Part 3
When Pride returned from scouting he went to check on May. He knew that something was bothering her. "May, I'm back." He said gently knocking on her door. She didn't respond to him but she could hear her moving around. "Will you come out please?" he asked.

"I don't feel like talking right now." May sighed standing on the other side of the door.

"We don't have to talk, we could just sit by the fire."

May slowly opened to door and looked at him. "You're not going to force me to talk?" she asked looking at him.

"I wouldn't even know how." Pride laugh offering her his hand. "It's going to rain, so we should enjoy the warmth while we can."

"Lead the way." She smiled allowing him to lead her towards the main fire at the center of the tribe. The closer they got to the fire, the more commotion there was.

"I wonder what's going on." Pride said letting go of May's hand to go and see what was happening.

May trailed behind him, but stopping when she noticed Lex leaning against a tree. She knew that if Lex was there it meant one thing. Amber was too.

"Can you believe it," Alice said when she walked into the room she and her sister Ellie shared. "All the Mall rats are together again. Well all the ones that are alive I mean."

"All but Ryan," Ellie said with her face still in her pillow.

"Yeah I just wish Amber would have stayed," Alice said sitting down by her sister.

"What do you mean stayed?" Ellie asked pushing herself up.

"Well she had Lex take her to the Eco-Tribe." Alice said pushing her sisters feet up and laying back. "She didn't look to happy when she left. Her eyes were all red like she had been crying and Bray. Boy he wasn't happy about it, chasing after her."

"Do you think its because of Danni and the baby?" Ellie asked putting her face back down in the pillow.

"Most likely, her hormones are getting the best of her, that's for sure." Alice said getting back up. "So what is brothering you?"

"Jack." Ellie said rolling over on to her back.

"Jack? Do you really think he's going to just offer his forgivness? First he sees you and Luke kissing. Then walks in on you two having, well I don't need to say it." Alice said looking down at Ellie. "You're not stupid Ellie, so what makes you think he's going to want to get back together with you so soon after everything?"

"How can you talk to me like that?" Ellie asked sitting up with anger in her eyes. "You're my sister, you should be on my side!"

"I am on your side, but I'm not going to let you make a fool of yourself." Alice said before leaving the room.

Ellie sat there pouting after Alice stormed out. She didn't feel like Alice was on her side, she left like she was trying to make her feel worse.

"Mommy eat," Brady said pulling on Trudy's dress. "Eat now."

"Okay honey what do you want to eat?" Trudy said picking her up.

"Nummys," Brady said reaching for food on the table.

"Brady here." Trudy said giving her some sandwich off her plate.

"Frank you." Brady said take the food and getting of Trudy's lap and running to sit with Cloe and Patsy.

"I still don't know how you do it," Salene said looking at Trudy.

"It's not that hard I have you and the kids here to help." Trudy said facing Salene.

"I know, but still, she's always going, I don't know how you keep up with her." Salene said taking a drink of water.

"I don't have much of a choice really, I just do what I have to." Trudy said with a smile. "Brady stop it and eat your food," Trudy said looking back over that the kids.

"Can you image what they are going to be like when they grow up?" Tai-san said coming over to sit with Salene and Trudy.

"I just hope she is nothing like her dad." Trudy said rolling her eyes.

"I think we all hope that," Tai-san said with a smile.

"I'm excited for Amber to have her baby, I can't wait," Salene said.

"I still can't believe she just left. And Danni being back, with a baby none the less. Do we know if he's Bray's?" Trudy said looking up at the girls.

"Of course it's his." Salene said shaking her head. "I can't imagine what Amber is going through, or Danni."

"They will all work it out, Bray has another baby to love, and Amber will come to terms with it when she has had time to think." Tai-san offered stifling a yawn. "I think I'll head to bed, it's been a long day."

"I wish I hadn't come back, it clearly wasn't a good idea." Danni said putting Johnny back on the bed.

"Danni I told you this is your home just as much as anyone's." Bray said looking up at her with a shocked face. "Danni are you here to stay or are you going to leave?" Bray asked getting up knowing that is what Amber wanted him to do.

"I have only been her for an hour and you want me to leave already?" Danni said with an unreal look on her face.

"That's not what I am asking!" Bray told her shaking his head. "I'm just trying to understand what is going on."

"I don't have anywhere else to go at the moment." Danni said defeated. She knew that their rainy season was upon them, and it was getting colder. That would make it harder to have Johnny outdoors. She needed to be somewhere safe for him.

"You will stay then." Bray offered her a smile. "This is your home, you are a mallrat." He told her.

Jack was walking around the part of the mall they didn't use much. It had been a market at one point, but it never took off, and eventually become an area they stored stuff they didn't use, or was broken. Junk seemed to pile up all over now days. He remembered going through piles of things with Dal and how much fun they had, finding new things for the workshop.

"Dal we made the best team," Jack said knowing that no one could hear him. "I really do miss you buddy. Things haven't been the same since you left. And now Danni is back."

"Hey Jack who are you talking too?" KC said coming up behind him.

"Oh, hi KC." Jack said turning around. "I was just talking to myself." Jack didn't want to tell KC the truth. He already thought of him as the nerd. He didn't want people thinking of him as a freak too.

"You feeling okay?" KC said sitting down on a little rocking horse he was to big for.

"Yeah, just thinking about Dal." Jack told him.

"Oh well…I don't do the emotional stuff." KC said standing up quickly looking uncomfortable. "I'm gonna go."

"Right." Jack nodded as KC left him standing here.

"Amber," Pride said making his way through the crowd. "You're back?"

"Pride." Amber smiled seeing him. "It's good to be back."

"Is everything okay? Shouldn't you be at the mall, resting?" Pride asking looking down at her bump.

Amber rubbed her pregnant belly looking giving Pride a small smile. She knew that he wouldn't understand either. In fact the farther away from the city she got the more she felt that she was acting purely on hormones and not rational thought. Had Bray been right? Was she just over reacting?

"Things were getting a little tense at the mall, I needed space." Amber finally told him.

Pride nodded, knowing there was more to the story than that. "Why don't I take you to your room? I'm sure you are tired after the journey." He spoke loudly so everyone would be able to hear him He knew the other tribe members wanted to visit with her, ask her questions, but he also knew she needed space and to sit down.

"Yes, I think that's a good idea, my feet are feeling extra swollen." Amber laughed giving hugs to a few people around them. "Lex, there are rooms up this way." Amber shouted back at him, wanting to make sure that he too was taken care of.

"I should have guessed you would have come back." May rolled her eyes as they walked past her.

"May." Pride scolded. Her tone was uncalled for.

"It's nice to see you too May." Amber nodded. "Lex?"

"I'm not staying." Lex announced.

"It's late, you can't make it back in the dark." Amber told him.

"I'll be fine, I'm going back to Tai-san." Lex nodded before turning to leave.

"Things keep getting better and better around here." KC said when he walked back into the café.

"Did you find Jack?" Patsy asked looking up at KC.

"Yeah I found him. He was talking to himself again." KC said sitting next to Cloe.

"I wish there was something we could do for him. He has been like this ever since he got back and found out about Dal." Salene said walking over to where the kids were.

"Yeah but what can we do?" Cloe asked looking up at everyone.

"I know," Patsy said jumping up. "We can have a big party. All the mallrats together again. It'll make everyone happy."

"We tried that and it never happened." Tally said looking up at her.

"Well that's the more reason to try again I suppose." Trudy said joining in.

"I'm all for it." Cloe said looking at Patsy who was nodding her head in agreement.