People the sequel to Memory Lane: Percy Jackson Style is here! I hope you guys like the first chapter!

Disclaimer for the entire story: Sadly I don't own PJO, Rick Riordan does!

Chapter One: Percy I

It's been 6 months since I've been at the Camp SPQR and I still can't shake the feeling that I don't belong here. I mean the place is cool and the people are surprisingly nice for Romans and they treat me with respect, but then again I am the leader of the First Legion, which is all of the strongest fighters from each cabin. My friends—Bobby, Hazel, Dakota, Reyna, and my girlfriend, Gwen, are all in the First Legion.

As I sat on the beach, one of my favorite things to do(son of Neptune), I thought about all of the things that has happened since I've been here from having amnesia to becoming a leader of a camp, but something in my gut tells me that this isn't my first time being a leader. I thought about my friends that I remember-the Stolls, Luke, Thalia, Grover, Rachel, Clarisse, Nico, Katie Gardener, Will Solace, Chiron, and Blackjack. The only things I can remember are most of my friends and my quest, and the whole Kronos deal with Luke and him being the hero of the prophecy, but I can only remember flashes of battles in the war, flashes of my time at camp, but not enough to know where it is, and the fact that I bear the Curse of Achilles and where my Achilles heel is. But there's this blond girl with intimidating grey eyes that looks like a California girl, but something in my gut tells me that she is definitely not a California girl, and I can tell that she was very important in my life, and that I have strong feelings for her but every time I try to remember her I get a head-splitting headache. I mostly get dreams of my past, but sometimes I get flashes when somebody mentions something specific. Every time I remember something I tell my friends and Lupa.

I walked to the edge of the water and dove straight in. I swam all the way down to the sea-floor and lay down on my back. Just as I was starting to drift off to sleep, a voice very much like my own said," Perseus". I looked around to see who called my name and my landed on guy with a Hawaiian shirt, Bermuda shorts, laughing lines around his eyes which where a deep sea green, like my own. My dad, Poseidon, I always called the gods by their Greek names than by their Roman names.

"Neptune….Dad it's good to see you, but why have you come the gods have gone silent?" I asked while standing up to greet my father.

"Yes, Percy we have gone silent but that was because of your uncle, and Percy you have always known me as Poseidon and the rest of the gods by their Greek name don't start using their Roman names now, it won't be long before unification is accomplished", He started," and to as why I am here I wanted to talk to you about your memories and about where you came from. I also wanted to see how much of your memory you've gotten back since Hera took it", He finished. The last part caught me off guard, why would Hera, the Queen of the Gods, wipe my memory?

"Dad, what do you mean Hera took my memories? And if she took my memories I'm guessing that she is the reason that she that I'm at Camp SPQR?", I asked him in a worried tone because I knew that anything that involves gods interfering with your life means that something big is about to happen and you are apart of it and nothing will change it.

"Do you remember the prophecy Rachel spoke last year after the war? If not it was:

Seven half-bloods shall answer the call.

To storm or fire the world must fall.

An oath to keep with a final breath,

And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.

One thing you need to know that you, Bobby, and Gwen are apart of this prophecy and that the other four demi-gods will be revealed in a matter of time", He told me.

"Thanks dad and I'm glad that you visited," I told him.

"Me too, so if you don't mind telling me, what do you remember?" He asked hesitatingly.

"Not a lot, but I do remember Camp Half-Blood, most of the Cabin Leaders except for the Athena, Hephaestus, Dionysus, and the Aphrodite cabin leaders, Rachel, Nico, Thalia, Chiron, Luke, and Blackjack. I can also remember most of my quest and flashes of the war. But there's this girl, blonde hair and gray eye, that I can't remember and it's nagging me, and I don't know why. But she feels very important, but every time I try to remember her I get a massive headache." I confided. After a moment of silence Poseidon said,

"I know who you are talking about and that you are right when you say that she feel very important to you and I can't say exactly how and why, but I can give you a glimpse of why she is important to you and Hera has given me permission to let you remember your mother and step-father, and 2 other things,"

"Are you sure? Can you give me the flashback first and can you tell me her name?" I asked.

"Her name is Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena." He told me. I was wondering when the glimpse was going to start when all of my muscles froze, my mind went completely blank and the flashback started.


Annabeth and me where shoulder to shoulder facing opposite directions and a dark shape passed over me, and I glanced up to see Blackjack and another Pegasus were swooping in kicking the enemies in the helmets. We'd almost made it to the middle of the bridge when Annabeth cried out in pain.

