. She began to stalk in front of them "Right now, you all are puny, pudgy little piglets that have been formed in mushy molds by those pathetic excuse of leaders in Central, or wherever you're from."

"Ummm…" one squeaky, shaky voice trembled, "I-Is-Isn't-t-t that t-t-t-treason?"

She froze. She turned to face the three trembling, tiny soldiers. She scowled, making the boys on the edge jump back, leaving the trembling piglet in the middle shaking. She stalked over to him. "Who are you, sir?"

"C-Capt-tain Fredrick Jefferson, Sir!-Ma'am!-Sir!"

General Armstrong rolled her eyes, continuing to walk past, not missing the boy's heavy sigh of relief. "As I was saying, there is no escape. If you try to leave, you will be killed, either by the enemy, by us, because we think you're the enemy, or by Mother Nature herself. This is where you will learn to be a man. We can't have any little girls hear." She turned and smirked. "Get comfy boys, you're here for the long run."

"Ho-w-how long, General?" That damn Jefferson… She turns and scowls, "Until the snow melts Jefferson. You're on de-icing duty until then." She smirked at his paled face. "Dismissed!"