Events Unchained part I: Birth By Sleep

Chapter 2: All the Seeds are starting to bloom

A chat in the present

Radiant Garden, to most in that world, it's events started many years ago. With the world invaded by the heartless, their ruler disappearing and someone taking his name and work, and several of their residents were either send to another world, turned into Heartless and Nobodies, or disappeared. Now the once world given the dreadful name Hollow Bastion has now in the time of healing, with the REstoration Committee at work to bring the world to its former glory…. Or so the story sound end…. But another chapter was starting once more in the Computer Room of their missing King Ansem the Wise.

In the Computer Room, where the transport to Tron's world and Ansem's computer, two figures were talking while several bodies lay unconscious on the ground. THe first figure, Braig, one of Ansem's Sprecentices and one of Master Xehanort's cohorts was speaking to a man in ablack coat. He had mildly tanned skin, golden eyes, and silver hair which both slightly spikes and falls past his shoulders in the back; it is styled similar to Terra-Xehanort's, albeit with four bangs framing his face, the back two thicker than the front two, and the two backwards spikes on the sides are absent, the topmost one slicked back.

One of the sleeping forms, was the red haired Axel, number eight of Organization XIII. Axel is tall and slender in appearance. Like other Organization members, he wears the basic black gloves and boots. His black coat, however, is one of the more distinctive ones in the group, as its sleeves close up tightly around his arms. Axel himself is also easily distinguishable from other characters in terms of facial features, made easier by the fact that he rarely wears the hood of his coat up. Axel has a widow's peak, rather small eyebrows and thick, shoulder-length, bright red hair styled into slicked-back spikes.

Near him was the blue haired Saix, number seven of Organization XIII. Saïx wears a basic Organization black coat, along with the usual black gloves and boots. He has long blue hair vaguely reminiscent of Vexen's in style and length, though Saïx's is a bit wilder at the top. Most of his hair is tucked into his cloak, though a portion is not and falls over the back. Saïx also wears stud earrings like Xaldin's. The X-shaped scar on Saïx's face is his most distinctive trait, with the vertex of this "X" lying between his eyes and extending from halfway up his forehead to just under his eyes.

Close to him was Vexen, unlike Saix, wasn't wearing a cloak. Vexen sported platinum blond hair, worn long with two slightly shorter (but still long) bangs that frame his face. He also has rather large, bright green eyes. He wore a long white lab coat, grey vest, white collared shirt, and a purple ascot. He also seems to wear black pants and silver lined boots.

Beside Vexen, was Zexion, Number six of the Organization XIII. He wears a white lab coat over a black, V-neck top with a white collar. He also wears blue pants and navy blue shoes. As an adult, he dons a purple ascot, as well as the knee-high silver-trimmed boots worn by the other apprentices. His steel-blue hair is styled into long bangs that obscure the right side of his face and leave only one of his bright blue eyes visible. He also has a purple ascot, as well as the knee-high silver-trimmed boots worn by the other apprentices. His steel-blue hair is styled into long bangs that obscure the right side of his face and leave only one of his bright blue eyes visible.

Beside him and Dilan lastly, was Lexaeus, number five of Organization XIII. Lexaeus wears the same guard outfit as Dilan: a grey uniform with white cuffs and a red heart on the chest. There are blue hearts on the cuffs of both of his gloves.

Braig cross his arms, taking in everything that the young man told him, finally uncrossing his arms. "Whoa, I knew the old coot was crafty, but she's always been one of us?"

"From what I'm told, of course I won't remember much going back again. Aqua, was to be vessel for Vanitas to forge the X-blade as well as the New Organization XIII. My future self taking her over was just the spark. Now a part of her heart in within her now, her time once in the Realm of Darkness will slowly built it." the young man explained, looking to the transport and hold out a hand.

"The girl is relentless, for surviving so long, why not Xehanort just get her to the Chamber of Waking, we know Ventus is in there." Braig suggested with a smile.

"As easy that be, controlling her is not easy. The Xehanifcation of becoming a 13 Seeker is long process. One, your appearance changing because of my future self own heart, by his eyes, hair, and his ears. Two, having full control of them, or theyw accept it, like you. And three, are willing to do whatever it takes. In other words, Aqua will be a difficult one to fully control. But Ven is a choice, but we know how we are after now." Young Master Xehanort said, holding up his fingers.

"Sora," Braig said before he smirked, "heh, that kid a vessel, he as a thorn in our sides before. Him working with us, he won't be easy to get. What's the plan?"

"If we can give a little push, getting Sora in danger, he will be a perfect vessel for us. If we are correct, in a week's time, Sora and Riku will take the Mark of Mastery exam. But we should focus on Aqua. It's making sure the Xehanification goes well." Young Master Xehanort continued, putting his hands to his pockets.

A light chuckle caught the two's attention, looking to see Vanitas was in the room with them. "Leave that to me, I'll deal with her," and puts his helmet back on his head, his face covered back the glass mask, "Someone will break that girl in, and that will be me."

Both Young Master Xehanort and Braig smiled, no matter what… the seeds of their plans, Master Xehanort's plans… will come to pass.

Reconnect: Kingdom Hearts

Michael: And with this and new title you see, the beginning of the Events Unchained trilogy. Sorry for what was seven years, but I hope you like the redo chapter and the new chapter. Thanks to the E3 Trailers, I felt it was time to get back to this, with all the hype about how Aqua got Xehanified. Part two will be covering Aqua's fight with the darkness and her relationship with Kairi. And yes relationship is what you are thinking of. Don't worry, not or ever will ever throw Sora x Kairi under the bus, but thought I go for this angle and see where it leads. Also, want to see how I can write a character going through a psychological breakdown of what they are doing. Enjoy that.

You never know, Chapter 1 of Events Unchained Part 2: Darkness in the Heart might come sooner than you think. Well hope you enjoyed this and hopefully it was worth the wait for seven years.