The Tutor

Chapter 4

Cartman frantically smoothed his hair against his head. His Messy Auburn locks askew thanks to a certain blonde, who remained in the nurse's office as Cartman strode towards his first class of the day.

Flustered, Cartman cleared his throat as he walked into his chemistry class. Kenny waved at him, pointing to an open seat next to him. Cartman gave his classic smirk before he sat down and propped his feet up on the conjoined desk in front of them.

"Hey fat ass."

Cartman's smirk quickly vanished into a scowl. Turning around he glared at Kyle and Stan who sat down at the conjoined desk behind him.

"Jew." Cartman said with disinterest.

"What was that whole thing with Butters about this morning?" Kyle asked suspiciously as he opened his chemistry book. Cartman noticed Kenny and Stan had stopped what they were doing to listen to Cartman's response.

Cartman swallowed thickly. "What? You mean with that senior?" He began, trying to deceive them about the real reason he acted out earlier that morning.

"Yeah." Stan said irritated.

Cartman looked to the side before giving a fake laugh, "I just wanted to kick Butters' ass myself."

Stan looked at Kyle, who was rolling his eyes.

"We heard you tell him you were taking him to the nurse's office dumbass."

Cartman thought his heart had stopped momentarily. Scrambling for an answer he saw looks of suspicion creep over his friends faces.

A loud bang made the four of them jump and look at the front of the room. Their teacher had finally arrived, a stack of papers in his arms.

"Alright guys, pop quiz!"

A loud chorus of groans erupted from the class. Cartman was the only one who felt a huge wave a relief as the teacher began to pass out the pop quiz.

"That was close." Cartman thought to himself.

When the bell rang at the end of chemistry class, Cartman left the room as fast as he could. Leaving Kenny, Kyle, and Stan exchanging curious looks with one another.

"Something's up," Kyle said warily, "and I'm going to find out what."

Cartman made sure to avoid his friends throughout the rest of the day. He had to be more careful. School was almost over for the day, and all Cartman had to do was avoid Kyle, Stan, and Kenny until the end of football practice. Everything was going to be just fine.

As Cartman trudged towards his final class of the day he saw a certain blonde walking from the opposite end of the hallway.

"Shit." Cartman whispered under his breath.

Butters smiled and gave a shaky wave before walking into a nearby classroom. Cartman froze as he remembered his last class of the day was math with Butters.

"Ugh, how could I forget? Maybe I should just skip it." Wiping his mouth Cartman turned on his heel and started to walk in the opposite direction.

"Mr. Cartman." A hand landed on his shoulder.

Eric mentally groaned as he turned around to see his math teacher giving him a scolding look.

"Class is this way, and I suggest you get yourself there or I'll have a little chat with your coach." Folding his arms, the teacher nodded his head in the direction of his classroom.

Cartman had to bite his tongue; glaring at his teacher, he stomped towards the classroom door. Muttering obscenities that would make a sailor cry the entire way.


Cartman made sure to pick the farthest seat away from Butters that he could possibly find. As the teacher finally came into the room he shut the door swiftly behind him and walked to the blackboard at the front of the room.

"As you are all well aware, the test will be this Friday. That means only three more days to study people. For some of you it means eligibility for sports, clubs, or other activities, so I suggest you are all well prepared come Friday afternoon."

'FRIDAY?' Cartman mentally yelled to himself. 'Shit. I haven't even study that much!' As Cartman began to mentally abuse himself for his stupidity, he turned a dark shade of red when he realized it was because he and Butters had been-

'Damn my freaking hormones!' gritting his teeth he pulled out a piece of paper and began to scribble on it.

Butters, on the other hand had been stealing worried glances at the auburn-haired boy ever since he came in. He jumped when he caught Cartman staring back at him. Cartman quickly looked around before he threw a crumpled piece of paper towards him.

Unfolding the crumpled piece of paper Butters eyes went wide after reading the note.

My house tonight after football practice, don't be late.

Butters heart fluttered as he glanced back to Cartman, who was now facing the front of the class. A lazy look gleaming in his eyes as their teacher began his lecture.


School was finally over, and Cartman was busy getting ready for football practice. Lacing up his cleats, Cartman's mind began to wander.

'Three more days huh?" Cartman stopped tying his shoe, and let a hand run through his hair.

He would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't enjoying these last few weeks with Butters. That was the thing irritating him the most lately. The last time they had done it at Cartman's house, Butters left because he had snapped at him.

He couldn't put a finger on it, but he definitely felt something for Butters. Sure he was a complete asshole, but he didn't go around screwing just anyone. Cartman groaned as he pulled his shirt off and grabbed his practice jersey from his locker.

He looked around the locker room, remembering the first time he and Butters actually had sex. His cheeks turned red before he pulled the practice jersey hastily over his head.

Cartman's first intentions that time had been to make Butters tell him the truth. He could clearly remember how sensitive Butters had been as his fingers trailed over his body. It hadn't been a lie. Butters really did tell the truth. Cartman was curious. Why did Butters feel that way about him?

After they'd done it Cartman made Butters swear to keep it a secret between the two of them. Butters had smiled weakly at him before leaving the brutish boy alone in the locker room.

When he had finally been left alone, something stirred in the bottom of his stomach, a feeling that he never knew he could possess. It scared him. How could that scrawny little blonde make him feel something like this?

So Cartman stayed away from Butters for a couple of days. Running in the opposite direction if that's what it took to avoid him. Every time those blue eyes caught his, that feeling danced around his stomach.

But avoiding the blonde wasn't as full proof as Cartman had thought. He started to crave that feeling Butters could stir in him. So he kept asking Butters to help him study, and ended up seducing the blonde every single time.

