Those who follow my other stories, don't worry. I continue and finish them, I just had a lot of new ideas and have been working on them when I needed a distraction.

Disclaimer, JK owns the world, I own nothing.

Please review!

Innocence is only there in the eye of the beholder. Innocence never really lived, not with in me.

1. A challenge

They had left, just like that without explanation or a goodbye. I had known that it was coming but to realize that my brother, my best friend and the boy I had loved were out there risking their life for our world was difficult, disturbing even. I couldn't help but praying for their lives.

A year earlier than I had expected I was free at Hogwarts, no brothers watching me, no Hermione mothering over me, no Harry to look out for me, just free. I mean it isn't like I ever let that stop me but it was going to make my activities a lot more easier.

My two remaining roommates, Irina and Veronica, had asked me if I was distraught because Harry had broken up with me and left, but in all honesty I wasn't. I had loved Harry, more than I loved my brothers but our time together had shown me that I wasn't made for dating the good guy. When he broke up with me I realized that I wasn't even that hurt, he had just been one of my many achieved conquests, a big one though and one that I would have loved to keep for a while but still he just wasn't right for me.

Harry had been good to me, a sweet lover, careful, gentle and patient. Like many he thought I was like a porcelain doll, fragile and innocent but that was not true. I wanted more than to be cherished, I wanted to be wanted, I wanted a man that could drive me crazy with desire and lust, a man that was equal to me and most of all I wanted a man that can handle the hellcat that I am.

I'm no easy girl, I know I have a temper, I know that I am powerful as a witch and I know I am demanding and I'm not going to change the way I am. I longed for a man that could give as much as he took, a man that could be interesting and didn't always wanted to be the good guy, a man that saw the lines between right and wrong just as blurry as I did.

I stood there staring out of a window in one of the deserted hallways of Hogwarts as I mulled these thoughts over in my head. I was just two week in my sixth year at Hogwarts and was already bored. Sure with Neville and Luna, I had fun making life difficult for the Carrows and Snape but there was something missing. Last year I enjoyed seducing Harry and Dean in public, not to mentions the ones that hadn't been in public, most of them were to easy once you knew how but Harry proved difficult, as innocent as he was, he was oblivious to the signs I was giving him, he had been quite a challenge and I really enjoyed the winnings of my game.

Now, I was bored, I didn't want to go after the easy ones, Seamus would be easy and cheap to get to, same would go for many of the fifth and sixth year boys of Gryffindor, and Hufflepuf and Ravenclaw. Not to mention that the younger students always disappointed me terribly. They didn't last as long as I wanted them too and most annoyingly they were never able to get me really excited. I needed a guy that could play the game, that could be my prey but I wanted to be his as well.

'I really need a new challenge' I thought as I let out a sigh, 'but who?'

"Ginny! Come on, it's time for dinner." Neville shouted from the stairs. I turned and nodded.


Still lost in my thoughts I ran down the stairs and turned toward the Great Hall when I bumped into someone. I lost my balance and pulled the person I had bumped into with me to the floor.

"I'm sorry." I groaned.

"You should be, Weasley." I cold voice sneered.

"Okay, I take that back, I'm not sorry and I hoped that I hurt you." I snapped as I got up and brush my robes off. Suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder and I was slammed roughly against the wall.

"You better be careful, red head." He hissed. I looked up to meet his eye, they were the most beautiful grey I had ever seen.

"Or what?" I spat back. He pressed his body against mine, I think he tried to intimidate me but his muscle-hard body molded so perfectly against mine that it made my body shiver with excitement. It had been too long since it had felt a man's body against it.

"You'll be punished, incase you haven't noticed the rules in here have changed."

His words did nothing to me, I was to occupied by the way his body felt against me. I almost moaned in a pain of loss when he stepped away from me, he was still glaring at me but I couldn't help but grin.

"As long as you do the punishment, Malfoy." I said with a smirk and walked away, before walking into the hall I turned around. "and you better be creative!"

I laughed as I walked towards the Gryffindor table, Draco's expression had been priceless, finally something other than that smirk, complete and utter shock.

I made sure that I sat down so that I could see the Slytherin table, I wanted to see if the ferret-boy was able to pull himself back together or that if my suggestive words had hit a nerve. He sure had hit mine, his body had felt delicious against mine, his hand had been big, strong but soft at the same time, his stormy grey eyes held something that I couldn't even describe.

I thoughts from earlier flashed through my mind, seducing the Malfoy heir and Slytherin royalty, now that was a challenge and a very nice one. He would never be allowed to be with me but I had the strange feeling that he wasn't really following his father's rules, he rather made the rules himself.

Just like me, for I didn't even feel ashamed of myself as I imagined myself seducing my family's enemy. I was told to hate the whole bunch of them and never associate with them but I couldn't not when Draco Malfoy was becoming my price in my favorite game. It was my life and it would be played by my rules.

Although I would never admit it out loud but that Malfoy boy could captivate me, since my fourth year I had noticed he was filling out beautifully, his shoulders broadened and his face became a pleasurable mix of angel looks and demon beauty.