"Annabeth!" I turned in time to see her fall, clutching her arm. A demigod with a bloody knife stood over her.

In a flash I understood what had happened. He'd been trying to stab me. Judging from the position of his blade, he would've taken me-maybe by sheer luck-in the small of my back, my only weak point.

"Blackjack!" I yelled.

As fast as light, the pegasus swooped down and clamped his teeth on the straps of Annabeth's armor. They soared away over the river before the enemy could even react. The scene changed. I was on a terrace looking at Annabeth lying on a lounge chair. Her face pale and beaded with sweat. Will and I pushed through a crowd of Athena kids. Will unwrapped Annabeth's bandages to examine the wound, and I wanted to faint. The bleeding had stopped but the gash looked deep. The skin around the cut was a horrible shade of green.

"Annabeth…" I choked up.

"Poison on the dagger", she mumbled." Pretty stupid of me, huh?"

Will exhaled with relief. "It's not so bad, Annabeth. A few more minutes and we would've been in trouble, but the venom hasn't gotten past the shoulder yet. Just lie still. Somebody hand me some nectar."

I grabbed a canteen. Will cleaned out the wound with the godly drink while I held Annabeth's hand.

"Ow," she said. "Ow, Ow!" she gripped my fingers so tight the turned purple, but she stayed still, like Will had asked. Will put some silver paste on the wound, and hummed words in Ancient Greek-a hymn to Apollo. Then he applied fresh bandages and stood up shakily. The scene changed again. I was still on the terrace with Annabeth, but we were alone.

"You're cute when you're worried," she muttered. "Your eyebrows get all scrunched together."

"You are not going to die while I owe you a favor," I said.

"Why did you take that knife?"

"You would have done the same for me."

"How did you know?"

"Know what?"

I looked around to make sure we were alone. Then I leaned in close and whispered: "My Achilles spot. If you hadn't taken that knife, I would've died."

She got a faraway look in her eyes. "I don't know, Percy. I just had this feeling that you were in danger. Where…where is the spot?"

I took her hand and put it on my spine and moved her fingers to the one spot that grounded me to my mortal life.

*flashback ends*

When the flashback ended I looked at my father and asked," Do you know what happened in the flashback?"

He shook his head and said," No, why?"

"Because that was when I told Annabeth about my Achilles heel." I explained.

"Oh…..Are you ready to know about your mother and step-father?" Poseidon asked and I nodded my head. I got a glimpse of a woman and a man, the woman had long brown hair and blue eyes, and the man had longish salt-and-pepper hair and the same blue eyes as the woman. As soon as I took a look at the couple I remembered everything about them. When I remembered everything I said," Oh my gods, my mom is going to kill me when I talk to her!" I said as I ran my hands through my hair. Dad had this amused look in his eyes and muttered something like with amusement in his voice," You would have wished that Sally would have killed you when you fully remember and Annabeth gets a hold of you…"

"What was that, Dad?" I asked.

"Oh….nothing just mumbling to myself…so since Hera has agreed to let you remember any 2 things, what do you want to remember?" Dad asked me. I had already pondered what I wanted to remember, and decided that I wanted. I wanted to remember the war and all of my friends that died.

"I've decided that I want to remember the whole war and all of my friends that died and how they died", I stated.

"As you wish," My father said. Then I the flashbacks started again and this time they were longer. When the flashbacks of the war ended, more flashbacks came. When those where over I was sad, it was like I relived all of my friends death's. Bianca, Zoë, Benkendorf, Silena, Michael Yew, Ethan Nakamura, and Luke, I relived all of their deaths in a matter of minutes. I looked up at my dad with tears in my eyes and said," Thanks Dad, I really needed that. I'm glad that I can remember them."

"You're welcome Percy, It's time for me to go, but I want you to remember that pictures hold more than an image and no matter what you will always remember your anchor to the world." And with that said he disappeared into a current. I can't pretend that I wasn't confused about what he said.

When I came up to shore I saw Gwen, Bobby, Dakota, Hazel, and Reyna waiting for me. I walked over to meet them and Gwen must have sensed that there was something wrong with me because she asked," What's wrong Percy?"

I told them about my dad's visit and when I told them about my friend's death I was close to tears. Gwen hugged me and the rest patted my back with worried expressions, but when Gwen had hugged me it felt wrong and I felt guilty for some reason.

