So this story would not be as amazing as it is with the lovely Megan Lyn. So theres a big thank you and a pat on the back :)

I would also like to thank my beta Confused Yellow Stallion. Your a gem love :)

We are both the authors of this story. Which is why its so great. I will only be saying this once and it goes for the whole story. We do not own the VA world.

So enough of me going on and on I will let you read the first chapter.. :) I hope you guys enjoy.

Lissa and I had been looking at apartments all day when I started getting tired. I love the girl to death, hell she's like my sister, but she is so damn picky some times. I've known her all my life - our parents were friends, so naturally we became super close almost joined at the hip. When we came to the last apartment I was over joyed. I told Liss to go ahead and check out everything, I needed a cigarette.

I stood on the sidewalk in a blood red tank top and my favorite black leather jacket a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and some blood red pumps. I know; who the hell wears pumps to go apartment looking? Me, I guess, but in my defense I didn't think it was going to be an all day thing. I finished smoking and put the cigarette out with my shoe. I opened the door and walked in. From what I have seen so far I really liked the apartment. I was walking up the stairs looking at all the pictures on the wall when I bumped into someone.

"Watch where the fuck you're going." I hissed trying to get my balance back.

I turned around to find a man about the same age as me. He had ice blue eyes and pitch black hair. He was a little too skinny for my taste but all in all he wasn't that bad to look at.

I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him the once-over. He was wearing a tight fitting blue shirt that made his eyes 'pop', dark denim skinny jeans and a pair of black high top Nikes. He smirked and leaned back against the wall, unshamefully letting his eyes wander over my body. It didn't bother me, I was used to this type of thing.

"Christian." He said, holding out a hand. I hesitated for a second before shaking it.

"Rose," was my reply.

"So Rose, what brings you down here today?"

I leaned against the opposite wall, "my friend and I are looking for apartments."

"Found anything you like?" he asked. I took a moment before I answered to check him out again, the whole essence around him read 'cocky bastard'.

"Yeah, the one up on second floor."

"Really? Im right-" he was cut off by a loud squeal that I had become immune to over the years.

"ROSE! you have got to see this apartment! I love it, we are so getting it!" Christian and I both looked over at Lissa as she walked down the hall to us. She stopped next to me and looked at Christian, "who's this?" she asked, tilting her head to the side a bit.


"Christian Ozera," he cut me off, "and you are?"

She smiled warmly at him, "Lissa Dragomir," she held out a dainty hand.

He took a step forward and grabbed her hand, brought it up to his lips and kissed her knuckles softly, "beautiful name for a beautiful girl," she let out a little giggle and blushed.

I glanced over and saw someone walk out a door not far from where we were standing, "Hey Christian," a warm accented voice washed over me and I looked back over. My eyes widened and I swear my jaw hit the floor. This guy looked like a freakin' God... in a cowboy duster?

I look back at Christian, "you know him?"

He reluctantly dragged his eyes away from Lissa, "yeah he's my roommate."

I pushed myself of the wall and made my way towards the God in human form. I held my hand towards him and gave him my heart stopping man-eater smile, "well hello there," I said looking his body up and down "I'm Rose."

He took my hand doing the same stopping not once, but twice,on my chest and shook it, "Dimitri," He smiled warmly at me. Dimitri, I pondered - I love the way it just leaves your lips.

He let go of my hand and began again his way towards Christian.

"I'm going to go pick up some things for you to make. Tasha is coming over tonight." He said in his wonderful honey-like voice. But who the hell is this Tasha? Girlfriend, maybe?

Christian wasn't paying any attention to him because he was too busy eye fucking Lissa. "Christian!" He almost yelled.

Christian looked over at him with a lazy smile "Hmmm?"

"Tasha's coming over for dinner, did you remember?" he asked.

He nodded and kissed Lissa's hand again before walking away with Dimitri.

Liss came running over to me, "did you just see that?"

I nodded my head dumbly staring at the spot where I had seen Dimitri last.

"Liss I don't care what you say we are getting this one." She laughed.

"I agree with you on that one. Come on come look at the apartment its absolutely amazing."

I sighed as she dragged me the rest of the way up the stairs and to a door. She opened it and I gasped, she was right.

I walked in and it had a spacious living room and a connecting balcony. Lissa walked over to the balcony doors and opened them.

"This is perfect for you so you don't have to walk downstairs to smoke all the time." I smiled as I walked down the hall. It had four doors, two on each side. I opened the first one and it was a bathroom with a stand up shower and a big mirror which I loved. I went to the door across the bathroom and opened it up. It was a bedroom with a walk in closet and a shoe rack. I think I had just died and gone to heaven. There was also a bathroom with a door leading to the other bedroom. I didn't care to find out what the other room looked like, I had already picked mine out. I came bounding out of my room.

"I call this one!" I exclaimed pointing back towards the hall way.

She laughed "I thought so."

I made my way to the other side of the apartment to find the biggest kitchen I have ever seen in my life, you know, like the ones on TV. Yup that big. I looked back at Lissa, "what's with the big kitchen? I sure the hell can't cook and you're just so-so," I said with a grin on my face. She slapped my arm playfully.

"You never complain when I make you donuts," she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Hey now, there is no need to bring them into this, they didn't do anything wrong!" I said laughing.

She sighed, "oh Rose, what am I going to do with you?"

I shrugged my shoulder and smiled innocently at her, "don't know?"

"So what do you think?" she asked, looking around the apartment.

"I was sold when Dimitri came walking down the hall," I said seriously.

She giggled, "oh I know he isn't bad looking." I scoffed.

"Bad looking? Hell Liss, that man is a God."

She grinned at me, "then it's settled. I'm going to call the movers and tell them to meet us here tomorrow. Then the real fun begins."

I groaned, "fun. Yeah, you can call it that." I thought the packing was horrible. I bet the unpacking is just going to be a blast.

"We have to go get the paint colors now and start painting before everything gets here," Lissa said.

I smiled and we set off to find a paint place. I already knew what colors I was getting for my room but being with Liss this just might take ages.

So Love It? Hate it? Like It? Just Please R&R

If you review I will send part of the second chapter :)



Megan Lyn