Just now I had the conformation that Quidditch was doing good things to his body, his body felt full of muscles in all the right places, he was strong. His big plus, he was the bad boy I was looking for, if his reputation was correct. A reputation that could mean that he enjoyed the game as much as I did. Yes, he would be my next prey, a real challenge.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Luna asked as she sat down next to me.

"Yes, in a minute." I whispered. Malfoy was just walking in, his face in the emotionless sneer again. The way he stiffly held his head I could tell that he was working hard not to look in this direction. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Are you looking at Malfoy?" Seamus asked his voice thick with disbelieve..

"Yep, I got a 1-0 score against him. I am rather enjoying it."

"You know you are playing with the devil, right?" Seamus commented.

"Yes, I know." I said as I grinned at him.

"Oh boy." Neville sighed.

"What are you starting to feel sorry for the Ferret-boy?" I asked.

"He should, you are dangerous from both sides, either you hex him with your wand or you will stun him with that devilish way you have with men." Seamus said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Well, that we aren't deaf and according to rumors our hero wasn't the first you had your way with."


"Well more than rumors," Seamus admitted. "Your reputations is known by every guy in school except Harry and your brother, even Hermione knows."

"Really, now." I mused. I hadn't been paying attention to the rumors last year, I was too busy with Harry. Seamus words did come as a bit of a surprise, I had a reputation? I rather liked it.

I couldn't help but grin and look and Malfoy, how I would like to do both to him, the hexing and the other. Lucky for me he was looking in my direction, I licked my lips while looking him straight in the eye. The days that Malfoy intimidated me were over.


"What's wrong?" Blaise asked. He was sitting next to me at dinner and apparently I looked angry.

"It's nothing." I shrugged, I looked up to see the red head talking to the Irish guy. She sure had struck a nerve with me but I wasn't completely sure if I liked it or not. I really shouldn't like it, I should hate every single thing about the mudblood loving poor rag but I just couldn't get my brain to stop repeating how she had felt, pressed up against the wall, her body completely covered with my own. It had set every nerve in my body on fired and her ways of reacting to me was something I wasn't used to, girls were either scared of me or throwing themselves at my feet, pleading me to be their boyfriend. The red head had just teased me, in a very sultry way and walked away laughing. It was unheard off and I shouldn't have liked it.

"Draco, why are you glaring at the Weaslette, did she do something." Blaise tried again.

"No, she didn't do anything, she wouldn't dare."

To my shock Blaise broke out in laughter.

"Yeah, right." He chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you honestly not know?"

"About what?"

"Jeez, Draco, you used to be on top of things but it seems like something slipped past. Ginerva Weasley would dare." Blaise laughed.

"Yeah right." I snorted, "That girl will wet herself from fright if I want to, she isn't as stupid as her weasel brother but she's just a girl."

"You tell yourself that, mate."

I looked at him for a second, it was rare to see a honest grin on his face, us proper pure-blood were raised not to show too much emotion. Blaise was laughing, a honest glint of enjoyment showed in his eyes as he looked at the red head.

"What do you know about her that I don't?" I asked. Blaise smirked and shook his head.

"I still can't believe you don't know. Little miss innocent over there isn't so innocent. She's very good with hexes but you already know that but there is something more about her, every guy in school talks about it. Yes, she had a weak spot for scarhead but according to rumors she is quite the seductress. I wouldn't be surprised if Slytherin's finest were turned into her new prey."

"Rumors." I scoffed.

"I can personally confirm that at least some of them are true." Blaise chuckled.

"What? You and the muggle lovers daughter?" I sputtered.

"No, of course not, I have no desires for a red head but I walked in on her…activities a few times."

"With whom?"

"Uhm, lets think, Dean Thomas, Michel Corner, that guy from Ravenclaw all the girls are gushing about and Jack Kettlebridge from our house."

"What, is she shagging them in public, all over the school for everyone to see?" I gasped.

"No, but the men's bathroom near the dungeons seem to be her favorite. Anyway what I'm trying to say is that besides her hexing abilities and temper, she has an other side, one I think is equally dangerous."

I couldn't completely believe that, a girl like that, porcelain and sweet can never be really dangerous, especially to me. Girls never were. Pansy was annoying, clinging to me but she was good for my reputation and she really was a good shag, she knew how to please a guy and the others have all been for fun, they were willingly and never ever dangerous. Some tried to seduce me, some I let just for fun but never when I didn't want to. Most girls were a huge disappointment though, they would only want him to be their boyfriend, to show off with him and gain status but when it came to the real seducing and sex they were shy and didn't know how to handle themselves. It was pathetic.

Looking at the red headed girl, I had to admit I could see something in her that other boys also saw, she had grown quite beautiful. Her lips were rather full and a beautiful shade of red and her eyes, as I remembered correctly were dark brown with almost a hint of black. There was a fire in them that told me she was different, she would go through with anything she started. If her family were better pure-bloods I would have thought of having her as my bride, she would suffice but with a family like that it was out of the question.

She suddenly looked up at me, when our eyes met a saw something flash in her eyes and a small pink tongue darted out licking her lips.

"You are done for." Blaise chuckled.