"Percy, I think you should go and tell Lupa about your Dad's visit", Hazel said. I nodded in agreement, then said," You guys are going to come with me,"

"Why?" Bobby asked

"Because Poseidon said that you, me, and Gwen are apart of this prophecy, so you guys need to come and the rest of you guys are in the First Legion" I said. They didn't argue with my decision, so the six of us walked into woods towards the Wolf House where we knew Lupa would be. When we arrived at the Wolf House we found Lupa sitting, human form, on a chair made of twigs and leaves deep in thought.

"Uh...Lupa...sorry to interrupt your alone time, but Percy has something really important to tell you," Dakota said.

This better be really important to interrupt my thinking time, Lupa spoke.

"It is Lupa…..My dad visited me when I was in the ocean…and he gave me back some of my memories and very important information," I spoke for the first time since we got to the Wolf House. What I said must have gotten her attention because her ears perked up and she said, Tell me everything that happened and what you remember.

When I finished telling her everything, from top to bottom, it was already lunch time. Lupa wouldn't allow us to go back to camp for some reason, so we had to stay at the Wolf House until she dismisses us. After the wolves brought us lunch, Lupa took me outside to talk.

Percy, I want you to concentrate on the ocean real hard and tell me what you feel and if you could tell if anything is out there, Lupa told me. I did as I was told and concentrated on the ocean. When I did I not only felt all the sea live and currents, but I also felt the ships that were in the ocean, I felt the shipwrecked ships and the ones that were sailing in the ocean right now. But out of all of the ships one stood out amongst all of them, not because it could fly (but that did make it stand out) or the fact that the hull was sea green and that the headmast was a dragon's head(which looked very familiar), but because it had this sense that it was more powerful and capable of things that you could have never imagined. Somehow I knew that this ship was headed for us and this is what my father meant; the other four demigods of the Great Prophecy were on that ship.

When I opened my eyes Lupa was looking at me expectantly.

"How did I do that?" I asked Lupa

"All sons and daughters of Poseidon/Neptune are able to see and feel what are in the nearest ocean or sea. So what did you see?" Lupa asked. As I told her about the ship Gwen, Reyna, Hazel, Bobby, and Dakota came out of the Wolf House to join us. When I finished telling Lupa about the ship she said," I want you to concentrate only on the ship and try to tell us when the ship should arrive." I nodded my head and closed my eyes and concentrated only on the ship. After a few minutes I opened my eyes and said," The ship should arrive in 1 hour."

"What do we do till then? Sit by the beach and wait?" Dakota asked.

"No, I want you to train at the beach while you wait, I will be watching you." Lupa stated with finality. With that said, we all went down to the beach. Gwen and I went into the water, while Hazel and Bobby started to spar, and the others relaxed in the sand watching Hazel and Bobby spar.

About 1 hour and 30 minutes later Gwen and me were still in the water while Lupa told the others stories. Gwen and I were just about to go join them when I got a vision of Chiron and about 10 other people fighting dracaenae and earthborn, and by the looks of it they weren't winning and that they needed help. The vision only lasted long enough for me to see their location.

"Lupa, the other demigods are in trouble!" I yelled.

"What?" Lupa asked confused.

"There's no time to explain…. Come on guys I know the way!" I said in a hurried tone as I started running into the woods beside the beach. I looked behind my back to see if the others were following me, they were, and ran faster. When we got there things weren't looking good. Monsters were swarming everywhere and since there were only 14 demigods, every time 1 of them killed a monster another 1 popped up. We charged into battle startling the other demigods, but they didn't stop fighting. After about 10 minutes of fighting we managed to kill all of the monsters. When Chiron caught his breath he said, "It's great to see you again Lupa,"

"As it is to see you, Chiron, but perhaps we should go to the Wolf House and talk about why you are here?" Lupa asked. Chiron nodded and turned back to look at other the demigods who I noticed were staring at me, while Thalia and Annabeth were staring at Gwen and I's intertwined hands. When the others noticed this they looked sympathetically at Annabeth who just had on a blank face.

"Chiron, I left Benkendorf's shield on the Agro. May Thalia and I go get it?" Annabeth asked in a calm tone which surprised the others which confused us.

Then a Hispanic guy with curly hair and pointy ears said," Why do you need two people….".

But he didn't get a chance to finish because Thalia and a girl with choppy brown hair elbowed him in the gut.

"Yes, but be back in 15 minutes or I'll have Clarisse, Piper, and Rachel come look for you." Chiron said. Thalia and Annabeth nodded and ran away toward the shore.

That was it guys! The first chapter of the sequel to Memory Lane: Percy Jackson Style! Forgive me if anything was wrong or didn't make sense. So how did I do? I'll try to get the next chapter up soon! Review…..please!