
I really didn't know how I was going to survive this. I mean seriously, I never made a secret of the fact I dislike -Okay scrap that HATE- Forks. I haven't been there for months because of the obvious reason. And when I did come for a two week stay, I already felt like I wanted to die. But to live there?

I sighed. I shouldn't be complaining (not that people could hear it since I was thinking this but still). I chose for it myself, or well, I forced myself into moving. If I was staying it would only make Renee unhappy, even though she told me otherwise, probably because she too hated Forks. She even ran from it. But that wasn't the point right now.

My point is that I should move so Renee can travel along with Phil, her new husband. Phil was a nice man, a bit too young for Renee, but they loved eachother and that was all that mattered. But Phil was a baseball player. He wasn't very well known, but he still moved from club to club, which meant travelling. Renee always had to stay home with me, even though she didn't say it I could see it made her unhappy to do so.

So one day I took it upon myself to move to Forks to live with my dad Charlie. It was the only way. I mean with me being twelve years old I would be very inconvenient to move over and over again.

When I told Renee she wasn't happy with it. I think she just felt guilty for having to choose her husband over her daughter. And beside that, she knew I hated Forks. But I assured her that I would be fine, and that it wouldn't be that bad.

Still I didn't want to go, but I had to. I didn't want to make Renee unhappy. Besides, I tried to see the positive side of moving. First I really couldn't think of anything but then I thought of Charlie. Maybe this was the time to finally build a real relationship with him. I may have gotten the appearance of Renee, but the character (and luckily enough the brains too) of Charlie.

Charlie and I never were the type of person to show emotions or talk about it. Now I think about it, we weren't even the type to actually talk. So basically the only similarity between us was the shyness. But except for Charlie I really didn't have a reason to go to Forks. I loved the sun and the warmth. And Forks…well Forks was the complete opposite from sun and warmth. It was always clouded and rainy and cold. And being me, and daughter from the now Renee Dwyer I hated everything that was cold and wet.

I really was going to miss Phoenix, the sun and the warmth, my chaotic, sweet, caring mother, and well everything. But I had to go.

I decided that for now it was best to just enjoy still being here and spent as much time with Renee as I could. I stood up from the grass I sat on and brushed myself off before going back to the house. It was getting late, Renee probably worried where I stayed. With that I started walking to my home facing a concerned Renee. Even though I hated this most of the time, I knew I was going to miss this during my stay in Forks.

Sigh. It was the day I was leaving. Leaving to Forks was probably the hardest thing I was ever going to do. And probably the bravest too. Renee and Phil were loading my duffel bag into the car. All the way to the airport we were quiet, which was a very weird thing to do for Renee.

Once I was completely checked in and ready to board the plane I turned around to find Renee crying on Phil's shoulder. Her tears were already forming a wet spot on his shirt and Phil just hugged her close, kissing the top of her head "Oh mom," I started walking over to her and grabbed her hand "Please don't cry." I said, feeling my own tears roll off my cheek. "It's just, my little girl is moving away." She sniffed. We opened our arms for each other and cried out for a few minutes. The only reason for letting go, being the fact that my plane was due to leave. "I love you mom." I said through my tears. "As I do you." She returned. "Take care of her, Phil. Keep her from doing anything stupid or rash." I pleaded him. "I will kid. We'll miss you. Now get on your plane before it leaves without you." I nodded and turned around. As I stumbled my way to the plane I kept throwing glances behind me which just made it harder for me to keep walking.

As I gave the stewardess my ticket I glanced over my shoulder one more time waving to Renee and Phil. To my home. "Bye! I love you!" I called. I decided it was now or never. And with that I stepped into the plane. Leaving behind a sobbing Renee, a sad Phil and warm, sunny Phoenix.