"Look at the stars, darling. They're shining bright tonight just for you." He murmured into her ear, sending shivers up her spine. He tightened his grip around her waist, closing the small gap between them.

She leaned against his chest, cherishing the moment that she wished would last forever.

"I want to grow old with you." He whispered, trailing kisses along her neck.

Lily smiled and set her head on his shoulder, looking up the magnificent glittering midnight sky.

"As do I" she said. She kissed his cheek and there they stood in each other's arms.

Scorpius pulled away from Lily, bowed to her and held out his hand a smirk present on his handsome face. She curtsied and they danced to no music for all they needed was each other in that moment.

"I love you" he whispered, holding her closer, as if he were afraid of losing her at any second.

She looked him in the eyes and she responded with a chaste kiss on his lips.

"I love you too. Will you be always be there for me?" She asked.

"Forever." He said.

They swayed to their own beat, losing their selves in each other's eyes.

"Marry me?" he whispered and somehow he managed to slip a ring onto her finger.

"Yes." She didn't think.

That's how easy it was for them. Their relationship was effortless. They spoke through kisses and looks.

Everything changed when they had lost their first child who was only 4 when she died. Soon nothing after that was effortless. Everything was became forced. They found it hard to communicate to each other. They were both numb for months. They forced smiles and cried in their sleeps. They couldn't look each other in the eye.

Things changed even more when Scorpius had an affair with his secretary 5 months after their daughter had passed. The affair didn't last long. Scorpius' father had found out and Draco secretly had the wench fired. Draco liked Lily Potter very much and so did his wife, Hermione. Hermione was Lily's godmother so when she found out about the affair she asked Scorpius and Lily to move into the newly renovated Malfoy Manor. Hermione watched Lily carefully.

Lily stared at the magnificent fire. She was thin now and frail. She barely ate anymore and her eyes that months ago held a light were dark. Her red locks were always neatly braided thanks to Hermione.

"She looks worse, Draco." Hermione told to Draco while they stood at the edge of the room watching Lily.

"I know, love. Scorpius is never around. He's immersed himself in his work. I see him when he comes home. Bags under his eyes, he's getting thinner every time I see him."

Hermione walked closer to Lily and Draco trailed a few feet behind.
"Lily, darling?" Hermione fingered Lily's damp hair.

Lily looked at her with a small smile on her face.

"I'm scared for you darling."

Lily opened her moth unsure. It had been months when she last spoke.

"What do you mean?" Lily asked quietly, her hoarse voice cracked from lack of use.

"You're sick."

"I feel fine."

Draco sat beside Lily and took her hand.

"You know." Draco looked at her with his piercing gaze.

Lily hesitated before speaking.

"Yes." She took a deep breath and instantly broke down.


"He had a mark on his neck last month. He smells differently now." She said between gasps. She buried her face in her hands and her frail frame shook greatly.

Draco took her onto his lap and held her in his lap. He rubbed her back comfortingly and she sobbed into his shoulder.

Hermione rushed out of the room to prepare Lily hot chocolate.

"I just miss her." Hermione gasped and her frame shook more.

Draco got worried when he held her. He could feel her ribs between the slightly thick material of her jumper.

"We all do, sweetheart." He told her.

She was vulnerable now. Lily had cracked.

After quite some time her sobs subsided and she had fallen asleep. Draco and Hermione put a blanket over her and let her sleep on the couch.

Scorpius flooed in at midnight, his breath caught in his throat when he saw his wife looking peaceful on the couch. He took of his tie and his dress shirt, leaving him in his undershirt. He took of his trousers and shoes as well leaving him in his boxers. He placed a kiss on Lily's forehead. It was the first time he had touched her ever since their daughter died.

He stroked her hair and sat down. He was about to pull back when a cold, bony hand grasped his wrist.

"Please stay." She whispered.

He stood there frozen. It had been months as well since they last spoke. He sat down on the edge of the couch and stroked her hair.

"I'm sorry Scorp." She whispered. Lily was half awake.

"I'm sorry too." He said

"For what?"

"Not being there."

Exhaustion took over Lily and she fell back into her dreamless sleep.