A/N: I'm literally staring at my screen with a 'what the fuck?' expression on my face. I honestly don't have a clue where this came from…

Warnings: Swearing and lots of movie spoilers

Pairings: N/A

Disclaimer: Basically, I don't own it.

P.S. Please review my lovelies!

I hate him.

I hate everything about him; from his oh so perfect hair to his superhero good guy personality. I, Reid Garwin, am in hate with Caleb fucking Danvers. He's pushing, overbearing and so superior just because he's a few months older, and it drives me freaking insane. What gives Caleb the right to tell me what to do and how to live my life? Age is a flimsy excuse. Age means nothing. A couple of months shouldn't change who's in charge. What's more, why does anyone have to be in charge? It isn't in the book so it doesn't have to be this way. It just is. Because that's the way Caleb wants it and Caleb always seems to get what he wants.

Not with me he won't.

I am so sick of him telling me what to do all the time, so sick of having to do what he says just to keep the peace of the group. I just can't do it anymore.

So I'll act up and he'll get violent and self righteous, shout and scream at me and throw me around because I don't want to be his puppet anymore. Make me look like the one in the wrong when I haven't even done what he's accusing me of. And then when we're threatened and he plays the hero he'll use me and the others like he always does; me secretly rooting for our enemy because at least I'll have some semblance of control over my own life. And when he wins I'll hate him that bit more because he's going to expect gratitude and thanks that I refuse to give him. Then he give me a hurt look as if I'm the one who was ruining his life, like I'm the one slowly destroying him through strict controlling techniques that he doesn't want.

Yes, I definitely hate Caleb Danvers.

I just don't think Caleb Danvers hates me.