A/N: Hi. I am writing this story with ChickWithThePurpleGuitar. We hope you like it.

Disclaimer: We don't own KC or PJO or MR (Maximum Ride- where Fang and Maya are from).

Copyright: We own this plot. Don't steal anything please.

Anubis POV

Fang's eyes widened when he noticed us below and he tucked his pitch black wings in and landed next to us.

He performed the Emo Kid 101 handshake with each of us, although refused to say, "Emo kids forever!" (Fang doesn't talk much).

We then started talking about our lives since the class ended. Fang admitted that yes, the blog was telling the truth, he and Max had broken up, and that he had left the flock to form his own. Nico and I tried to convince him that he needed to go back, that Max needed him, all that stuff, but he told us that we were starting to sound like some sappy romance movie and to forget about Max for now, so we shut up.

"Anyway, you guys been good?" Fang asked. I shrugged.

"You know; Egyptian god of the underworld; how good can you get? Not a lot of people have died lately though, so I guess that's good. And I've...made some new friends." I glanced at Sadie and Carter a few yards away. "And some enemies." I glared at Percy.

"You?" Fang asked Nico.

That wasn't very smart, though, because Nico would NOT. STOP. TALKING. He rambled on about saving the world (in excruciating detail) and how he was now touring around the world fighting monsters and possibly looking for a girlfriend (although the second one wasn't going very well). Suddenly another flying kid came down from the sky.(seriously, how many are there?)

She was tall and blonde with brown eyes, though I prefer blue, and pink streaks in her…wait a minute. I looked back and forth between the new girl and Sadie. Freaky.

"Hey, Maya" Fang said nonchalantly. "I thought I told you to wait with Star."

"I-I can't…I-I don't…" she looked very confused for a second, then like she was concentrating very hard.

Suddenly her face brightened with realization.

"Someone's here to see you." I recognized that look. The freakishly older Sadie looking girl was possessed! I was getting ready to perform an exorcism (don't ask) when a creepily angelic little blond girl with floofy blond hair stepped out from behind her. Nico stopped his blabbering to see what we were all staring at, only to have his face turn white as a bleached papyrus scroll.

"A-Angel" the son of my arch-rival asked shakily.

What in the duat?