Summary: Back for her fourth year at Hogwarts, Alex is faced with more than she ever imagined: an unusual teacher with a strange paranoia, a new and unexpected friend, and a dangerous tournament that must ultimately end in tragedy. Everything is about to change.

The Tri-Wizard Tournament has returned from many years of inactivity. With it comes not only two new schools, but also mystery and turmoil. Alexandria Ratcliff has been forced to keep her true identity a secret, but secrets are finding a way of coming out this year. Feelings are revealed, identities are made known, and Alex must try to stand courageous in the face of the greatest evil the world has ever known. Will her friends be beside her, or will emotions cause the Golden Quartet to fall apart?

Disclaimer: Yup, you're eyes are correct. The author of this is not J.K Rowling but I, silvermoony77. Therefore, I only own Alex and anything you don't know from the Harry Potter series.

Warnings: This is an AU story. Therefore, there is stuff in here that is not in canon. Most of it is, but not all of it. Ye be warned. Rated T for language, intense scenarios, and character death. Relax, you already know who's going to die. Yes, just him. I promise.


It was a small room with a fire burning, but the place still seemed dreary and forlorn. A small man, who looked as if he was much larger before he lost weight, was standing by a high-backed chair, quivering in fear.

"Master, please," he said, positively terrified, "I will do better next time, I promise."

"Now, now Wormtail," a high, cold voice said with a chuckle that was anything but merry, "If I didn't apply discipline on my followers, they would not listen to me."

"But My Lord," the man named Wormtail said squeakily, "I have been of great service to you. I gave you Bertha Jorkins and I have helped you gain the strength you have now."

"You have, you most certainly have," the frosty voice said, "But you have failed to get me the boy, I cannot return without Harry Potter."

"But, we could use another boy," Wormtail said, "It would be easier and then you could kill Harry Potter while at your full power."

"If I were to use another," the voice said, "I would not be able to touch him without causing myself harm. Is that what you want Wormtail? Do you want your master to suffer anymore than he already has?"

"No, of course not Master," said Wormtail, petrified at the thought of his master thinking that.

"Then you will get me the boy and bring him to me. If you cannot get to him, at least get the girl. Yes, Alex Ratcliff will suffice if necessary. I would prefer both of them, but I do not expect much from you, Wormtail. I have decided to have my most trusted servant get to the one you miss."

"But My Lord," Wormtail said, a little put out, "I thought I was your most trusted servant."

"In some cases, you are Wormtail. You are the only one I trust to milk Nagini."

There was a slithering on the floor and a huge snake crept into the room and wrapped itself around the chair.

"Turn me away from the fire, Wormtail," the voice said, "And start milking Nagini."

The man turned the chair around and an ugly form appeared. Miles away, two young teenagers, Harry Potter and Alex Ratcliff woke with a start, clutching their scars, Harry's on his forehead, and Alex's on her right arm.

Author's Note: Since this is so short, I'm posting the next chapter with it. Enjoy!