Santana's Much Older Relationship.

By WorkingGirl22

Before I start this chapter I want to tell all of you that are reading this story that Rachel doesn't fully forgive Santana and yes they are engaged but it's going to be a very long engagement that's going to be on and off with these two because they are still working on their relationship that got broken by Santana. They love each other but it's going to be hard.

Hey guys I think I'm going to do about 4 more chapters of this story before I finish it.

Alright enjoy.

In New York.

Rachel Berry-Lopez and Santana Berry-Lopez along with their daughters just arrived at Rachel's old childhood house in New York City to spend New Years with Rachel and Verona's dads. Rachel also had some news to share.

"Oh my god look at these two beautiful little girls." The married couple heard Verona say once they made it inside. She walked over to them and hugged Tarryn and Sicily.

They heard loud crying and screaming coming from upstairs.

"Was that Avalon?" Rachel asked her sister while taking her coat off. Santana also took her coat off.

"Yes she's got an ear infection and she's taking it out on her Daddy." Both woman nodded. They take off Tarryn's and Sicily's coat.

"Come on little ones. Let's go see your grandpa and Granddad." They smiled walking into the living room.

"There's our other twin daughter. I thought you weren't going to show up." Rachel smiles at her dads and walked over to them.

"Of course I was going to show up. I wanted you to meet your new granddaughter." Hiram and Leroy glanced at the little girl in Santana's arms.

"Oh wow she's adorable. What's her name?" Santana whispers in Sicily's ear and she nodded before saying her full name.

"I'm Sicily Julissa Berry-Lopez." Hiram and Leroy just gushed over Sicily. Rachel noticed the look on Tarryn's face and pulled her into the kitchen.

In The Kitchen.

"What's wrong Tarryn?" Rachel asked her oldest daughter. Sicily was two months younger then Tarryn.

"Grandpa and Granddad don't love me anymore. It's all about my younger sister. I'm way cuter then her." She pouted.

"I thought you loved your sister? you two are best friends." Tarryn looks down not wanting to get in trouble by her mommy.

"Tarryn Rose Berry-Lopez. I know that you very much love your sister. Your granddads love you very much. They want to get to know Sicily since we didn't get her until after mine and mama's wedding." Tarryn kept her head down.

"Sweetie we all love you. Can you be a good big sister and let everybody get to know your sister? They will always love you the same." She nodded.

"Come on sweetie I know you want to see your aunty." Tarryn smiles a little while looking up.

They walked back into the living room and Verona smiled seeing her oldest niece and opened her arms for her. Tarryn ran to her.

Rachel sits on her wife's lap and cuddled up to her. Santana looked at her.

"Everything okay?" She glanced over at her daughter who was holding onto her sisters hand and looked back at her wife.

"Yeah everything is fine. I guess Tarryn had a little jealousy moment but she seems okay now." Santana smiles and kisses her forehead.

The married put their daughters to sleep then walked downstairs holding hands. They walked into the living room of Rachel's and Verona's childhood home and sat down.

Hiram and Leroy sat down with them with a glass of wine in thier hands. They hand Santana and Rachel theirs which they thank them for.

"So how are things with you two now that your finally married?" Rachel doesn't drink hers while glancing at her wife.

"I couldn't have asked for a better life. I found the love of my life. Sure it took some time for us to get where we are but I wouldn't change it for the world. Rachel is the mother of our daughters and the best wife I could ever ask for." Rachel smiles grabbing her hand.

"I feel the same way about her. Santana makes me the happiest woman in the world. She's a badass." They laughed.

"But I love here deeply." Santana leans in kissing her sweetly. Hiram and Leroy smiled at the two. They were glad Rachel was happy in love with Santana Lopez.

"Oh look at then Hiram, they are perfect together. Rach why aren't you drinking your wine?" They pulled back laughing and rests their head against each other.

"I'm just not in the mood to drink Daddy." Santana stared at her wife wondering what was going on. Rachel loved her wine.

On New Years Eve.

It was 10:30 at night and Avalon, Sicily and Tarryn were playing together in the living room while the adults were in the kitchen sipping on wine or beer or just plan water.

"Oh my god Rach why aren't drinking with us?" Verona asked taking a sip of her own glass of wine before checking on her daughter.

"Yeah baby why aren't you drinking unless you were." Her voice trails off.

"I'm pregnant. the IVF worked. We're going to have a baby." Rachel tells them with an awkward smile. Santana stared at her shocked.

"What?" Santana yelled dropping her glass of wine.

Find out what happens next.