I do not own Harry Potter or Batman.

I do need a Beta Reader if anyone is interested.

On to the Story.

Harry glared at the large man who towered over his head holding his hospital bed in place as the helicopter slipped lower in the air. They had been traveling for hours now and to be honest he had long since worn himself out trying to escape. He hated the thought of being helpless but without his wand he was trapped. The huge man that the woman had called Bane didn't even seem to be breaking a sweating as he held onto the top rail of Harry's bed with one hand to keep it from rolling from side to side.

"Relax, Senior, I doubt they would have paid so much money to get you if they simply planned to execute you once we land." The masked man said with a heavy accent that Harry could not place. Harry attempted to sigh but his mouth was still gagged, something he didn't find comfortable at all. As though sensing his distress the huge man pulled the black strap from Harry's mouth.

After several minutes of gasping in sweet oxygen and ignoring the burning pain in his throat the young wizard finally managed to gasp out the question he had been dying to ask ever sense his abduction. "Do you work for Voldemort?" The large man simply shook his head, but the answer came from the startling beautiful woman sitting somewhere near Harry's feet.

"No, we do not work for the wizard named Voldemort." She said softly as she stood to look down at Harry's face. "My father has requested an audience with you and the woman, Poison Ivy, for what I do not know." The brown haired woman seemed to study Harry with her dark chocolate eyes before locking onto Harry's green eyes. "You look much like my father…" she whispered before turning her back to Harry's confused face and looking out the window.

"We shall be landing at the airstrip shortly. There we will transfer you to a jet to take us home." She said casually before her eyes flickered to the still unconscious Poison Ivy. "Soon, hopefully, my father will explain everything for us."

"So, where are we going?" Harry asked trying to sound casual as he struggled to sit up. A surprisingly soft hand on his shoulder eased him back down. He had no idea a man as large as Bane could be so soft; after all, Hagrid had nearly made it a point to beat him to the ground whenever he clapped Harry on the back.

"There is no reason to hide it, we are heading to Egypt." Talia said before retaking her seat and pulling out her pistol and reloading it. "My name is Talia al Ghul. It is a pleasure to meet you Harry Potter." She said with a flippant air. "My father would like to thank you for the rescue of the Philosopher Stone, even if it was but a ruse."

"You're father is Nicholas Flamel?" Harry asked in shock. He had never met the Flamels while at Hogwarts. The only information he had on them had come from Dumbledore which now was highly suspect to the fourteen year old.

"Nicholas Flamel is one of his many aliases. I believe he prefers to use it when dealing with the magical world." Talia explained as she holstered her weapon after making sure the safety was on. "When you live to be 669 years old, you find yourself needing quite a few aliases as time passes on."

Harry's mind reeled at the information. Nicholas Flamel was just a cover up for someone else? "You said the Philosopher Stone was a ruse… If it isn't real than how is it that he's still alive? 669 years old doesn't seem like the sort of thing any wizard could simply achieve." He asked completely bewildered as his mind attempted to catch up with the facts.

"It is not for me to tell." The brunette said as the helicopter slowed to a hover and began to descend. "We are here. Mr. Bane, please carry them to the jet, we'll need to take off immediately." Talia said as the helicopter landed and she climbed out. With surprising ease Bane lifted the entire hospital bed and the still knocked out Poison Ivy and carried them toward a black jet.

When they got to the stairs leading up Bane put Harry down and carried the green skinned woman up first securing her in a seat. Returning he ripped the straps off Harry's bed and snagged the young boy before he could run and carried him up the stairs as well. As soon as everyone was in they took off, now heading back east. "We had to leave quickly, before my Beloved found us." Talia explained as Harry was tied into his seat.

A groan pulled everyone's attention toward Poison Ivy who was shaking her head and muttering quietly to herself. "Good she awakens. My father would have been most displeased if his guest was injured." Talia said before turning to look out the jet's window. "It will not be long before my Beloved learns that we have taken you. However, with all of his enemies released on Gotham it could take months before he manages to come after us."

Harry couldn't tell if she was happy or sad about this. He also wondered who her 'Beloved' was because he was pretty certain it wasn't anyone that she had shot. His eyes looked down at the gun holstered on her waist and longed to be able to grab and turn the tables. "You called Dr. Leidermyer a sorcerer. What did you mean?" He asked even as he stretched his fingers hoping his magic would allow him to summon the weapon to his hand.

"The one you call Doctor Leidermyer was actually a sorcerer named Doctor Gotham." Talia explained while crossing her legs. "My father has encountered him before. " She seemed to sigh. "Gotham wanted you in Arkham, and my father used his connections in your government to help him along, only so that we could get you. Had you gone to Azkaban there is little we could have done to free you."

