Cherry and the Weasel Chapter 4
Vivian: I'm BBAAAACCKKK! Yayz!
Sasuke: Oh no! O.O
Vivian: Oh yes! A- *Ducks as furniture is thrown at her head* Holy Crap! WTF!
Itachi: It seems that the readers were upset that you did not update.
Vivian: What? I have a right to relax during the weekend.
Sasuke: Whatever, now can we continue on with this story.
Vivian: Um… Okay, I do not own Naruto.
(No one can defeat the line! Mwa ha ha *Sasuke smacks Vivian on the head* What the hell Sasuke?)
Somewhere in Sound…
Sasuke walked down the empty hallways do Orochimaru's office. Orochimaru had called him during training (which he was not happy with) to come to his office. While walking, Sasuke's thoughts drifted back to team 7. He never felt anything towards them, 'They were weak' he thought trying to shake his thoughts away. However, his mind drifted to the only female member, Sakura. Although Sakura may not of remembered the times her, Sasuke and Itachi spent together he did. From the day he met her he fell for her (although he was too young to understand love at the time). Every time he saw her playing with Itachi he would become angry, thinking that she is only his and his alone.
After the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke over heard some of the Konoha elders talking about Sakura saying how they erased her memory and sealed her rinnegan so she couldn't use it against them. Ever since that day Sasuke's hate for Itachi grew and he soon became corrupted. Any light left in Sasuke was long gone. It was replaced by the hunger for power, revenge and the need to revive the clan.
As Sasuke reached the door he overheard Orochimaru and Kabuto talking. "Orochimaru-sama," Kabuto started "Everything is prepared for the transfer tonight." "Kukuku very good." Orochimaru laughed "Tonight will finally be the night I acquire the sharingan!". Sasuke's teeth clenched. He reached for his katana and kicked the door open. The sound nins turned around startled. Kabuto and Orochimaru looked at the angry teen. With his sharingan activated, Sasuke raised his sword. Preparing for the bloodshed that was to come. The only sounds heard that night were the screams of pain and fear.
Sakura woke to the sound of rain on the window. She opened her eyes only to see that she was in the arms of Itachi Uchiha. Sakura turned around (well, tried to turn around) to look at the clock. It read 4:00 a.m. 'Great.' She thought sarcastically, 'I woke up 3 hours earlier. Oh well. Might as well shower.'
As Sakura sat up to go to the washroom she was pulled back down by an amused Itachi. Sakura simply looked at him, "What?" "It's too early to wake up yet blossom." He replied still amused as Sakura playfully pouted "I'm not tired." She complained, only to yawn right after. Itachi raised an eyebrow at her response. Sakura looked at his face that practically said "I-Don't-Believe-You". "Fine." She replied still pouting. Itachi simply chuckled at this. "Still the same Sakura." He said before closing his eyes. She followed right after. Both dreaming of when they were younger.
3 hours later
Pein walked into the bedroom he prepared for Sakura, only to see that it was empty. Pein was worried-no that would be an understatement, he was panicking- thinking where his only daughter was. He rushed out of the room and began looking all over the base for his daughter. 'I won't lose her again.' He thought running with an amused Konan behind him.
As the minutes past, every member walked out of their room leaving Itachi and Sakura as the only missing people. Pein opened Itachi's door only to see that his daughter and Itachi in each other's arms. Before Pein could do anything Konan quickly entered the bed room and dragged Pein out by the collar of the cloak. "What was that for?" he hissed trying to free himself of Konan's grip. "Leave them be Pein. It seems that those two are in love." Konan replied before sighing dreamily. Pein sweatdropped at his partner(who was busy rambling on about young love).
Itachi and Sakura awoke to the sound of the bedroom door being slammed shut. Sakura opened the door to see her father being dragged away by her "aunt". "Uh oh." Sakura started "What is it?" Itachi asked walking over. "I think dad caught us." She replied chuckling at her father. Curious, Itachi looked through the opening to see. The corners of his mouth started to twitch upwards. "And I thought leader was in charge of everyone." Itachi muttered. Sakura giggled "Just like when we were younger."
Fugako marched around the compound looking for his eldest son and "neice". 'Where could they be?' he thought. He opened his son's bedroom door to see 9 year old Itachi lying on his bed with 4 year old Sakura lying on his chest. Itachi had his arms wrapped around her possessively. Fugako smirked, he knew that the arranged marriage he set up with his old friend Pein would work out.
Mikoto soon walked next to her husband and gave out a silent "aww". Before Mikoto could take a picture of the cute moment Sasuke walked in. He walked over to Itachi and Sakura and yelled "WAKE UP!". Itachi and Sakura stumbled out of bed startled, taking Sasuke with them. They all looked at each other and laughed.
Flashback ends
Sakura shook her head smiling, 'If only it could've stayed that way.' She thought walking into her room to shower change, and prepare for meeting the Akatsuki. She walked out wearing a long black t-shirt, a black vest with red clouds (almost looks like a jounin vest), a crimson medic skirt, black biker shorts, and her boot-like ninja sandals.
She met up with Itachi in the hallway. He led her down the multiple hallways until they reached a dark wood door that said 'leader'. Itachi knocked on the door. "Come in." they heard. Itachi opened the door and walked in, with Sakura behind him. 'This is it.' She thought 'Don't get scared.'
To be continued
Okay guys, next chapter Sakura will meet the Akatsuki. R&R Also, P.m me if you want to beat Sasuke up.