Star Trek Civil War:
Episode II
The Temporal Gateway
Chapter: Eleven
Location: Planet Gateway.
No Stardate.
(Present Day)
Nervously Scotty and Barrett watched as Ryan and John disappeared threw the portal, with a sombre nod Scotty looked at Barrett and smiled slightly as he spoke softly.
"This is what happened last time"
"He was telling you truth Scotty, if you set us up… He'll kill you"
"I swear…"
An image began too appear in the vortex as Ryan was thrown out of the Guardian at force and landed hard on the ground then slid in the sand beneath them. Shocked his two companions rushed too him as the guardian spoke.
As he stumbled too his feet Ryan turned to the Guardian and yelled.
"Shut up!"
With Scotty's arm under his he was pulled to his feet as Ryan reached out his hand and grabbed him.
"Now, your turn. DID YOU BETRAY US?"
"I swear no!"
Shocked Barrett looked at Ryan and replied.
"I'm getting a signal from Defiant"
With a smile Ryan tapped his communicator and spoke.
"Defiant, O'Neill 'you there?"
"This is Major Simpson… Why are you asking for O'Neill?"
"Never mind… Prepare to beam three aboard…"
Quickly he fired a look at Scotty and spoke into his communicator.
"Belay that, stand by Ryan out. Scotty you can't come with us… or leave this place"
"What'yee talkin' about?"
Recognition echoed in Barrett's face as Ryan replied.
"Scotty. Captain Montgomery Scott was killed a year ago in an attack by Excelsior…"
"I'm dead here?"
"You're a paradox… this planet seems to exist in some form of temporal flux… but there are options available too us"
He paced around for a moment before he looked at the guardian and nodded softly. Slowly he shook hands with Ryan and pulled Barrett in for a passionate kiss before turning back to Ryan and winking.
" I've been wanting to do that for awhile now"
With her cheeks flushed she shook his hand and stepped back as Scotty turned to the guardian and spoke.
"Guardian, show me the history of Earth"
With a quick smile he turned back too Ryan and Barrett and spoke softly.
"I'll get a message too you, somehow. Thank you… and tell Kirk he owes me one"
The two Defiant officers became enveloped in a transporter beam as Scotty jumped into the guardian and disappeared into the past.
Location: Sol System, Earth Orbit
Starship: USS Defiant NX-2054
Stardate 2293.283
(Present Day)
Two weeks later…
Defiant entered Earth orbit, with her repairs completed too all systems she slipped in Standard orbit after receiving orders from control, Walker and Barrett beamed down too Starfleet Command, slowly they walked threw the corridors of the large complex towards the Fleet Admiral's office.
The large doors opened and slowly they entered, finally reached the Admiral's desk as Ryan whispered Barrett.
"Round two"
After being in communication with Command almost the instant they beamed back to the Defiant, they knew the timeline had been reset, Kirk was still in command and a new President had been elected, yet to the annoyance of Ryan, Kirk wanted to keep it a surprise.
"I've read your report kid… this has gotta be one for the record books. How are you?"
"Pissed off Jim… Real pissed off"
"It couldn't have been easy"
"Fu…Damned difficult, so who is this new President you couldn't tell me about?"
"All in good time kid. All in good time. Some one wants too see you first"
Kirk pointed behind him as a door swung open and Mia ran in at full speed and jumped on him, almost knocking him off balance he finally wrapped his arms around her and smiled.
"Does she know?"
"Hey… none of the third person. Jim told me everything… I got a welcome home gift for you, but you'll have to unwrap me in your office"
With a smile she lead him out of the door, as they closed behind them he stopped and put his fingers over her lips as he whispered.
"Wait for it"
"What are we waiting for"
"Trust me… this will be funny"
Muffled voices came from the office as Kirk and Barrett began talking, moments later a loud, shocked voice rang from the room as Kirk called out.
Ryan began too laugh as Mia looked at him with many questions in her eyes, winking he picked her up and spoke.
"I'll tell you later"
Hours Later…
Kirk entered the office assigned to Colonel Ryan Walker and looked around, a large sofa bed was pulled out with Mia sleeping soundly between the covers, while trying too move his gaze from her naked form he heard a voice from the balcony.
"We're going to have a problem if you don't stop looking Jim"
Quickly turning too Ryan he apologised and walked out onto the balcony as Ryan passed him a glass of Scotch whiskey and a cigar, slumping in the chair too Ryan's left Kirk spoke first.
"Yep, gotta be the longest pregnancy in human history… over thirty between conception and birth"
"Don't remind me"
"I warned you"
"Yep, you did… I read your other report kid. I'm sorry for what you had to do, are you okay?"
"I'll live, it's better then the alternative. Trust me I saw it"
"No doubt… What happened too…"
A beeping came from the computer in the office that broke his sentence, slowly they walked towards it as it continued.
"Voice recognition confirmed. Kirk. Fleet Admiral James T. Walker, Colonel Ryan. Playing message"
Shock rang over both their faces as the ghostly image of a much older Scotty appeared on screen.
"Hello old friends, Ryan I told you I'd get a message too you, here it is. After leaving you and your gorgeous First Officer on Gateway I ended up in 2146. Imagine my surprise? History was being played out before my eyes. Well I got a job designing warp engines for civilian contractors until my work got noticed by a young Starfleet. I was hired to help design a new engine for a new class of ship, little did I know that ship would be called Enterprise. You got it Jim, the NX-01, to me it was like coming home… I was their at it's launch, I even worked on the NX-02 and a few other ships before I was forced into retirement. I finally got a chance to record this message, well this is my last report to the Starfleet I once knew… Jim Kirk, it's been an honour serving under you and knowing you… Ohh you never guess who I know… your great grandfather… He even looks like you and acts like you. Ryan, thank you for the second chance, John was wrong… I never betrayed you. I hope your history has been repaired and you've finally got what you want. Give Mia more then a kiss for me, I tried but it never worked. Well I gotta go. Former Chief Engineer Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott… Saying good bye"
The screen went blank as they both stood and looked at each other in shock, slowly Kirk's eyes fell back on the bed and the naked form of Mia as Ryan's hands turned him back towards the balcony and laughed slightly.
"You see what your over active libido has gotten you?"
"Today is the firs time I've met her, you can't blame me for looking"
"Yes I can… By the way who is this President you've been hiding from me?"
Quietly they moved onto the balcony as Kirk told Ryan who had been voted in, shock over came him as he sighed slightly and yelled.
With a look in his eyes Kirk sat in his chair and rubbed his leg as he spoke.
"Close enough, right kid?"
Story by:
GW Ryan
Final Chapter:
Star Trek:
Civil War - Resolution
Coming soon.