The fourteen year old sighed and rested his head against the back of his seat, allowing his fingers to relax. Things seemed to be getting more and more complicated as the strange woman talked. For every answer she produced he had a thousand more questions. Without warning a striking pain shot through his body causing him to convulse in his chair. He felt something being pressed into his mouth, probably to muffle the scream he knew he was going to release, or to keep him from biting through his own tongue.

He could feel it, like thousands of rotting tendrils burrowing into his flesh, seeping into his blood. He felt like he was bathing in raw sewage from the amount of grime rushing into him. He didn't notice the massive arms holding him in his chair from behind as the ropes tying him to the chair burned away, nor did he notice when his eyes rolled back into his head and he once more passed out from the overwhelming pain.

"What do you mean someone broke him out?" The squat red faced Delores Umbridge demanded as she followed Commissioner Gordon through the hallways of Arkham. "We must do everything we can to get Harry Potter back here! It's only been twenty four hours and already your pleasemen have let that maniac escape."

Enraged Jim turned around and grabbed the short woman by her fuzzy pink sweater and slammed her into the wall. "Listen to me very carefully Umbridge." He growled his mustache twitching as fire flashed in his eyes. "I don't know what your hang up is on a fourteen year old who you claim has only killed one person, but I now have an entire city panicking thanks to every homicidal maniac in Arkham running unchecked in the streets. So back off before I have you hauled off for interfering in official police business."

Letting the toad like woman go was probably the happiest moment for Gordon that day, but it did nothing to rectify the worry he felt. He had already studied the camera footage of the people who had ransacked Arkham and had come away empty handed. They had one in custody but he only spoke some mumbo jumbo language Gordon had never heard before. They were smart; he would give them that, doing the break out just after sunrise when there was no way Batman could arrive in time.

"That no good muggle grabbing me like that, just who does he think he is dealing with?" Delores frowned at Gordon's retreating form. Turning in the opposite direction she began to waddle down the hallway toward her office, she would need to inform Cornelius of this situation at once. The Aurors would need to be called in, they were the only people who could stop someone like that horrible Potter brat.

Opening the office door she walked toward the makeshift fireplace she had installed, and even though it was electric it still was a viable connection to floo from. Walking past her desk she spotted a large purple gift wrapped package just sitting there with a large green bow. Confused she walked past it before grabbing some floo powder and throwing into the false fireplace.

The gas powered fire blazed green she called out her destination before she stuck her head in and felt the discombobulating feeling of her head spinning before it eventually stopped. Looking out she could see the Minister of Magic sitting behind his desk working on papers. "Cornelius we have a problem!" Umbridge shouted causing the portly wizard to jump. "Harry Potter has escaped. We need Aurors in Gotham immediately!"

The Minister looked flabbergasted before shaking himself free of the shock. "What do you mean Potter's escaped?" He asked in a whisper as he glanced around his office to see if anyone was there, which of course they weren't. "I'll speak to Dumbledore and Madam Bones immediately." He said before standing. "We'll need obliviators of course, can't let anyone know about us. Yes, its best this way."

"I'll continue to manage things on this side." Umbridge said sweetly before ducking back out of the fire. After checking to make sure her head was still on right she sat back on her heels and took a deep breath. These muggles didn't know what dangerous was. They were all terrified of a clown for Merlin's sake!

Shaking her head ruefully she walked over to the present and pulled off a card across the top of it. "To Delores Umbridge from Joker and Harley," she read and smiled. "Well isn't that sweet of them." She put the card on her desk and pulled the bow off the present.

Without her even touching it the top of the present popped off revealing a huge smiling clown face with a hole in its teeth. A shriek escaped the frog-like woman before she could get a hold of herself. "It's just a present from a mental patient, nothing to worry about." She sighed before a blast of green liquid shot out of the clown's mouth. She barely had time to jump to the side before the green goo shot past her and splattered against the wall.

She watched in shock as the wall slime began to hiss and bubble before dripping down the wall, revealing a massive hole on the other side. Leaning forward she touched the strange potion in shock before swearing and slinging the gunk off her finger. Her eyes opened wide as she saw her fingernail and the tip of her finger missing revealing the bone.

With a scream the Undersecretary of the Minister collapsed on the floor in a dead faint. It would be hours before anyone came to check on her. Even then, with her horrible personality no one really bothered to help her, merely shutting the door after making sure she wasn't in danger from the acid which had by then eaten through the floor. No one noticed the black jet flying over head heading out for the open ocean and the lands beyond.

A/N: Please review and tell me what you think. Decided to pick off Umbridge piece by piece, hope you guys aren't too disappointed.