Since I'm doing this for Star Trek, I've decided to attempt it for Death Note as well. The themes are different for each, so hopefully I won't be tempted to do similar ideas for similar words.

I've decided to make them between 100-500 words for each chapter. Some I'll continue, some will remain as a short drabble. If there's any that you'd like to see expanded, let me know in a review or a PM and I'll see what I can do.

Any and all pairings/characters are fair game, though I'm partial to Mello/Matt and L/Light. I'll let you know at the start of each chapter what the pairing will be.

I'll be updating this once a day, and I will be following the order in the list below.

Just in case I forget to put it at the start of each chapter, I own nothing (Disclaimer).

List of Themes

1. Introduction
2. Love
3. Light
4. Dark
5. Rot
6. Break
7. Heaven
8. Away
9. Cut
10. Breathe
11. Memory
12. Insanity
13. Misfortune
14. Smile
15. Silence
16. Spit
17. Blood
18. Under
19. Gray
20. Fortitude
21. War
22. Mother
23. Distastefull
24. Want
25. Lurking
26. Europe
27. Foreign
28. Sorrow
29. Urban
30. Rain
31. Flower
32. Night
33. Wrath
34. Moon
35. Walk
36. Precious
37. See
38. Abandoned
39. Dream
40. 4:29 PM
41. Citric Acid
42. Still
43. Die
44. Two Roads
45. Two Guns
46. Drop
47. Dirt
48. Young
49. Preservatives
50. Breaking the Rules
51. Sport
52. Old
53. Desecrate
54. Tower
55. Need
56. Biohazard
57. Sacrificial
58. Kick in the Head
59. No Way Out
60. Desert
61. Fairy Tale
62. Voodoo
63. Do Not Disturb
64. City
65. Horrorific
66. Snow
67. Drum
68. Hero
69. Annoyance
70. 67%
71. Obsession
72. Mislead
73. I. Can't.
74. Confrontation
75. Mirror
76. Broken
77. Testament
78. Drink
79. FUCK
80. Words
81. Pen and Paper
82. +
83. Heal
84. Cold