Part 49
A new day was starting, and it had been a long night in the mall. Amber's contractions had made it impossible for anyone to get any sleep. Her screaming could be heard from every room in the mall.

"Okay Amber just a little longer." Trudy said. "Okay are you ready to give me another push?" she asked.

"No!" Amber cried. She was tired and didn't think she could go any longer.

"I promise you there will only be two more pushes, but they have to be big ones okay?" Trudy said.

"Okay." Amber said taking Bray's and Jack's hands.

"Okay Ellie come over here, I'm going to need your help." Trudy said. "Amber push."

Amber let out a scream as she pushed, she had never been in so much pain before.

"Good job Amber." Trudy said. "I can see the head. Give me one more big push." Trudy said as Ellie handed her a blanket.

Amber gave one more push and when her screaming stopped the room with filled with the cries of a baby.

Trudy wrapped the baby in the blanket right after Ellie cut the cord. "It's a boy." She said as she handed it to Amber.

Amber's eyes filled with tears as she held her baby, she had never seen anything as amazing, or heard a cry that filled and broke her heart all at the same time.

"Congratulations." Trudy said smiling at Bray and then Amber.

"I love you Amber." Bray said kissing her forehead.

"I love you too Bray." Amber said looking up at him. "Hold your son." She said passing the new baby to him.

"I'll get him cleaned up and be right back." Bray said taking his new baby to the spot they had set up for him.

"Should I go tell everyone?" Jack asked looking at Amber.

"Yeah." Amber said smiling at him as he left the room.
Jack went racing into the café to see everyone gathered and looking just as exhausted.

"It's a boy!" Jack shouted.

Jack voice made everyone look up at him. They all smiled and some cheered.

"She's good and so is the baby." Jack said. "We can see them later, tonight maybe." Jack said knowing it was already early morning.

"I think this calls for a celebration!" Pride said.

"Yeah I have just the thing too." KC said before running out of the café.

Everyone started happily chatting when Lex stood up and left the café.

"What's gotten into him?" Salene asked watching Lex leave.

No one said anything else about because KC came running back into the café with a bag full of wine. "Let's party!" He yelled pulling out bottles.

Every one but Patsy, Cloe and Jack drank. Jack went back to the camera room to watch everything. Cloe and Patsy stayed in the café with everyone. By mid-morning just about everyone had gone to bed. Cloe, Ved, Ebony and Pride where still up. Ebony was cleaning up and Pride was helping. Cloe and Ved where dancing to no music. Ved had a little too much to drink.

"Ved let's get you to bed. I'm really tired." Cloe said.

"Okay. To your room!" Ved shouted.

Cloe helped him to her room. He laid down and passed out. Cloe rolled her eyes. He looked so cute asleep just like Jack did. Cloe though as she took his shirt and shoes off. She then changed into her PJ's and got into bed next to him. She looked over at Ved who was peacefully asleep right next to her. Maybe this is what she wanted the whole time. Maybe she didn't have a problem hurting Jack because she really wanted to be with Ved and not him, but if that was true why couldn't she stop thinking about Jack? Why was it that she wished it was him next to her and not Ved? Cloe fell asleep with all of this thoughts racing in her mind.
Bray laid in bed with Amber, their son on her chest. Bray couldn't believe how lucky he was to have such an amazing family. The little baby was fast asleep on his mom, who was also finally resting. Bray thought that Amber looked like an angel, and he knew that she was going to be the perfect mother for their son.

But it didn't take long before the babies soft whimpers woke Amber.

"I think he's hungry." Amber said sitting up with the baby.

"Well there isn't much I can do to help there." Bray smiled. "He is so beautiful." Bray said watching Amber.

"Just like you." Amber said smiling at him. "And that's what I think we should call him."

"Just like me?" Bray asked playfully.

"No silly. Bray Junior." Amber said smiling at him.

"I think that's a great name." Bray said putting her arms around Ambers hips and kissing the back of her head. "That's a great idea." Bray whispered again.