The process would repeat itself and leave Cartman confused and irritated. Angry that he couldn't explain what was going on with him, Cartman would lash out on Butters. He just wasn't sure how to handle his feelings.

Cartman was pulled from his thoughts when he noticed he'd been walking towards the football field. Kyle, Stan, and Kenny were running their warm-up laps, slowing down as they saw Cartman running onto the field.

"You're late." Kyle said.

"Shut up Kyle." Putting his helmet on Cartman flipped the redhead off.


"Shit." Cartman whispered. 'What else can go wrong today?'

"You're late! You know what that means! Laps. Now get going!" His coach bellowed as he turned his attention back to the ongoing practice.

"Asshole." Cartman said rolling his eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry," His coach said firmly as he rounded on him, "I didn't realize you wanted to run during the ENTIRE practice. Now MOVE YOUR ASS."

Cartman decided it was better if he just kept his mouth shut and started running laps.

Butters sat outside of Cartman's house twitching nervously. He re-read the letter, a smile tugging at the edge of his lips before smoothing it out on his lap for the third time. He took a deep breath, stealing a quick glance in his car's rearview mirror. He grabbed his math book and calculator. "Okay, you can do this Stotch."

Clambering out of the car door and up the driveway, Butters tugged on his black jacket. Ringing the doorbell he held his breath. The cold air stung his skin, and he quickly shoved his free hand into his jean pocket.

He could hear a muffled voice from behind the door, "I got it mom."

The door swung open to reveal Cartman. Butters let his eyes soak in the mere sight of him. "Hi." He said letting a bright smile shine up at the brutish boy.

Surprisingly Cartman gave a weak smile back, "Hey."

They stood there for a moment, smiling back at one another.

Mrs. Cartman peeked her head out of the kitchen, "Do you boys want something to eat?"

The two of them looked away from each other awkwardly. "Uh, come in." Cartman said as he headed towards the kitchen.

"Thanks." Butters said closing the door behind him. 'It's okay Butters, routine here. We'll go upstairs and-and' But before he could even finish his thoughts, Cartman had already reappeared.

Plopping down on the living room couch he looked over at the confused blonde. "Hungry?" Cartman asked as he extended a plate of grilled cheese sandwiches towards the blue-eyed teen. Butters was taken aback.

"Oh, um sure." Walking over to the couch, Butters set his textbook and calculator on the coffee table. Cautiously he sat down next to Cartman, looking at him out of the corner of his eye as he reached for a sandwich.

"It's not poisoned or anything." Cartman said with a small laugh.

Butters grinned as he took a bite.

Cartman stood up, "hold on I forgot something."

Butters watched as Cartman left the room a second time, returning quickly with a book and calculator in his hands.

"Um, so I was wondering if you'd- that is, I mean there's a couple of problems I'm not really sure how to-" Cartman looked ashamed. Fiddling with his thumbs he looked away from Butters.

"I'd be glad to help" Butters said warmly sliding his own textbook in front of him and flipping it open, "where would you like to start?"

Cartman gaped as Butters kept turning pages in his book. Butters stopped turning pages and looked back him.

"Is something wrong?"

"Oh no! I, uh, I mean let's start with question 15." Cartman said as he cleared his throat. Butters smiled and continued flipping through his textbook.

The hours seemed to fly by as the two of them continued to study. Laughing occasionally. Even getting along like they were really close friends.

"So that means the perpendicular bisector has equation y=3x+1. Right?" Cartman asked slowly as he looked over at Butters.

"Exactly!" Butters said happily. "See I knew you'd get it." Playfully nudging Cartmans side Butters let out a small laugh.

"Well, I had a pretty good teacher." Cartman said smiling back at him. A loud yawn suddenly erupted from his lips. Glancing at the clock he rubbed his eyes. "Wow that late already? Tomorrow's going to kill me." Another yawn.

Butters quirked an eyebrow as he studied Cartman's face. He looked exhausted. His eyes were drooping and he looked like he could pass out any minute.

"Eric, are you-are you okay?" Butters asked suddenly.

"Yeah, practice was just really rough today. Coach made me run the entire time." Stretching, Cartman let himself lean back into a comfortable position on the couch.

"Yikes." Butters said with a frown. "I should probably head home so you can sleep."

Cartman's eyes were closed now. "No, no, I'm okay I just-" another yawn. The rest of his sentence was incomprehensible. Cartman had finally fallen asleep.

Butters smiled. Gathering his things he looked over at Cartman one last time.

Cartman looked so peaceful. His auburn locks fell across his forehead in small wisps. The rise and fall of his chest made Butters bite his bottom lip.

Setting his things back down on the table he took a deep breath.

"Eric." The blonde prompted, giving Cartman a light shake.

"Hmm." Was Cartman's reply. Clearly he really had fallen asleep.

'He'll probably kill me for this.' Butters thought to himself. Leaning in slowly Butters slipped his arms around Cartman's torso. Nuzzling his head against the boy's sleeping figure.

"Cartman?" Butters' voice was cautious. As he looked up at the sleeping face mere inches from his own.

"Mmhm?" Came Cartman's sleepy reply.

"Can I stay like this for a little while?"

"Mmhm." Cartman murmured again.

A wide grin spread across Butters face as he wrapped himself even closer to Cartman. Stirring for a moment, Cartman readjusted to the body that had curled up to him. His left hand falling across Butters' back, while his right lay on the armrest of the couch. His head now ontop of Butters.

Butters let his eyes fall shut. Letting the beat of Cartman's heart lull him to sleep.

OH MY GOSH. Finally I got this chapter out of my head! It wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it you guys! I have so many other ideas going on in my head for this story! So hopefully that means sooner updates. I'm excited to write the next chapter, Butters is going to get a little kinky to help our favorite asshole study. HE HEHE.

So stay tuned and let me know what you think!

