A disgusted Logan skated to the edge of the skating rink to think about what he was doing 'what am I doing here? This is really dangerous! I could get my teeth knocked out for crying out loud! Besides who needs hockey, it's a blood bath on ice. And there are more injures in hockey that all most any other sport. And I like my body intact.' Logan was lost in thought when Carlos skated up to him and asked

"Are you okay Logie?" Carlos looked so scared and worried that Logan had to smile at his concern and replied

"Yeah I'm fine Carlos, I'm just thinking about hockey." Carlos looked confused and said

"Well stop thinking about hockey and play hockey, cause I need you. Kendall and James are on fire out there and we need to beat them and knock them down a few pegs." Logan smiled at Carlos and said

"Sure, what ever you want, baby." Carlos smiled cutely at his boyfriend and kissed him on the lips, he was just getting in to it when Kendall shouted across the ice

"Do that in your room later, I got a game to win!" James grinned at his boyfriend proudly. Carlos pulled away from Logan and said

"Oh it's on now! Come on Logie, the faster we get out of here the faster we get to continue that kiss." Logan's eyes went wide at his boyfriend and he hurried across the ice and got in to his position, thinking 'Yeah this may be dangerous and I may be stupid for doing it but its worth it to see Carlos smile at me like that'

And there you have it! Review if you fell led to. Also I'm thinking about another Kames one-shot, would you be interested? Review or message me to let me know